lawyer gone mad

I took Marlowlia's hand and started walking. She subconsciously resisted me. But I gave her a quick yank and she tumbled forward. Trying to maintain her balance she held onto my hand and walked with me.

I specifically asked the boy to stay in the contract room until I returned back to him and he nodded his head.

The slaves were running rampant and chasing the aristocrats who had fled the auditorium. I controlled Zeri back and ordered her to follow me. She behaved like a dog and got down on all her fours, sat down, and bent her head down to let me pet her.

I gave her some quick head pats and whistled.

"Let's go!"

I walked nonchalantly with Marlowlia in hand towards the blast zone. Well, I promised Marlowlia that I would return her wallet but now it had been blown to smithereens. Eh, I could probably revert it to normal.

We reached the explosion site, and most of the dust had already settled. The people holding onto the wallet weren't that lucky. I walked up towards one of the scared animals still in a daze and confused from the explosion.

I fixed up its eardrums and eyes, then proceeded to teleport it into the forest. Well, any animal that is still alive deserves a chance for freedom. Isn't that right Vivshi?

Now, what to do? I continued down the place. Then I noticed his presence. He was standing in one of the hallways with Oslovi in his hand.

"Good afternoon, Aeon of Dexterity, Devina."

His soft-spoken voice sent chills down my spine. It sounded so soothing that it was almost addictive.

"Hello, Alex."

He bent forward and placed his hand on his chest while Oslovi was dangling from his hands.

He took a few more steps forward and his face was covered by a mask. His black suit was meticulously tailored and ironed. His shoes were shiny and polished, the gloves made from the finest luxurious leather.

"Knowing you, you probably want something from me again don't you?"

"That is completely correct Aeon of Dexterity Devina."

"Just call me Devina please, it is making me uncomfortable."

"As you wish Miss. Devina."

I turned around and gave a quick sigh.

"So what is it you want? You went out of your way to orchestrate all of this, didn't you? No, I know you did. You coerced Thrude to accuse Vivshi and forced me to go out to complete this mission. So say what you want, make it your while."

"Concisely and directly, but thank you. I won't waste your time."

I chuckled, trying to hold in my laughter and hide my smile by covering my mouth with my hand.

"You have already wasted my time, idiot."

He stood up straight and took out a piece of paper from his left pocket.

"I want you to sign a contract with me."

A contract between Aeons rarely happened as they were so focused on their things and prioritized completing their dreams by themselves. Throughout history, numerous Aeons have killed each other, and due to the fear of death before achieving what they yearned for, gave out contracts that made alliances. This made it impossible for aggressive Aeons to attack and kill neutral Aeons without consequences. Because if they did, the allies of the attacked Aeon would retaliate the attack and kill the attacker. It was a way to live longer. Before the age of the old man, the Aeons didn't have any alliances and war was a typical thing.

Countries would side with the Aeons and go to war with the opposing countries who had their Aeons. They all believed that having an Aeon in their military would lead them to victory and win land and wars. But no one expected the wars to become more and more bloody when the Aeons arrived.

But did Alex want a truce contract that forbid us from hurting each other? No way, I'm a neutral Aeon with no significant importance in this world. I don't damage or carry the world into the future. I live amicably and try to maintain healthy relationships with the other Aeons, and I'm known for my intelligence, not my powers.

"Alex, so what is this contract about?"

He looked down, placed the paper back into his pocket, and took off his mask.

His expression reminded me of one of those warriors, those who wanted change, a revolution. His eyes were serious and his green hair combed in a perfect ratio.

It was something that he wanted, and it was something that he couldn't achieve by himself. Therefore he is trying to recruit the Aeon of Dexterity.

"I didn't grow up in this country. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care about the city of Nautilus. But when I traveled throughout the world and made people happy, by helping them with cases. I became also happy. But one day, I got hired by a female client and I fell in love."

"Okay, okay, stop yapping and get to the point already."

He stretched out his right arm, and the next second, a hole appeared in Marlowlia's chest. A hole with a diameter of 12 centimeters appeared in Marlowlia. She didn't move or fall back, she didn't make any sounds or scream. She was motionless as if she was frozen in time. Then he pointed his arm towards Zeri, I tried pushing Zeri away but then a hole appeared in her head and I could see her brains. But they didn't spill out, she also became motionless.

"Now that I have all your "friends" hostage, what will you do Devina? Will you comply? I usually don't resort to violence but in this case, I have to, for the sake of her."

"You are one crazy man, Alex, I thought you were my best lawyer but hey, at least the new contract is fun, isn't it Allegrano? Aeon of Joy?