
Crouching down with my arms around my stomach I ask for a bucket.

Sekito smacks Devina's head, and she slowly pulled out a bucket out of her pocket.

Devina kicks the bucket to me. Grabbing it as fast as possible and exiting my stomach's contents into it. Feeling nauseous and empty-headed, falling and collapsing down onto the tatami mats.

"Do something about that," Sekito ordered.

My vision went blurry, and Devina approached me with a grin. The image of her becoming more and more distorted until it completely went black.

"Vivshi! Wake up, Vivshi!!!"

A sudden crash into my abdomen. I jolted awake and saw Emovi on top of me.

"So you finally decided to wake up."

Everyone else is here. Everyone came back. Looking around, seeing Sekito leaning back in a chair, apparently sleeping.

"Hey! How long were we in those dreams?"

Sekito opened one eye and looked at us. She then announced our times.

I was the fastest one out of there with an astounding fast time of 6 minutes and 23 seconds. Even though it felt like weeks in there, time seemed to move faster in the memory world.

Next, after me is Emovi, who came out after 8 minutes and 23 seconds.

Third on the list is Oslovi. I guess cats also have big problems. 13 minutes and 16 seconds.

Fourth on the list… Marlowlia? Didn't she say she wouldn't participate? She sat in the corner fidgeting with some objects. She had this weird mark on her cheek, like a blue dot.

"Sekito, didn't you say that you would allow her to stay here and she didn't need to participate?"

Sekito looked hesitant.

"Uhm, back then. I wasn't fully conscious and just sent everyone in the room, including Marlowlia that sat in the corner."

"Are you that sleep-deprived?"

Sekito coughed. 17 minutes and 1 seconds.

And at last place, we have Aylin, who came out after 24 minutes and 53 seconds.

"You guys did a wonderful job. Do you guys feel a little better now?"

Everyone seemed happier, more bright. Emovi is more energetic than ever. I push her head away and tell her to sit down and eat the cookies.

Going up to Marlowlia and asking her about her experience in the memory realm. She responded in a way that I could have a conversation with. All the other times it was so dry I was about to die.

She didn't tell me everything she experienced but she told a small summary of it. Her best friend disappeared years ago. And problems with her family. She didn't tell me more than that.

Taking out my hand and placing it on her head. My hand moved automatically and started to rub her head. Her expression didn't change but her face turned a beet red. She hastily stood up and walked out.

While I watched Marlowlia leave, Oslovi leaped from the table and landed on my head.

Seeing Aylin sitting alone at the table I walk up to her and ask her about the experience. She is about to tell me about her time in her memories. A loud crash, debris, and wood flying all over the place. Sekito got jump scared and fell off her foldable chair. Devina just stood there staring at the broken wall.

"What a nice meeting you guys have here. One, two, there, four, and five. Five of the Aeons! Mind if I join in?"

Sekito stood up irritated.

"What is with these shitty walls dude, they look like wet paper."

A man stepped inside. He wore nothing except orange beach short. Short blond hair, a fully tanned and developed body. A 10-pack and very defined muscles. He has a lollipop in his mouth and dark sunglasses. Wearing flip-flops that squeaked everywhere he went.

"Zerstörer, you are going to pay for my wall."

"Oh? Are you gonna beat me up? Go ahead, you have never won a fistfight with me before."

"No, I mean, that will cost me like 300 Livis."

"Oh, my bad."

He pulled out his wallet and took up 300 Livis to give to Sekito.

"Thank you so much…"

She walked up to him and Roundhouse kicked him in the face. Knocking him to the ground.

"That was interest you forgot to pay."

He stood up immediately and before we knew it, he stood behind Sekito. He tripped her and she fell backwards and that's when he caught her by the waist.

"A delicate maiden like you shouldn't hit people."

He tilted Sekito's head back by using his hand and is going in for a kiss.

Sekito backed up one of her feet and raised the other foot right into his head. He simply dodged Sekito's attacks and kept holding on to her.

"That's is fine by me Zerstörer…"

Sekito glowed in heavenly white, her flower sprouted. The whole room shone, Devina handed us some sunglasses and popcorn.

I tugged on Devina.

"Who is Zerstörer?"

"Aeon of Breakage. He is a carefree man doing whatever he likes. He dates any woman, and a few years ago he found my sister and apparently fell in love."