Chi Mu Old Man’s Favor

As soon as he went online, Lu Yang's mailbox kept beeping. He opened it and saw that it was from Chi Mu Old Man.

"Brother, can you do me a favor? I haven't gathered the materials you want, but I have to enter a dungeon. Can you give me the shield in advance?"

Lu Yang was delighted. He did not expect that Chi Mu Old Man would lower himself to beg him for help. This was the 30,000-man guild leader, and in the future, he would be a famous commander at the national level. To think that he would beg him for help.

"Did something happen?" Lu Yang replied.

In the dungeon, Chi Mu Old Man fell in front of the first boss for the third time. Beside him, the deputy guild master, Wine Breeze, said, "Boss, we can't continue fighting like this. Without a good shield, even if I am the MT, I won't be able to withstand it."

The MT referred to the shield warriors or shield paladins who were mainly responsible for being the tank against monsters when entering dungeons.

Chi Mu Old Man said, "I know, but Lu Yang isn't online, so I can't buy it. How is Peerless Storm? Which level are they at?"

Wine Breeze said, "They've already reached the second boss of the dungeon."

"Damn it." The old man couldn't help but curse. "No wonder that bastard didn't snatch the shield from me in the morning. It turns out that he already has it."

"Boss, we can't let Peerless Storm and the others pass the first dungeon first. This achievement will be recorded in the game. It will affect the recruitment of players in the future."

"I know." Chi Mu Old Man was also a little anxious, but he had no choice. Now, all the major guilds were fighting for this first achievement. As long as there was a shield, someone would buy it before Chi Mu Old Man could find it. He was already lucky to meet Lu Yang.

Just as he was fretting, he received a message from Lu Yang.

"Brother, you're online," said Chi Mu Old Man excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yang asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it." Chi Mu Old Man quickly told him about the setbacks he had encountered in the dungeon.

"Who knew that Second World's dungeon would be so difficult? It's just an ordinary level 3 dungeon, and our 20 most elite players can't even defeat the first boss. What's going on?" Chi Mu Old Man said.

Lu Yang was not surprised. In order to prevent players from leveling up quickly in Second World and in an effort to prevent the devaluation of equipment. On one hand, it limited the production of equipment, and on the other hand, it increased the difficulty of the dungeons. An ordinary level 3 dungeon not only required the cooperation of 20 players, but it also required a certain foundation of equipment, especially the main tank. Without equipment, it was impossible to complete the dungeons.

"I can give you the shield first. Get someone to come to the entrance of Hotel No. 7 in the east district. I'll wait for you here," Lu Yang said. He believed that Chi Mu Old Man wouldn't cheat him of his equipment.

Initially, Chi Mu Old Man was worried that Lu Yang would not agree. He had been thinking about whether he should give Lu Yang money as collateral. He felt that Lu Yang was not a person who cared about money. If he mentioned money to Lu Yang, Lu Yang would definitely not agree. However, he was also afraid that his empty words would make Lu Yang say no about lending the shield. He did not expect Lu Yang to trust his character so much and agreed to give the shield without any collateral.

"Brother, thank you for your help this time. I owe you a favor. If you need my help in the future, I'll definitely do my best to help." Chi Mu Old Man said.

This was what Lu Yang wanted to hear. He said, "Alright, I'll remember it."

"Then wait for me. I'll send someone over now." After sending the message, Chi Mu Old Man turned to the deputy guild master, Wine Breeze, and said, "Go to Hotel No. 7 in the east district. Lu Yang is online. He promised to give us the shield first."

"That's great. I'll go now." Wine Breeze took out the city return scroll and flew back to the main city.

The city return scroll was a rare item. The system did not sell it and would only occasionally drop it on monsters. The location to return to the city was not set by the players themselves, but by default, the system would set it in the plaza at the spawn point.

It only took two minutes to get from the square to Hotel No. 7 in the east district. Not long after, Lu Yang saw a young man running over. He remembered that this person was the player who had followed Chi Mu Old Man in the morning.

"I'm here," Wine Breeze shouted.

Lu Yang waved his hand. When the other party came closer, he said, "You must be Wine Breeze, right?"

"It's me. Chi Mu Old Man sent me."

Wine Breeze sent out a trade request as he spoke. Lu Yang saw that the other party's name was correct and placed the Infant Dragon Shield on it.

Wine Breeze's eyes widened when he saw the attributes of the Infant Dragon Shield. He quickly clicked on the trade and said, "Thank you so much. With this shield, there's finally hope for us to clear the dungeon."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I wish you success."

"Thank you for your kind words." Wine Breeze was in a hurry to return to the dungeon. After saying a few words, he left.

After Lu Yang sent Wine Breeze away, he entered the helmet code he had bought for Xiao Liang in his friend search column in the game.

Originally, this helmet code was used by the game company to facilitate players to search for each other. Unexpectedly, many players randomly entered codes to communicate with unknown people and used the function to meet new friends.

After entering the code "0019852476", Lu Yang saw the name of Black-Armored Warrior.

"This kid's name is still the same," Lu Yang said with a smile. In his previous life, Xiao Liang had used the same gaming handle.

At this moment, Xiao Liang had already rushed outside the main city and joined the swarm of monster snatchers. After the first day of the game, not only did the number of players in the level 1 monster area not decrease, but it also increased by a lot.

As an ambitious young man, when Xiao Liang heard that the game was going to be released, he fantasized about how he would be able to dominate the game in the future. He had once secretly vowed that if he had a gaming helmet, he would do his best to level up. If he had a gaming helmet, he would definitely become a big expert.

However, looking at the level 1 monster area on the map, there were four people standing on almost every square meter of the green grass. One monster had just spawned, and there were six or seven wooden swords slashing over at the same time. To snatch a monster, not only did it depend on hand speed, but it also depended on luck. If it was too far away, you couldn't hit it, and if your hand was slow, you couldn't defeat it. If you wanted to level up, you needed to kill dozens of such monsters. Thinking of this, Xiao Liang's face was depressed.

"Why is it so difficult?" Xiao Liang gloomily flipped open the level ranking board. When he saw that the first player named Lu Yang had already reached level 4, he sighed again.

"Sigh, I really don't know how this person leveled up. Strange, why does this person have the same name as my boss?" Xiao Liang said.

At this moment, a friend request appeared, and this person's name was Lu Yang.

Xiao Liang looked at their names and realized that they were exactly the same. He quickly clicked to confirm and said excitedly, "Boss, are you the first on the level rankings?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Of course."