Reckoning Shadows

Within the confines of the wall, Cain engaged in a conversation with Akashi, who appeared to be holding his head in distress, indicative of possible discomfort or pain.

"I just see flashes of people all the time but I don't know who they are," Akashi said.

The Doctor walked into the room, holding a chart in his hands.

"It seems everything is already with your brain activity. It just seems your consciousness wants you to remember who you were. It's common for patients in your circumstances to relapse old memories" the Doctor said, reassuring Akashi.

Akashi winced as he clutched his head in agony once more, his groans revealing the intensity of his pain. Acting swiftly, Cain reached out and firmly gripped Akashi's shoulder in an attempt to provide support. However, instead of finding relief, Akashi instinctively seized Cain's arm, his fingers closing around it in a vice-like grip.

Undeterred, Cain attempted to retract his hand, but Akashi's strength proved formidable. Despite Cain's efforts, the vice-like hold remained, causing a subtle display of tension between the two. As Akashi continued to struggle with his pain, Cain weighed his options, mindful of the delicate balance between assistance and self-preservation in the face of Akashi's unexpected physical reaction.

Cain skillfully extracted his hand from Akashi's unyielding grasp, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. However, the tension in the air lingered, signaling that the situation was far from resolved. As Cain took a step back, he observed Akashi, whose expression conveyed a level of discomfort beyond the ordinary.

The pain coursing through Akashi seemed to defy conventional understanding, its abnormal nature evident in the lines etched across his face. Concern etched on Cain's features, he pondered the mysterious source of Akashi's agony. With a furrowed brow, he considered his next move, realizing that the unfolding events held an air of unpredictability, and the answers to Akashi's suffering lay shrouded in uncertainty.

"Doctor, what is happening this is not normal?" Cain asked.

The doctor's perplexity deepened as he grappled with the contradictions in Akashi's condition. The notion of Mythical Awakening persisted in his thoughts, but a stark realization tempered his initial hypothesis. Mythical Awakenings were a phenomenon predominantly associated with the emergence of new generations, not individuals with the seasoned experience of someone like Akashi.

Adding to the mystery was the absence of any detectable trace of Mythic, the quintessential energy associated with such awakenings. This anomaly defied the established patterns, confounding the doctor's understanding of the situation. As he contemplated this enigma, a sense of unease settled over him, prompting a reevaluation of the conventional wisdom surrounding Mythical Awakenings and raising questions about the unprecedented nature of Akashi's affliction.

"Cain, I don't know what's happening but it's not normal I think we should lock down this wing of the wall" The Doctor suggested.

In an instant, the searing pain that had tormented Akashi dissipated, replaced by the sudden flood of a singular, poignant memory. Before him stood five familiar faces—Kai, Suro, Darya, Rita, and Sarah—his friends. As the memory unfolded, a wave of warmth and connection washed over Akashi, grounding him in a moment of camaraderie and shared experiences.

In the blink of an eye, the vivid recollection receded, and Akashi found himself once again in the present, standing with Cain. The abrupt transition left him momentarily disoriented, as if he had traversed between two distinct realms. Despite the bewildering nature of the experience, a lingering sense of connection with his friends lingered, leaving Akashi with a curious blend of wonder and intrigue

"I remember," Akashi said.

"You remember everything?" The Doctor asked before rushing out to get his report book to take the necessary notes. 

"Stay there I'll be back in a sec" The Doctor said. 

"Cain I am grateful for your help in my recovery, I believe that we now are considered friends and for me my friends are truly important and will always put them first" Akashi said in a serious tone.

Cain observed Akashi's transformation with a mixture of surprise and realization. The Akashi before him seemed like an entirely different person—confident, assured, and free from the earlier uncertainty that had marked their interactions. It became evident that the Akashi he once knew, hesitant and unsure, was a mere facade compared to the depths of the person now standing before him.

The shift in Akashi's demeanor hinted at a hidden strength and self-awareness, suggesting that the earlier vulnerability may have been a deliberate choice rather than a true reflection of his character. As Cain grappled with this revelation, he couldn't help but wonder about the circumstances that led to this dual nature and what lay beneath the surface of Akashi's complex persona.

"Well, someday you might actually be able to help me now that your memories are restored. As of right now it would be difficult for you to help me. Since it's about getting revenge on someone" Cain said.

"If it's about revenge against someone I will definitely help you however I can. I specialize in doing all kinds of things, but just are you after?" Akashi asked but before Cain could answer the news came on.

As the recording played, capturing the apocalyptic scene of Astro Tower's destruction, the focus shifted to the orchestrator of the chaos—Kai Hellbound, now a notorious worldwide criminal. Akashi's reaction was unexpected, a smile spread across his face, and a spark of excitement kindled in his eyes as he watched his friend revel in the chaos he had unleashed.

Akashi's apparent joy at Kai's criminal exploits hinted at a complex and unconventional friendship. The anticipation of joining the chaos, rather than condemning it, suggested a shared history and a connection rooted in a darker, more tumultuous side of life.

Akashi, noticing the surge of anger emanating from Cain, furrowed his brow in concern. The tension in the room escalated, creating an unspoken conflict that mirrored the turmoil on the recording. Sensing Cain's disapproval, Akashi couldn't help but frown, puzzled by the stark contrast in their reactions

"Do you know Cain?" Akashio asked as his face darken.

"Yeah, this is the guy I was telling you about, he hurted my brother and I will kill…" 

A chilling silence descended upon the room as Cain's sentence remained unfinished, replaced by the ominous sensation of blood soaking his shirt. A searing pain shot through his chest, and the realization struck him as he looked down to find an arm impaling him. Shock and disbelief etched across his face, Cain turned around to confront the source of this sudden betrayal.

To his horror, he found Akashi, the once-familiar friend, wearing a darkened expression that seemed to conceal a malevolent intent. The room echoed with the weight of this betrayal.

"I told you that I would always put friends first, I'm sorry but I have known Kai longer than you and we are true friends. So I can't let you hurt him" Akashi said as Cain took his last dying breath and pulled his arm out of his chest.

The transformation was swift and surreal. As a black and purple aura enveloped Akashi, it seemed as though the very shadows around him were drawn towards his being. A surge of incredible power coursed through him, an otherworldly force that seemed to blend with the darkness itself. Akashi could feel the raw energy entering every fiber of his being, a potent and corruptive force that transformed his once ordinary existence.

His veins darkened, a visual manifestation of the ominous power that now pulsed through him. It was as if the dark energy had tainted his very blood, leaving an indelible mark on his physical form. The transformation continued, reaching his eyes, which turned completely black, save for a haunting glow of purple emanating from his irises.

In an instant, the oppressive darkness lifted, and Akashi returned to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, the residual effects of the chilling and dark power lingered, a silent testament to the extraordinary and unsettling change that had taken place within him. The air seemed charged with an eerie energy.

"A Shadow User" The Doctor said, dropping the report book on his hands. 

"A Doctor I wish you hadn't seen," Akashi said,with a crazed smile on his face before killing the doctor.

The demonic voice echoed ominously inside Akashi's head, a haunting presence that seemed to intertwine with the newfound darkness within him

"Shut up for a while would you, I was planning on it from the beginning" Akashi suppressed the voice within him.

The dark aura extended from Akashi, reaching the lifeless bodies on the ground. As the shadows enveloped them, an unholy transformation took place. The once-inert figures began to stir, and shadowy forms emerged, rising like twisted specters. Akashi, now a conduit of malevolent power, had turned the fallen into his obedient foot soldiers.

The eyes of the reanimated bodies glowed with an unnatural purple hue, a telltale sign of the corruption that now coursed through their veins. The eerie glow reflected the dark energy that had taken root within them, erasing any remnants of their former humanity.

"It seems like Cain met Darya. It seems I can see the memories of the people I consume" Akashi said as he saw the memory of when Cain met Darya in military school.

"KAI, LET'S HAVE LOTS OF FUN IN THIS NEW WORLD" Akashi yelled as the shadows rushed through the doors and screams could be heard.