Fiviana in depths

I lay in my room, sweating and hyperventilating. I tried to slow down my breathing as best as I could but it couldn't I couldn't suppress it.

I collapsed down on the bed in excruciating pain, trying to call out for the maids in between my breaths.

The tops of my head started to sting and my body grew more sore.

Hard cartilage-like horns grew out of my head. They were blue and sharp, curved in the shape of a crescent moon. I couldn't think properly as my brain slowly went blank.

My calls for help remained unnoticed and I believe that it was finally the day I died. I was going to be finally free from this uncurable sickness. I wouldn't be such a burden to my sister and my family.

If I just didn't exist, I wouldn't have caused so much pain for Marlowlia. I couldn't wail or sob, my tears could only flow as my breaths grew more and more uncontrollable.

At that moment I thought I would pass out. My windows shattered into a million pieces. But there was no sound of it breaking. I saw all the crystals from the glass fall down into the ground. But there was no sound of glass breaking.

My body felt a little tingly but it seemed like I could breathe again.

A man dressed up in fancy performance attire gracefully and courteously approached me. He puts his arm out and makes a formal gesture of greeting. It was too dark to see any further, his face and voice were both concealed.

"Good day, Fiviana," he said in a weird tone.

I was already super confused about who this person might be but even more puzzled about the bizarre stuff happening around that man. It seemed oddly weird but also magical.

He levitated from the air with his shoes barely touching the floor. The air felt so refreshing and free. I had never been able to breathe like this before. The oxygen I inhaled filled my lungs and I felt alive.

"What are you doing here and who are you?"

"My apologies, my name is Allegrano."

"Allegrano? I think I have heard that name somewhere… but I can't seem to remember."

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I gotta have to need you for a bit."

I fell unconscious and woke up in a room filled with toys and games.

The room had no windows but had a beautiful crystal lamp that hung from the ceiling and shone aesthetically.

The air was easy to breathe and the atmosphere was lightweight.

A man entered the room and announced his name. It was the same name, Allegrano.

"Where have you brought me?"

"I have brought you to the courthouse, but more specifically, the basements of the courthouse."


"Because I need you to do something for me."

He put down food on the table and told me to eat. The food was not as elegant and expensive looking as the meals my chefs cooked but they still looked very appetizing.

Although a stranger offering me food isn't something I would just accept, I declined his offer and told him that I wouldn't eat.

He snapped his fingers and the air thinned. The atmosphere became heavy, my hair rose like it was statically charged and I couldn't breathe. I coughed and coughed until he snapped his fingers.

"May you please eat?"

"Fine, I will do it."

Who is this man? He made the atmosphere lighter and heavier just by snapping his fingers. Wait… I remember now! From the book I read with Vivshi back then… hmm, oh yeah.

After the Aeon of Fear was the Aeon of Joy, Allegrano. But why would Aeon want to kidnap me?

I couldn't figure out his motives but one thing is for sure. He is gonna exploit me for his own personal gains.

He stood and watched as I ate the last pieces of my meal. He then put a glass of water in front of me.

"Please drink."

He then left the room. He told me that he would know if I threw up the food or not. And advised me not to regurgitate my food after the meals.

I obliged by those rules because if not, he would just shut off the air and cause me to not be able to breathe.

Laying on my bed, all I could do was to think about what my sister was doing. Was she okay? How is Vivshi doing? Me being gone must worry her a lot.

The clock inside the room kept ticking, the sound of it alone made me kinda insane. Hearing tick-tack for hours on end with nothing else to do is seriously boring beyond comprehension.

The room was connected to several other rooms which contained a gym, bathroom, and sporting equipment. I have never run before in my life. It was a new shocking revelation for me, that I could start running without breathing issues.

I ran around hitting a tennis ball against the wall for an hour to quench the boredom.

As time went on, I demanded Allegrano to let me out into the city for a little bit. For some miracle, he agreed. Out in the city again, my eyes opened up and I ran around like I had never done before.

I approached a vendor and asked him to get me some ice cream but he ignored me.


He didn't respond, he suddenly asked for the person next in line and a little kid approached him giving him money.

"Aw, aren't you a cute little one, here have some extra."

The little girl ran blissfully towards her mother with a big ice cream cone.


It seemed like people couldn't hear or see me. It was like I had turned into a ghost.

"Realize it now?"

Allegrano walked up behind me.

"Your consciousness is here but your physical body is still in the basement. You can go wherever you want but you will need to return to your body eventually."

After I had toured the city once more to experience everything before going back. I squinted my eyes and covered my eyes with my arm while looking at the sun. It has been 2 days since I got kidnapped.

What will happen to me now?