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"We will need to decrease their numbers around to avoid being attacked from several directions when the time comes," Terry declared. "That will help us get more used not fighting the trolls. We should be able to pull that off with Rebecca's mobility."

Rebecca nodded, she would be forced to leave her siblings behind, but that base seemed peaceful enough for that, and the mood wasn't so bad considering the weather conditions and the troublesome enemies around.

"We should take some turns just in case," Vanessa added. "It might be dangerous if we exhaust ourselves all at once. Besides, things won't start for real for a while."

"It is noon, so we will unpack a few things and then leave in two hours," Terry said. "Make sure to rest as much as possible."

Everyone nodded, and then George guided everyone to a building that was completely empty. It had plenty of rooms for them, and it also had water and energy… the people there managed to hang in there despite the situation they were in.