Leaving the Gaurd Barracks

A week passed, and during the duration, Jordi forced him to sit in her lap and spoon-fed him during meals, despite his protests.

And in the morning, Hendrix woke up. However, he couldn't see or speak and felt comfy.

"..." Jordi peacefully slept while pulling Hendrix closer and cradling him.

'When is she going to wake up? I want to leave this area, and perhaps I shouldn't go to Palmerth Academy. I don't know if anyone I know from Earth will be there.' Hendrix thought while he tried to escape Jordi's embrace. However, he couldn't move much at all while trying his best.

Jordi didn't wake up from Hendrix's struggles and held him tighter, but not tight enough to hurt him.

'What should I do? I'm too weak to escape.' Hendrix thought before giving up, realizing struggling was a hopeless endeavor.

After another hour, Jordi finally woke up and smirked, seeing Hendrix's face buried in her bosom.

"Aww, are you comfy little man?~" Jordi teased while winking at Hendrix before rubbing his back.

Hendrix couldn't answer and lay in her embrace reluctantly.

"Oh, you can't speak when in my chest. My bad.~" Jordi stated before loosening her grip just enough for Hendrix to speak.

"L-Let me go... Please..." Hendrix replied as he began to cry, feeling she was building him up as Kendra did to him.

"Hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you. It's okay. Shh.~" Jordi cooed before gently patting Hendrix's head, trying to do everything she could to comfort him.

Hendrix didn't answer and continued to shiver violently, and he began to sweat profusely.

"Oh, you poor soul. What happened to you to cause you to fear me despite my pampering?" Jordi asked while kissing Hendrix's forehead and sighing.

"Someone traumatized me. Now please let me go." Hendrix cryptically spoke part of the truth while trying to escape Jordi's embrace.

Jordi's expression changed as she gasped before she teared up and sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that kind of experience, Hendrix. Please let me comfort you. I promise I'll do my best to help you." Jordi pleaded.

"I don't trust you." Hendrix replied while shaking his head.

Jordi sighed before putting Hendrix down and smiled with tears in her eyes.

"I hope I see you at Palmerth Academy Hendrix. And I hope to earn your trust someday, even if it's just a little. Good luck, little man." Jordi stated while patting Hendrix's head and motioning him to leave.

Hendrix left the room briskly and ran out of the guard's barracks. Afterward, he entered an alley and looked around, and made sure no one could see him before willing Priya to appear.

Immediately after, Priya's tall silhouette appeared while smiling softly at Hendrix. Her yellow eyes gazed into his as she knelt before hugging him.

"Are you okay, Hendrix? Were you hurt when I was gone?" Priya whispered while cradling Hendrix.

"No, I wasn't, thankfully. However, I need a new cane. My stamina is too atrocious to walk without one." Hendrix stated while feeling his abysmal stamina deplete.

"Perhaps you don't need a cane. Maybe I can carry you everywhere you need to go." Priya offered while holding him closer.

"If you do that, all the guys in the academy will attack or conspire against me out of jealousy. I have no desire to be bullied by most of the school. It's a miracle no one attacked me every time I was alone on Earth." Hendrix stated while sighing.

"I understand. Let's go to a store then and get you a cane." Priya replied while picking up Hendrix and pushing his face into her chest.

"I hope no one going to the academy sees you holding me. I love when you hold me, but they will probably torment me out of envy." Hendrix stated in a muffled tone before remembering novels he read in his old life. Some nobles were arrogant and harassed people in those, and he thought some people like that were here.

Priya frowned momentarily before returning to her emotionless expression while rubbing Hendrix's back and trying to comfort him again.

"Priya, I am only able to kill, but if I have to defend myself, I may end up killing or permanently blinding them. And their families will go after me and torment me for eternity." Hendrix stated in a shaky tone.

Priya's frown reappeared and deepened before staying around for a few seconds. Afterward, it disappeared as she kissed Hendrix's head, hoping her methods would comfort Hendrix.

"Priya, I don't want this... I don't think I should go to the academy." Hendrix whimpered.

Priya's yellow eyes glowed, and her gaze became piercing, and she began walking out of the alley while holding Hendrix gently. However, anyone who looked into her eyes felt a headache and immediately looked away.

'I need to make it so Hendrix can feel some form of safety. I must send a message to all who may wish him harm in the academy.' Priya thought while rage leaked from her eyes as they glowed even brighter. However, her expression didn't change. "Hendrix, leave everything to me. I'll ensure you don't have to worry about your fears in the academy. I don't want you to live in terror, fearing being tormented by envious noble's families." Priya comforted while rubbing his back as her eyes returned to normal.

"Thank you, Priya." Hendrix replied while tearing up.

"You're welcome. Now I'll keep you here while we look for the equipment stores. And while we shop. Speaking of, how are we going to pay for items?" Priya questioned.

"I have two Amber coins. And according to how hard it was to get these, I guess it's almost impossible to earn one from killing alone in a lifetime. Especially since the drop rate of coins is atrocious." Hendrix inferred in a muffled tone.

"Oh, I remember you killed Sativa's old body to get those. And since she was scarlet in rarity, it's almost impossible to find any other varmints of that rank."

"Indeed, however, I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not to have faced six scarlet-ranked things when I was just a normal human being."

"Well, we should continue this conversation somewhere private. We don't want anyone to suspect you." Priya warned

"Okay. Um, I'll be quiet and pretend to be asleep." Hendrix replied before closing his eyes and clinging to Priya.

"Adorable." Priya expressed while patting Hendrix's head and leaving the alley.

Afterward, Priya walked around and eventually found an old couple passing beside her and stopped.

"Mam, Mister. May I stop you for a moment?" Priya asked in an emotionless tone.

The duo immediately stopped and turned toward Priya.

"Yes, young lady, what's the matter?" The older man asked.

"What are those hovering stone vehicles called?" Priya questioned.

"Oh, those are called Tyber Sceptim." The older woman explained while smiling.

"I see, and how do I use them?" Priya asked

"Before I answer that, may I know why you're showing no emotion? It's almost impossible not to have emotions, especially since you are so young." The older woman asked.

"I'd rather not share." Priya replied while holding Hendrix closer.

'I feel safe in Priya's arms.' Hendrix thought before clinging to her and feeling warm and comfy.

"Alright then, you have to use fifteen Pyrite Coins and place them in the coin slot, and then you can enter any Tyber Sceptim you come across if it stops for you." The older woman explained.

"Thanks for telling me. Goodbye." Priya replied before she continued walking down the street, and once she found a group of people waiting in an area by the road, she stopped.

'I'm curious why Priya stopped.' Hendrix thought while he felt Priya rubbing his back.

"Hendrix, relax in my embrace. We may be waiting here for a while. But don't worry. I'll keep you safe." Priya stated before she began nuzzling Hendrix's forehead playfully.

Hendrix smiled and went limp in Priya's arms and just waited.

Meanwhile, a young man in a suit approached Priya and smiled charmingly. However, when he saw she was holding Hendrix, he narrowed his eyes.

"Hello there, my sweet. I am Maverick. May we go on a walk and get to know each other?" Maverick asked while smirking as he bowed his hat.

"No." Priya bluntly replied before sighing.

"Wait, why?" Maverick questioned while beginning to panic.

"Because I'm not interested." She explained.

"Wait, we may be entering the same academy. Are you going to Palmerth Academy?" Maverick asked.

Priya nodded but declined to explain further.

"Well, let's head there together. This Tyber Sceptim's last stop is Palmerth Academy." Maverick pleaded.

"No thanks. I'm going to find a store to buy clothes and weapons." Priya explained while shaking her head.

"Wait, you don't need to go to the store. The academy provides those things for free." Maverick hurriedly replied.

"Do they give canes out as well?" Priya asked while thinking about Hendrix.

"Eh, perhaps. I'm not sure, but the Academies' basic supplies are free. All you have to do is sign up, and after a week, they'll test your talent and possibly potential. So will you come to the academy with me?" Maverick asked.

"I can head to the academy. However, my priority is to protect Hendrix." Priya replied before gently rocking Hendrix from side to side.

'Okay, that's good enough. She's playing hard to get, so I'll take it slow. However, I may need to dispose of this Hendrix secretly, or else I won't gain her love.' Maverick thought before smiling. "Alright, I'll see you there." Maverick stated before, standing still, waiting for the Tyber Sceptim to come.

Eventually, after an hour, the Tyber Sceptim arrived and stopped in front of the crowd.

"Hendrix, I need fifteen Pyrite Coins." Priya whispered.

Hendrix nodded.

'Guide transfer fifteen Pyrite Coins to Priya.' Hendrix thought.

[You have sent fifteen Pyrite Coins to Priya]

Priya smiled and saw the holes open while ladders came out of the stone covering of the Tyber Sceptim and chose one at the bottom. Afterward, she put the fifteen Pyrite Coins inside the coin slot, and they fell in. Subsequently, the see-through covering opened, and she entered alongside Hendrix and lay on the bed inside.

And she placed Hendrix on top of her and hugged his face into her chest, and began rubbing his back. Meanwhile, the holes leading outside closed, and a dim light shined above them.

"There, there, Hendrix. Just relax and listen to my heartbeat and the sounds of outside." Priya expressed while she continued rubbing his back.

"Okay, Priya." Hendrix replied in a muffled tone while clinging to her.

"Awww." Priya stated while pulling him closer, ensuring he didn't get cold.

After fifteen minutes, the Tyber Sceptim began moving again to its next destination.