Chapter 36: Uncle Benedict

Oliver made his way to his Uncle Benedict's residence, where he found him enjoying his dinner. The aroma of the delicious meal filled the air, enticing Oliver's appetite. Benedict noticed his arrival and warmly invited him to join him at the table.

Uncle Benedict: Oliver, my boy! I'm delighted to see you. Come, have a seat and share a meal with me.

Oliver: Thank you, Uncle Benedict. It's a pleasure to dine with you.

As they savored the flavorsome dishes, Oliver eagerly awaited the right moment to discuss his purpose for visiting his uncle. Once they had both enjoyed a few bites, Benedict decided to broach the subject.

Benedict: " What brings you here today, Oliver?"

Oliver: "Uncle Benedict, I've come here today with an important matter to discuss. It's about the progressive tasks and developments happening in Carroway Barony."

Uncle Benedict: "Progressive tasks, you say? Tell me more, Oliver. I'm intrigued."

Oliver began to explain the recent advancements in the barony, highlighting the establishment of the merchant union and its potential for generating immense profits.

Oliver: The merchant union, Uncle, is a collective endeavor that aims to unite the merchants of our kingdom under one powerful entity. By joining forces, we can tap into the untapped market of the masses, creating products that cater to their needs and desires. Just imagine the profits we could generate by selling soap, perfumes, and various other goods to the common folk. Few days back I have introduce concept of membership in merchant union and it has generated us 64000 gold in total."

Uncle Benedict's eyes widened with surprise as he listened to Oliver's words. Upon hearing the profit number he stopped eating. The concept of the merchant union and the potential for significant profits left him intrigued and eager to learn more."

Uncle Benedict: "Oliver, I must admit, I'm astonished by the possibilities you've presented. The sheer scale of profits that could be achieved by tapping into the pocket of this merchant and next into the larger market is mind-boggling. But what role do you envision for me in all of this?"

Oliver: "Uncle, I believe your experience and wisdom make you the perfect candidate to lead the merchant union as its chief. This position carries great influence and control over the finances of the union. It's a role that requires someone we can trust, someone who will ensure the success and prosperity of both the merchants and our family."

Uncle Benedict fell silent, contemplating the weight of Oliver's proposition. He recognized the significance of the chief position and the opportunities it presented for securing their family's financial future.

Uncle Benedict: "Oliver, I must admit, I'm both surprised and honored by your request. The role of chief carries immense responsibility and power. It's a position that can shape the direction of the merchant union and bring great prosperity to our family. After careful consideration, I accept your proposition, and I will do my utmost to fulfill the responsibilities that come with it."

Oliver's face lit up with joy and gratitude. He knew that having his uncle as the chief of the merchant union would strengthen their family's position and ensure its influence in the realm of commerce.

Oliver: "Thank you, Uncle Benedict! Your acceptance means a great deal to me and the future of our barony. Together, we will make the merchant union a force to be reckoned with, bringing prosperity not only to our family but to all those involved."

Uncle Benedict smiled warmly, pleased to see the determination and passion in Oliver's eyes. He knew that with their combined efforts and the support of the merchant union, they had the potential to reshape the economic landscape of Carroway Barony.

Uncle Benedict: "Oliver, my dear nephew, Let us work tirelessly to strengthen the merchant union, foster partnerships, and create opportunities for growth. The future holds great promise for Carroway Barony under your leadership, and we shall lead the way.

As the conversation continued, Oliver and Uncle Benedict delved deeper into their plans for the merchant union. They discussed strategies, potential partnerships, and the importance of maintaining strong relations with other noble families. With each passing moment, their excitement grew, fueling their determination to bring about positive change.

The dinner stretched into the late hours of the evening, but Oliver and Uncle Benedict were consumed by their vision and the possibilities that lay ahead. They understood that their efforts would not only benefit their own family but also contribute to the prosperity of the entire barony.

As the night drew to a close, they toasted to their newfound partnership, ready to embrace the challenges and rewards that awaited them. Together, Oliver and Uncle Benedict would lead the merchant union to new heights, forever leaving their mark on the realm of commerce.



As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow over the coastal landscape, a menacing sight emerged along the sea coast of the Ravenspire kingdom. Row upon row of warships, their formidable frames and billowing sails, stood as a formidable force ready to march into battle. The air was thick with an aura of impending doom, as the crew members prepared for the onslaught that awaited them.

The warships were a chilling sight to behold, their dark hulls standing tall against the crashing waves. The sharp, angular design of their bows spoke of their aggressive nature, while the blackened cannons that lined their sides hinted at the destruction they were capable of unleashing. From the largest flagship to the nimblest frigate, each vessel brimmed with an air of power and dominance.

On the deck of the lead ship, the commander, a stern and weathered figure, stood resolute. His eyes, filled with unwavering determination, surveyed the scene before him. His name was Admiral Alistair, a feared and respected leader known for his tactical brilliance and unwavering loyalty to the Ravenspire kingdom. His presence alone commanded the respect and obedience of his crew.

As the crew members scurried about, their faces etched with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, the air buzzed with a palpable energy. The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed as knights honed their swords and sharpened their spears, preparing for the impending battle. Archers meticulously inspected their bows and arrows, ensuring their weapons were in perfect condition. Sailors climbed the masts, adjusting rigging and tightening ropes, while the ship's cannons were primed and loaded with deadly precision.

On one of the ship, In the dimly lit captain's quarters, Captain Harrington stood tall, his stern gaze fixed on the map spread out on the table before him. The sound of crashing waves echoed in the distance as he commanded his knights to prepare for a perilous voyage. The air was heavy with anticipation and the scent of saltwater. The captain's voice carried authority as he addressed his men.

"Listen up, knights! Our mission is clear," Captain Harrington declared, his voice filled with determination. "We set sail tonight under the cover of darkness. Our target is Carraway Barony, a land untouched by the ravages of war. We shall strike swiftly and silently, catching them unaware."

The knights, clad in armor and armed with swords and shields, stood at attention, their eyes focused on their captain, ready to carry out his orders. The tension in the room was palpable, a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"Our objective is to infiltrate Carraway Barony undetected and bring it to its knees. The Baron's reign will ends in few month. Revenspire kingdom will rule that land forever.," Captain Harrington continued, his voice resonating with conviction. "We shall leave no stone unturned, no soul unscathed. The kingdom of Ravenspire shall claim victory!"

As the captain spoke, the knights exchanged determined glances, their hearts beating with a mixture of loyalty and the thrill of battle. They knew the risks involved, but their allegiance to their captain and their kingdom was unwavering.

"Prepare yourselves, men!" Captain Harrington bellowed, his voice echoing through the quarters. "Ensure your armor is in prime condition, your weapons sharpened. We depart at the midnight hour."

The knights dispersed, each one making their way to their designated stations, their footsteps echoing along the wooden deck of the ship. The tension grew as the captain watched his men prepare for the impending conflict.

Meanwhile, on the horizon, the moon began its ascent, casting an ethereal glow over the darkened waters. The sea seemed to whisper tales of battles fought and victories won. The ship bobbed gently, ready to sail into the unknown.

Captain Harrington stood at the helm, his eyes fixed on the distant shore. He knew that the success of their mission relied on precision, stealth, and the element of surprise. His mind was consumed with thoughts of conquest and the glory that awaited him upon their triumphant return.

As they will only travel in night, it will take them near about 2 to 3 month to reach carroway barony. They prepared everything needed for the journey. all the ship which contains 3000 strong men set sail at the midnight hour, disappeared into the horizon of night ocean to conquer Carroway estate.