The Gnome's Present

"Phew, we're finally safe," Bissell said with a look of lingering fear as he bent over and put his hands on his knees.

At this moment, an old gnome walked over with a team of gnomes. The old gnome was even shorter, only 90 centimeters tall. His face was filled with wrinkles, and his skin was darker green. His eyes were deep, and it was obvious that he was an old man who had been through a lot. However, the old gnome's expression was very benevolent as he was chatting with the juniors behind him. Suddenly, he saw Bissell and walked over quickly in surprise.

"Bissell, didn't you go out with the goods? Why did you come back alone?" the old gnome asked.

Bissell saw the dejected look on the older gnome's face and walked over to him. "Uncle Tassel," he said apologetically, "I screwed up my first business."

"What's going on, kid?" Tassel asked.

"My team was attacked by the troll, Walkins, in the Half-Orc Hills. All the gnomes who went out with me were dead. I was almost killed by Walkins," said Bissell.

"What?" Surprised, Tassel hurried to examine Bissell's body. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. The human behind me saved me when he killed Walkins. That's how I got back," Bissell said.

The old gnome looked up at Lu Yang calmly and said, "Sir, thank you for saving my nephew. Can I have a word with my nephew?"

Lu Yang said, "Of course."

The old gnome nodded slightly and said, "Peris, take this gentleman to see our camp."

"Yes, Sir." A young gnome emerged from the group behind Tassel and approached Lu Yang. "Please follow me, Sir."

Lu Yang looked at Bissell. Bissell nodded at Lu Yang and said, "Brother, wait for me. I'll report the exact situation to Uncle. Then, I'll come and find you."

"Alright, no problem," Lu Yang said.

Peris came up to Lu Yang and said cheerfully, "Sir, let me show you the goods of the gnomes first. Believe me, you will definitely like them."

"Alright," Lu Yang said.

The gnomes' camp was connected to the market on the west side of St. Gar City. There were many gnome merchants in the entire camp, but the items sold by these merchants were ordinary.

In his previous life, Lu Yang had come here, but he did not get anything good. Just as he thought that Peris was going to take him to the market, Peris brought Lu Yang to the door of a house made of beige rocks to the right of the center of the gnome camp.

This house didn't look very big. It occupied an area of about 200 square meters. Lu Yang followed Peris into the room and saw three middle-aged gnomes in white robes standing beside the shelves, chatting about something.

"Sir, these three are Master Alchemist Bois, Master Tinkerer Jig, and Trader Anders," Peris said.

"Peris, why is there a human here?" Master Alchemist Bois asked with a frown.

"Mr. Tassel asked me to bring him," Peris said respectfully.

"Oh, since you're a guest of Tassel, feel free to visit our merchandise," Anders, the trader, said.

Peris bowed and turned to Lu Yang. "Sir, please follow me. There are shelves over there. Although the goods we sell are directly provided to the nobles and kings of the various countries, if you want to buy them, we can sell them to you."

Lu Yang's interest was piqued. In his previous life, he had never encountered such a situation. Not to mention seeing the goods, Lu Yang could not even enter this place. It was probably another secret place designed by the system.

The so-called secret location was the reward given by Second World's developers to players for completing certain missions. However, the method of completing these special missions was special and unique. Once they failed, the mission would disappear forever.

He followed Peris to the side of the shelves. Lu Yang looked at the goods, but when he saw the goods, he could not help but look surprised.

"Engineered Rocket Boots, Spiderweb Scrolls, Sheep Transformation Scrolls, and Flash Dust Scrolls. These things are actually sold here," Lu Yang said.

Spiderweb was a hunter's crowd-control skill, Sheep Transformation was a mage's crowd-control skill, and Flash Dust was a thief's crowd-control skill. These three skills could only be learned by players who had reached level 15 and above. He did not expect to find scrolls here. Although they cost 5 silver coins each and could only be used once, this thing could save him at critical moments.

Unfortunately, although it only cost 5 silver coins each, Lu Yang did not have that much money on him. His previous equipment had been exchanged for materials and skill books.

Just as Lu Yang continued reading, he suddenly saw a scroll on the next container called the formula for the anti-poison potion.

Lu Yang was really surprised this time. If there was anyone who knew the true value of the anti-poison potion formula, it would be Lu Yang.

Lu Yang clearly remembered that in his previous life, after a large number of players reached level 5, they began to charge into the level 5 to 8 dungeon, Viper Valley. Although they were wearing the silver level equipment produced by level 3 dungeons, when faced with the poison attacks of the monsters in level 5 dungeons, no matter how high the players' defense was, it was useless.

The poisoned players were losing 50 HP per second. Shield warriors and shield paladins were fine, but the other damage-type classes had low HP. Some died in less than three seconds, and priests did not even have time to heal.

Lu Yang really wanted to buy it, but when he saw the gray color displayed on the purchase pane, it meant that the player's Reputation was not high enough to buy it.

Currently, Lu Yang's Reputation with the gnomes was still Neutral. Although he was only 500 points away from becoming Friendly, many players' Reputation with the gnomes remained Neutral throughout their entire lives. This was because the gnomes rarely had quests that increased their Reputation.

Just as Lu Yang was fretting, the door was pushed open and Bissell walked in quickly with an excited expression on his face. The old gnome, Tassel, who followed behind him, looked at Lu Yang with a kind expression.

"Hey! Brother, I've told Uncle about you. He approves of you too," Bissell said excitedly.

Lu Yang said, "I've said it before. It's nothing. You don't have to take it to heart."

Tassel said, "Sir, your effort saved the future heir of my venture capital firm and my life. Moreover, your character is so noble that the doors of my people are willing to open for you at any time."

System Notification: [Your reputation in the venture capital firm has reached Friendly.]

[Your reputation among the gnome race has reached Friendly.]

Bissell asked, "You saved my life, brother. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lu Yang turned his head to look at the formula and realized that the formula for the anti-poison potion had already turned white. It was an item that could be bought. The price beside it was 5 gold coins.

"Keep this formula for me. After getting enough money in a couple of days, I'll come to buy it," Lu Yang said as he pointed at the formula for the anti-poison potion.

Bissell glanced at the formula for the anti-poison potion and asked Peris to bring it over. Bissell handed the formula to Lu Yang with both hands and said, "Brother, since you need this formula, I'll give it to you."

Lu Yang said, "How can I do that? I can't take this formula."

He had his own way of earning money. He could get his own money.

Bissell raised his head and looked at Lu Yang firmly. "Brother, I gave you this gift to tell you that we gnomes are not only greedy but also grateful."

Lu Yang thought for a moment and said, "Alright, I accept your gift. Thank you."