Officer of the day

A skinny disheveled homeless man grunted as he is put into handcuffs by a police officer.

The officer, for some reason, had his hat upside down and his pants the wrong way. He held a gun in one hand as he handcuffed the homeless man.

"You unda rest for drug abuse."

The officer turned around with the homeless man and faced us, preparing to escort him to the station.

"Let me go dammit!"

The officer with one hand — takes out his keys and uncuffs the skinny man.

The man promptly thanked me and Devina and ran away.

"Devina, why did he thank us?"

"I don't know."

As if nothing happened, the officer proceeds with his day.

Devina smiled and told me we found ourselves our first tester.

*poke, poke, poke*

"Stop it."

"Vivshi… I want you to give that police officer this bag of meth."

"What?!? Won't he like…arrest me?"

"Don't worry, just trust me."

I took the plastic bag containing our blue crystal meth and approached the officer.

With a painful and uncomfortable smile, I ask him,

"Would you want to try some?"

Showing him the bag, he looked intensely into my eyes. Raising one eyebrow, he accosted me.

"Is that candy?"

His expression softened into a childlike smile. He took the bag and thanked me, before placing the bag in his mouth.

"No, not like that!"

He swallowed the bag of crystal meth.

Standing completely still, his eyes closed, gun in hand. He lifted his face, it seemed like he reached an epiphany.

"Are you okay?"

The officer started walking. Falling the first step he took. With one knee on the ground and trying to get up. Something had caught his eye. Upfront is a pole with a reflective surface.

He gawked at the mirror, I'm so confused about what he is doing.

Out of nowhere, he opened fire at the pole, he emptied his whole magazine.

People on the streets scattered as they heard gunshots.

I took cover behind a box and continued to watch him.

With smoke coming out of the nozzle he wiped off the sweat from his forehead.


Isn't that what you are supposed to say before shooting someone? But why did he shoot his own reflection?

He turned his hat 180 degrees and rotated away from the broken glass.

"These monkeys never learn."

Did he just unknowingly call himself a monkey?

He held up his gun and reloaded it. Sauntering down the streets with heavy steps. He is obviously delirious and high from the methamphetamine.

"Duck! Vivshi!"

Duck? Where? The police officer opened fire in all directions, spinning around with his gun. Becoming a literal carousel of death.

Taking the boxes around me and making a little barrier. As the bullets went straight through the wood, I panicked and tried to crawl toward Devina.

She is just standing there behind a rock looking at the out-of-control police officer.

Crawling as fast as I could, I almost reached the rock Devina is hiding behind, then a bullet hit me straight in the leg.

Blood started to gush, I grit my teeth and continued towards Devina. I finally reached her and sat up.

"You seriously made me go on a suicide mission."

"Well basically."

She took out a gun from her blue hole — shooting at my leg. The bullet is slowly coming out of me and the tissue started to recover. I didn't feel the pain anymore, so I stood up with Devina and observed the police officer go crazy.

His magazine had run out and he collapsed on the ground. He repeated the words "Don't steal Wontondum's soap."

He is out cold. Approaching his unconscious body, we heard yelping and grunts behind a wall. We checked around the wall and saw three men covered in bullet wounds.

"Help… us.."

Devina went face to face with them, staring them in the eye.

"In one condition."

"Anything…. Just save us.."

"You swear to sell this for me."

She flaunted her blue crystal meth bags in front of the three dying men.

"Hey! You can't just ask normal civilians to sell drugs for you!"

"Shut up idiot. Look at them, closely."

They are moderately clean and good-looking but upon closer inspection. They had illegal substances in their possession. They are guaranteed drug dealers.


Devina shoots at all three men who quickly got revitalized. When they finally got back into better shape, they thanked us.

Tossing them the methamphetamine and asking them to sell it. Devina wanted them to sell it for 200 Livis a bag.

"Are you nuts lady? 200 Livis?" One guy outbursts.

The other guy smacks his head and apologizes for his rudeness. But he couldn't resist asking why Devina is selling it at such a high price.

"Test it, and you will find out why."