The Guards Return and Meeting the Gaurd Captain

For about an hour, Priya held Hendrix, and eventually, someone knocked on the door

"Hendrix were back." Julius yelled

"Priya, hurry and disappear. I'll call you back out when the time is right." Hendrix instructed.

Priya nodded and disappeared.

Hendrix then quickly went into the covers and smiled as the door opened.

"How are you, Hendrix? Do you enjoy being here?" Dominus asked

"Yes, I am. However, is it okay if I head to a clothing store? I promise to be back here by nightfall." Hendrix questioned.

"Sure. However, we got caught, and the captain wants to see you now." Patrick stated

"Let me guess. She's kicking me out." Hendrix replied.

"Most likely, yes, now let's go." Dominus responded while sighing.

Hendrix quickly got up and sighed as he grabbed his cane and headed toward the door. Afterward, he followed the guards through the long winding corridors until they came across a metal door.

"Captain, we are here." Dominus stated while shivering a bit.

"Alright, come inside." A feminine voice assertively commanded.

Patrick opened the door, and the group saw in a chair a young woman wearing a suit and tie, pants, and boots, along with a wool jacket. She had long blue hair and was looking at a book. Subsequently, she lifted her gaze, and her deep blue eyes surveyed the group before stopping at Hendrix for a few seconds and smiling.

"Boys, why did you bring this little man inside the barracks? Was it perhaps to house him? Because you felt bad for him?" The girl asked while smiling, seemingly not upset.

"Uh, yes to both reasons, mam." Dominus replied while nodding.

"Did you perhaps think about asking me first? Oh, wait, I know the answer. It's because I would have said no to the question, correct?" The girl asked while her grin widened.

"Yes, that's correct, Jordi Rampart." Julius responded while teasing.

"Did you just call me by my name Julius? No matter what you say, I know you did. So please call me mam, or else I'll double your punishment." Jordi warned while smirking.

"Oof." Julius responded while shivering.

"The three of you leave and run five miles around the building." Jordi ordered.

"Yes, mam." The three guards replied before leaving the room and closing the door.

"Hello, little man. What's your name?" Jordi asked while smiling.

"I'm Hendrix, and I'll leave after paying you money as compensation." Hendrix replied, feeling he needed to leave as soon as possible.

"Did I say I wanted you to leave, Hendrix?" Jordi asked.

"Not yet, but the guards told me you'd kick me out." Hendrix responded.

"Ah, but I'm the one who made the rules, and I want you to talk to me. Also, I do not need compensation." Jordi replied before getting up and walking towards Hendrix at a steady pace.

"Please don't come any closer." Hendrix asked

"Why not? I don't bite." Jordi teased while raising her brow as she approached.

"I don't feel comfortable with you getting this close." Hendrix replied before backing into a wall.

Jordi smirked before lifting her right leg and placing it on the wall blocking Hendrix's way out.

"You are a cute little man. How about you become my pet? I promise to take good care of you. And I'll even collar you." Jordi offered while smiling.

"I appreciate your offer, but I'll have to decline." Hendrix replied while shaking his head.

"I see. You're playing hard to get. How about if I do this." Jordi asked before putting her foot down and quickly picking up Hendrix and pinning him to the wall, and staring into his eyes.

"I-I-I." Hendrix began to cry, feeling he may be injured and tormented.

"Oh no, shh. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just teasing you." Jordi replied before hugging Hendrix into her chest and sighing.

"Let me go..." Hendrix pleaded while shivering.

Jordi sighed and walked back to her chair while carrying Hendrix and sitting down and keeping him in her lap.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, you're not supposed to be here. Legally I can throw you in the dungeon for trespassing. But instead, I plan to pamper you until I leave for Palmerth Academy. To be honest, I'll take you with me." Jordi replied before squeezing Hendrix tightly.

"Agh! You're crushing me!" Hendrix yelled while some blood dripped from his lips.

"I'm so sorry. I'll hold you gently." Jordi replied while realizing her error and loosened her hold until it was gentle but firm.

"P-Please let me go." Hendrix stuttered while blood continued to fall.

"Nope.~ Instead, you will sit on my lap while I do paperwork. So you'll be comfy and safe your entire stay here." Jordi disagreed while shaking her head and sighing before hugging Hendrix with one arm and beginning to read documents on paper.

After two hours passed, Hendrix fell asleep despite his fears, remembering if Jordi did something terrible, Priya would protect him.

"Aww, you look so adorable when asleep." Jordi stated while smiling.

The door opened as Dominus, Julius, and Patrick entered, and their jaws dropped.

"Your holding Hendrix, mam?" Julius asked while frozen and his eyes widening.

"Yes, I am, for the rest of my stay here. He's my new pet and isn't required to train. Just rest in my lap while I work and pamper him." Jordi stated.

"I never knew you had such a soft and sweet side to you." Dominus stated while his eyes dilated.

"Well, I can be too good, boys. However, naughty boys get more miles to run, and you three were naughty by coming inside the door without knocking. Go run five more miles." Jordi replied with a raised brow and a smirk.

The three guards nodded and left again while closing the door behind them, but not long after, a duo of guards entered.

"There are no more players sent by Oculus for us to find. The month has ended." The first guard replied.

"Alright, good job. Now come here, you two. I'll pat your heads." Jordi ordered while softly smiling.

"Yes, mam." The guards replied while approaching before standing on Jordi's left side.

"That's it." Jordi states while patting the guard's heads and smirking.

After a minute, the guards left the room, and six hours passed as the sun began rising. Additionally, Jordi left her office and entered her bedroom with Hendrix.

A large California king-sized bed covered In pillows stood at the left corner of the room. Next to it was a window with a shelf underneath it, and beyond that stood a dresser covered in symbols.

On the other side of the room, there was a closet filled with suits.

"Hendrix, stay here. I'm going to change." Jordi Instructed before putting him down, locking the door, getting her clothes, and entering the bathroom.

'Ackalon, I'm worried.' Hendrix thought

{I understand. Just relax. If Jordi shows any hostility, Priya will protect you.}

'Okay.' Hendrix thought before lying in bed.

After about fifteen minutes, Jordi came out of the bathroom in pajamas and walked to the bed, picked up Hendrix, and lay down with him in her arms.

"Relax, Hendrix. I'm not dangerous." Jordi comforted him while feeling him shiver in her embrace.

Hendrix didn't answer and continued shivering, and Jordi sighed before falling asleep with him in her arms.