
I ran out on the stage to see Marlowlia and Zeri shocked. I was also in a stage of disbelief, the plan had been foiled, but how? My Aeon of Dexterity should have told me everything!? Don't tell me…

There is only one way to stop the Aeon of Dexterity from peering into your atoms. It is via repulsion or attraction. If you use strong enough negative energy, it will force the Aeon of Dexterity to go around it as space curves around the negative energy.

But alright, let me analyze this situation real quick. I went back into the contract room and opened up my Aeon of Dexterity.

"Activate Connaissance de l'inconnu."

I searched throughout the world and as I calculated earlier. Someone had surrounded Oslovi and covered it in negative energy.

"There is only one man I know who can do that."

The boy tapped the golden roots and asked if they were real which I reassured him that it was. He looked curiously at it and saw his reflection on one of the roots and smiled.

I took the boy in his hand and led him out to Marlowlia.

"Marlowlia, we are executing another plan, someone has kidnapped Oslovi again and we don't know where it is now."

Marlowlia looked at me with a frown. But she steeled her nerves and listened in on my new plan.

"You are 100% sure this is going to work?"


Now to get to the location of the animals and place Oslovi was being kept we had to go through another hall. But we can't just run into the room. Everyone would have seen Marlowlia's and Zeri's faces and whenever people in the underground want something, they will get it without any problem.

So we had to eliminate these rich folks in the auditorium to make sure no witnesses would be here. I asked Marlowlia and Zeri to follow me.

I made sure that no one saw us enter behind the stage and get into the slave room right next to the auction. By drilling a small hole through the contract room, we connected the contract room with the slave room.

The slaves looked at us with puzzled faces. Some didn't care, some eyes had no motivation to even look anymore. Some were crying and some were mumbling nonsense. These people had been kept in here for different amounts of time and slowly gone insane with all the days being stuck down here.

So I whispered the details to Zeri on what to do. I wrapped iron chains around her neck and tied them around her feet and arms. Then asked her to eat the same piece of candy I gave Marlowlia earlier.

Then I tidied up her clothes made her look even prettier and placed her in the center of the room. The guard came into the room picked her up at her elbow and carried her out.

"Here it seems we have a beautiful young female girl with long silky black hair, as new as freshly baked bread!"

People started slamming the price sticks and up they went. They were fighting about Zeri. Alright, I gave candy to all the slaves and animals and untied them. Then just as the auctioneer slammed his mallet. Slaves and animals came rushing out from the backstage, startling everyone.

The aristocrats and rich people started to scream and scramble. They were so terrified that they ran for their lives. The animals and slaves had turned into animals infected with the rabies virus, although a slightly modified version of it.

Once I accidentally bred a new strain of virus from the rabies virus and got a rabies virus that I could control. However, when I tested it on an animal, the effects only lasted for 5 minutes. So for 5 minutes every living animal who has ingested or been bitten by it grows out of control and starts to act spontaneously without any regard. But due to some things happening with the virus, it started to react with the electrical signals from my brain and it yielded by my commands.

So I had been stockpiling these viruses into candy and preparing them for something, but I didn't know it would come to this.

It was so weird seeing Marlowlia act like an animal. While Zeri and the other slaves ran around barking like dogs and drooling all over the place. Marlowlia stood there motionless, not even blinking once. Then saliva started running down her lips. I gave her the candy a few hours ago for safety reasons but it seems like when I activated it now, her body had somewhat adapted to the virus and counteracted it. You could say Marlowlia got a vaccine but it wasn't strong enough to remove all the symptoms.

With all the rich people gone, there was only one grandiose way to find the section where Oslovi was.

"Adrian, you saw an orange cat on your way in right? And those guys who took the wallet are with the cat right?"

"Yeah, those guys in orange suits took it and went to the orange cat. I saw it on the way in!"


I whipped out my clock and it was 21:18, should happen any minute now…

A loud explosion was heard and the building trembled. Dust and debris fell from the ceiling and the ground shook violently. Then this loud pinging noise echoed through the auditorium.

Was it a terrorist attack? A suicide bomber? No, it was Marlowlia's wallet.