Titan Tier

Kai approached the Wall, noting an unusual silence. Amidst the stillness, a striking blonde woman awaited him—Nika, a figure in his life akin to an older sister, a connection he had formed, perhaps as a surrogate for the sister lost to his father's actions in his youth.

As Kai neared, he observed blood staining Nika's clothes. She sank to her knees, the vivid red seeping further into the fabric, painting a grim tableau of distress.

In desperation, Kai sprinted toward Nika, but an inexplicable distance persisted between them. A shadow materialized behind her, cruelly yanking her by the hair, forcing her to meet Kai's gaze.

"Kai! Help Me!" Nika yelled.

Helplessly, Kai watched as the sinister shadow tightened its grip around Nika's throat, delivering a chilling and fatal slash, the gruesome scene unfolding mercilessly before him.

The ominous voice of the shadow resonated, declaring, "Our meet is foretold, Son of the Flame," casting an eerie aura over the tragic encounter.

Abruptly, Kai awoke from the haunting dream, finding himself in the boat. Beside him, Darya slept soundly, while ahead, Rita and Sarah shared a peaceful embrace, reality starkly contrasting the unsettling vision that had gripped his slumber.

"Why that dream? Why Nika?" Kai questioned.

Donning his hood, Kai sought solace on the top deck for a breath of fresh air. Beneath the starlit sky and full moon, he absorbed the strong wind and rhythmic ocean waves. Despite the refreshing atmosphere, the unsettling dream lingered, troubling his thoughts.

"That shadow on my dream felt familiar somehow, but I can't think of why. Any ideas Nocturnis" Kai asked the hellhound inside his head.

"I do not know who might be behind the shadow, but something is clear, it's some extremely powerful and someone that can use Shadow Mythic" in a deep voice said the Hound.

Overwhelmed, Kai knelt as an immense power surged, emanating from the depths of the ocean.

The transient surge vanished, leaving Kai on high alert. This power was unlike anything he'd encountered, surpassing even General Varques. Darya and the others rushed to the deck, their faces etched with panic.

"Kai what was that?" Darya asked.

Before Kai could respond, gargantuan tentacles thrust out of the ocean, each limb extending over a hundred feet, dwarfing the boat in thickness.

"What the hell is that?" Rita shouted.

"A Titan Tier Beast" Kai said in a serious tone.

"How can you be sure?" Sarah asked.

"I just know," Kai said.

Indeed, the system had confirmed to Kai that this colossal beast belonged to the Titan Tier.



Facing the abrupt command, Kai steeled himself for the monumental task: defeating the Titan Tier Beast.

"Are you guys ready?" Kai asked.

"Ready to do what exactly?" Rita asked, perplexed.

Darya's smile hinted at her anticipation, aware of Kai's impending words. Sarah, on the other hand, slammed her hand to her face, sharing the realization.

Kai's aura ignited in blue flames, consuming the hood he wore. Gauntlets materialized on his hands, and fiery blue claws extended from his fingertips. Fangs lengthened, eyes glowed red with a blue outline, and his skin transformed to a charcoal black, adorned with fiery blue cracks.

"To kill our first Titan Tier Beast" Kai said

"Kai you have no gear on you? You seriously think you can take that thing on?" Sarah said.

"Not me but us," Kai said, looking at them.

Kai's exuded presence became formidable, radiating an aura that proved challenging to resist. The strength and confidence he displayed were unmistakably potent.

"Fine," Sarah said.

Locking eyes with Rita, Kai's transformed gaze conveyed a silent understanding.

"Fine," Rita responded.

Meeting Darya's preparedness with a smile, Kai felt a reassuring connection as they faced the impending challenge together.

"Let's do this," Kai said.

As he readied himself to leap, his lower limbs instinctively contracted, poised for the impending jump. However, in the pivotal moment before his ascent, a brilliant ray of light intersected with one of the menacing tentacles, resulting in the abrupt formation of a substantial breach on its surface.

"Well, well if it isn't Kai Hellbound and his friends" A man said from behind them.

Upon turning around, Kai's gaze met a tall figure, robust and endowed with a shock of white hair and piercing golden eyes. This formidable individual was none other than Blaze Savage, yet to Kai, he remained an enigma. Unbeknownst to Kai, however, the girls in the vicinity recognized him all too well.

"Who are you?" Kai asked with a serious tone, he could feel the power from this man and it was stronger than his own.

"Blaze Savage, the world's strongest" Darya expressed her discontent with a discernible scoff, conveying her displeasure in a professional manner.

"Savage?" Kai said as he realized who this person is.

"Oh please Darya, even if I am the strongest you know damn well that if you managed to unleash your full power I would stand no chance" Blaze said.

Kai acknowledged the undeniable truth—he had only been honing his abilities for less than a year, yet he exhibited a remarkable strength surpassing those with a two-year head start. Despite this, a lingering suspicion tugged at him, suggesting that Blaze wasn't disclosing the complete truth. Even as Blaze maintained an air of confidence, there was an underlying sense that he subtly scoffed at the notion of anyone surpassing his strength.

"Any ways shall we deal with that?" Blaze said, pointing at the Titan Beast.

The creature ascended in its entirety from the ocean depths, unveiling a colossal form. Its countenance bore an otherworldly amalgamation of a humanoid visage and that of an octopus, instilling an eerie and unnatural impression. As the creature breached the surface, the once tranquil ocean became tumultuous, the waves stirred into restlessness. A frigid roar resonated from the depths of the beast, echoing a palpable sense of primal power and menace.

A gathering radiance materialized in Blaze's hand, forming a luminous spectacle. A subtle smile crept across his face, betraying a sense of satisfaction. It was in these moments, where the thrill of a formidable challenge arose, that Blaze found a unique satisfaction. Fully aware of the impending battle, he embraced the prospect with an intention to relish every moment of the impending confrontation.

"Let's have fun!" Blaze yelled as he jumped towards the beast.

The luminous energy in Blaze's grasp intensified, surging with increasing power as he closed in on the monstrous adversary. Upon reaching the creature's face, he unleashed a concentrated beam of light, propelling both the beast and himself backward from the formidable force. As the light dissipated, Blaze landed back in the boat with a maniacal smile adorning his face. His gaze fixated on the monster, its countenance now marked by burns, revealing bone beneath the charred flesh—an evident testament to the potent force of the unleashed light beam.

"You better be prepared he is now locked in" Blaze said.

The monstrous beast unleashed a deafening roar directly at the boat, causing the once serene ocean to churn with unease. In response, Kai and the girls braced themselves, anticipating the imminent battle that was about to unfold. The air was thick with tension as they readied themselves for the impending clash with the formidable creature.