Permissions To Leave

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I'll be participating in the LitRpg contest that starts today if you have time please drop by and support "Never Whither's Fate"

Now that's out of the way read to your hearts content.


Ltc Black was walking down the dungeon with Kai next to him. Silent followed their entire walk, until the Ltc told Kai about the decision the headmaster took.

"The general word is absolute, only the supreme general can say otherwise and he is attending to more important things right now. If this condition is not met you will be hunted by the military" Ltc Black said.

But Kai's head was in another place.

"Can I ask something?" Kai said.

Ltc Black looked at Kai with a curious look after nodding his head Kai provided.

"Who is the Cursed Order?"

Ltc Black stopped as his face darken he glanced at Kai with an intense stare which made Kai uncomfortable.

"They're an order that are experimenting with humans, trying to create a monster like the one you fought in the forest. The majority of their members are criminals but are shielded by the Order's leaders who are powerful warriors" He said as he started walking again.

"So you're trying to gather information to take them down?" Kai kept pressing the matter.

"If we have concrete evidence we could get the supreme general to meet with the other orders and rally together against them"

After saying that the walk turned silent, Kai was left in front of his room, just before he entered Ltc Black said something.

"Kai, I thank you for saving my daughter's life. I promise that Cain will not touch you as long as I am here" He said as he prepared to leave.

"Aren't you mad?" Kai said.

"I was very mad, but I'm a reasonable person and on top of that you saved my daughter's life. This cancels out the other incident" The Ltc said, but Kai could still feel how hard it was to tell him this.

Even without saying it he knew the Ltc had the rage of a hurricane inside him but he kept it down as a sign of appreciation. After that brief exchange the Ltc left Kai alone, when Kai opened the door he found a woman sitting on his bed.

Her Brown long hair matched the lit skin tan and went perfectly with her dark honey eyes. To top it all off her body was nothing but amazing. It was a familiar face to Kai as he had known this person for a long time.

"Hey, Darya" He scanned her from feet to head looking at how beautiful she looked.

She was currently wearing a tight seductive black dress that teased the eyes. Her hair was tied in a bun and to match her dress black high heels. She was currently crossing her legs which the dress only covered half of her thighs as she leaned a little backwards supporting her body with only her arms.

"What do you want?" Kai asked with an annoyed look on his face, he knew how this was going to go.

"Let's go out to eat. I need to talk to you about something, but please change before going" She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I don't own anything as fancy as your clothes, Darya, so I guess we can't go out" he said as he shrugged and smiled.

But that smile didn't last long as Darya pointed to his closet which had an all black suit on display. Kai could only sighed in defeat but then he remembered that it's difficult to get out of the academy so he went along with Darya in hopes the guards will stop them.

Kai changed in the bathroom. The suit fits perfectly without being too big or too tight. The color black went perfectly with Kai's Fair skin and black with red streaked hair. It highlights every good part of Kai, making him look handsome.

When he exit the bathroom Kai was met with a teasley smile on Darya's face, who then approached him and grab his arm seductively and said."Well you always looked good on a suit"

This made Kai gulped but he quickly calm down and sighed he knew Darya was just teasing him,

"Let's just go" Kai said, slightly blushing, which made Darya chuckled a bit.

Arriving at the border Kai was stupefied at the result.

"What the hell is going on? It should be difficult to get out of the academy" He thought in disbelief. He was standing on the other side of the gate being escorted in a car that was driving towards the restaurant.

"You look surprised, if you're confused how I got permission let's just say that my Ltc owed me a favor for doing a mission for him" Darya said as she looked at her watch.

"Mission?" Kai said curiously as he glanced at Darya. His eyes unconsciously landed in her thighs.

"My eyes are up here" She said, still looking at her watch it seemed she was looking at a message.

"As if I hadn't seen more from you" Kai mumbled under his breath.

Darya smacked the back of his head. "Get your head out of the gutter. As for the mission I was sent to punish a top rank student" She said calmly. Kai Knitted his eyes.

"You mean the students that have the title of a chess piece?" He chuckled a bit after saying that, it was just childish to him the method they chose.

"Yes and I believe he was a rook" Darya said while tapping her shin.

"How was it?" Kai said

"Not that hard, the only person in the school that can rival me is the King" She said.

"What about the Queen?"

But Darya shook her head with a disappointing look. Kai knew this expression all too well; it meant Darya lost.

"Is the queen that strong?" He asked himself and couldn't help but smile.

"Don't even think about it, you can't even beat me much less her" Darya's expression was serious and yet Kai smirked at it.

After a while they arrived at a restaurant that was in a distance from the city. It looked fancy as the golden colors decorated the columbus. White marble walls with trims of gold could be seen and a window with the view of the city that was still filled with lights and life.

"This is too much Darya, couldn't we get some fast food?" Kai said as they stand waiting for their table but quickly quieted down as Darya glared at him with murderous intent.

"Well it can't be helped" He sighed in defeat.