Being Followed

"Boss, how did you level up so fast?" Xiao Liang asked excitedly. He had never thought that Lu Yang would become the first on the level ranking board of "Second World". This was completely unimaginable to him.

"I naturally have my ways. Where are you now?" Lu Yang asked.

"I'm in the level 1 monster area of Flower Whisper Plains. There are too many people fighting for monsters here. There are also so many large guilds who have booked the entire area to level up," Xiao Liang said gloomily.

Lu Yang knew that this was the case. He said, "Wait for me at the city gate. I'll bring you to level up."

Just as Xiao Liang was about to agree, he remembered that Lu Yang was already level 4 and he was only level 1. If he brought him along, he would definitely delay his leveling and be surpassed by others. After thinking about it, Xiao Liang sent a message to Lu Yang.

"Boss, you don't have to bring me along. I can do it alone. You can work hard to level up. Don't let anyone surpass you."

Lu Yang held his forehead and was speechless. He didn't need to guess to know that Xiao Liang's guilty conscience was acting up again. He said, "Hurry up and come over. Bringing you won't delay my leveling up."

When he was looking for Xiao Liang, Lu Yang had already thought about it. Although he could not help Xiao Liang much in the early stages, he could still bring him to fight monsters and level up when he was doing missions. It did not waste any time.

"Ah… Oh." When Xiao Liang heard Lu Yang's tone, he immediately said, "I'll be right there."

"This kid," Lu Yang said.

However, just as he finished speaking, Lu Yang's gaze suddenly became sharp. Without moving his head, he looked to his right and gradually saw a blurry shadow. It was a thief who was invisible.

Lu Yang wasn't sure if this thief was going to find trouble for him, so he deliberately brought this thief around for a while. In the end, he realized that this thief was still behind him. He understood that this thief was here to find trouble for him.

"This thief is level 1 but dares to turn invisible in front of me when I'm level 4? What a joke." Lu Yang could not be bothered with this person. With Lu Yang's current strength, unless there were 20 of them, he could forget about putting pressure on him. He turned around and walked towards the city gate.

Killing people could not be done in the city!

On the other side, Xiao Liang had already run to the main gate and sat down on the bridge by the moat. The place where he fought the monsters was near the city gate, so he came very quickly.

At this moment, players wearing beginner's clothes were constantly running out of the city to level up. The plain male beginner's clothes were just a set of ordinary outfits made of white fabric. The female players were wearing pink dresses that looked very monotonous.

Just as Xiao Liang was looking into the city, a player wearing a blue cape and holding a sandalwood staff with a spiral handle suddenly appeared at the city gate.

The surrounding players were attracted by this person's equipment and could not help but pay attention to him.

"Wow, this guy is well-equipped."

"It feels like a set of bronze equipment."

"I feel that his weapon is silver. The head of this weapon is actually spiral-shaped. Can he get cockier?"


Xiao Liang also looked at the person who ran over enviously. However, before he could think further, a message came from his email in the lower right corner. He opened it and saw that it was from Lu Yang.

"I'm at the city gate. Where are you? I'm the one holding the spiral long-handled staff."

Xiao Liang could not help but scratch his head in shock. He did not expect that the person he envied was his boss. Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, Xiao Liang hurriedly raised his hand and shouted, "Boss, I'm here."

The surrounding players instantly focused their attention on Xiao Liang. Xiao Liang enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention.

Lu Yang had long recognized Xiao Liang. The character Xiao Liang had chosen looked exactly the same as in his previous life. He had only sent the message to find a reasonable explanation.

Coming to Xiao Liang's side, Lu Yang looked at Xiao Liang's envious eyes and asked, "How is it? My equipment is not bad, right?"

Xiao Liang nodded and asked, "Boss, what level is your weapon? It looks too cool."

Lu Yang sent the Arsonist's Staff's attribute picture to Xiao Liang.

Arsonist's Staff (Gold)

Attack: 4-8

Physique: +2

Intelligence: +10

Magic Damage: +24

Magic Critical Hit: +12 points

Spell hit rate: +12 points

Usage: Level 5

"Gold?" Xiao Liang was dumbfounded. Although he had only entered the game for less than an hour, he could clearly feel that it was very difficult to obtain equipment in this game from the relevant guides he had seen on the internet and the insights he had just gained in the game.

There were so many people on the world channel who wanted to buy a bronze-grade weapon, but very few people sold it. Even if they sold it, the starting price was 500 credits. However, Lu Yang's weapon was actually gold-level.

Xiao Liang could not help but ask, "Boss, where did you get it?"

Lu Yang did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Do you want a set of equipment for warriors of the same level?"

Xiao Liang's originally envious gaze became a little timid. He shook his head and said, "Equipment of this level is too expensive. I can't afford it."

Lu Yang shook his head and hugged Xiao Liang's shoulder. "Trust me. I'll get you a set of equipment of the same level soon."

Xiao Liang nodded vigorously. He had always trusted Lu Yang since he was young, and Lu Yang had never lied to him. He had never failed to fulfill his promise.

"Boss, where are we going now?"

"Follow me and you'll know." Lu Yang pretended to look at the city gate casually as he spoke. He happened to see a thief running over desperately. This person was none other than the thief who had been invisible beside him just now.

Sure enough, he's following me, Lu Yang thought to himself.

When the thief saw Lu Yang looking at the city gate, he hurriedly used invisibility. At the same time, he turned around and hid in the corner of the city gate. He sent a message, "Boss, I've followed that person. He's already at the city gate. What should we do?"

In the level 2 monster area of Giant Town, Black Blood had fought someone until his name was red. Someone was upset about Black Blood hogging the location, but Black Blood had already stabbed him to death.

When he saw this news, a sinister smile appeared on his face. "Follow closely. I'll get Warrior Golden Eagle to kill him now."

That's right. The person who had been following Lu Yang was Black Blood's subordinate. When he bought the equipment in the morning, Black Blood thought that he had been greatly humiliated by Lu Yang. Hence, he wanted to seek revenge for his previous humiliation. After hearing that Lu Yang had been leveling up outside Giant Town, he arranged for people to keep an eye on Lu Yang's hotel. At the same time, he personally led the 3,000 players from the guild to level up outside Giant Town.

However, he did not expect Lu Yang to not return to Giant Town. Instead, he went to Flower Whisper Plains. He had killed so many people outside Giant Town until his name was red and he could not return to the city. He could only let his subordinates stay in Flower Whisper Plains to do this.

Lu Yang and Xiao Liang did not walk very quickly. The two of them seemed to be taking a stroll as they chatted and laughed as they passed through the level 3 wild monster area. When they were about to enter the level 4 wild monster area, Lu Yang stopped.

"Boss, why aren't we leaving? Are we going to level up here?" Xiao Liang asked.

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No, no, no. This place is not for leveling up. It's for the convenience of killing people."

As he spoke, Lu Yang suddenly turned around and released his skill, Flame Impact, into the air behind him.