First roll

A few days had passed since we went and distributed our methamphetamine.

Emovi's sickness kept growing worse, despite Aylin and Marlowlia taking care of her, it wasn't enough material around.

Marlowlia proposed that we go to her house instead. Because there, maids could take care of Emovi.

Aylin was out most of the time, hanging around the city. Exploring Nautilus, going to the beach, and collecting shells. She had collected enough shells to craft a necklace which she gave to Emovi.

Oslovi would try to heal Emovi over and over again. Reactivating its Aeon to rejuvenate her. But failure was inevitable. After hundreds of healing attempts, it would still try. Healing then recovering its strength before continuing again.

Marlowlia spent most of her time indoors, solving jigsaw puzzles, and building creative artwork. She had built a giant tower out of toothpicks.

Emovi wasn't unconscious anymore, after four days of her being in a comatose state, she woke up.

We all were ecstatic that she had finally awoken, she could move around a little but she was very weak. She would always need something to lean on. Her voice was a little groggy whenever she spoke.

Only Devina and I knew that automated cell destruction, the apoptosis would occur after 40 days. I didn't want the girls to know Emovi was going to die.

The worse part about this wasn't the apoptosis but rather the malignant curse that is intertwined with her soul. After the 40-day mark, the curse will spring open and burst her soul into small shards.

I didn't know about the soul part, but Devina had me study all that.

There is a world over us, and one beneath us, similar to most religions heaven and hell.

Using the Aeon of Dexterity, Devina was able to deduce that most Aeons came from a separate realm. You could call it heaven. The Aeon of life exists there and reincarnates souls.

But with Emovi's soul being destroyed, she wouldn't have the chance of going anywhere.

It pained me to see that, not as the Aeon of freedom, seeing someone's freedom slowly degenerating. But seeing someone you love die isn't easy. Mother, Kenshi, and Lander, all had their freedom taken but they were given a second chance. Emovi will not.

Because of that, I will fight for freedom, for her freedom.

Marlowlia and Aylin were worried about my latest disappearances. They didn't see me in the house or the city. They figured that I had to go somewhere, but then I would just return out of nowhere.

I didn't want them to know I was partaking in manufacturing illegal substances. Devina said if I snitched she wouldn't help.

I had to lie, It was appalling to lie. For me truth was freedom. Every time I lied in their faces, my mark lights up for a moment before fading. I always had to cover it up with my hand to avoid any suspicion.

A week had passed and everything was ready to go. We had packed everything up, Marlowlia wrote down her address on a piece of paper and showed it to Devina. She took a look and told everyone to brace themselves.

Carrying Emovi on my back, warmth radiated from her small and fragile body. She wrapped her thin arms around my shoulders.

"Where are we going sister?"

Answering that we were going to Marlowlia's house, she seemed pleased to go explore another place. Closing her eyes, telling me that she was going to sleep.

"Sleep well."

Oslovi jumped onto my head and perched.

Sekito stood farther away from the teleporting zone. She waved her hand, and smiled. Her smile made my flower react, and it started oozing. It was like the time Aylin fake smiled.

"Sekito… why are you…"

She stopped smiling, looking at me with a dejected expression.

"I'm sorry."

Light flashed and we were in some sort of tropical paradise.

Palm trees, a giant pool, and a whole garden. Where the hell were we?

Marlowlia turned around and told us this is her backyard.

She told us to stand there and wait. She hurriedly walked to a giant white door and opened it and went inside.

Aylin stared at the garden full of lush. The vibrant colors of the flowers, the trees that had been meticulously cared for. The fountain is beautifully sculpted with crystal clear water flowing out. Butterflies sipped the nectar of the flowers and birds nested in the trees.

"I didn't know Marlowlia's family is so successful."

Aylin eyes glittered as she analyzed every single detail of Marlowlia's magnificent backyard.

Oslovi jumped off my head and dove into a bush.

I was just about to go into that bush to pick it back up. The big white door slides open, and Marlowlia shows up with a whole group of maids. While Devina and the others were waiting for me, I had my head in a bush trying to get Oslovi out.

"Ahem, Vivshi."

All the maids and Marlowlia is just staring at my ass. Infuriated, I dig through the bush intensely, finally finding Oslovi there. It stung a little bit, my hands is covered with scratch marks from the plant cutting my skin.

It had caught a small bird. Taking away the bird from Oslovi's grip, I let it fly away. The cat looked at me with a deranged expression and meowed angrily at me. I picked it up and took it out of the bush.

I have Oslovi in my hand and Emovi on my back, turning around, I saw all the maids remaining stoic Except one who is trying to contain her laughter.

Her expression is cracking up as she puffed up her cheeks and her face turned beet red.

All the maids have black and white frilly uniforms. They had a white apron in the front and were standing all in position with a certain posture.

Marlowlia has real maids, how rich is this girl?

They all spoke simultaneously in perfect synch except for the one who was about to break.

"Welcome to Fivindius estate."