
We all stood staring into gleaming green lights emitted from Oslovi. The most shocked of them all was Fiviana's mother who stood there with her hands covering her mouth.

She was flabbergasted that not only her daughter had a shining cat on her but it was the Aeon of Rejuvenation.

She took three steps back and stared intensely at the scene unfolding in front of her. Then she started walking forward. She reached out her hand, planning to touch Oslovi.


Devina hushed me.

"Wait for what is going to happen."

She pulled me close and told me to watch Fiviana's throat.

"You see that green line right across her throat? Watch that line closely."

Fiviana's mother saw that Oslovi had finished the healing ritual and sat back down again.

Oslovi then proceeded to launch itself from Fiviana's bed into my arms, which it quickly snuggled in and loafed itself.

While being in a complete liquid form in my arms, it purred.

Fiviana groaned and twitched her facial muscles. Her mother watched from the sideline as her daughter slowly awakened.

Her eyelids opened and she stared into the ceiling before looking at her mother.


Fiviana's mother immediately started hugging her and started shedding tears. Fiviana sat up confused and looked around the room to see the three of us standing at the doorway.

"Sister? What is going on?"

I nudged Marlowlia and when she took a step forward, she hesitated to take further steps so I shoved her forward with some pushes.

Marlowlia stood by Fiviana's bed and looked at her.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Fiviana finally realized it. She didn't have complications with her breathing anymore. Her body didn't feel weak or tired.

"I can breathe…"

Marlowlia stared down at her sister who started taking deep breaths. She then smiled and hugged Fiviana. Tears started coming down her face as she hugged Fiviana. Fiviana was now getting smothered by her mom and her sister. The three of them hugged and cried. One of the maids who passed by saw it and alerted all the other maids. They all came running hastily down the halls. Standing outside the door peeking in.

The news spread quickly.

"Fiviana had been cured."

Devina stood there watching the whole scene unfold. I looked at her, there was something wrong with her. Her eyes were so absorbed in the moment that she was out of the moment. I tapped her head to try to get her back into reality. She looked at me with glistening eyes before teleporting away.

I then walked out the door and closed it behind me with all the maids watching me. I then walked down the corridors to Emovi's room.

Zeri should be taking care of her. I opened the door to see only Emovi there. Zeri was nowhere to be seen.

Emovi lay motionless in bed. I sat down next to her and felt her head, it was still warm. I put down Oslovi. Emovi feeling something moving around on her stomach opened her eyes.

"Hi, sis."

I patted her telling her hi. She asked me where I had been for the past 3 days. I responded that I had been out trying to find a cure for her illness. Then I told her that Fiviana had been cured. She smiled at me.

"Sis, you don't need to feel sad."

I returned with a bittersweet smile and looked at her with pain in my eyes.

"Sorry, I couldn't heal you at the same time as Fiviana."

She reassured me by shaking her head and letting out a hum. She told me that she didn't need to be first in my life.

I then put my hand in her cold hands and clutched it tight.

"You are light blue."


"You just turned a little blue."

Wasn't I colorless before? Blue? That's weird.

I then sat in that room with Emovi for a bit before Devina gave me a text.

"Stand outside the gate, I will come get you."

At that moment, Zeri came into the room.

"Vivshi! Vivshi! Fiviana has been cured!"

"Yeah, I already know."

She looked at me.

"This calls for a celebration! All the maids have decided to throw a giant party for Fiviana as a surprise gift for her."

I wouldn't be there to celebrate Fiviana's recovery. That is something only those who know Fiviana have the right to do.

I told Zeri that I had places I had to be and couldn't attend the ceremony. She tried to convince me to join, but I told her that I had to go.

Her disappointed expression made me a little guilty rejecting her but I can't attend something like that.

I walked out of the Fivindius estate and saw Thrude standing in the garden smoking tobacco. It didn't seem like he wanted to see Fiviana. Fathers… they are so weird.

I got outside the gate and Devina stood there with her legs crossed and her arms crossed. She was wearing a black hat with sunglasses and weird leather clothing. She snapped her fingers and the clothes I had on me changed and materialised into the same clothing Devina had.

"We are heading underground to claim our first paycheck."