Hit and run

The houses and structures within the dome showcased a blend of modern and rustic designs, combining functionality with natural aesthetics. Wooden cabins with sturdy roofs coexisted with more contemporary structures made of metal and glass, creating a harmonious balance between tradition and innovation.

Lush greenery thrived within the dome, with carefully tended gardens and parks scattered throughout the town. Vibrant flowers bloomed in a riot of colors, their petals untouched by the biting cold of the Canadian winter. Towering trees provided shade and a sense of tranquility, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

Within the fortified town, the people of the Canadian guild worked tirelessly to construct an array of traps and tools specifically designed to combat the trolls that threatened their territory. The sound of hammers, saws, and the clinking of metal resonated throughout the town as they crafted their ingenious creations.