Xiao Liang

Lu Yang did not know that Zheng Yuan hated him now. After coming out of the game, he changed his position and fell asleep.

Lu Yang only woke up at one o'clock in the afternoon. After a simple lunch, he began his unique training and prepared to kill Liu Jie.

His father used to be a soldier and had been very strict with him since he was young. He had a good foundation.

In order to kill Liu Jie before his rebirth, he received professional training for five years from his father's comrades. Unfortunately, Lu Yang was already 26 years old at that time and had missed the best training age. Even so, Lu Yang had made a name for himself as Fiery Blood in the mercenary world and was feared in Southeast Asia.

Now that he had been reborn, Lu Yang decided to restore his physical fitness to its peak. Then, he wanted to see how far he could go.

He tried to practice a set of fist techniques that his father had taught him. After stretching his muscles and bones, Lu Yang began to train his body according to the method his master had taught him.

This training method was a secret technique used by a certain organization in Southeast Asia to train killers. If one followed this method to train their body, as long as they could withstand it, their physical fitness could increase rapidly. However, this method had a huge flaw. It was very, very painful. Only one out of ten ordinary people could last through the training.

Two hours later, Lu Yang could not help but fall to the ground. Every muscle in his body seemed to be about to break, but even so, he had to persevere and stand up if he wanted to improve.

That year, the reason Lu Yang persisted was to kill Liu Jie, and it was still the same in this life!

After another half an hour, with a roar, Lu Yang finished his training for the day. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with his trembling arm and leaned against the bathroom wall. After barely taking off his clothes, he unscrewed the showerhead and let the cold water pour on his body.

Every time this happened, Lu Yang would sink into deep memories. However, what he recalled in his previous life was regret, but what he recalled in this life was a little different.

As the saying went, the most righteous people were usually commoners with low education and occupations while the people who went against their conscience and betrayed friends could be highly educated. Lu Yang deeply agreed with this saying. In his previous life, the person that betrayed him was his close friend who had shared a bunk bed with him for four years at university. Similarly, in his previous life, when Lu Yang was at his lowest and owed tens of millions of dollars, the people who did not betray him were a group of neighbors and classmates who did not get into university and were only studying in technical schools.

Xiao Liang, Lu Zhaoyu, Chen Feng, and other names flashed through his mind. At that time, Lu Yang's parents had gone to work at the construction site. Xiao Liang, Lu Zhaoyu, and the others had gone to earn money to help pay off their debts. Later on, Xiao Liang died protecting Lu Yang. Lu Zhaoyu and the others had done their best to send Lu Yang overseas to seek refuge.

As close friends, they had gone above and beyond. However, Lu Yang really could not remember what he had done to make Xiao Liang and the others go so far for him.

In this life, Lu Yang had to let these friends lead a good life. His ability was limited now, but he wanted to get Xiao Liang to help first. The others were studying in the technical school, but only Xiao Liang had free time.

After washing up, Lu Yang changed his clothes and took his bank card to buy a virtual helmet near the school. He walked towards Xiao Liang's house in the village in the city.

The village in the city was synonymous with dilapidated and poor. The people living here were at the bottom of society. Moreover, this term was very appropriate. There were only dilapidated bungalows here, and the buildings were unusually old.

Lu Yang took a few turns on the street and arrived outside a dilapidated courtyard made of bricks. This was Xiao Liang's house.

Lu Yang was about to enter when he suddenly heard angry curses coming from the courtyard.

"Kid, are you looking for a beating? I asked you to prepare 50 today. Where's the money?"

"No money? If you don't have money, why can't you steal it? If you don't steal it, you'll f*cking get beaten up."

This voice was very familiar. Lu Yang turned around and jumped into the courtyard. He happened to see a group of people ganging up on a young man. This young man was Xiao Liang.

"Stop!" Lu Yang shouted.

The group of people turned around and realized that it was Lu Yang and burst out laughing.

"Oh wow. Another one is here to deliver money. Our luck today is pretty good." The leader with pockmarks on his face stepped on Xiao Liang's face and said, "Lu Yang, haven't seen you in a while. Do you have money? With 100, I'll let you go today."

Lu Yang recognized the person who spoke. Although they had not seen each other for 15 years, this person left a deep impression on Lu Yang. His name was Guan Dahai and he lived nearby. He could be considered a neighbor. He was about ten years older than Lu Yang and the others. Logically speaking, he should be a big brother in the neighborhood. However, when he was young, he bullied Lu Yang, Xiao Liang, and the others because he was tall and strong.

Lu Yang was relatively smart and could always dodge Guan Dahai. However, this time, Lu Yang was not prepared to dodge.

"Guan Dahai, I told you to let Xiao Liang go," Lu Yang said.

"Oh my. This kid actually dares to order me around." Guan Dahai was getting excited. He didn't let anyone follow him and walked toward Lu Yang. When he was in front of him, he kicked Lu Yang's stomach.

Just as Guan Dahai was fantasizing that he could kick Lu Yang away, he suddenly felt a suffocating feeling in his chest. When he looked again, he saw that Lu Yang had already turned his body to the side. At the same time, he accurately kicked him in the chest with a beautiful back kick.

The other hooligans were all thinking about how Guan Dahai would beat Lu Yang up. They did not expect that for some reason, Guan Dahai would be kicked to the ground by Lu Yang. The other four hooligans immediately panicked and rushed toward Lu Yang with their eyes wide open.

"Lu Yang, you're looking for…"

Before he could finish speaking, a brick hit the thug's face. Xiao Liang looked up and saw Lu Yang duck to dodge the first thug's fist. Then, he hit the second thug on the side of his face with the rock in his hand.

Then, he kicked the third gangster in the knee joint. The third gangster screamed and fell to the ground.

The first hooligan turned around and saw that the three people who had rushed over with him were all lying on the ground, unable to move. They looked at Lu Yang in horror.

"You, what did you just do?"

Lu Yang picked up a brick from the ground and stared at the hooligan without saying anything. He walked towards him step by step.

The hooligan was already scared out of his wits. Facing Lu Yang's bloodthirsty gaze, he actually broke down in fear and turned around to escape.

Guan Dahai happened to catch his breath and saw this scene. He scolded, "Why the f*ck are you running? Come back."

Unfortunately, the other party did not dare to turn around at all.

"F*ck, a bunch of trash." Guan Dahai clutched his chest and stood up. He turned around to look for Lu Yang. He felt that Lu Yang was a little different today. He wanted to say that he would find someone to deal with him another day, but before he could say anything, he heard a whoosh.


The brick landed accurately on the side of Guan Dahai's face, causing him to fall to the ground. When he touched it with his hand, blood flowed profusely.