Fiviana’s rejuvenation

I put on my fancy clothes that Devina had reconstructed from the ones Marlowlia gave me. Then she copied the design and made a girl's dress out of it. It made me and Devina look identical in clothing.

She told me to grab Oslovi but I couldn't find it…

I searched around her room and throughout the house but Oslovi was nowhere to be found. Devina who was already tired and pissed off from all the events happening stomped her feet. Bellicosity and animosity flowed from her as she marched towards Sekito's door.

I followed quietly behind her and she slammed open Sekito's door.

The Aeon of Serenity was sleeping peacefully in her bed with Oslovi tucked under the blanket. She was huddled up with the cat. Oslovi slept there feeling good from all the warmth and fluffy environment.

I finally got the chance to glimpse into how Sekito lived. As the Aeon of Serenity, you would think that she would have those gadgets in her room that explored thoughts and philosophy or animals and plants. But… that was far from it, there were clothes, pants, lingerie, and jewelry all over the place.

Her bed covered one-third of the whole room and it was one of those king-sized beds that 6 people could lay side by side and fit snugly together.

Devina stomped towards Sekito, trying to be as loud as possible. She climbed onto the bed and started walking towards her, trying to avoid stepping on her limbs. Then when she was right in front of Sekito's face. She teleported her.

"Devina… where did Sekito go?"

"Somewhere she will feel good."

She picked up the cat and gave it to me. It was still in a euphoric state from lying next her Sekito.

"Hey Devina, do animals feel more relaxed around Sekito?"

"Well ya, she is the definition of laid back lazy and all animals want calm and tranquility. But then we have her Aeon which gives peace to everything around her, whether they like it or not."

"Do humans count?"

Devina looks at me with flat eyes with no expression, then looks at Sekito's clothes, then back at me.

"You wanna try?"

"No, no, just a tad curious…"

She dragged me into the room, took Oslovi, and pushed me onto Sekito's bed.

"Hey! Won't Sekito be mad at us for using her bed?"

Devina proceeded to cover me with Sekito's used clothes in an effort to smother me.

Then she stopped and I was buried under all of Sekito's clothes while laying on her bed. Even though Sekito wasn't here, the presence of the Aeon of Serenity was still lingering. It felt like a fragment of Serenity was distributed onto all of Sekito's belongings. It felt like being drowned in nature. There was no sound just the empty seas of fragrance, the soft smell of flowers, the sweetness of fruit. The smell of petrichor and the gentle touch of white ducks rubbing their feathers against my skin.

My Aeon reacted a little bit but it wasn't that active and it deactivated after a second or so.

Then Devina pulled me out of the pile by my feet.



She gave me a thumbs-up and teleported us to the mansion gate.

"Won't we get some kind of sickness, teleporting this much?"

"Well, I tried it on a frog over 2 billion times and he was fine after that many trips."

"How the hell did you manage to teleport him 2 billion times?"

"Well let's say that the universe is a ball and in this ball, there are these lines that go vertically and horizontally. There are an infinite about of these lines crisscrossing over the universe. Whenever we teleport what my device essentially does is it expands the space from start point A to end point B. If you say that the distance between those two is just a line then you could say, expanding it would create a longer and longer line and it will bend in on itself to fit in between A and B."

"Okay stop, you are traumatising me."

One of Marlowlia's maids who was out working in the garden noticed us and let us in. They welcomed us and we asked where Marlowlia was. They said that she was in her room.

"She isn't with her sister?"

Devina took my hand and dragged me to Marlowlia's room.

She knocked on the door and then opened it. Marlowlia sat on the floor building a tower of cards.

The airflow from the door was strong enough to knock down her whole tower and all the cards scattered throughout the floor.

Marlowlia looked down in disappointment and sighed. Placing her head in her palms.

She then looks up and looks me dead in the eye.

"You are alive?"


"But… Devina showed me a picture of you... You were a head."

She tensed up her body and then relaxed when she saw Oslovi.

"It healed you."


She walked up to me and leaned close against me. I thought she was going in for a hug so I tensed up my body but then when I opened my eyes, I saw her bending over and patting Oslovi.

She was smiling and looked up and saw my flushed face.

Her eyes glimmered as if they were about to cry. Her yellow eyes were now connected with my own purple eyes.

"Is it finally time?"

Her lips were shaking and her eyes were like a dam trying to hold back more water than it could hold. Her legs and arms had goosebumps and when she walked it was rigid and uncoordinated.

Her parents were already in the room. I had never seen Marlowlia's mom before but she sat gracefully and watched over Fiviana in a bed covered in bandages.

Marlowlia's mom was a bit taller than Marlowlia and had significantly longer blue hair. Her hair is decorated with clamps and accessories. Her clothes were more elegant and flamboyant than most noble women. She didn't have such an aura like her dad but the atmosphere still felt heavy with her in the room.

But I could truly see where Marlowlia and Fiviana got their genetics from because they looked identical to their mom.

The look on her face could be described with one word. Grievance.

Fiviana was coughing up more and more blood, they had prepared buckets on the side every time Fiviana would throw up blood. The room atmosphere was very dense. Her father refused to watch any more of this and stormed out of the room.

Marlowlia, Devina, and I, walked into the room with Oslovi in hand.

"Mother, we have brought something."

"Not now Marlowlia, this is not time."

I placed Oslovi on the floor and instinctively it jumped onto the bed and pawed its way forward on Fiviana's body.

"What are you doing Marlowlia?!?"

Her mother looked at us and yelled, she had every right to be mad. Who would let someone desecrate their daughter's last moments?

But it wasn't Fiviana's last week or month.

The moment Marlowlia's mom was about to remove Oslovi from Fiviana. A bright green light came from Oslovi. The mark rejuvenation had appeared.

"The Aeon of Rejuvenation?"

Marlowlia's mom sat down in disbelief experiencing an aeonic moment.

"My daughter… is getting healed by Rejuvenation?"