
"Devina, there aren't gonna be any fatal casualties right?"

"That would be the best-case scenario."

Marlowlia asked me not to kill anyone. I told her that I would try to keep the damage to a minimum.

We walked out of the room and went outside of the building.

I asked Marlowlia and Zeri to stay still. I walked over and activated the flower of Dexterity. The gift should have reached the owner of the building. I set up the connections and started to listen in.

What I placed inside the little present was a petal from my flower. I could listen to what is currently happening on the other side.

"What is this?"

"A customer brought this in and asked me to bring it to you."

"Are you stupid? It could have been a bomb, poison, basically anything that could have killed me."

The boss kept yelling at the employee it started to hurt my ears. The boss told the employee to toss the gift somewhere. But before the scrawny employee could trash the gift, it burst open and the petal grew thin appendages.

They reached out and connected themselves to the employee and boss's head.


I could read all their memories now, I didn't need their old memories so I removed all of them and snooped around their recent ones.

Let's see, Oslovi, Fiviana… hmm. There! Two days ago Fiviana and Oslovi arrived at the slave market at midnight. The higher-ups had most likely ordered a kidnapping on Fiviana or Oslovi. Are there people in this world that would try targeting Aeons?

Well sure, if you manage to subdue them somehow. The Aeons are rarely in such a situation due to the immense impact they have on the environment around them. But if the Aeon is new and not experienced in the current host, the powers may be weak and undeveloped which may lead them to getting imprisoned.

But I would say people would rather nurture and worship an Aeon, due to it being much easier for an Aeon to protect them willingly instead of forcibly. The reasons may vary but the main reason for that is people are scared that the Aeon will grow too strong and they will be easily killed by it. So it is better to have them as allies rather than enemies.

But you could ask yourself why they would try to kidnap an Aeon. But the first thing you gotta get out of the way is what Aeon they are trying to obtain. Is it the Aeon of Rejuvenation, Desire, or Dexterity? Because all of them are Aeons who are useful in everyday tasks and labor. Just having those Aeons could make your life 100 times simpler.

Trying to enslave Aeons isn't the smartest thing either. When the Aeon users have grown to such an extent that they can control it. It is just a matter of time before they break out and kill everything.

There was an old superstition that I read about in an ancient text. That if you ate the heart of an Aeon, the aeon would transfer to the consumer. Although am the Aeon of Dexterity I couldn't pinpoint when the text was written or who wrote it. But one thing I do know is that it isn't a normal human being that wrote that text.

Now, to continue the plan.

We got the location of Fiviana and Oslovi, they were underground, they were led through a basement-like structure and they are currently being held in separate cells.

Although, there have been a few rich people who wanted to buy both of them the "owners" of them haven't allowed it yet because the price was too measly.

There are several people lined up to buy Oslovi, so my priorities should be getting it out first.

I signaled Marlowlia and Zeri over and discussed the plan once more.

Zeri tried to cram all the info into her by shaking her head back and forth while Marlowlia stood there listening.

So we began our mission.

Let me try to calculate where they are.

The mirror I saw from their memories had an angle of 45 degrees frame around them. The glass itself was sprayed with silver. That narrows down to two shops. Now if I approximate reflectiveness alone, the other glass and less reflective area by 2cm^2, and that must mean it was bought from Migihatas shop at the west side of Nautilus.

To calculate the earth, am using small sonicwaves that go down the earth and calculate the density of certain parts of the ground. Make sure that it is either solid ground or dug-out insect caves. If it is neither then I can suspect that is the basement.

After a few minutes, the waves come back up from the soil, and bingo! We found the basement. It was located under a courthouse.

I told Marlowlia and Zeri to stand alone in an alleyway where kidnappings happened all the time without them knowing. And just as I had predicted, Marlowlia and Zeri were kidnapped.