Fiviana and new curse

The rowdy prisoners kept screaming and yelling from a distance. The girl in front of me was bleeding profusely.

The air was polluted in smoke from the burnt-up gunpowder. My eyes were focused on one thing. They tried to wander, but something kept them in place. They twitched and vibrated at the scene.

A man was dead on the ground, with blood running out of his head. Pieces of skull and brain matter were scattered across the floor.

The weight of the whole ordeal made me freeze. My arms shook as if they had been submerged under ice.

My legs were shaking as if they had been through the toughest leg exercises.

I stared into the wall but all the information that needed to enter my brain was transported into a blank space.

The brown-haired girl was bleeding out against the wall. The sound of the blood squirting out of her stomach didn't make me feel anything. I was just in a state of fear and shock that anything that happened around me didn't register.

"Marlowlia, please talk to me…"

The girl subconsciously started to mumble that sentence repeatedly.

"Marlowlia, I don't want to die."

I felt like my sister had come by and slapped me across my face. A good hard smack right on my left cheek. But my sister would never commit any acts of violence. She is a saint, a pacifist, a kind person, and my sister. Then I felt her warmth around my body as if she was hugging me.

The dance my eyes had been performing had concluded. They were completely stable. The sense of dread was washed away when my sister hugged me. But my sister was never there.

I started to rush over to the girl, trampling on the blood that drained from the man's body to get to her.

I immediately grabbed her shirt that was on the floor and applied pressure with my elbow. The light brown prisoner shirt soon became too soaked. I looked around for anything else to maintain the pressure against the wound on her stomach.

I looked at my ripped dress, tearing a piece of it off at the skirt made a long white piece of cloth that I folded two times. Pressing against the wound with my wounded hand. The girl miraculously woke.

"Marlowlia, I think this is my last moment alive."

Did she believe that I was Marlowlia? My looks are pretty identical to my sister's but I'm a bit shorter than her.

"I'm here, don't worry."

A warm smile spread over her face. It was as if she was satisfied with her end. She was just waiting for death to collect her.

"I'm glad, that my life was helpful to you."

I stroked her brown hair and hugged her cold head. She had been severely malnourished, her body was bony and had no muscle. She was weak far beyond my imagination. But yet she decided to fight the guard to save Marlowlia. But that was never Marlowlia, it was me.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The blood leaked out as the pressure inside her body increased.

"Hey Marlowlia, before I die, can I make a contract with you?"

I had already killed one person and now another one was going to die because of me. Two people, are dead because of me. Because I existed. If Marlowlia had been here, she wouldn't have killed anyone, she would have gone out unharmed. Why can't I be the same as my sister? Why am I so stupid? Why am I so weak? Why is it that I am Fiviana?

I nodded as she looked at me with frail eyes that were barely open.

She asked me to lean forward a little bit. I was already guilty of all the crimes I had done, the least I could do was comply and make the person who was dying happy till the very end.

Her face was right in front of mine, her eyes interlocked with mine. Her hazelnut brown eyes slowly lost their spark. But when they made contact with my yellow irises. They regained a sense of worth, They shone brighter than ever before.

She leaned forward a little, just enough.

Her curves and the softness of her lips touched with mine. Our mouths were now locked together, face to face. She closed her eyes.

But I had them open, I didn't anticipate this at all, why would she kiss me all of a sudden without an explanation? I stared at her, refraining to pull away. I felt like something was coming inside me, not just physically but spiritually.

With one hand against the wall, my palm supported some of my weight as I leaned against her. She wrapped her arms around me. I tried to signal to her that she should stop, but she didn't seem to get the message.

The blood from her stomach had soaked my blue dress in red. But she didn't care about bleeding out. She pressed her tongue against my lips, trying to get inside. I shook my head as she tried.

Was she in love with Marlowlia and wanted to kiss her before dying? Her dying is my fault, there is this undeniable sense of responsibility I have for her life. I felt like it was now my responsibility to make her happy until she died. If it was something I could do, I would do it to make the person happy.

I opened the gates and let it in. Even though I didn't want to have my first kiss like this. It was something I had to do. Her tongue went inside of my oral cavity. Saliva started to drip down from the corners of our mouths. It dripped onto her naked body and mixed with the blood.

She mumbled something while being inside me. It was unintelligible but I could somewhat comprehend what she was trying to tell.

So warm.

Compared to mine, her mouth was cold. Her tongue was like sandpaper and it grazed against mine. Her saliva combined with mine. It wasn't a pleasant taste or feeling. Locked in this basement for days without brushing her teeth and not eating food, made her taste weird.

You could say it was similar to how you would wake up in the morning to brush your teeth and then drink orange juice.

My mouth started to secrete superfluous amounts of drool that I didn't know what to do with. With all this excess water inside my mouth, I didn't know if I should spit it out or just leave it there.

My mind was just so filled with responsibility at that moment that I swallowed the spit that had accumulated in my mouth. I then finally pulled away from her and looked at her, with so much drool flowing down my chin.

I then tried to ask her why she kissed me. I shook her a few times, but she never replied. She had passed away. Her body is now lying there motionless in a pool of red liquid.

I felt like I had connected with her in some way. Like she had become one with me. I turn my back and start walking towards the exit. Leaving behind her body and the basement.