Chapter 35: First Experiment with Limestone

From the early hours of the morning, Oliver was fully engrossed in his first experiment with limestone. Armed with the theoretical knowledge acquired from his AI chip, he embarked on the challenging task of creating Portland cement. Although confident in his understanding, he knew that he needed the assistance of his capable servant to bring his vision to life.

In a small makeshift laboratory, Oliver stood by the side, closely observing his servant as they prepared to tackle the arduous process of grinding limestone into a fine powder. They laid out a large slab of stone, carefully arranging the coarse rocks upon it. Oliver provided clear instructions and guidance, outlining the precise technique required to achieve the desired results.

With focused determination, the servant grasped a sturdy hammer in their hand, ready to carry out Oliver's instructions. Oliver, in turn, closely monitored each strike, offering timely guidance and adjustments to ensure the optimal grinding process.

The servant, under Oliver's watchful eye, began to pound the limestone with measured force. Oliver's keen observations and expertise guided their every move, as they aimed to break down the rocks into smaller fragments. The servant followed Oliver's instructions meticulously, skillfully wielding the hammer to execute each strike with precision.

As the rhythmic sound of the hammer resonated through the laboratory, the coarse limestone gradually succumbed to the relentless pounding. The servant's muscles flexed with each impact, diligently working to transform the rocks into a fine powder. Oliver provided continuous feedback and encouragement, fine-tuning their technique and ensuring that the grinding process yielded the desired results.

Hour after hour, the servant tirelessly hammered away, their unwavering dedication matched only by Oliver's unwavering determination. Oliver monitored their progress, examining the resulting powder at regular intervals to ensure it met his exacting standards. Together, they forged a harmonious partnership, united in their pursuit of excellence.

Finally, after persistent effort and collaboration, Oliver and his servant stepped back, surveying the fruits of their labor. The once coarse rocks had been transformed into a fine powder, a testament to their combined skill and determination. Oliver expressed his satisfaction and gratitude, acknowledging the servant's integral role in the successful grinding process.

With a shared sense of accomplishment, Oliver and his servant carefully collected the finely ground limestone, With the powdered limestone in hand, Oliver and his servant proceeded to the next stage of their quest to create Portland cement. Aware of the importance of careful proportioning, they meticulously measured the precise quantities of limestone and other essential materials. Drawing upon the knowledge stored within Oliver's AI chip, they carefully mixed the ingredients together, ensuring a uniform distribution.

To achieve the desired strength and consistency, Oliver introduced a crucial component: clay. Understanding the transformative power of heat, he recognized that heating the mixture would facilitate the chemical reaction necessary for the formation of Portland cement. With great care, they combined the powdered limestone and clay, creating a blend ready for the next step.

Oliver, being aware of the significance of gypsum in cement production, sourced it from nearby deposits. The barony of Carroway was fortunate to have an abundant supply of gypsum, conveniently located within a reasonable distance. Oliver and his servant collected the necessary amount of gypsum from these local sources to incorporate it into their cement mixture.

To ensure the proper chemical reaction and desired properties of the cement, the measured amount of gypsum was carefully added to the mixture of limestone and clay. Gypsum acts as a retarder in cement production, controlling the setting time and enhancing the workability of the material. By including gypsum, Oliver ensured that the resulting Portland cement would possess the necessary strength, durability, and setting characteristics.

The mixture, resembling a fine powder of pale color, was then subjected to intense heat. In the absence of modern-day kilns, Oliver and his servant utilized a rudimentary furnace. They carefully arranged the mixture within the furnace, making certain that the heat was evenly distributed to promote uniform calcination.

As the temperature rose within the furnace, Oliver's anticipation grew. He knew that the heat would trigger a process called calcination, causing the mixture to undergo chemical changes and transform into the coveted Portland cement. Time seemed to pass slowly as they patiently awaited the completion of this crucial stage. With the addition of gypsum, the final mixture underwent the subsequent stages of grinding, blending, and calcination as described earlier. The presence of gypsum played a crucial role in achieving the desired quality and performance of the Portland cement.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the furnace was carefully cooled, allowing the newly formed Portland cement to emerge. Oliver inspected the resulting product with a discerning eye, scrutinizing its color, texture, and consistency. Satisfied with the outcome, he couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place within the confines of their modest laboratory.

Oliver's excitement grew as he envisioned the endless possibilities that lay ahead. The creation of Portland cement marked a significant milestone in their quest for industrial advancement. With this revolutionary material in their possession, they held the power to reshape the future of construction and engineering within their barony.

Oliver wanted to taste this newly form cement today. He also notice that the sun will set within 2 to 3 hours. He started thinking about experimentation site. He remembered that they started the construction of new soap factory few days ago. there he can definetely find stones for constructing wall.

Oliver, with a sense of urgency instructed his servant to transport this cement in carriage towards soap factory, after this he started walking towards soap factory. Upon reaching there he called upon the workers at the soap factory to halt their current tasks and gather around him. The sky was slowly darkening, indicating that time was of the essence. He has 200 worker working in soap factory plus 50 construction worker.

With this calculation Oliver readied himself, Oliver: "Everyone, please gather around. Listen to my instruction carefully, We have an important task ahead of us. We need to collect the stones and chip them into uniform sizes. We'll be using these stones for our construction project."

One of the worker ask, Worker 1: Sir, what size should we aim for?

Oliver: Aim for stones that are roughly the size of a two clenched fist. We want them to be consistent in size for the best results. This will ensure a more stable and uniform structure.

Worker 3: Sir, where should we stack the chipped stones once they're ready?

Oliver: Find a designated area nearby where we are creating new wall for our soap factory. we can stack the chipped stones there. We'll need them readily accessible for the construction process. Let's keep the area organized and ensure the stones are securely stacked.

Worker 4: Sir, how many stones do we need to collect?

Oliver: We'll need a substantial quantity of stones, enough to build the single size wall. Keep gathering until we have a significant supply. We don't want to run out during the construction process.

As the workers received their instructions, they dispersed to carry out their assigned tasks diligently. The sound of chipping stones filled the air as Oliver supervised the process, ensuring that each worker understood the importance of their role. The daylight slowly fading away, but their determination and focus remained unwavering.

Few minutes later, With the carriage full of cement his servant came to soap factory. Oliver instructed his servant to bring them into the soap factory. factory worker gathered chipped stones near desired location. After that he carefully selected a group of talented construction workers who were eager to witness the demonstration of their newly created magical material "cement".

Oliver: "Alright, everyone, let's gather around. Today, we're going to put our cement to the test and see its strength in action. Don't ask about Cement as it is new material for construction. We'll be building a small wall for a demonstration."

Worker 1: ""Sir, how should we begin?"

Oliver: "First, we need to create a slurry using the cement powder, some coarse sand and water. It should have a thick consistency, almost like a paste. This will act as the adhesive for our chipped stones."

Worker 2: "How much water should we add, sir?"

Oliver: "Add water gradually, mixing it with the cement powder until we achieve the desired consistency. It should be fluid enough to spread evenly, but not too watery that it loses its bonding properties."

Worker 3: "Shall we start applying the slurry to the stones, sir?"

Oliver: "Yes, let's start by applying a thin layer of the slurry onto the first row of chipped stones. Make sure to cover the entire surface evenly. This will create a strong bond between the stones and the cement."

Worker 4: "How high should we build the wall, sir?"

Oliver: "Let's start with a modest height for this demonstration. We'll aim for about three feet. It's crucial to ensure the stability and levelness of each layer as we progress."

Worker 5: "Sir, should we let each layer dry before adding the next one?" as it was there old method to let layer dry before adding another layer.

Oliver: "No, for this demonstration, we'll work quickly and continuously. The slurry will act as a binding agent, allowing us to stack the stones without waiting for each layer to dry. However, we need to ensure the alignment and stability of each stone as we build."

With Oliver's guidance, the workers began the process of layering the chipped stones, carefully applying the slurry between each stone to create a solid bond. They worked diligently, maintaining a steady pace and paying close attention to the details of their construction. after sometime they quickly adopted to the work as it was similar to there old work.

As the wall slowly took shape, Oliver observed with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The slurry held the stones together firmly, and the wall began to rise steadily. The workers demonstrated their skill and expertise, ensuring the wall was level and sturdy at every stage.

By the end of the demonstration, the small wall stood before them, a testament to their hard work and the effectiveness of their newly developed cement. Oliver couldn't hide his satisfaction as he admired the structure they had created.

Oliver: "Well done, everyone! let this wall dry for a night and see our result of hardwork tomorrow. This is just the beginning. With this new material cement and our collective skills, we have the potential to build great things."

The workers exchanged proud smiles, their confidence in their lord and his newly created material cement was growing. Oliver's vision of innovation and progress was taking shape in his mind. After instructing worker to not touch the newly formed wall, Oliver went his way back to manor. He still has one important task to complete today. As his uncle need to take charge of merchant union. His uncle busied himself with fief people work in a day, he can only found him at night. Oliver started walking towards his Uncle Benedict courtyard.