"That is enough!" Sekito yelled.

She wrapped the chains around him. It seemed like she upped the security measures on these chains. They are twice as thick from the last time I saw them. Now they are all golden and shiny.

"Now stay there. Until you learn how to behave around women."

"Very nice Sakaranai-sama!" Devina cheered from the side.

Zerstörer tried to move but is completely shackled in place.

"Let us have some fun, Sekito. ~"

His flesh started to convulse. The right side of the chest turned bright into a gray color. The mark of destruction, the epitome of doom. The flower of breakage. A gray flower that seemed very bland, but it quickly grew and rooted itself across his whole body. The mark finally appeared on his cheek. A mosaic tone that swallowed all other colors.

"Sekito. Do you know what is the main cause for destruction?"

He grinned menacingly.

"It is time."

He shoved himself against the unbreakable chains. They clattered as he pulled on them. The empty holes they came from shook violently.

"C'mon Sekito, 100 years later and your chains are still weak. You gotta do better to keep me away. ~"

"Aeon acclimate, hunting tales of the …"

We were teleported by Devina into a weird room. Devina brought everyone except Zerstörer with us.

"Sekito… can't you think of the consequences you could get if you used it there? With everyone there. You could have…" Devina said seriously.

"Shhhh… I was on the verge of losing, it would have been necessary to unveil that."

"Oh right. Killing everyone in the room for one man. Real cool Sekito."

Sekito smacked Devina's head and told her to shut up.

Marlowlia is rotating her head around. She sat there, dumbfounded. Staring at a picture. It was best to explain stuff to her.

"Marlowlia, we got teleported."

She continued to look at the picture. Which is a photograph of a rock.

"How did the goat, turn into a rock?"

Marlowlia said she needed some time to process things.

Emovi suddenly asked the question I have been wondering about.

"Hey, Sekito. What is Aeon acclimate?"

Devina interfered and proudly pulled out a whiteboard.

Welcome to Aeon Class!

Today's host will be Devina-chan! On this special day, we will be conducting a look around Aeon acclimation! As you already know, 13 Aeons maintain world balance. Each Aeon has different powers and abilities. After existing for a long time. Aeons can develop a skill called acclimation. Which shifts their form. You could say this is a power-up. This works by boosting the Aeon. Every person's soul is intertwined with Aeon. When that bond has been etched together to a level where the user and the aeon are the same, they acclimate.

Releasing Aeon's full potential.

*clap clap*

Everyone started clapping for Devina's lesson about Aeons.

The aeons that have acclimated so far are Dexterity, Serenity, fear, breakage, guilt, joy, and nihility.

"Oh yeah. Forgot to tell ya guys. If you ever come across fear or guilt, just run. They are not negotiable. They would kill you 99% of the time."

After Devina's warning, Emovi said she didn't feel so good. She collapsed with a fever. Oslovi immediately hurried over to Emovi. Its green flower bloomed and resonated with Emovi's body. But it soon diminishes. The light got consumed by the darkness. There is something ominous inside Emovi's body.

Devina and Sekito examined Emovi and told us that Emovi had gotten a fragment of Breakage into her body. Using her aeon, Devina dwelled into Emovi's fragile small body and located the fragments.

"That ain't good."

We were told the bad news. The fragment had implanted itself into her heart and is soon invading her soul. It has wrapped itself around her whole existence and her body is slowly decaying away. Breaking away with time.

"I'm sorry but this is too risky to proceed. One wrong move and you will be consumed by breakage too."

With a defeated smile, Devina left the room.

"Sekito??! There must be some way to save her right?"

Sekito looked away painfully.

"We can't do anything about that. The only thing we can do is relieve the pain of being consumed."

I face Sekito who stared back into my eyes. Her eyes not caring for Emovi the slightest bit.

"Are you telling me, that we should kill Emovi before she dies from Zerstörer?"

She looked sternly at me. Telling me to sit down.

"Humans will die, Aeons will live on for hundreds or even thousands of years."

I smack Sekito's face.

"Are we all equal? All lives in this world have the same value!"

"You don't understand yet. You will soon know what I mean."

Sekito then left the room. Leaving the four of us and a sick Emovi on the bed.