Memory From The Past

In an old abandoned building a black haired teen with streaks of red could be seen walking towards a group of people, it was Kai. A slightly younger version of Darya could be seen. Next to her were two beautiful girls both beautiful, one with silver hair and blue eyes and the other with deep greenish colored hair and green eyes.

In front of the girls were two guys, one with long black hair that reached his shoulder, a muscular build with gray eyes. Next to him was a short black haired man that had yellow eyes and a very muscular build but at the same time was pretty slim.

After Kai reached the he stopped and asked the Green hair girl. "Is everything ready Sarah?"

The girls looked at him and nodded.

"The boss said this would be a big job so let's do it right" The silver-haired girl said before throwing a bag with a set of black clothes and leather jackets.

"Relax Rita, when have we failed a mission?" The boy with the long hair said.

"Akashi you are the main reason she's saying this, right Suro?" Kai said laughing looking at the short hair man.

"Hey I can't help it if I like to fight," Akashi said laughing.

"I would say more like an obsession," Suro said.

Everyone put on the black cloth and leather jackets. Each of their jackets had a Dragon like crest on the back. It was the symbol of a gang called the rising dragon.

"Ok let's go" Kai said as all of them left for the location.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. As another building could be seen but this time it wasn't an abandoned one. Kai then proceeded to enter and when people saw the jackets and the faces of who had just entered they created a path to the elevator, while some whispered.

"They're the Dragonborns Squad, said to be just under the rising dragon boss. The elite force of the rising dragon gang" people whispered.

They ignored the whispers and got on the elevator. "Remember even if this is a big job it's still a really big one," Kai said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Akashi frowned as he thought of this.

When they arrived they were surprised to find their own boss on the floor. They exit and give a slight bow to their boss.

"Boss, are you here if I may ask?" Rita said.

The boss was a big man and very muscular like a bodybuilder with hair that looked wild and long. "Oh nothing much I just decided to take care of this personally. To my surprise we reached an agreement" the Boss said, looking at the man sitting at a desk, who looked completely opposite to the boss.

"That great boss," Kai said, feeling the weird vibe coming out of these two figures. He glanced at Akashi seein he was already preparing.

"Yes, we agreed," the boss said before standing up.

"You are the problem," he said with a crazed look.

After that the elevator made a sound of arriving. Around ten men got out with bats and pipes, they quickly surrounded the group. And after a minute more joined in.

They were now surrounded by thirty persons, the group glanced at the gang members, all of them had weapons on them.

"So a trap from the beginning huh?" Akashi said with a smile.

"Indeed, you have become a problem within the gang so I'll just have to get rid of you with the help of our new allies, after that I'll just tell the gang that you ran into one of the kings and got killed" The boss said.

A smirk appeared on Akashi's face.

"You think this little force can take us out" he then dashed to one of the men and grabbed him by the neck.

"You're very wrong" he said as he put the man in a choke hold and snapped his neck.

This action made the rest of the men charged at the group of friends. They didn't stand still; they proceeded to fight against the odds. The thing was they were winning. It was something that should be impossible, but their formation and teamwork helped them.

The fight kept going and going, the Dragonborn squad was killing every person in the room without hesitation. This made the boss and the other widened their eyes in shock and fear.

"They're monsters," the lean man said.

"I thought this would be enough," the boss said.

After killing the last one the group was completely covered by blood. Akashi then stepped forward towards the boss who was about to attack him.

Suddenly, he froze in place as if he was being held by someone.

"What is this feeling?" The boss said, trying to force his body to move.

"FEAR" Akashi said before in his right eye a weird symbol appeared.

Before the boss could say anything else. His vision had turned upside down when he saw Alishi holding a sword.

"When did he get a sword?" The last thoughts of the boss as his head fell to the ground and his body as well.

"Now you" Akashi said as he jumped but the sword was stopped by Suro.

"What do you think you're doing?" Akashi asked if the weird symbol in his eyes was no longer there.

"We need answers, first," Suro said as he glanced at Kai.

"Fine, but can I do it?" Akashi said, throwing the sword away and a smile crept into his face.

"Do as you please as long as you get answers," Kai said before he left.

Kai sometimes took decisions for the group but he was no leader. Since this group didn't have a leader, everyone did as they pleased.

But leaving Akashi unattended would always result in them not having enough information and more blood in their hands.

As Kai got on the elevator the only thing that could be heard were screams of pain. Kai arrived at the lower floor where backup had arrived but it was too late. Kai stood in front of all the people there.

"Your leader is dead! You all belong to us now" He shouted with a smile.

"To you? We don't belong to anyone!" A man shouted before charging towards Kai.

But he was interrupted by Kai's fist, after being puch Kai stepped on his face with a force almost not human.

"How can he have such strength?" The man thought

A weird symbol appeared in Kai's right forearm. The man saw this and his eyes widened as the force of the step got heavier.

"King's Mar…." He was interrupted but Kai crushed his neck.

"Anyone else?" Kai said, glancing at the rest.

Kai then started to walk to the exit and the people once again made a path for him. The elevator could be heard as the rest had joined Kai.

"Kai?" Akashi asked.

Kai already knew what he wanted to do as he waved that he didn't care.

"Suro, can you stay with him? Since you'll be the only one that can stop him if it gets out of hand" Kai asked which was responded by a nod.

After that Akashi dashed towards the group of people and massacred them one by one.


Kai had woken up and realized that the boar had arrived and he needed to get out. He was on his way to his mission.

"Why did I have to dream about that now of all times?" He said.

But then a familiar sound was heard.


[Retain your King's Mark]

Tyrant Domination

"King's Mark? Does that mean that I had an ability before Mythic was even a thing?" Kai asked himself in shock.

He then looked at the requirements.

User most remembered when he received the King's Mark and who gave it.

Reposition yourself as one of the kings.

"Is the system telling me to go back into the gangs?" Kai said but it was something that he had to do after this mission.

As he headed to the airport to enter the Astro Continent.