The Woman Driving the Q7

I looked at this woman again. She was sitting upright, with slightly curly long hair hanging down her shoulders. Her skin was fair, her figure was slim, and the corners of her mouth were curled up. She had a confident aura. In short, she was an out-and-out beauty. From the first time I saw her, I felt there was nothing in this world that could not be forgiven!

"Zhao Yang, come over, let's talk about something."

"It's about the rent. I'll pay after my salary next month." I said with a fake smile. After all, I had delayed Old Li's rent for so long.

"It's about the house… Uh... This girl had already bought this house."

"You sold this house? Which idiot would be willing to buy your broken house that can't withstand an earthquake!" I looked at the woman and shouted. In the face of the crisis of being homeless, I couldn't care less about her elegance and beauty. I was angry!

Old Li awkwardly looked at the frowning woman. After a long time, he said to me, "Move out tonight. I won't ask you for the rent for the first few months!"

"Old Li, why are you living like a coward the older you are? Even if you want to sell your house, you should have informed me in advance. How am I supposed to find a new house on such a rainy day?"

"Just find a hotel to stay in first." Old Li didn't care about my feelings at all.

"You don't even have the property rights to your house anymore. Don't talk to me!" I rebuked Old Li and said to the unfamiliar woman, "The house is yours now. Can I continue to rent it from you?"

The woman shook her head, "I bought it for myself. I have no intention of renting it."

I couldn't remain calm, "Miss, are you alright? You drove a million-dollar luxury car to live in this broken house!.. Are you deliberately making things difficult for me?"

The woman ignored my anger and said calmly, "I'll give you an hour to move out…"

Before she could finish, I interrupted, "I'm not moving… Have you ever seen someone move out without even being told in advance?" After saying that, I sat down next to the woman on the sofa. The woman instinctively moved to the other side.

I lit a cigarette and scanned the old house. I felt a sense of loss. I had been living here since I came to Suzhou City two years ago. I had spent the most difficult time of my life in this house.

Here, I cried to the clock in the living room and the old floor lamp in the bedroom. Every object here was like my best friend who had gone through thick and thin together! Leaving this place meant losing the sustenance of life.

The smoke from my mouth made the woman stand up from the sofa in annoyance and walk to the other side.

I felt more and more that I was unlucky enough. It was as if all bad things have agreed to bump into me today to find trouble with me.

After a while, Old Li said to us, "I still have some things to do at home. You two can slowly discuss the matter of the house…" Without waiting for a reply, he walked out of the door with his bag as if he had just thrown away a hot potato.

Only the woman and I were left in the room.


Outside the window, the strong wind and cold rain began to wreak havoc again. Such bad weather made me even more unwilling to move out. I decided to sit down and waste my time with this woman. Anyway, I was so poor that I only had time left.

"Miss, may I ask your name?"

"Is it important?" She replied without smiling.

"Of course it's important. I have to know which god made me homeless on this cold and rainy night!"

She ignored the sarcasm in my words and continued to reply coldly, "You only have 40 minutes left. If you don't move after 40 minutes, I'll call the police."

Just as I was about to flare up, my phone rang. I frowned at the woman and took out my phone from my pocket. I looked at the number and saw that it was Le Yao calling. It was another woman who annoyed me.

I answered the phone impatiently, "What now? Didn't I give you money?"

Leyao was silent for a moment before saying, "Zhao Yang, tomorrow is the weekend. Can you accompany me to the hospital for a follow-up…?"

"Is the child in your stomach mine? Can't you find a friend to accompany you? Do you think I'm very free?" I said as if I was firing a machine gun, trying to make her give up on this unrealistic idea.

"You're my only friend in this city."

"Le Yao, you're mistaken. We're not friends…?

Le Yao ignored her and said in a whisper, "I'm really scared to be alone! If you don't come, I'll die on my own! I'm not doing the follow-up!"

"You went alone today, so you must be familiar with the road tomorrow," I said patiently.

"It was because I was alone yesterday that I realized how terrifying it was!"

Le Yao's unrelenting attitude drove me crazy, so I cursed out of habit.

"If I had known, I would have given birth to the child and raised them. Then I can tell them that his father is a beast!"

The call ended with a toot sound.


"This matter!" I lit a cigarette, grabbed my head, and patted it hard. In two years, I had never met someone as troublesome as Le Yao. Even though she said it confidently, I could also say it confidently. The child is not mine! She said I was the only friend in the city, which made me feel she was blackmailing me. Last week, I saw her post a photo of her having fun in a bar with a group of people.


I raised my head and realized that the woman had been looking at me with an extremely disgusted expression. There was only her and me in the room. The one who scolded me was undoubtedly her.

"You heard me on the phone?" I asked emotionlessly. I didn't mind her calling me a scum because I couldn't even tell if I was a scum or not.

"You still have 30 minutes." The woman's tone was even colder than before.

What a troublesome cold and rainy night. After giving all the cash to Le Yao today, I'm penniless. Where can I move to now? There is no place for me, Zhao Yang.

After a moment of silence, I said to the woman, "Miss, look at the wind and rain outside. It's quite late now. I definitely can't move tonight!"

The woman looked out of the window and finally left some leeway to ask, "When are you moving?"


"What time?"

"Before one in the afternoon." I changed to a gentle tone because I had something to ask of her.

She nodded, "You go first. Remember to move your things away on time tomorrow."

I sat there without moving. After a while, I leaned towards her and deliberately said shyly, "Young lady… Can you lend me some money?"

She seemed a little surprised, but she said resolutely, "I have no obligation to lend you money."

"You don't want to borrow it, right? Then don't expect me to leave tonight. I'm penniless and can't sleep on the bridge!" As I said that, I tilted my body and lay on the sofa. I said to her, "Don't even think about calling the police. You and Old Li were the ones who did this. Tell me, shouldn't you inform me in advance so that I can at least be prepared?"

She looked at me as if she was looking at a plague, which further confirmed her eagerness to get rid of me. However, she unexpectedly said to me, "I don't have any cash."

I stared at her with my eyes wide open. The fact she didn't have any cash meant that she was high-end, elegant, and classy. Rich people nowadays didn't really know how to put cash in their wallets. They spent tens of thousands of yuan at every turn. The little cash that could be stored in their wallets was obviously not enough.

"Miss, this is fate. I don't like to stuff cash into my wallet either!" I shamelessly told the truth. I didn't have much cash in my wallet.

She ignored me.

I said, "How about this? Lend me your card and I'll take 1,000 yuan. I'll return it to you when we move tomorrow. Or there's an ATM 200 meters downstairs. If you don't feel at ease, come with me…"

She took out a bank card from her wallet and interrupted me, "The password is 6 zeros. Do everything you need to do before 1 pm tomorrow."

I took the bank card from her and said, "No problem!"

Actually, I wasn't surprised she would hand over the bank card to me without any worries. Old Li knew my phone number, work unit, and connections clearly. Perhaps there wasn't much balance on this card.


She sat quietly on the sofa. I sized her up again. To be honest, I had never seen such a beautiful woman in my 20 years of life. She seemed to have a temperament that other women did not have. We don't seem to hit it off that well!

Before I left, I half-teased and half-seriously said, "Miss, do you want to consider living with me? I can cook and massage. If you're tired after a day of work, I can give you a full service when you get home. I guarantee that you'll be comfortable…"

"Get lost!" She was finally angry. A pillow flew towards me with precision.