Chapter 28

That astral expanse of stars and galaxies scattered across cosmic realms and infinite dimensions unveiled themselves. Flying by, their passing heralding cosmic seas of colossal and opalescent waves, waterfalls of fabric like intensities fluttering like garments within the blowing winds, which all fused into a centripetal pattern of cracks that unveiled that civilization, grand and majestic ; the mighty cities flaring of astral emerald and cosmic gold, and the galaxies revolving in harmony. This hidden realm now unveiled lay before them in all its stellar grandeur and majesty, faded away consumed in that massive explosion that engulfed the entire terrain.

Rising from their knees coughing and aching all over, that flaring configuration of ideograms enacted itself before Vage and Thorace and ahead of them, the Trail Disector frayed into ash that trailed its way into the core of the configuration before them, which went through a fission, separating itself into two whole parts that sank themselves into both Vage and Thorace's palms.

"We've tamed it." Thorace sighed, staring at the defeated look on Norgus and the others faces.

"Yes we have mate." Vage said resting an arm over Thorace's shoulder, he repeated, "Yes we have."

"There's one thing though", Trident said as he landed on the deck of the Mace in his devolved form accompanied by Rode who had also devolved.

"I hope I wasn't the only one who had that vision.", Trident reminded.

"I saw it too", Rode confirmed, "did it occur to both of you ?"

"I can't deny having seen it, it was too lucid", Thorace replied, "how about you Vage ?"

"I can't say no", he responded, "if we all did that means that they too had seen it, and the cosmic pirates are the only ones who know the person this visionary place is connected to."

"If it's actually what were thinking ", said Rode as he stared at the skies, "then we have to find him."

*** *** ***

"We lost !" Norgus slammed his fist on the table restraining the tears from falling down his eyes, they were so close to having victory just before Vage arrived only to ruin everything. There was a chance that Thorace could have found a way to withstand the Trail Disector on his own, but that was all a past tense now as they had lost both the battle and the Trail Disector.

"If you are going to mull all the way back to the capital, just remember, that you aren't the only one who's going to be summoned by the council." Zorg said a jar of wine in his hand. "So it's best that you don't commit suicide over what isn't of any loss to you."

"I don't blame you", Norgus growled, "of you are happy being taught the same lessons over and over again like a fool for centuries", drawing his sword and staring at its glistening edge, "that's not Norgus."

"I thought you were about to kill us all ", Shev laughed, "with the way you drew your sword I was already prepared to jump off this battlecarpet onto the next."

"Thanks for raising our spirits with your joke Shev ", Dorvin commended, taking a gulp from his jug of wine, "I don't know about the rest of you but I had this strange vision of a heavenly city during the explosion, did you Nord ? Because you've been silent all this while."

"I did", Nord replied from his chair at the side of the banquet table, "who has any clue of what that place is ?"

"I don't know." Came the reply from Zorg, Shev and Dorvin.

"Now listen you chicks !" Norgus barked, "I once that it was all a fairytale and I never believed it, not even once." He growled. "But according to cosmic legends what we just saw was crevice leading to the astral city - Norden - of rising light."

*** *** ***

His armoured feet walked the sands of this desert which spread across this asteroid. His army trailed behind him, all lining themselves to the skies, surrounding this planet, they watched their emperor, Tergon open the astral wall leading to the gateway of the first boulder of Er.

Tergon placed the edge of his rhombus shaped shield Into the sand standing it upright, the red gem in its core flaring, reflecting the light of this stellar system's four suns, with Tergon's eyes blazing as he watched the coming eclipse of the four suns take place. They gradually came closer to themselves, burning and flaring with the intensity of the planet of the planet suddenly darken. This was a phenomenon that had an effect which scattered across multiple realms and they eclipsed.

That red beam tore out from Tergon's shield, aiming straight at the four suns and boring through their cores,bit unveiled that surge of a lightning infested night sky, completely consuming the once sunny expanse of this asteroid in its blinding blue, making the suns rave of white.

"I'm coming for your home", Tergon sneered, "Kied."

*** *** ***

"Must you always act foolishly James !" The girl scolded, "Can't you see that we're already late. And who told you that he'd still be at home by now, he must have left a long time ago."

"If he did, I could have seen him ", said James, "but ..." Shrugging

James pressed the doorbell two times before the door knob turned, the person took a peek to know who the people outside were before finally opening the door.

"Good morning Mrs Edna", James greeted, pretending to be startled, "I and my sister came to see Henry, we'd agreed that he'd be following us to school today."

"Aren't you already late ?" Edna asked puzzled.

"I told him." Judith grumbled.

"Don't worry ma'am, we can still get! o the bus stop early, we have twenty minutes to spare before the school bus arrives." James assured.

"I see", Edna hummed a bit embarrassed by what she was about to say next. Smiling nervously she revealed, "Henry is still in bed."

*** *** ***

Arms folded as she sat on the couch, Judith cursed the day she was born with an elder twin brother like James. How could he come pick someone for school when they were already late, meanwhile, the spoilt brat was still snoozing in bed.

"Henry hurry up !" Edna called, "your friends are waiting."

"Gosh !" Judith sighed, "eighteen minutes left."

"If you didn't want to wait", James poked, "I didn't stop you from leaving, so stop complaining, you chose to wait."

"Good thinking", she mocked, "you would make a good lawyer."

Unzipping her bag, she brought out a notebook, calculator and a physics textbook. Unknowingly, she lost track of time, completely immersing herself with the intricacies surrounding the problem that she had been trying to solve all night.

"Nine point seven giga Hertz per second", the voice echoed from the staircase, "that's the correct answer."

Judith felt like screaming and poking a dagger into that brat's face, what did he know anyway ?! Someone who has been snoozing away since the previous night just woke up and at that instant was giving her the answer to a question which wasn't even an assignment. Wait ! Judith froze, how did Henry even know the question, not to talk of its answer ?