Failing System Quest and Opening Common Roulette Tickets

Afterward, the duo stayed in the ruins for three and a half days. During this, they talked with each other to pass the time. But the peace didn't last as Natasha disappeared as her trial ended. However, before leaving, she left her backpack.

[The one-and-a-half-week duration of your stay has ended. Teleporting you back to Palmerth Academies main portal room]


[Teleport commencing]

Subsequently, Natasha appeared in front of the Amethyst portal alongside about a thousand other students. The multitude had varying degrees of injuries, and some were crying, holding their dead friends in their arms.

'System! Why are you so ruthless!' Natasha thought while grimacing and clenching her jaw. Afterward, she rubbed her brow and sighed.

'This feels like I have a debt collector hounding me for money.'

'I see. I'll try to remember this system.' Natasha thought before sighing.

"Hello, everyone. Congratulations on becoming students of the academy. Please follow me to the A-class dorms." Mr. Regillus announced before motioning the students to follow him.

"Wait, sir! How many from A class survived?" A blue-haired student asked as his eyes widened.

"Ten percent of A class survived. However, only ten percent of every lettered class survives on average, so don't feel too bad." Mr. Regillus stated before sighing and placing his hand over his forehead.

"Really? That survival rate is horrible!" The student yelled as the veins on his head started to throb.

"Hey, it's not as bad as the class of madness normally. Before today only three people have survived in the many millennia this academy has been in operation. However, today three new students have survived and have joined this class." Mr. Regillus announced while charismatically smiling.

"Who are they?!" Natasha yelled as her eyes widened.

"I can't say right now. However, you'll see them eventually during the first event for the academy. Or perhaps in your classes." Mr. Regillus patiently explained.

"What privileges does class A have?" A student with short red hair and green eyes asked.

"You're dorm is the fourth best of all the lettered classes. However, X class and the class of Madness get more benefits besides better living arrangements." Mr. Regillus stated.

"Mr. Regillus, what is the currency in this academy?" Natasha asked while leaning toward Mr. Regillus's direction.

"Credits are the currency here, and you can earn credits by doing tasks at the Pathfinder Syndicate, Bounty Hunter Union, or Shikari Union placed by the academy. Or directly doing tasks here. Additionally, if you do extracurricular activities or participate in the arena, you can earn more credits." Mr. Regillus explained.

"There are so many ways to earn credits." A green-haired student wearing glasses stated.

"Indeed, now come with me, everyone." Mr. Regillus instructed while narrowing his eyes.

All the students nodded and followed Mr. Regillus out of the portal room. Subsequently, they passed by many classrooms and other unknown rooms.

Meanwhile, the walls are made of stone primarily, with two-foot wide wooden pillars dividing the stone into twenty-foot wide parts. However, the ceiling was over ten feet above the ground, while many different magical but colorful advertisements on the walls. They showcased school clubs, extracurricular activities, noble families, the military, and Pathfinder Syndicate, among other things.

'This academy has so much to do. And I haven't even seen the classes yet.' Natasha thought as she surveyed her surroundings.

"There are many things you can do at this academy. So if you're bored, it's your fault." Mr. Regillus explained as he continued walking steadily.

"Mr. Regillus, can you elaborate on what we can do here." A long-haired blue student asked while crossing her arms and wrinkling their nose.

"Well, there are classes, first of all. Among them are stat training, fighting style courses, magical-based courses, leadership, support class courses, cartography, soul purifiers, etc.

Secondly, there are extracurricular activities or sports. I'll give you a few examples. Capture the flag, Jousting, Prop Hunt, Ghost in the Graveyard, Man Hunt, Shadow Tag, War, etc.

And lastly, you can join an academy competition and compete against each other and other academies." Mr. Regillus patiently explained while keeping a steady pace.

'I should probably join one of the extracurricular activity teams if they exist. They sound entertaining to play.' Natasha thought while beginning to grin.

"Everyone, you can do these extra things after you complete your classes and do well in them. You aren't allowed to join any If any of your grades are below C-. Do you understand?" Mr. Regillus sternly questioned while narrowing his eyes.

All the students nodded in confirmation while following him. Subsequently, they walked for about ten minutes until they reached the A-class dorms.

There was simply a door with A class written above it on a board in blue text. Additionally, below it was a stone door and two guards standing on both sides of the entrance.

"Mr. Regillus, are these the students for A class this year?" One of the guards asked while raising his brow.

"Your assumption is correct. Now please let them inside." Mr. Regillus ordered.

"As you wish." The guard replied before opening the door with a bit of effort.

"You all can enter and choose an apartment to be yours. Once you enter, your looks will save into the runes, and only you can enter. No one else can enter unless you permit them. However, you should all enter in a single file line." Mr. Regillus explained before motioning the students towards the open door.

Afterward, the students entered the door slowly but steadily, and once one hour passed, everyone was inside.

'I wonder which apartment I should choose.' Natasha thought before choosing one with the number one hundred and thirty-four above it. Subsequently, she briskly opened the door, entered, and closed it before anyone else could.

However, once she entered, a blue ray scanned her before turning off.

"This apartment now belongs to Natasha for her stay at Palmerth Academy." A loud voice sounded.

Natasha nodded before entering a hallway closet and getting towels and some clothes. Afterward, she walked to the left and entered her bedroom. Once inside, she turned to the right and entered the bathroom.

'At least there's a bath here.'

Subsequently, Natasha cleaned herself and got ready for bed. Once done, she sat on the blue blanket-covered bed and smiled.

'System, I'm ready to use the roulette tickets.'


'How strong can anything I obtain from this be?

'The odds are against me. Oh well. System use the two roulette tickets.'

Subsequently, Natasha smiled before shaking her head and sighing. Afterward, she looked around her.

To her left was a wooden dresser with a red lamp upon it. Meanwhile, to her right, she saw a bookcase and some paper.

'I can sell these weapons, I hope. I have a large debt I have to deal with.' Natasha thought before falling asleep.