First customer

The suspicious and doubting guy nabs the bag from his friend.

"This stuff can't cost that much."

He tore it open and inhaled it. His head shook, suddenly jumping up and down.


Seeming happy and satisfied, he explained he saw freedom in the distance.

"Blue, white, pink, JUST BRING MORE!"

The other two guys stared at the third drug dealer.

Judging just by the third man's reaction, they both didn't question the quality of our product anymore. They asked Devina for the meet-up location and she will provide it..

She asked them to turn around. While they weren't looking, she took out the big box from her blue hole.

The box landed with a thud on the ground.

"You can turn around now."

The three men almost fainted seeing so much high-quality methamphetamine.

"How many bags are there?"

I responded that there are 200 bags of them, 8 grams in each one.

Becoming light headed, the man in the middle faints after hearing this.

"Holy shit dude. You can distribute this among every addict in town and still have some left."

They agreed to sell it for us and bring us back 180 Livis per bag.

Devina accepted their offer of giving them 20 Livis for each bag they sold. Devina and three men made arrangements and finalized the contract..

We left them with the box of methamphetamine before teleporting away from the underground city..

"Devina, are you sure they will just sell it like that?"

"Shut up, idiot. I made a contract with them. Not following terms and services could end their lives."

"Such contracts exist?"

"Well, yes, it is typical in treaties and everyday meetings. Its origin is from the Old man."

"Old man?"

"Some magical old guy with a bunch of tricks."

"Oh, okay."

Back in the lab, I sit down on the chair, exhausted. Sweaty, tired, grimy, all I could think of is a warm bath.

Daydreaming about baths, Devina quickly walks by with a towel over her head.

"Where are you going?"

"To wash myself."

There's a bathtub on the ship?. Standing up, I followed Devina's steps until she stopped.

"Why are you following me?"

"I also want to take a warm bath."

"You seriously want to get in with a child?"

"But you are in your adult form right now…"

Bright light emanated from Devina. I covered my eyes with my arm. Next second, she is a kid.

"What did you just say? Pedo ~,"

I haven't had a bath since eternity, I just wanted the warm water on my skin. Enveloping my whole body, absorbing away all grime and thoughts. Sinking my whole soul into tranquility.

"Please! Devina!"

"Fine, fine, if you want to come in with a me so much. So be it. Just don't look at me."

Finally… I would be able to enjoy relaxation I haven't felt for ages.

Devina opened a door, leading us to an indoor bathhouse.

The door is connected to a changing room; the room is filled with baskets. They built it like a traditional bathhouse. Dark wood and fine statues made it seem so elegant.

"Woaaah, who built all this?"

"Well, I had some guy from Mondlicht build this. His name was Pikola, if I remember correctly."

Pikola? The same Pikola that forged my knife? I pulled out my knife to show it to Devina.

"You want to stab a kid?"

"No, no, please look at it. Is it the same Pikola that made this house?"

Analyzing my knife, she found the initials, P. A.

"Yeppers, same guy."

I knew it. Pikola is such a cool guy. He can build anything!

Devina gave me back my knife and took out some bamboo walls from her blue hole. And started to plunge them into the ground, making two separate baths.

"What are you doing?"

"Just in case if you peek."

"You know I can just climb over it right?"

"If you actually manage to climb over that wall, you have my respect. So I will give you a good view if you manage."

"I won't do it…"

Devina went back into the changing room where I'm standing. She told me that she could wash my clothes later, and just place them in my basket.

Pointing at the wall, telling me to grab towels there.

Then she told me to go into the first drawer near the baskets to grab new clothes after I was done.

I gave her a thumbs-up and thanked her.

She threw off her thick clothing and started undressing.

"Wait! Wait!"

She stopped and stared straight at me.

Looking away and staring straight into the wall. How wasn't she embarrassed about being nude in a room with the opposite gender?

"Does it bother you that I look like a child?"

She sighed and the whole room lighted up. She is back in her adult form.


"It is not that! I'm a guy, you know?"

"Oh, it doesn't really bother me that much. You look like a girl after all."

"Is that sooo…."

Sulking in the corner, banging my head into the wall. Curse my genetics.

"Well, am going in first."

Wait what? Has she already finished taking off everything? That was fast.

Nonetheless, I started stripping, placing all my clothes into the basket. Walked over and took one of the towels off the hanger.

Finally! The moment I have been waiting years for! A nice bath.

Confidently, I stepped forward. Devina went into that one, so I guess this is my side. Enthusiastically slide open the paper door.

Steam filled the air, and a smile etched over my whole face.