Fiviana and blood

My heart slows down, its rhythm slowly dying off. My stomach regurgitated dark ichor that used to flow through my body. It had mixed with the stomach acids and became sludgy and sticky.

It tasted like bile and stung while coursing its way up my bloodied throat.

All the feelings of death were upon me. I felt that I could pass at any moment. But my heart continued to beat every second or so. My vocal cords squeaked as air squeezed through them.

The guard looked at me with disgust in his eyes and spat on my lifeless body. He readied his leg for a kick into my side.

But at that moment the footsteps I heard earlier became the sound of running. They rushed at him.

The guard turned around as he heard the noise. A girl near Marlowlia's age rushed out from the shadows with a metal pipe and hit the man's neck with it.

She let out a huge sigh when the man landed on the ground. Through my bloodied eyes, I saw her. Long brown hair, brown eyes, a somewhat peculiar look than normal girls her age. Her face seemed stressed but her eyes were wide open and conscious. They were vibrating. Her irises dashed from one side of the eye to another. She throws the metal pipe down in front of me.

"Kill him."

I couldn't move, I couldn't see, her firm voice pierced into my head and I instinctively grabbed onto the metal pipe. My fingers hung loosely from my hand but I had a firm grip of the pipe.

"Do it."

My heart struck and blood exploded throughout my veins and arteries. I took a deep breath. My mind became clear. I grazed my face against the wet ground and put my knees on the rocky ground. The small pebbles make indents on my knees.

I sat up straight holding the bar in one hand.

The man groaned as he slowly got up.

"YOU BITCH!" He outburst.

Before the girl or I could react. The man reached towards his waistband. Pulling out a small handgun, then cocked the gun and fired at the girl. Due to being delirious from that hit he received, he fired recklessly and missed most of his bullets. The girl rushed towards him at full speed.

The breeze collided with my face, making my tangled hair sway in the air. She tackled him onto the ground.


I stood up, trying to find balance. My knees bent and were unstable. I collapsed back onto my butt as I was trying to stand.

The man had flipped over the girl, but she was still wrestling him for the gun. Their hands are in a constant struggle for the firearm. Their legs try to force their opponent away.

I pushed myself against the wall and tried to glide myself forward with the metal pipe supporting me.

I glided slowly against the rough cobblewalls, my dress got ripped apart and my face was covered in bruises and scratches.

The man punched the girl in the face and she landed back onto the floor on her back. The man struggled to fire at her. Missing her once again. He reloaded his gun and cocked it once more. Using this time the girl tore off her shirt and used it to remove her from the line of sight. She put it up into the air and covered her body with it as she once again tried to get close. The bullets flew straight through her shirt and made small holes in it.

Her luck had run out, she got shot in the abdomen but the adrenaline rush overrode any other emotion. The man continued to fire into her stomach but she took ahold of the nozzle and he fired once more. Exploding her hand into bits of flesh and bone.

She took the gun with the other hand and threw it away. The man looked at us both with rabid eyes. He kicked the girl into the wall. He pulled out his knife. The girl had no chance in a fist versus blade fight.

The man approached the girl who sat there unconscious against the wall. Her hand bleeding out and her stomach oozed out blood. Her shirt lying on the floor with tens of bullet holes in it.

Her naked body sat there motionless, her body started to lose vitality as she was drained of her colors. The once white and beautiful skin she had turned into a pale white tone.

The man switched his grip on the knife, preparing to cut off her jugular vein to end her life. He raised it, but before he could cut her.

A bullet flew straight into his head. His knife fell silent on the floor. The prisoners screamed out as they were curious about the sounds. They heard gunshots, scraping, and thuds but they never got an answer. Some shook their doors in inquisitiveness.

"Heeey, what is going on out there!?!? I wanna know!"

The guard collapsed onto the floor. I stood there, behind him, with a weapon I had never used before. I had just killed a person. I just killed a man.

I ended someone's life.

The sound of the gun firing so close made my eardrums burst. I could just hear a blaring ring sound that repeated over and over again.

Why? Why did I kill?

I looked down upon my hands, they were disfigured and bloody. The gun fell out of my grasp and gracefully landed on the floor. The gun was now soaking up all the blood from the three of us.

My hands, sister, if I ever create a plushie. I don't want you to have it. My hands are now tainted with a life.