Date Night

Kai and Layla were standing in front of the restaurant hostess waiting for their table. The restaurant was quite busy and it took almost twenty to be seated but they didn't mind as they knew how busy they were.

Kai and Darya browsed through the menu until they decided what to get. A waitress came by. She had blonde hair with blue eyes. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and was quite beautiful.

"Hello there, how are we tonight?" The waitress said.

Kai looked at her and smiled at her. Darya seeing this kicked Kai's knee with her high heels while glaring at him. This made the waitress chuckle a bit.

"My name is Cidney. What can I get started for you guys?" Cidney said with a warm smile.

"I'll get the Minty Babe" Darya said with a polite smile at the waitress.

"Great choice, best drink in the house. It's what put us on the map" she said proudly.

"What about you sir?" She added.

"Just water please," Kai said.

He didn't really enjoy alcohol like other people. He thought he didn't have a reason to and that was enough for him. The waitress left after nodding her head.

"Just water please" Darya mocked Kai while laughing.

"What are you ten years old?" but she fell silent after laughing for a minute.

Cidney came back with the drinks while Kai was just regular water. Darya's drik looked fancy, it was a clear round bottom glass with trims of gold in the rim.

The glass was filled with a light greenish liquid with mints and cucumber floating around with the ice. It looked refined and made with care.

Darya put the glass to her mouth and took a sip of the drink. Her eyes widened as she tasted the drink. This action made the waitress a little nervous.

"This… is the best drink I have tasted," Darya said with a bright smile. This made the waitress smile back.

After that they ordered their food and considering the busy night it came surprisingly quickly.

Darya had a carbonara pasta with garlic bread on the side. While Kai had a juice 10oz steak that made his mouth water. They started eating their food and made small talk.

"Hey Kai, have you heard of the term assimilation?" Darya asked while taking another mouth full of her pasta.

"Assimilation I don't think so what's that?" Kai said while he still chewed.

"It's a theory that a human can merge with a beast taking their traits and even some abilities. That theory is what the Cursed Order is after to confirm" Darya said as she closed her eyes.

"Sound familiar?" She added and then ate more of her pasta.

It did remind him of something his skill [Incomplete Hell's Embodiment]

Sweat started to drip from his forehead, a coldness spread through his body. He was nervous and Darya noticed this.

"You know you can tell me I probably know more than you anyways" Darya reassured him but Kai just scoffed at this comment.

"Yet you cannot tell me why we are different? What type of bullshit is that?" Kai said as he leaned back on his chair.

"That's different you will know when it's time and from what I see you're not ready" Darya responded.

Their conversation was cut short when Darya saw Cidney being tormented by a group of four guys that sat two tables away from them. A man had just grabbed her arm roughly and it was clear she was uncomfortable.

Darya's eyes glowed blue with anger for a second. She stood up and went to the table. While Kai just closed his while he drank his water.

She slapped the hand of the man away from Cidney and got in between her and the man.

"Well check out this beauty," another man said.

The guy that got slapped was mad he stood up while releasing his aura.

"Get lost BITCH!" The guy said

Darya was about to punch this person but before anyone could react.


Kai was already choking the man in the air with a cold expression on his face. Just seeing him gave goosebumps to the others they couldn't even see Kai arrived.

"Now that's no way to talk to a lady is it? Much less if that lady is my date" Kai was dead serious then man in the air was struggling to breath.

This action weirdly enough brought delight to Darya as she was seeing the Kai she remembered. Not the careless version he had become recently.

She loved the battle addicted man she became friends with all those years ago. Kai then tightened his grip, and the man kicked the air as he tried to loosen Kai's grip.

"Hey let go of him" another man said as he stood up to defend his friend.


The guy was forcefully seated on the chair, which broke from the impact. He grabbed his chest in pain and if one looked close enough a burned mark could be seen in his clothes.

Kai threw the man he was choking to the ground.

"Now apologize, to both of them" Kai said while his aura exploded which was clearly stronger than the group of guys all together.

He looked like a monster in the group's eyes

"I'm sorry!" He shouted in fear.

"Good" Kai said he then squatted and whispered in his ear.

"Now you're gonna get out and are going to leave a big tip for Cidney. Oh and one more thing I just saved your life. My date is even stronger than me and more violent"

This made the man widen his eyes in fear. After that the group of guys left and left $200 as a tip for Cidney.

Kai apologized for the mess he made and even offered to pay for the damage. Cidney declined.

"Don't worry about this, the owner is my father so he will understand," She said with a smile.

Kai then looked into his watch. He remembered he saw a feature that allowed one to link it's bank account. When he entered, a smile crept into his face.

He then paid for the food and then left a giant tip for Cidney $1,000. Cidney wanted to give the money back but when she realized it was too late both Kai and Darya had left.

"That was generous of you," Darya said.

"Well she had a rough night. That was a hell of a date night huh Darya" He smiled crazily.

"Now this is Kai Hellbound" She thought as she blushed just thinking how ruthless Kai was becoming again.