Killing All Trolls

Lu Yang could not calm down after receiving the scroll from Bissell. He clearly remembered the grand occasion of hundreds of millions of players being trapped in the Viper Valley dungeon in his previous life.

With the difficulty of the Second World dungeons, it was impossible to defeat the monsters in a level 10 dungeon without level 5 to 8 equipment.

Just as the players in the entire server were feeling extremely anxious, suddenly, there were players selling anti-poison potions at the auction house. Excited players ran to buy them one after another. A single bottle of anti-poison potion's price had reached 5 silver coins per bottle. Even so, the supply still could not meet the demand.

"Brother, you've given me a huge gift," Lu Yang said.

Bissell didn't care. "It's just a small gift. It's nothing compared to my life."

Tassel said, "Not only do we have to give you a small gift, but we also want to ask you to do us a favor, sir."

"What favor?" Lu Yang asked.

Tassel didn't say anything. Instead, he bowed slightly to Bissell.

Bissell took out an appointment document from a gnome behind him and said angrily to Lu Yang, "Damned trolls actually dared to attack our venture capital firm and try to kill me. I want them to pay the price. I hope you can accept my commission and kill all those damn trolls."

Lu Yang took the entrustment document.

Venture Capital Firm Entrustment Letter.

Kill All Trolls: Those damned trolls actually dared to attack the caravan of the venture capital firm. In order to teach them a lesson and warn the other races, the venture capital firm entrusted Mr. Lu Yang to go to the troll camp and kill all the remaining trolls. Using the bone chain worn around the trolls' necks as the basis, the venture capital firm is willing to pay Mr. Lu Yang 20 copper coins as a reward for every troll killed.

Lu Yang did some calculations. The troll encampment spawned about 100 trolls at once. He could obtain 2,000 bronze coins, which were 20 silver coins. This was quite a good deal. He could use this money to buy materials to make anti-poison potions.

"I accept this request." Lu Yang signed the entrustment letter and returned it to Bissell.

"That's wonderful, brother. I knew you'd accept this commission from me," Bissell said happily.

Lu Yang looked at the time and realized that he had been delayed at the gnome camp for a while. He suddenly thought of what had happened to Liu Jie in his previous life and felt that time was pressing.

"Brother, I'll go to the troll camp now. Wait for my good news," Lu Yang said.

"Alright, the caravan doesn't have any missions for the time being. If you want to see me, go to the Chamber of Commerce on the east side of the camp. I'll wait for you there," said Bissell.

Lu Yang nodded and bid farewell to Bissell. He went to the river and made another 200 pieces of crispy electric eel. Then, he ran to the troll camp and aimed at a troll. Lu Yang chanted the incantation of Flame Blast.

The respawn speed of the trolls was also once every 15 minutes, but this kind of monster was more difficult to fight. Every time Lu Yang attacked, he had to carefully dodge the spears thrown by the other party. As long as he failed to dodge once, Lu Yang would be killed by the spears.

In fact, this leveling speed and fighting method were far inferior to the location Lu Yang had arranged for his little brother, Xiao Liang. Moreover, he had already received a request from the gnome. He could completely delay this mission until he reached level 10.

At that time, Lu Yang's equipment would be complete, and he could form a team to collect the items and split them equally. However, other players would not be able to obtain the troll bone chains without the gnome entrustment letter. It was equivalent to Lu Yang hiring players to help him with the troll bone chains for free.

However, Lu Yang did not do that. On one hand, Lu Yang wanted to train his operating skills. On the other hand, Lu Yang did not want to let go of any opportunity to accumulate advantages.

Currently, the game currency and real-life currency exchange had not been introduced. Players had almost no money on hand. Even if they only killed 100 trolls, 20 silver coins was still a huge sum of money in the game. They could do a lot of things. Moreover, Lu Yang's goal was not just to kill 100 trolls. At this stage, the monsters that Lu Yang could kill above his level stopped here. If he wanted to challenge monsters above his level later, he would not be able to do it without better equipment, skills, and special items.

After killing for an hour, Lu Yang felt a little tired. Seeing that the night was getting darker, Lu Yang found a place without monsters to rest. It was not easy to focus on dodging the trolls' spears for a long time, especially at night.

Opening his friend list, Lu Yang clicked on Xiao Liang's call button.

"Brother, how are things on your side?"

In the bug position of the half-orc cave hall, Xiao Liang was still using the Snake Poison Pearls to kill the half-orcs.

"Boss, killing monsters in this place is simply too awesome. I'm about to reach level 7," Xiao Liang said happily.

Lu Yang's eyes lit up. He did not expect Xiao Liang to level up so quickly. He said, "Not bad, brother. This speed is not bad."

Not only that, but the world outside was also in a commotion. An unknown player suddenly stepped into the top 10 of the level rankings and then surpassed Black Blood, Chi Mu Old Man, Peerless Storm, and the other big guild leaders. In a short day, he reached level 7 and firmly sat in second place on the level rankings.

The players in the world channel were discussing this matter. Many players were envious, and many players were even jealous. They even went to the game company's official platform to complain about bugs because Black Blood, Chi Mu Old Man, and the others had just reached level 6.5. No one could understand how the player named Black-Armored Warrior leveled up.

"He must have used a cheat," Zheng Yuan, who had just returned to level 3 from level 2, said indignantly in the rock cave.

Previously, when they went to challenge a level 3 dungeon, they had died five times in a row, and their levels had fallen back to 50% of level 2.

Zhang Zibo said, "That might not be the case."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yuwei asked as she fought the monsters.

"Did you guys notice just now? When Black-Armored Warrior leveled up quickly, Lu Yang, who was ranked first, was also leveling up quickly. I suspect that Black-Armored Warrior knows Lu Yang. The two of them leveled up together," Zhang Zibo said.

"F*ck, do you think these two are out of their minds? It's one thing if Lu Yang is uncontactable, but Black-Armored Warrior has also turned off the friend function. Don't they know that if they sell the leveling method, they can earn a lot of money?" Zheng Yuan cursed.

Xia Yuwei said, "It can't be helped. All masters are different. Don't let this matter affect your mood. Work hard to upgrade. Our upgrade location is not bad either."

Zhang Zibo and the others nodded helplessly. They did not have any equipment. If they did, they would have reached level 4 by relying on the countless monsters in this level 1 and 2 cave.

Lan Yu looked at Xia Yuwei and the others who were talking about Lu Yang and felt strange. There was an indescribable feeling in her heart with a trace of mystery and excitement. It was as if she was secretly doing something bad and was afraid of being discovered.