Grieving Class

Allura POV

While Hendrix was in Ackalons realm waiting for his skill to rebuild his body, the class group was all crying but following Allura along the path. And after a day, they arrived at a strange place where a violet portal opened as soon as they arrived.

"We're here. We will enter Okria through this portal. Let's go!" Allura yelled as she ran through the portal with a smile.

"Finally, this nightmare is over, first those metallic gigantic metal things and that dinosaur terror. It's good we arrived, though I wish Hendrix were alive to see this." Natasha stated while sighing and entering the portal.

"It's regrettable, but his final act was honorable." Valentina stated while entering the portal.

Eventually, everyone who lived passed through the portal and got a message.

[Congratulations on making it to Okria. You can now level up In the subplanes of the Crown World after you take the academy examination. Please head to the places provided and rest. You've earned it]

Eventually, everyone saw some armored guards with smiles on their faces.

"Hello there, welcome to Okria. And follow us. We'll lead you to the rooms in the inns provided and paid for by Oculus. We hope you all rest well." One of the guards announced amicably and motioned the group to follow him.

"Hey, I need to head to my family estate! I have important news!" Kiannah stated hurriedly.

"Yes, Miss Kiannah, I'll immediately escort you there." Two guards, one male, and one female, escorted her in another direction.

"Goodbye, everyone, and thank you for your help." Kiannah yelled while leaving.

"Your welcome, Kiannah. We'll see you later." Valentina replied while smiling and watching her go.

"Let's go rest in the inn. We need it." Natasha suggested.

"Okay, I will." Allura stated while smiling.

Afterward, the group left the entrance portal and followed the guards to the inn. And each guard had a longsword in a scabbard on their belt.

"Hey, is that portal open all the time?" Theodore asked while smiling gratefully.

"No, the portal's original place is destroyed and can't be entered. Instead, different portals open randomly when newcomers or players like you arrive in our world." One of the guards explained.

"The Crown Plane is a forbidden ground, where diabolical things lurk. Most of humanity retreated from it long ago. And those that remained are probably living with the thought they won't wake up the next morning." Another guard continued the explanation.

"The Crown Plane? What's that?" Valentina questioned.

"It's the place humanity used to live. However, we lost to Malador and now live in cities in pocket dimensions connected to subplanes. Or those who are untalented or have no potential must live in the outer part of their particular city in the first subplane." The first guard stated.

"How large is Okria?" Allura asked while raising her brow.

"Let's say it will take about a month to walk from one side to the other nonstop. So pretty large." The second guard replied.

The class and the guards came upon the three-story inn. It looked built out of expensive wood and exquisitely cut stone and looked rustic in texture. A sign hung from it with the phrase (Ralph's Sanctuary) written in a blueish tone.

"This is the inn you'll be staying at. You can stay here for a week, and you can apply to join the Palmerth Academy at the end of it. However, I warn you. It will be difficult to join." The first guard warned.

"If you don't join the academy or acquire enough money to rent by the end of the month. You'll sadly have to head to the outer city of the tutorial stage subplane and level up without any guidance, help, or support. And it's much harder to do so without the help." The second guard warned as well.

The guards eventually opened the doors for the class and motioned them inside, and they passed through.

"I hope you find your accommodations great, and goodbye." The two guards stated in unison before leaving the Inn.

As soon as the guards left, the innkeeper Ralph arrived from deeper inside alongside five butlers.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Ralph. Now follow the butlers to your rooms. Each of you will have a room to yourselves. Breakfast is at seven in the morning. And you can ask the butlers any questions you have." Ralph instructed while smiling.

Everyone nodded and split into five groups, and followed the butlers through the hallways.

"Sir, may I know what is the Palmerth Academy?" Natasha asked while walking alongside Valentina and Allura.

"Palmerth Academy is a place to learn about your talent and potential. And if you reach their standards, you'll have to pass through a trial, depending on each. However, I can't spoil how this trial works." The butler replied while continuing to walk.

"How often do academies accept new students?" Allura asked while smiling.

"Once every month. Additionally, a hundred of thousands test each time, no matter their status. And you don't have to pay a thing to be tested and join." The butler explained while chuckling and raising a brow.

"That's amazing! I'm glad we don't have to pay." Valentina replied while smiling.

"I'm glad you're happy about that, but do you have any other questions?" The butler asked and grinned.

"What are the levels of talent and potential?" Natasha asked.

"I can't disclose that information. Anything else?" The butler asked.

"No, sir." The three girls replied in unison.

"Alright, we are at your rooms. Here are the keys to them." The butler replied while pulling some keys out of his pocket.

"Do you have the keys to all rooms?" One of the other students asked.

"No, I don't. However, you can choose any room. They are all the same. And ill give you the key to the one you chose." The butler explained while pointing at the doors.

The class members here nodded and separated to each room and waited for the butler to give each a key to their room. Afterward, they opened the doors with the keys.

"See you tomorrow Natasha, Valentina." Allura stated while waving to them.

"I'll see you too, and goodbye, Natasha." Valentina waved before entering her room

"Goodbye, you both." Natasha replied before entering her room.

Allura entered her room and saw a large comfy looking bed with a dresser beside it as an unlit oil lamp stood on the dresser. Additionally, a single window provided a view of the outside. And a street and many more medieval-looking buildings stood beyond.

Opposite the bed was a closet with a few changes of clothes for both boys and girls while a red carpet covered the floor.

Allura eventually began tearing up before walking to her bed and lying on the pillow.

"I'm sorry, Hendrix, I couldn't protect you. None of us could. Now you're gone because you sacrificed yourself. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to keep you safe." Allura apologized, hoping Hendrix's soul could somehow hear her.

Eventually, Allura cried herself asleep while wracked with guilt and remorse.