Mom and me 5

Sound of a gun being set off scared everyone in the room, except me and me. I stood there with my gun which had smoke coming out the nozzle. The scent of gunpowder could be smelled throughout the room.

The thing I shot, was myself. I just shot my younger version of me. The exit wound on his chest is the size of an orange. It left a gaping hole that showed part of his heart. I could see the heart still beating inside of him. He looked straight at me, even though he wasn't supposed to see me, he smiled. Falling into the ground and knocking over one of Mom's vases that shattered on the floor. Her favorite flowers soaked up the water that is on the ground. Mother trampled on the periwinkles and myrtles to reach him. She didn't make a sound, she silently sat there with him, holding his hands.

Lan and Ken hearing the loud bang came rushing into the room. Lan couldn't stomach all the blood on the ground and went outside. Ken screamed in horror as he watched Mother soaking up all the blood, staining her dress red. As he stepped closer, he tried to avoid the blood on the ground and saw what is laying there.

His brother is on the brink of death.

"What the hell is this? IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE?"

He punched his face to see if he was joking. He could just respond softly with:

"I'm sorry Ken, but this time it isn't a joke…" wheezing with every word.

Ken looked at Mom and shook her. She continued to hold his hand without letting it go. She remained completely silent.


She didn't respond. She just sat there, expressionless holding his hand.

Ken tried to pull her away but she didn't let go.

"Vivshi." She quietly said.

I walked up to my cold body, cocked the gun, and shot him in the head. His brain matter went all over the room. The loud bang could be heard again and again as they echoed in the room.

Vivshi is now dead. I just killed myself. Mom sat there hanging over the lifeless body. Her dark purple eyes are wide and her pupils are dilated. Looking straight at his face. The face that used to be there. She to sat there for days, not leaving my dead body. Until some people came after Ken finally found someone that wanted to help. Mom is malnourished and very dehydrated but she still had a tight grip around his hands. People tried to pull her away from my body but she wouldn't budge.

One week after the accident, she is in the hospital. Her once bright eyes now are gray. Her eyes which once had stars in them are now just empty space. She has the same eyes as she saw me die. Those widened eyes with her dilated pupils.

"I'm sorry Mother."

When she finally came back home, she broke 10 of the thirty vases she had. Completely smashed them and she let one-third of the flower wilt and die. She finally stepped into the room I died in. The room had been thoroughly cleaned and the floor had been changed. Lan and Ken didn't want to step near the house and slept in the tree house.

She removed all the periwinkles and myrtles from the house and locked herself into the room I died in. Sleeping, and eating in that very same room.

This time, I changed this reality. I didn't let the events repeat. But what had changed? Mom didn't leave us. When mom left us she still had her flowers up. She loved us til the very end. Even when she knew she would die and never see us again. She left her flowers up. Her only freedom in life… was to see us all grow up, happy.

"I was selfish mother, no mom. I wish you could hear these words I never said. I love you."

My body warped and I felt my mind spin as I was back in the original world.

"Well done, here want some cookies?"

Looking to the side with Devina and Sekito having a Party.

"Hey, Vivshi! Did you miss me? I was waiting for ya."

"What are you guys doing?" I answered annoyed.

"Celebrating your guy's successes of course, what else?"

Devina looked seriously at me. She stood up and walked over. She then hugged me, tightly wrapping her arms around me.

"Must have been tough. I will be your comfort pillow if you want." She smiled.

Without Devina, I wouldn't have realized that Mom always thought of us before herself. She didn't abandon us. She was kidnapped. Devina told me the full story about my mother using information from her Aeon.

To fully prove that Mother loved me, Devina told me to kill the younger version of myself to see Mom's reaction. Then I could fully realize what she was thinking. I didn't hate her anymore, hating her isn't justifiable anymore.

Sekito told me that even when I died back then, she took care of the 20 other flowers which were Ken and Lan. But she had lost her true happiness, seeing the three of us, growing up happy.

If you asked me a question about my mother, I would answer all of them with:

She is the best mom.