Cold Winds

"That's the guy that was supposed to be in a coma" one of the guards said.

"It was said that this man even in a coma almost killed people since his Mythic output is just that powerful, and has even managed to have an evolution in his aur element. Suro Ring" another guard said.

"We need him alive, capture him at once or Vados will have all of our heads" Frank shouted to the guards.

The guards, shaken from their daze, swiftly mobilized to apprehend the man. However, as they closed in, Suro glanced at them from the corner of his eye, unleashing a forceful gust of wind that forcefully repelled each guard.

Suro, taken aback by his newfound power, stared at his hand in apparent astonishment, coming to grips with the capabilities at his command.

"How is it possible that we all are rank A Warriors, how can a person that doesn't know about this power plus has woken up from a coma be this powerful?" The captain of the guard squad said.

"Where am I?" With his eyes still aglow, Suro posed a commanding question in a deep, authoritative voice, instilling a palpable pressure on the guards to respond.

The captain, shaking off the effects, swiftly regained control and issued commands to his subordinates, rallying them back into action.

"Capture Suro Ring," he said.

Observing the guards' reluctance to answer, Suro assumed a fighting stance, swiftly engaging by delivering a powerful elbow strike to one guard's face and following up by grabbing another's head, forcefully slamming it against his right knee.

Confronted by a guard's fiery fist, Suro countered with a gust of wind, redirecting the attack to the guard's chest. Swiftly, Suro mimicked a blade with his hand, unleashing a cutting wind blade that severed the guard's hand.

"Is it possible for me to also take air out of an area?" Suro questioned himself.

With intense focus, Suro thwarted the advance of two guards wielding ice swords. As they lunged towards him, a sudden deprivation of air enveloped them, causing them to collapse in desperate attempts to breathe. Eventually succumbing, the guards met their demise.

"That was a little difficult," Suro said.

Meeting the captain's shocked gaze, Suro witnessed the release of the captain's aura, revealing him as a wood user. The tension heightened in the confrontation.

Splinters emerged from the captain's shoulders and back, weaving into a protective armor that encased his body. The wood formed a formidable barrier, hinting at the captain's mastery over his elemental abilities.

"I feel like I still have more left in me, I feel something different from the wind yet affiliated with it" Suro talked to himself ignoring the captain.

"Suro Ring, this is your end! I don't care if they want you alive, you are too dangerous!" The captain yelled.

The captain, harnessing a surge of mythic energy, slammed his hands onto the ground, conjuring a sharp wood pillar that propelled towards Suro. Unfazed, Suro maintained his composure with closed eyes, seemingly unperturbed by the approaching spike.

Suro's aura surged with increased intensity and shifted in power, his golden eyes opening as the radiant energy enveloped his entire body. Upon contact with his aura, the wood pike disintegrated, progressively crumbling as it approached Suro.

"That level of Toxic Mythic should be impossible" the captain said as he fell to the ground.

Suro advanced towards the captain, extending his hand within inches of the captain's face, the aura emanating from his hand poised in a compelling proximity.

"Now where am I?" Suro asked.

"In the Ice lands" The captain said scared.

"See that wasn't that difficult… but it was too late" Suro said as he choked the guard.

The toxic mythic energy coursed through the captain's body, causing his muscles to tense, blood to flow from his eyes, nose, and ears. His skin deteriorated, exhibiting a disconcerting change of colors, until succumbing to the lethal effects of the toxic mythic.

"Now should I get out of here?" Suro said as he looked up.

"I wonder?" Suro asked.

Summoning his Mythic aura, wind enveloped Suro as he concentrated its force in his legs, hands, and various parts of his body. The wind lifted him off the ground, prompting a moment of instability that Suro swiftly adapted to, showcasing his quick adaptability to everything.

Ascending swiftly, Suro propelled himself upwards and unleashed two powerful wind blades that effortlessly sliced through the ice ceiling. Emerging into the open cold region, he stood shirtless and barefoot, clad only in sweatpants.

Despite the cold, Suro shivered briefly before soaring towards the island where he last saw his friends. The journey ahead, even with flight, promised to be a considerable distance.

"I hope you guys are ok," Suro said as he traveled through the air.

In the midst of the ocean, Kai and the girls sailed toward the island. Concealed by a hood to avoid recognition as a wanted criminal, Kai navigated cautiously, intent on avoiding unnecessary confrontations.

Kai's attention was seized by the sight of numerous airborne military units converging towards the island. A sense of urgency gripped him as he pondered the implications of their arrival.

"Maybe a Titan Tier finally appeared," Kai said and proceeded to look at his hand.

Contemplating the possibility of facing a Titan Tier Beast, Kai acknowledged the formidable challenge ahead, recognizing the formidable odds against such a powerful adversary.

Unaware of the unique nature of the impending beast, Kai continued his journey towards the island, prepared for challenges but still in the dark about the extraordinary nature of the creature he would soon encounter.

The island's events remained shrouded in mystery, the media barred from nearby islands as part of a deliberate effort by the Military and the Orders to maintain control and prevent widespread panic among the people.

"Don't worry Kai even if there is a threat that not even you can face. You are not alone" Darya said as she proceeded to rest her head on Kai's shoulder.

A faint smile played on Kai's lips, but a sense of unease crept in as he neared the island. Gazing at the sky, he couldn't shake the foreboding feeling that something ominous awaited them.