The Knight

"Ready?" The Lt. Shouted.

The pressure that Tom was emitting wasn't normal when Kai checked with the other eyes. He could see a thick green aura around him that was running a little wild. By just emitting this much the earth around him started to react, appearing small spikes around him.

"Remember Tom no magic" the instructor said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry this is just for show I need no magic to beat this guy" Tom stated.

"That's a Knight for you" a student said while the other nodded in agreement . This comment made Kai curious about what that was all about.

Before the fight started he questioned them. "What do you mean Rook?"

The students looked at each other. "The Knight as in chess. Over here the students that are the strongest, have the name of a chess piece. There are three Pawns, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 2 Rooks, 1 Queen and 1 King. Although there are students that are said to be of equal power to them they don't participate in the official matches. Therefore when the first class "graduated" there has been no change in the school rankings. Since we are the third class to enter the academy, the second class still holds the majority of power over the ranks yet he is one of the two students who can compete with older students " the explanation was quite detailed but now Kai understood a lot.

"I think I now understand, one of the strongest of the school right in front of me" Kai smirked and was now itching for the fight even more.

The Lt signals Kai and Tom to get ready "and begin!"

Dr. Young approached Lt Copper. "Aren't you going to pay attention to the B section?"

"Arthur vs Kirk, I know how that's going to end" Copper said, continuing to watch Kai's fight.

"Isn't it the same with this fight I mean his fighting against one of the knights although it's the weaker one he's still one of the tops" was the train of thoughts Dr. Young had.

Kai this time summoned his gauntlets and dashed forward at an amazing speed he then threw a right punch but Tom stopped Kai's punch with only his hand.

"No struggle huh" Kai thought he then tried to pull back his punch but couldn't.

"How pathetic" Tom pulled Kai towards him and went to punch him but Kai was quick to react and evaded the attack.

He then pulled himself up with Tom's arm and kicked him in the back of the head. This made Tom let go of Kai's fist.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are if I attack you in a vital area you're done for" Kai said with a smile.

Tom was stunt by this something so simple yet so effective. This made him rush towards Kai, he held his hands on top of him and swung them down.

In the middle of the swing he summoned his soul weapon and a massive two head axe appeared. Kai held his hand up in a blocking position.


Was the only thing that sounded. Kai had stopped the axe struggle but could be seen on his face he then lowered his hand forward and the axe followed with the scraping sound of metal.

The axe dug into the ground Kai then stepped on the wooden handle of the axe with all his strength intending to break it. A small crack appeared on the handle, Tom quickly punched Kai on the face making him lose his balance and fall.

Tom picked up his axe with just his right arm while with his left arm was holding his chest and patting a little bit.

Some students started to whisper and some even looked at Kai with disgust. "Playing Dirty are we" Tom said with a bit of blood on his mouth.

"I'm guessing breaking a soul weapon can damage the person itself, that's interesting" Kai thought.

Tom put his left arm out and the hand that was holding the axe behind him he then charged and swung his axe horizontal Kai blocked with his gauntlets a small crack appeared on them.

The pain was unbearable; it was as if he got stabbed near his heart. Kai retaliated with a punch on the same spot he hit the wooden handle.


The axe broke now Tom was on one knee coughing blood. "You little bastard," he shouted as spikes emerged from the ground and we headed towards Kai.

"Shit" he said, evading some of them but one of them he tried to block but was blown away by the spike.

"Such force" another spike was heading towards Kai but it was stopped by a hand.

It was Lt Copper. "That's enough you're disqualified Tom Strongjaw" the student was completely still, his eyes white when he collapsed.

"This has to be because of the type of Mythic he controls," Kai thought. The bulky student was escorted out.

"If he was allowed to use mythic I would have lost in an instant I need to get stronger" was the thought of Kai.

[Quest complete]


"The system still counted as a win, that's fine by me," Kai said.


[For your mischievous deeds]

"What? mischievous deeds does he mean the breaking his soul weapon" Kai questioned. He then opened the system seeing his stats and everything ongoing.

[Kai Hellbound]

[Race: Human]

[Level 8] (0/800)

[Hp: 50/100]

[Strength: 14]

[Stamina: 12]

[Dexterity: 11]

[Control: 16%]

Free Stat Point: 2

On going Quests:

Completion 80%

Completion 90%






He didn't realized that he had this many skills thanks to New Baby Pup Skill. This brought a smile to his face.