The Future Gnome King, Bissell

"Phew, I almost died." Lu Yang was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat. According to the damage he had suffered after this house fell, he would definitely die.

The gnome beside him also felt a lingering fear. However, the gnome quickly tidied up his appearance and bowed elegantly to Lu Yang. He said, "Sir, I am the gnome, Bissell. Thank you for saving my life. Please accept one gold coin as a gift."

Lu Yang's eyes suddenly lit up. Bissell? He was too familiar with this name. In his previous life, after the third year of the game, the gnomes founded their country. After the founding of the country, the first king's name was Bissell.

Lu Yang couldn't help but size up this young gnome. Although his face was dark from the smoke, it was obvious that he was King Bissell.

He did not expect his luck to be so good as to save the future king of the gnomes.

"I don't want your gold coins. Saving you is a piece of cake," Lu Yang said. Compared to the friendship of the future king, one gold coin was nothing.

The gnome's big eyes revealed a surprised expression as he said, "I gave too few gold coins, didn't I? Pardon me. I'm willing to pay 5 gold coins."

Although the gnome did not have a single gold coin on him, if Lu Yang agreed to the reward, a venture capital firm letter would be sent to Lu Yang's mailbox in less than 5 minutes. After opening it, there would be 5 gold coins.

Lu Yang still shook his head and said, "No, I've said it before. Saving you was no trouble at all."

Bissell's eyes turned unfriendly and he said angrily, "Greedy human, at most, I'll give you 10 gold coins. If you don't agree, I won't give you a single copper coin."

What did 10 gold coins mean? Even after another month, 10 gold coins could easily buy a full set of level 10 silver equipment.

A normal player would have thought Bissell was telling the truth when they saw how angry he was, but Lu Yang didn't believe him.

"Gnome, you're insulting me. I've said it before. Saving you was nothing. I don't want your gold coins," Lu Yang said firmly.

Bissell was stunned. In his memory, humans were greedy and liked to take advantage of others. Didn't they say that as long as they could get money, they could do anything? Why was the person in front of him different?

Lu Yang's anger continued. "I'm here to kill the Troll Shaman, Walkins. Look carefully. Walkins's body is there. It's just a coincidence that I met you. I can't believe you're trying to buy me off. You disgust me."

Bissell looked in the direction Lu Yang was pointing. The Troll Shaman Walkins was lying on the ground with his mouth wide open with an indignant expression on his face.

"Walkins is dead," Bissell cried out in excitement after carefully approaching Walkins's body to double-check.

Lu Yang ignored Bissell. He put on an angry expression and turned to walk out of the troll camp.

In fact, Lu Yang was really a little angry. In the 2040s, when artificial intelligence was highly developed, although Bissell was a virtual character in the game, he also had a personality like a real person.

Lu Yang's personality was like a raging fire. He was upright and liked to befriend loyal people. What he hated the most were people who liked to think that money could buy everything.

He already had the Demon God's Heart, so Bissell wasn't that important. If Bissell was really such a villain, even if he was a virtual character, Lu Yang wouldn't be willing to be friends with him.

Bissell was in a good mood. When he saw that Lu Yang was about to leave, he hurriedly chased after him and said excitedly, "Sir, one moment, please."

"What is it?" Lu Yang asked.

This time, Bissell gave Lu Yang a 90-degree bow seriously and maintained this posture.

"Sir, please forgive my rudeness just now. If you're not willing to accept my gold coins, I beg you to accept my friendship. My name is Bissell and I'm a gnome. If you don't mind, I am willing to be your friend," Bissell said seriously.

Lu Yang took a long breath and thought to himself, "That's more like it. I don't believe that a person with a bad character who thinks that money can buy everything can become the king of the gnomes."

A king, what kind of boldness and character was needed to be elected?

"I am a human and my name is Lu Yang. I'm willing to accept your friendship. I believe that we will become very good friends." Lu Yang reached out his hands to help Bissel up.

Excitement appeared in Bissell's big eyes. He said happily. "That's wonderful. I finally have a human friend."

Lu Yang asked curiously, "Have you never seen a human before?"

"Yes, I have," said Bissell helplessly. "But you humans are just as greedy as we gnomes. Among humans, you are the first person I've ever met who doesn't care about money."

In his previous life, Lu Yang was not someone who was greedy for money. Otherwise, how could a poor kid like him gather a guild of 5,000 people and build a fortress in the wilderness?

He smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I don't even want to talk about it." Bissell was furious at the thought of it. He pointed at Walkins' body. "My caravan was ambushed by this damned man as we were passing through Half-Orc Hills. Everyone else in the caravan died. I was the only one who survived. I thought Walkins wanted a ransom for my life, but in fact Walkins wanted to burn me alive as a sacrifice."

This was the custom of the troll race. Anyone who thought that they could sacrifice to god would be burned to death by fire.

"Maybe Walkins thinks you're handsome and wants you to be their god's servant," Lu Yang joked.

Bissell smiled shyly like a child. Suddenly, a team of trolls passed by the entrance of the valley, scaring Bissell so much that he quickly hid behind Lu Yang.

"Let's go back first. We can't stay here for long. Be careful of other trolls coming," Lu Yang said.

Bissell nodded and looked around. He found his clothes and backpack not far from the collapsed house.

After putting his clothes on, Bissell ran to Lu Yang's side and took out a round metal rod from his backpack. Lu Yang recognized this thing. It was called a secure teleporter. It could teleport up to five players back to the designated location at the same time.

"This is a great masterpiece of our race. Get ready. I'll get you out of here." Bissell pressed the button on the circular long stick. After a flash of light, Lu Yang and Bissell disappeared.

On the other side, at the teleportation point of the venture capital firm's location on the west side of St. Gar City's trading district, there was a flash of light, and Lu Yang and Bissell appeared.