Beyond The Wall

In the dimly lit room, a man stood frozen, his gaze fixated on an invisible point in the distance. His spiky black hair, adorned with red streaks, clung to his forehead, damp from an unseen source. The room's subdued atmosphere contrasted with the wetness of his hair, emphasizing the absence of any immediate spookiness.

His stillness belied the heaviness in his breathing, each exhale a testament to an internal struggle or recent trauma. The air around him seemed charged with unspoken emotions, creating a palpable tension. The man's wide-eyed stare hinted at a mind grappling with thoughts beyond the immediate surroundings.

The man in the room was none other than Kai. In the quietude, Kai seemed to replay the confrontation with his father, the echoes of a battle that left its mark on both their lives. The last words spoken by his father lingered in his ears, a haunting reminder of a pivotal moment.

"Thank you my son"

When remembering those words Kai led out a chilling almost monstrous scream from his anger and pain he was currently feeling. He had waited so long for his revenge and now that he had achieved it he only felt more pain. .

His scream held within it the echoes of pent-up anger and the ache of profound pain. The very act that he had yearned for — achieving revenge against his father — had unexpectedly become a source of heightened suffering. The weight of anticipation, the years of longing for closure, now bore down on him with an unexpected heaviness..

"Fucking bastard" Kai whispered. 

He them glanced to the air and saw the completion notification of the Mega Quest:


<(Optional) Save Suro Ring> (Failed)


5 Level

Next Evolution

Bonus Rewards:

Kill Xp: 10,000,000Xp

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma] 

[Low Rank S]

[Race: HellHound]

[Level 75] (16,000,000/70,000,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Defense +20]

[Strength: 190] (+10)

[Stamina: 190] (+8)

[Dexterity: 200] (+15)

[Control: 85%]

[Fatigue: 10%]

[Sanity 60%]

[Free Stat Points: 25]


Kai, confronted with the option to take the next step in his evolution, found himself in a state of emotional numbness. The echoes of his earlier scream seemed to linger, leaving him temporarily devoid of any discernible feeling. It was as though the intense release of emotion in the previous outburst had left him in a transient state of emotional vacancy.

"Why can't I feel anything?Am I that broken?" Kai said as he looked at the option.

Kai made a conscious decision to undergo personal development, aspiring to experience a heightened sense of presence and emotion in the current moment.

As Kai's body ignited, the water enveloping him evaporated into vapor under the escalating heat. Within his veins, a vivid blue flame surged, its intensity increasing as the power within him grew stronger. Yet, the once vibrant blue hue gradually darkened, assuming a more ominous and profound shade.

Writhing in agony, Kai collapsed to the ground, his body contorting in pain as his bones underwent a relentless pulverization, only to be reborn with heightened strength. A guttural scream escaped Kai's lips, a testament to the excruciating pain he had yearned to experience, now coursing through him.

After enduring the intense ordeal for a brief span, the torment abruptly ceased, leaving Kai with a transformed physique surpassing his previous form. Rising from the ground, he now possessed a body far superior, radiating a strength that eclipsed anything he had known before. As he stood upright, Kai's physique boasted a divine muscle definition, a harmonious blend of leanness and muscularity that could only be likened to that of a god.

Not only did Kai's physicality undergo a remarkable improvement, but his sensory faculties also received a significant boost. His vision became sharper, his sense of smell more acute, and his hearing heightened to levels beyond ordinary human capacity. The tactile sensations coursing through him were now finely tuned, enhancing his overall perception of the world. Moreover, a newfound connection with his Mythic entity emerged, as if an enhanced communicative link had been established, allowing Kai to sense and understand its presence on a deeper level.

As Kai examined his transformed self, his gaze fixated on his right arm, where a peculiar symbol had materialized—the emblem of his authority. This enigmatic symbol now adorned his arm, a sleek and flowing representation reminiscent of a stylized wave or a curved, fluid line. The central focus was on a small, radiant sphere at the heart of the symbol, symbolizing the telekinetic power concentrated within. The deep indigo color of the symbol conveyed a sense of mystery and depth, while the radiant sphere glowed with a subtle silver accent, emphasizing the extraordinary nature of Kai's telekinetic abilities.

{It is befitting for a monarch to garner recognition among the common populace. The regal stature of a King finds its true resonance when acknowledged and esteemed by ordinary individuals.}A deep voice said. 

"Nocturnis, I guess we finally truly meet each other" Kai replied to the voice in his head.

{Yes, I have seen you grow into a pretty strong person, Kai Hellbound. Don't be fooled, you still have a long road ahead of you, but now I can help you a bit more than this system}Nocturnis said.

"I sure hope so" Kai said it was clear that he was still affected by the fight against his father, but the evolution helped him to also have a stronger mind.

Kai discerned the distant approach of footsteps, not merely one set but three distinct pairs. Despite their clear resonance emanating from behind him, Kai remained resolute in his decision to remain stationary. As the footsteps eventually ceased, three young women came into view, fixating their gaze upon Kai's back. A palpable sense of astonishment marked the countenance of two, while the third, in contrast, offered a serene smile.

"Yo, Kai, when will you stop trying to act cool and come with us, we got things to do" Darya said with a smile on her face.

Rita and Sarah, however, found themselves taken aback, as they had encountered Kai not too long ago, witnessing a profound transformation in him. This change extended beyond mere physical alterations; Kai now exuded a markedly heightened aura of strength. The realization left both women momentarily stunned, their apprehension palpable. The notion of confronting this evolved version of Kai, a stark contrast to their prior encounter in the hotel, elicited an involuntary gulp, as the prospect of contending with him now seemed a daunting proposition.

"We certainly do, Suro is still missing, and I have a grudge against the world right now. What do you say, shall we take care of it like before?" While Kai said that his aura was leaking from his body.

"That aura is definitely of a SS Rank. He also managed to get his King's mark permanent" Darya thought as she got excited as she saw Kai grow stronger.

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma] 

[Low Rank SS]

[Race: True HellHound]

[Level 75] (16,000,000/75,000,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Defense +20]

[Strength: 215] (+10)

[Stamina: 215] (+8)

[Dexterity: 250] (+15)

[Control: 90%]

[Fatigue: 0%]

[Sanity 100%]

[Free Stat Points: 25]

"But first we need to get stronger, so shall we go on a hunt?" Kai said with a confident smile.

As the group signaled their decision to advance toward the Wall, a collective sense of determination overshadowed them. Unbeknownst to them, however, lay a stark reality: within the Wall's boundaries lurked a challenge of far greater magnitude than they could fathom. The impending journey held the promise of a revelation, exposing a perilous truth that surpassed the bounds of their current anticipation.

Military helicopters soared over the island of the Wall, revealing a portion engulfed in shadows where both beasts and humans clashed in a chaotic struggle. A soldier, scanning the tumult from above, spotted a lone man amidst the bedlam. In an instant, the figure disappeared, leaving the soldier bewildered. As he attempted to discern the mysterious individual's whereabouts, a sense of confusion hung in the air, intensifying the uncertainty of the unfolding events.

"Spying on others is creepy," Akashi uttered a whispered remark into the ear of the unsuspecting soldier before swiftly dispatching him and his comrades aboard the helicopters. The calculated, lethal actions orchestrated by Akashi resulted in the helicopters' demise, their subsequent crash sealing the fate of all on board.

Unscathed, Akashi strolled barefoot along the beach, a realm dominated by shadows. Despite the chaos surrounding him, he moved with an eerie calm, untouched by the tumult that unfolded in the ominous shadows cast upon the sands.

"This is boring," Akashi said as he stretched.

In the following moment, time itself had come to a standstill. Approaching the frozen Akashi was a white-haired man, his gaze fixated on Akashi with an unmistakable sense of excitement, as if beholding a captivating plaything. This enigmatic figure was none other than Blaze Savage, renowned as one of the world's two Z Rank warriors and widely acknowledged as the epitome of strength.

"It's still not time but soon enough we will meet until then, feed and get stronger as I want our fight to last more than a minute" Blaze said with a crazed expression.

However, a sudden turn of events left him momentarily startled. His initial shock, however, swiftly transformed into an expression of intense madness, erupting into unrestrained laughter. Akashi, in defiance of the temporal standstill imposed by Blaze, managed to shift his eyes—an act that defied the very constraints of halted time. This unexpected display only heightened Blaze's anticipation for the impending clash, the prospect of a formidable adversary rekindling his long-dormant excitement for a true battle. Leaning in, Blaze locked eyes with Akashi, his gaze piercing, and whispered with a chilling calmness.

"See you soon Akashi Sterling, I'll be watching from beyond the Wall" Before disappearing from the beach in an instant.

As time resumed its natural course, Akashi descended to the ground, yet upon raising his gaze, a subtle smile graced his features. The fall, far from dampening his spirits, seemed to have sparked a sense of satisfaction within him. Despite the apparent setback, Akashi's countenance bore a resilient grin, hinting at an unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

"Now that's interesting, beyond the Wall," Akashi said.