Give It as a Gift


Lan Yu's little face was instantly filled with disappointment. She wanted to say something to Lu Yang, but she did not know what to say.

Lu Yang looked at Lan Yu's little face and could not hold it in anymore. The corners of his lips curled up as he uttered eight words that shocked everyone present.

"I will only give it as a gift."

"What?" The surrounding players instantly fell silent, including Peerless Storm and Chi Mu Old Man. They looked at Lu Yang in shock.

Lan Yu was stunned as well. She asked tentatively, "What did you just say?"

Lu Yang stood up calmly and placed the staff in front of Lan Yu. He said, "I said that this silver-tier Focuser Staff is for you."

"It's really a gift."

The surrounding players were in an uproar. This was no normal equipment, but a silver-grade staff. It was the best weapon for priests below level 10.

"Huh?" Lan Yu's little face was a little confused, but she did not reach out to take it.

"What 'ah'? Do you remember what I told you last time? When we meet again, I'll give you a gift. This is it. Take it." Lu Yang spun the Focuser Staff in his hand and threw it into Lan Yu's hand.

Lan Yu looked at the Focuser Staff in her hand in confusion. This weapon was much more meaningful to the players present.

The silver-grade Focuser Staff was the best healing weapon in the beginner village. With this weapon, it could often save the team when they entered dungeons.

"This gift is too precious. I can't accept it," Lan Yu said.

Xia Yuwei walked to Lan Yu's side and looked at Lu Yang with vigilance. She said, "Frost Studio appreciates your kindness, but this weapon is too precious. We can't accept it. You should tell us your account number and we'll transfer the money to you. 5,000 credits."

Lan Yu looked at Xia Yuwei in surprise. Usually, Xia Yuwei would only say such formal words when she hated someone.

"Sister Yuwei, what are you doing?" Lan Yu sent a message to Xia Yuwei.

"Little Yu, there's no free lunch in this world. There's something wrong with this person," Xia Yuwei replied.

Lan Yu wanted to retort. She felt that Lu Yang was not that kind of person, but she did not know what to say.

When Lu Yang noticed their reaction, he quickly caught on. It seemed that he had gone too far and was too anxious. However, he did not care about these things.

The corners of his mouth curled up as he said to Lan Yu, "If you really think it's valuable, continue to keep my secret for me. Don't tell anyone, understand?"

"Oh." Lan Yu's expression was still a little confused.

Lu Yang wanted to rub Lan Yu's little head like he did in his previous life. This girl was too cute. Unfortunately, he could not do that now. Otherwise, Lan Yu would definitely misunderstand.

Secondly, there was a rule in the game that intimate actions had to be approved. Otherwise, such actions would be severely punished by the system.

"Alright. Everyone, you can go. I don't have any equipment to sell here," Lu Yang said to the players around him who had yet to react. After playing the game for an afternoon and an entire night, Lu Yang was extremely tired. He wanted to go offline and rest.

"What a pity. I didn't even get a single piece of equipment."

"Sigh. Let's go, let's go."

The surrounding players gradually dispersed, but some stayed behind. However, when they saw that Chi Mu Old Man and Peerless Storm did not leave, they could only sigh and turn around to leave.

"Brother, brother, don't leave yet." Peerless Storm said to Lu Yang first.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Yang asked.

Peerless Storm said, "Brother, are you interested in joining our guild? You know how I am. I will never mistreat you. Once you join, you will enter the main team."

Chi Mu Old Man also walked up to Lu Yang and said, "I'm willing to sign a long-term contract with you for three years. How about it? The benefits I give are very generous."

Lu Yang knew that the two of them would say this, but he had never thought of joining someone else's guild. How could Lu Yang work for someone else now that he was reborn?

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Lu Yang turned around and walked into a hotel not far away. He spent 10 copper coins to rest.

"He left just like that?"

"The leaders of the two major guilds personally invited him to join, so he should be so surprised that he didn't know which guild to join, but he turned around and left."

"He even said that he's not interested."

The players behind Chi Mu Old Man and Peerless Storm revealed displeased expressions. However, Chi Mu Old Man and Peerless Storm did not say anything. They just looked at each other and left with their teams.

Xia Yuwei, Lan Yu, and the others also stayed behind. Originally, they wanted to give Lu Yang money, but after seeing Peerless Storm and Chi Mu Old Man's recruitment, Xia Yuwei stopped talking.

Originally, Lan Yu and Xia Yuwei were guessing which major guild Lu Yang would join. They didn't expect Lu Yang to say that he wasn't interested in them.

"I really don't know if this person is a true expert or a hothead. When did Chi Mu Old Man and Peerless Storm personally recruit people?" Zhang Zibo said.

"Then he's a fool. He let go of such a good opportunity and offended the two of them. Just watch. That kid will definitely be hunted down by the two major guilds." Zheng Yuan said unhappily.

"Alright, stop talking. If it weren't for you, we would have gotten this staff long ago. Do we still need to spend so much effort to make Lan Yu owe him a favor?" Xia Yuwei said with a frown.

At the mention of this, Zheng Yuan's jealousy was broken again. He said with jealousy and hatred, "Who does that kid think he is? Lan Yu owes him a favor. Lan Yu, tell me his name. Once I activate the transfer function, I'll immediately help you pay back the money."

"No need," Lan Yu said.

"Why not? If you let that kind of person pester you, you'll suffer. He definitely has ill intentions," Zheng Yuan said.

Zhang Zibo looked at Zheng Yuan at the same time and thought to himself. Zheng Yuan was the one with bad intentions, wasn't he? However, when he thought about how he would be entangled with a stranger in the future, and that he was someone stronger than them, Zhang Zibo was a little worried.

"I agree with Zheng Yuan's point of view. This person is too mysterious. We don't even know his name now. Where did he get this equipment? It's good to be cautious."

"Look, Little Yu, they all agree with me. Just tell me that person's name. I have the money," Zheng Yuan said.

Lan Yu still shook her head and said, "Let's go offline too. That person won't pester me."

"How can you be sure?" Xia Yuwei immediately reacted and asked, "He asked you to keep something a secret. What secrets does that person have?"

Lan Yu's big eyes revealed a nervous expression as she said, "Ah, no, there's no secret. Let's go offline. I'm so sleepy."

Xia Yuwei looked at Lan Yu suspiciously as she walked into the hotel and said to Zhang Zibo beside her, "Something must be wrong."

Zhang Zibo nodded.