The Great Fall

[Ethereal Flame]




New Skills Available

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma]

[Low Rank S]

[Race: HellHound]

[Level 70] (6,000,000/70,000,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Defense +20]

[Strength: 150] (+10)

[Stamina: 150] (+8)

[Dexterity: 165] (+15)

[Control: 85%]

[Fatigue: 10%]

[Sanity 20%]

[Free Stat Points: 0]

[Ethereal Flame Manipulation]

[HellHound] (Skill has Evolved)

(Has Evolved)

Every stat will increase by 80%

The user's body will resemble the looks of hell's guardian.

Time limit: 50 minutes

Observing this, Kai's confidence soared to new heights, surpassing the clouds themselves.

"This ends here, Father" Kai addressed his father, who was rising after the thrashing delivered by Nocturnis.

"So you finally decided to come out, you coward," Rick said.

Rick found himself surprised as Kai swiftly materialized beside him, catching him off guard with the astonishing speed of his sudden appearance.

[Second Step]

Kai effectively employed his combat proficiency to diminish the distance and subsequently executed a precise right kick infused with flames directed at Rick.

Rick successfully deflected the attack using his wing, yet upon Kai's impact, he experienced an unfamiliar force, resulting in a skidding motion across the room to the opposite side.

"What is this? I thought the hellhound was gone but he still has the blue flames" Rick said as his eyes bulged.

The atmosphere resonated with Kai's commanding presence as he advanced, and the sheer weight of his aura compelled additional guards in proximity to kneel, acknowledging the overpowering force.

In a surge of apprehension, Rick, sensing the potential of defeat, initiated the gathering of mythical energy. As the energy coursed through him, an impending explosion loomed. His aura expanded erratically, manifesting a wild and unstable energy field around him.

Undeterred, Kai continued his steady advance, closing the gap until he stood a mere ten feet away from Rick, resolute in the face of the impending mythical surge.

"Try to survive this!" Rick shouted.

Rick's unleashed aura erupted in a cataclysmic explosion, generating a shockwave that ruthlessly obliterated everything in its path. The entire tower quivered under the overwhelming energy, prompting the guards to close their eyes in acknowledgment of the inevitable conclusion.

Abruptly, the tower ceased its tremors, and a profound silence enveloped the room. The guards, cautiously reopening their eyes, beheld Kai standing unscathed in the aftermath of the formidable explosion.

The user possesses a formidable defensive ability termed "savage," which, when triggered by an attack, retaliates by inflicting a grievous wound upon the assailant. This particular wound proves challenging to heal, adding a potent deterrent to potential aggressors.

Rick, now motionless, witnessed the extinguishing of the flames that had engulfed him, his body trembling under the consuming force of mythic energy. Blood seeped from his ears and nose, while tears tainted with blood flowed as he gazed at Kai, the toll of the internal devouring evident on his weakened form.

"Thank you my son" With a haunting smile, Rick uttered his final words before succumbing to the inevitable. His lifeless body collapsed to the floor, marking the somber end of the intense confrontation.

Kai's demeanor shifted noticeably as the comment reached him, evident in the intensification of his flames. Observing this, the guards, overwhelmed by the formidable Mythic energy, experienced a profound sensation, nearly on the verge of losing consciousness.

"Who can tell me where Suro Ring is?" Kai asked as he pointed to the guards.

Without affording the guards an opportunity to respond, a suited man entered the room, applauding. He proceeded to approach Kai, coming to a halt directly in front of him. In his chest was a name tag that spelled Draven Iceheart.

A formidable person with an aura as cold as the Arctic winds. Clad in an attire adorned with frost-tinged motifs, his piercing blue eyes seem to hold the secrets of eternal winter. Draven's mastery over ice magic is unparalleled, as evidenced by the frozen whispers that trail in his wake. His calculated movements and reserved demeanor mask a heart as icy as the glaciers he commands, making him a chilling adversary to anyone who dares cross his path.

"Magnificent, Kai Hellbound!" Draven said.

"Who are you?" Kai asked the suited man.

"My name is Draven Iceheart, owner of this tower and now your owner as well" He said with a chilling smile.

Kai's countenance tightened into a frown as he assumed a combative stance, yet Draven's response was laughter, seemingly dismissing the notion that Kai would acquiesce to his demands. The air held a tension, a clash of wills between the determined combatant and the villain who found amusement in the face of resistance.

"You think after what I saw you do I would fight you?" Draven said as he pulled out a translucent device.

Kai's arm responded to the device, manifesting a peculiar symbol that glowed distinctly. The emergence of his king's mark signaled a significant and transformative connection, unveiling a power that bore both mystery and authority.

"My King's Mark?" Kai asked.

"You forgot what your father told you? Your generation is not the first to use mythic. The government has been studying it since long ago and we, the Cursed Order for much longer" Draven said leaving Kai stunned he had confirmation that Astro Tower and the Cursed Order were connected.

"The king's marks are a positive side effect of our experiment" Draven said as he pushed a button on the device.

Kai underwent significant discomfort in his arm, the sensation coursing through his entire body, resulting in him dropping to his knees. Meanwhile, Draven responded with unrestrained laughter.

"Oh and don't worry about your friend he's not here at this very moment but you will reunite with him soon enough" Draven said this and signaled the guards to take Kai away but they just stepped away.

"Please I know he put on a little show against Rick but he is now under my…" before he could finish he turned around only to see Kai standing up.

Kai accumulated a substantial amount of mythic energy in his aura, benefiting from the enhanced statistics and improved control he had achieved.

"That's impossible!" Draven said, pressing the button again and again.

"You have confirmed that Suro is not here there for I don't need to hold back on blowing this, F*CKING TOWER" Kai yelled.

In a swift convergence, the Mythic energy spiraled towards Kai, merging with his blue flames. The absorbed energy created an eerie silence in the room. Attempting to escape, the guards fled, while Draven, in a belated effort, encased himself in ice. However, Kai's unleashed aura caused an explosive burst of flames, consuming everything. The resulting shockwave weakened the tower's support, initiating its inevitable collapse, as gravity took hold, bringing it to the ground.

Amidst the smoke-shrouded streets of Astro City, the towering structure that once dominated the skyline was now reduced to rubble. The emotional impact of this sight led to citizens shedding tears, while helicopters and military vehicles hurried to the scene. Kai stood alone atop the broken concrete, broadcasted globally and branded as a worldwide criminal. The consequences of his actions reverberated far beyond the city limits.

Kai swiftly departed, but his face would forever be associated with the news headline: "Kai Hellbound, the Destroyer of Astro Tower."