Xain let out a quiet sigh as he walked, his gaze fixed on the road ahead while he and Zee made their way back to Larkin. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this," he muttered, lifting a hand to his forehead.
"I can," Zee replied, glancing over at him. "Even if I don't want you to do it, this is exactly the kind of thing you'd do."
Xain didn't argue. She wasn't wrong. His mind flashed back to what had happened at the restaurant.
"How about I take your place in the tournament?"
The words had barely left his mouth before the entire table turned to him in shock.
"What are you saying, Xain?" Zee blurted out, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Elsa leaned forward, her tone measured but firm. "I don't know your combat abilities, but this tournament is dangerous for everyone involved—no matter how skilled they are."
"Yeah, you could get really hurt," Clara added, her concern for the teenager clear in her voice.
Roland, however, looked at him a little differently—less dismissive, more uncertain. "Listen, kid, I appreciate the offer, but I don't think you understand just how insane this tournament is." He hesitated. "Especially without the 500 gold and the services that come with it."
Xain held up his hands to calm them down. "Okay, okay, I know this sounds crazy—"
"It is crazy!" Zee cut in.
"—but do you have any other options, Roland?" Xain pressed, turning his focus to the injured man. "With your back the way it is, you can't compete, let alone place top three in the tournament." He rested a hand against his chest. "So let me fight in your place. You saved me from… maybe death. Let me pay you back." He chose his words carefully, hoping to convince Roland to let him take his spot.
A heavy silence fell over the table as all eyes turned to Roland.
Zee's hands clenched as she looked at him. "I'm sure you'll see that this isn't a sane plan and just shut it down, right?" she asked, desperate for him to refuse.
Roland didn't answer immediately. His brows furrowed, deep in thought. He needed the coin. Desperately. But was he really willing to risk a sixteen-year-old's life for it?
The answer?
"I agree, Xain," Roland said at last. "I agree for you to take my place in the tournament."
Back to now, Xain recalled the absolute death glare Zee had shot Roland after that, but honestly, no one could really blame Roland for agreeing. Xain was the reason he got injured in the first place—he owed him. And once it became clear that Xain wasn't going to back down, Elsa and Clara decided they'd cheer him on from the front-row seats. At least that was something.
Zee, on the other hand, tried everything she could to talk him out of it. But she remembered soon enough—Xain was stubborn. Really stubborn. There was no changing his mind. So, reluctantly, she joined the other girls and planned to sneak into the colosseum seats to support him. Now, he and Zee were heading back to Larkin to break him the news.
But now that the heat of the moment had died down, doubt crept in. Not doubts about backing out—that was never on the table—but doubts about whether he could actually win anything.
*Well, I'm gonna be counting on you a lot, Erkie,* he thought in his head.
Ercale's response was immediate—and confused. *What do you mean?*
Now Xain was the confused one. *What do you mean, what do I mean? You're the one who edged me to take Roland's place!*
*Egged you on,* Ercale corrected flatly. *Not edged you on—that sounds like a crime if I did it to someone your age. But yes, I did encourage you. What of it?*
Xain's confusion deepened—and with it, concern. *That means you'll be helping me, right?!*
He could feel Ercale's shrug. *And why would I do that?*
Xain nearly tripped over his own feet. *Because you told me to take his place!*
Ercale burst into laughter. *You keep repeating yourself, ape. Think back—did I ever, even once say anything about helping you?*
Xain's stomach sank. *No…?*
*Well, tough luck, ape!* Ercale sneered. *You're on your own! I just wanted you to participate—I don't give a rat's ass about the thief or the tournament! I'm just gonna sit back and relax.* His laughter turned downright villainous.
Xain felt like crying. *You really are a Demon Lord,* he thought miserably.
Before he could break down into tears in the middle of the square, a voice snapped him out of it.
"Oh, how nice of you two to finally remember me!"
Xain looked up to see a very annoyed looking Larkin standing before them, arms crossed, glaring daggers at both him and Zee.