Mother and son 4

Devina continued to rub my head, afterward continuing by patting my head instead.

I sat still as Master continued to please herself with my head.

"Ya know Vivshi, your head is like a girl."

"As if I didn't already know that."

Devina tried to stand up, barely managing to balance herself. I held her legs while sitting so that she wouldn't fall. She stood up completely and sat down on the sofa.

"Contract is complete. Thank you for your head."

Did my head just get contracted for head pats? What a weird kink Devina has.

"I will be needing you later, here take this."

Tossing an object at me. Catching it and upon inspection, it looks like some sort of metal object that shines. It had glass in front and glass in the back.

"Try touching it."

I touched the glass and the object in the glass moved.

"It is called a phone. If you click on the green thingy. You should see my name there."

I clicked on her name and the screen turned completely white. There was a bunch of letters in the bottom that I could click on.

"Try writing something."

I typed in a few letters and it became a sentence.

"Now to send, click return."

I did as I was instructed and after a few seconds, I heard a ding from Devina's pocket.

"Even though this is a virtual world. Physics should be functioning. Time and reality are altered but we are close and that's why we could connect."

Devina took out her phone and started to text back. Writing: "Are you human?"

I promptly responded with No.

"Text me after you are done with the trial, alright?"

"And to do so I need to complete this trial."

Devina looked up at the ceiling and remembered the thing she said about helping me.

"Yeppers I will help you do it. But don't be mad if it doesn't work alright?"

She hasn't even listened to anything I said or any of my problems, how could she help me?

"Hey, you haven't gotten any info about my problems, how could you help me without them?"

She looked at me with a bothered expression and sighed.

"Did you forget something important?"

Something important? What did she mean by that?

"I'm the Aeon of Dexterity, you idiot."

I'm not having that attitude from a child. She reversed back into her small form and I couldn't get foul-mouthed by a kid.

I jumped onto her and started to tickle her sides. She is skirmishing around on the sofa and trying to hold her expression.

"Who are you calling idiot?!?"

Intensifying my onslaught of tickles at her, she finally broke and started laughing.

"Okay! Okay! Stop stop! I am sorrii. Pleaseiii…"

I didn't stop, I continued. After a while, she lay there motionless and empty, breathing heavily.


I'm too tired for this, I sat down on the sofa with Devina laying there.

"Heh, I win."

Devina sat up straight. She tugged on my shirt and looked into my eyes.

"Woah, you got dark eyes."

I pushed her face away. Trying to change the subject I ask her about my trial.

"How am I supposed to complete my trial and get out of here?"

Devina looked up and thought for a moment.

"Kill yourself."

What? Was she still mad that I completely exhausted her by tickling her for 5 minutes?

"Look, am sorry for doing that, capisce?"

Devina looked seriously at me. Her blue eyes completely fixated on me.

"I thought about it for a while now, you need to kill yourself."

She handed me a gun.

"Here use this."

Putting a black heavy handgun in my hand.

"What do you mean by killing myself?"

"As I meant. You need to kill yourself."

"Can you at least explain?"

After hearing her explanation, I sat there expressionless.

"IS THAT THE ONLY WAY?" I stood up and yelled.

She shook her head, telling me it is the best one due to its effectiveness and high percentage of work.

I sat back down and supported my head with my hands.

"I need to go now, please don't die now Vivshi."

Devina opened up a blue portal and jumped inside. Disappearing, leaving me alone in the room.

My cheek felt a sensation of a raindrop. As the first drop fell, the rainfall intensified. Pouring down on the ruined city. My tears couldn't stop. Mother walked into the room and I tried to hug her.

"Why can't I move? It is something invisible in front of me."

"MOM! It is me… can't you see me? Please, look at me one last time. Please…."

I fell to her knees hugging her legs.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Mother, I'm sorry Mom."

Mother stopped trying to move forward.

The younger version of me ran into the room, happily. Holding mother's legs with me.

She looked down at both of us and gave a warm smile. Her hands passed straight through me as she went on to hug the past me."

"I love you Vivshi, you are my happiness, seeing you grow up happy is what brings me true joy."

In the past, I didn't say it back. I never said it once.

I wish I had those words back.

I looked at my younger self. Raised my gun straight at his head and pulled the trigger.