Chapter 16 Strangers Arrive

            Kakashi and I made it back to the leaf village in one piece. We went up to meet with Lord Hokage so we could provide more information on our mission along with some information gathered from the dragon spirit. The two anbu standing guard let us in and we walked up to the Hokage's desk.

            "Lord Hokage we have returned from the Village of Rock and have some information to share with you. I think it is very important information that the leaf village may be able to assist with."

            Lord Hokage looked up at Kakashi and I as he sat back to give his full undivided attention.

            "I received a parcel from the Tsuchikage not long ago explaining some of the details of what you came across during the rescue mission. I heard it was a success and you were able to return the girl to the Lord and Lady Tochi. This has put us in good light with the village of rock, so I thank you two for that. "

            I bowed to show my thanks for the words of appraisal and stood back up. I was nervous to tell the Hokage about my interactions with Oni, but I had no choice. I had to tell him and hopefully, he would have some direction for me.

            "You are welcome Lord Hokage, now as far as the mission goes. Yes, we were able to return Yumi to her parents in one piece. She only had minor cuts and bruises so no major damage was done. We also came across a shinobi from the land of lighting. He was the one who had set up camp and kidnapped the girl. He was planning a strategic attack to lure the  Tsuchikage out so they could attack the village. We provided this information to the Tsuchikage after we defeat the shinobi. I did advise the  Tsuchikage to keep an eye out and gather more protecting forces in case there are more lightning shinobi following suit."

            Lord Hokage nodded as he took a puff of his pipe and put his hand on the parcel from earlier.

            "Yes, thank you Isamu and Kakashi. In the parcel the Tsuchikage did mention this, he also asked for me to send some extra forces from the leaf village to help keep guard. I agreed and will have a large group of shinobi make their way shortly. This shows how they trust us and how our relationship is growing. This is good, and it's all thanks to you two."

            He smiled as he held his arms out to us, my face went red as I averted my gaze to the floor. I saw Kakashi bow slightly but he stayed silent.

            "Lord Hokage, if I may."

            He nodded and gestured for me to continue.

                        "I also wanted add some additional information on the blood dragon from this mission."

            I saw his eyes light up as he sat forward in his chair staring at me intently.

            "I'd like to inform you that I am now able to control the spirit and have it provide me it's chakra. I am also able to have the spirit release me, so when I do transform I am in full control and aware."

            Lord Hokage stood up pacing slowly back and forth for a moment as he was in deep thought. He then came up to me to where we were only about a foot if that apart.

            " Isamu tell me…how did this happen? How were you able to accomplish that so quickly?"

            I looked over at Kakashi who was averting his gaze. He was not looking at either me or the Hokage but out the window towards the Hokage memorial. I hesitated for a moment, I was debating whether or not I should tell him the 'agreement' I had to make with Oni.

            "Sir…I was able to speak with the spirit…his name being Oni… told me that with our so called 'partnership' I must provide him something so that he will grant me his power."

            I held my hands behind my back fidgeting with part of my satchel.

            "What did the spirit ask for you to provide him?"

            Lord Hokage was very intrigued now, I could feel the tension in the air. I think some of it came from Kakashi too.

            "He…told me if I was to be in control with his power that I would have to provide him spilled blood from battle. I also have to provide my own before to ensure him that I am keeping my end of the bargain…"

            I saw Lord Hokage's excitement die down, he now turned serious with a dark expression across his face. He looked at Kakashi and forced one of his reports on the table to get Kakashi's attention.

            "Kakashi…did you know about this?"

            Kakashi nodded his head and stayed quiet.

            "…I see…this is very good information to have but…it's also very conflicting. This means Isamu you will need to be very cautious of when you ask Oni for his power. You will have to ensure you are not asking for it at inappropriate times to avoid any unnecessary killing…we can't let this get out of hand."

            I nodded in agreement…I knew that I was going to have to be even more careful. The only thing that kept bothering me was what Oni said to me. When he mentioned that if he died I would die…and for him to live he needed blood. I guess I should have asked him to give me more detail…because I have no idea how much blood he needs and how often. I don't know how spirits work. I also don't know exactly how this partnership works and I can't let him take me over again. I can't risk hurting anyone innocent for stupid blood lust.

            I decided to keep this part to myself for now…I don't think it was something I wanted to…or should share with either of them…or anyone really. I think I needed to figure that part out on my own.

            Lord Hokage sat and waved his hand to dismiss us.

            "Thank you two for the report…and the additional information. This will be good to add to the scroll and records for future long as you are all right with me adding to the scroll."

            I nodded as I gave a soft smile.

            "Okay…good…you two are dismissed. I'll call upon you once you are needed."

            We both bowed and exited the Hokage's room. We then made it to the courtyard we stopped. There was some awkward silence and tension, it also didn't seem like Kakashi was going to say anything any time soon.


            I said with a soft comforting tone trying to get his attention. It worked because he looked up at me with his normal un amused face.


            I put my hands together looking down to the ground and to the side where the Sakura tree was still in place from our childhood.

            "What's wrong…you've been quiet this whole time…like quieter then normal…"

            He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed looking at the Sakura tree with me.

            "Isamu…this whole dragon spirit thing…it's unnerving. It becomes more complicated and deadly the more it comes out and the more you use it's chakra…I just don't want to see you lose yourself to that…demon."

            He had a very dark expression on his face and a saddened tone. I could feel the worry in his voice and I could see it just by looking at him. I understood where he was coming from because…I felt the same way. Sometimes I wish this thing would just stay dormant, never taking control. This thing has been nothing but a dangerous nuisance ever since the first time he took over. I just had to do what Lord Hokage said, I had to try and keep it under control and not use it recklessly. I couldn't imagine not giving Oni what he asks for and what he would do if he took me over in anger.

            "I understand Kakashi…to be honest I feel the same way. I really don't like any of this at all but…"

            I looked away with tears in my eyes, great why did I have to get emotional now? I shook my head cutting my sentence short. Kakashi could tell I was holding something back so he came closer and grabbed my chin forcing me to look straight into his eye.

            "Isamu…what is it."

            I sighed, I didn't fight his grasp, I just tilted my head a little to the side rubbing my cheek on the side of his hand.

            "It's just Kakashi…this spirit is no joke…he is serious and when I say serious I mean he could do a lot of damage if he isn't put under control…He could kill me…he could take over and kill everyone I hold dear…or worse! I have no idea how this is all going to work and now having to worry at any given time this could happen….I mean what do I do? How do I work around this?"

            I was serious about asking him because I didn't know…I shook my head, closed my eyes, and a single tear rolled down my cheek. I felt it as it transferred to Kakashi's hand still holding on to my chin. He looked down at me with a soft eye and a saddened smile.

            "You just take it day by day…take on the challenge as it presents itself and live in the moment…tomorrow is never guaranteed so dwelling about the future is pointless…"

            I nodded, he was right, it was pointless to dwell on the future when I didn't know what was going to happen. I know what I need to know about Oni and I am able to control myself so…I'll just have to run with it. Kakashi let go of my chin as he wiped the tear off my face with his thumb.I laughed a little, and I caught him looking at me in confusion.

            "What's so funny?"  

                        I shook my hand as I waved it off.

            "Nothing…it's just... well…I can't ever say I have a dull life now."

            He chuckled a little with me

            "But anyway, I should probably go look for Kurenai…I owe her…I'm sure the past few days with her team and ours has been a nightmare!"

            Just thinking about it I could see Kurenai ripping her hair out and rushing to get sake after the day was done. Maybe I'll treat her to that, I think we both could use a drink.

            Kakashi nodded as he put his hand up to say his goodbye and suddenly he was gone. I started heading towards the training grounds since that was the first place I could think of where they would all be. As I suspected, when I arrived I saw Kurenai resting up against a tree and the two teams were walking dogs. As I got closer I got a good look and saw Naruto being dragged around by a huge dog at least twice his size. He was trying to dig his heels into the ground to get the dog to listen to him but of course, it didn't work and the dog ended up walking him.

            When I got closer Kurenai saw me and instantly put on a huge smile waving at me to come over.

            "Isamu! You're back!"

            I smiled and laughed as I approached, with Kurenai yelling my name the two teams all darted their heads towards me. Sakura ran up giving me a hug and Sasuke gave me his cool guy nod.

            "Isamu Sensei! It's so nice to see you! How was your mission in the village of rock?"

            I laughed and patted Sakura on the back as I looked back up to Naruto. He was trying to make his way over but that huge dog just wasn't going to give in so he ended up going in the opposite direction. I shook my head and giggled, he was something else.

            "It was good Sakura…it was a success, we were able to strengthen our alliance with the Hidden Rock so I think it was overall a good mission."

                        Kurenai wrapped her arms around my right arm and waved at the two teams to come in.

            "Alright everyone! Go ahead and return your dogs to their owners…once that is done you can have the rest of the day off...think of it as a reward for all of your hard work the past few days."

            Everyone nodded asbthey were running off with their dogs…well all except Naruto, he was still being dragged. I shook my head as I started walking over to them. The dog saw me coming and perked its head and ears up towards me. His tail began to wag as he started running to me dragging along Naruto. The dog stopped in front of me and sat down as I scratched behind his ears.

            "ISAMU SENSEI! How did you do that! This dog has been ignoring me for the past hour!"

            Naruto was out of breath and had his hands on his knees. I laughed as I shrugged, I leaned in to where my mouth was not too far from one of the dogs ears.

            "Hey big guy…can you let the boy take you home? And not drag him around or give him any trouble? If you do…I'll give you this."

            I pulled a biscuit from my satchel, the dog started wagging his tail as he slobbered all over my hand trying to grab the biscuit. Once he did, he ate it and barked. He waited for Naruto and let him lead him home.

            I stood back with my hands on my hips smiling as I watched them walk off. Kurenai clapped her hands together.

            "Wow Isamu…I didn't know you had such a way with animals…then again you have Kakashi wrapped around your finger so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised."

            She giggled even louder as my face turned hot. I really wish she wouldn't say those things so loud. I rolled my eyes waving my hand in the air.

            "Oh stop…let's change the subject?...I actually wanted to come down to ask if you wanted to go out for some sake with me? It's like...a thanks for taking on our trouble makers while we were out on the mission."

            She smiled as her eyes went big. Sge nodded, then grabbed onto my hand. She started leading me into the market area where we came across a small shop. She dragged me in and continued dragging me over to a small open table that sat us two perfectly. We sat down and Kurenai called on one of the waiters to come over. She ordered a whole thing of sake, I guess I was right, she really needed a drink.

            I smiled and giggled a little as the waiter walked off. She looked at me as she placed her chin on her folded hands.

            "What's so funny? Miss giggles a lot."

            I rolled my eyes and looked over as our waiter came with the large bottle of sake and two small white cups that he placed in front of us. He poured both cups and left us.

            "Nothing…I just knew you were in need of a drink so I am happy that I was the first to offer."

            She laughed as she downed her cup in one gulp. She sighed and poured another.

            "Yes…it's hard being in charge of my three genin... but put Sasuke and Naruto into the mix…let's just say I think I need this whole bottle before I go back."

            I laughed as I downed my drink. I could feel the burn in my throat as I coughed a little. I never really drink, I've only had sake here and there so I guess I didn't have much of a tolerance.

            Kurenai laughed pointing her finger up to me as she downed her second cup.

            "So tell me…you've been alone with Kakashi for some time now since you returned to the village…how's that been?"

            I tilted me head in confusion,

            "What do you mean?"

            Kurenai winked at me as she crossed her arms, I saw her cheeks begin to turn pink.

            "Come on I know you have a thing for him and well... I know he has a thing for you so…having that much alone time…"

            I held my hand up to have her stop right there, nope I was not going to discuss this with her in her tipsy state. I knew she would be loud and make fun of me and who knows what else. I downed my second cup taking a moment to let it all go down and settle.

            "Kureani…I am not talking to you about this…nothing happened we just caught up and did our mission. There wasn't much more to it…To be honest he just seemed his normal unamused self the whole time. He even brought his book with him, he was occupied with that thing the whole time…"

            I wasn't lying, there were times where he was reading his book and wasn't even listening to me.

            Kurenai rolled her eyes as she went to pour another cup. Suddenly  we turned our attention to the man shinobi standing at our table holding the bottle of sake up away from Kurenai who started laughing.

            "Hi Asuma…"

            Kurenai said unamused with a small smile. I knew she was holding back, when Kurenai starts drinking it's not wise to take her alcohol away from her. Then the claws come out, but I knew she liked Asuma so maybe it was different with him.

            Ausuma took a gulp straight from the bottle and set it back down on the table in the middle of us. He placed his hand down on the table looking from Kurenai to me.

            "Would it be okay if I joined you too? I'm not interrupting any girl time am I?"

            He laughed as Kurenai blushed hard... I think some of it was the sake but most was from Asuma. I waived for the waiter to come back over to ask for an extra cup. The waiter brought another small white cup and placed it in front of Asuma. He poured himself a cup downing it back and sighed as he finished.

            "So what are you two doing here so early in the day?"

            I looked out the window as I saw the sun . It was at high point so I knew it was early afternoon.

            "I returned from my mission and to say thanks to Kurenai for taking on team 7 I wanted to treat her to sake… I think she needed it after dealing with our three the past few days."

            I laughed as I poured another cup…I started to feel a tingle all over and felt light. I was tipsy, but it was fine. I felt pretty relaxed and happy. I then looked at Asuma who was giving Kurenai his puppy eyes.

            "Yes Asuma…I needed a few drinks after the hell she put me's the least she could do!"

            Kurenai busted out laughing as I downed the cup I just poured. I closed my eyes and sighed with the burn the sake was causing. I opened my eyes and saw another man come up to our table. I looked up to get a full view of his face and then gasped. Kakashi? What was he doing here? I thought he was going off to do his own thing.

            Asuma saw me staring at Kakashi so he put his hand on his shoulder and gestured for him to sit down to join us.

            "Funny you say that…I just ran into Kakashi not too long ago and wanted to treat him to a drink for having to be with this one alone for the past few days"

            Asuma was gesturing over to me as he laughed and elbowed Kakashi jokingly, Me and Kurenai looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

            As if on queue, our waiter came over to put a small white cup in front of Kakashi and brought another bottle of sake for us. I saw Kakashi take the bottle pouring some sake into my cup and then into his. He lightly pushed the cup in front of me as I smiled warmly at him. I could feel my cheeks burn now, they were probably as red as my hair. I took the cup and began to sip, I couldn't help but stare at Kakashi.

            I think it was the alcohol talking but, he was so attractive sitting there. His cool laid back attitude, that mysterious look in his eye, that silver hair, everything got to me. Kakashi looked over as he put his cup to the side. He shifted himself so he was now facing me fully. He rested the side of his face on his open palm where his arm was resting on the table. He raised his eyebrow but said nothing.

            I downed my cup and placed it down a little harder on the table then I thought. This caught Kurenai and Asuma's attention so they both started at me and then at Kakashi.

            "What's wrong Isamu…you okay?"

            I nodded laughing nervously

            "Yes…Kurenai I'm good...just a little..tipsy I think."

            She laughed as she took my hands in hers and rubbed them a little.

            "Yes…I can see that Isamu…you don't tolerate Alcohol very well do you?"

            I got embarrassed as I shied away, I noticed that Kurenai and the two guys were not tipsy, well if they were they weren't showing it.. that's fur sure.

            She nodded as she let go of my hands and sat back. She then shot her eyes over to Kakashi. He was taking his first cup of sake and froze as he saw Kurenai piercing him with her eyes.

            "You better take care of her you hear me? Asuma and I have business to take care of after this…plus I have to go turn in my mission report from today…so I'll have to leave little Isamu in your capable hands."

            I looked at her with wide eyes as I poured myself another drink, I gulped it down to hopefully forget about what she just said.

            Kakashi looked at her with his one eye'd smile and nodded.

            "Of course Kurenai…I will ensure she gets home safely."

            She smiled and winked at me as she stood up gesturing for Asuma to follow her. They started walking away as Asuma waved quickly to both of us before being dragged out by Kurenai.

            I shifted my gaze back to Kakashi who was pouring himself another cup. I laughed softly as I looked down at my cup.

            Kakashi huffed a little as he downed his second.

            "What are you laughing at?"

            I shook my head as I leaned in a little closer to him resting against my crossed arms on the table.

            " If you drink too many then how are either of us going to make it home?"

            He smiled nodding his head.

            "You're right…from the looks of it I'll probably have to carry you home."

            I stuck my tongue out at him, he really knew how to get on my nerves and push my buttons. I huffed a little looking out the window pouting.

            I did a side glance and saw Kakashi resting his chin on his open palm staring at me with a blank expression.

            "What are you looking at?"

            I could see him smiling under his mask. I also saw a little bit of pink form on the exposed skin under his eye.

            "You are so childish…you know that?"

  Childish? Me?! He hasn't said something like that since we were kids! He used to call me that all the time, it was so rude. So when he would turn his back I would stick my tongue out at him. I don't think he ever noticed, but it made me feel better. This time I did it to his face though. I think the alcohol gave me more courage so I stuck my tongue out at him.  I then realized he was right…I was childish sometimes…but that's just who I was.

            He sat there not taking his eye off me once, it was like I was the only person in the room. It gave me butterflies knowing that he was giving me his undivided attention. He was making me feel like I was the only person…no…the only girl in the world…in his world. I felt the butterflies and tingles increase as my face grew hot. I'm sure it was super red by now.

            Suddenly he took his arm that was under the table, lifted it up, and poked my cheek softly with his pointer finger.

            "You're face is almost as red as your hair…it's cute."

            Cute? He thought it was cute? Wasn't he just calling me childish a minute ago? I averted my gaze down to my empty cup and then focused on the sake bottle. I slowly extended my arm to grab the bottle, but instead Kakashi grabbed it first and poured some in my cup. He put it down, he wasn't going to drink anymore. He knew he would have to care for me when we left so he needed to be as sober as possible. It was actually kind of him…I lifted the cup with a smile as I downed it. I closed my eyes and sat there for a moment until the burning sensation passed.

            Maybe this was how Kakashi showed kindness? I mean he was never really the kind type growing up. I always accepted that though, I knew what he went through and what he continued to go through as he grew up. There was so much loss and pain, I knew he felt alone. That's why when he showed these small gestures and emotions it hit me so hard. It hit me hard because I knew he wasn't like this with…well anyone else. I wasn't always with him, however with the way he has been looking at me this entire time it made me feel like I was right and that made me feel warm.

            I think Kakashi noticed I was lost in thought because he put his hand on top of mine that was still holding onto my cup. I looked up at him with curious eyes.

            "You okay Isamu…it looked like you were in some pretty deep thought."

            I nodded and smiled as I placed my free hand on top of his. I began to caress his hand softly with my thumb, I looked up at Kakashi and he was getting really red now.

            I shook my head and smiled as I looked down. I knew if I looked up at him I wouldn't be able to tell him what I was about to.

            I shrugged a little,

            "It's just…ever since I came home and I was placed with you on team 7 its just been…nice. I feel so comfortable and safe with you, I feel like I belong, and that I'm not alone in this world. I feel that... I don't know... that I'm just meant to be here…with you."

            I blushed because I was anxious and scared. I wasn't sure how he was going to react to that. I mean he was a very hard person to read so, I could have totally been reading him wrong this entire time. Regardless, I guess that would be okay…as long as I can have him in my life I would be happy.

            I finally looked back up at Kakashi since he hadn't said anything back for some time. He poured me another glass of sake and pushed it to me. I picked it up and drank it, not taking my eyes off of him. He was looking out the window, I couldn't really see his expression. His mask covered most of his face but when his exposed eye is not facing me I really can't tell anything.

            He turned to look at me and smiled with his eye closed squeezing my hand. He then held the bottle of sake in his free hand. He pulled his mask down, took a drink straight from the bottle and then he stood up. He pushed in his chair and held his hand out to me.

            "I think we should probably be heading out…we've already finished the whole bottle."

            I nodded in embarrassment with my cheeks red, and butterflies in my stomach. The feelings and emotions were amplified now. I think i might have drank a little too much. Kurenai was right, I really don't tolerate alcohol very well. I slowly took his hand and stood up looking at the ground. When I lifted my head the room began to spin a little and I ended up leaning forward without noticing. Kakashi caught me in his chest holding me for a moment as he chuckled softly.

            "Yeah…we should probably go. I want to make sure I get you home in one piece."

            I nodded as we began walking out of the shop. I saw Kakashi pay before leaving which made me feel bad. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held me close as we began making our way down the road. I looked up at him still feeling bad.

            "Kakashi…I feel bad now…I was supposed to be taking Kurenai out to show my thanks to her for helping with team 7…but it just ended up with you paying...and me drinking all of the sake.."

            Kakashi laughed as he squeezed me closer. I felt his fingers wrap around my front arm. I looked up at him, he was still smiling big with his eye closed and laughing softly.

            "Isamu…don't worry about it…think of it as ...well…a small thanks from me for saving me from the lightning shinobi…I never thanked you for that and I was starting to feel bad myself."

            His expression went from soft back to it's unamused state. He continued looking forward as we walked. We were coming up to a bridge on the road that lead across to the court yard of the academy. I smiled softly and shook my head a little.

            "Don't worry about it Kakashi…it's like you always say…Those who break the rules are scum…but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum…I would never abandon you…ever…even if it meant losing my life…I would stay by your side."

            I blushed as I closed my eyes briefly trying to process what I just said, it just came out without me really thinking about it.

            I then felt him hold on to me tighter as he ended up stopping. I looked up at him in confusion, he looked down with a sad eye. I really didn't mean to make him sad…that was not my intention.


            Just then I felt a very strong disturbing chakra signature. No, not just one, but three…there were 3 separate chakra signatures and they were very unfamiliar to me. They were…strange…foreign almost. I jerked my head to in front of where we were standing just across the bridge. That was where the chakra forces were coming from. When Kakashi saw my facial expression he followed my gaze and got a concerned look on his face.

            "You sense those too Kakashi?'s very strange…I don't like this."

            He nodded and lead me slowly across the bridge trying to assess the situation before we got too close. I tried focusing my vision ahead of us..  I saw…Naruto…Sakura…and 3 small students. They were bickering and Sakura was yelling at Naruto as normal. I didn't see anyone else around, so I began looking to our surroundings trying to figure out where those chakra signatures went. Suddenly Kakashi stopped so I did too, dead in our tracks. Kakashi let go of me and held his hand over his kunai. I took mine as well so we were prepared if we were going to be attacked.

            Then I saw it, a shinobi that was a little taller than Naruto dressed in all black with purple markings all over his face. I also saw a large bandaged up cylinder…but it was a little misshaped and had hair like material at the top. This was resting on his back. I saw him start to talk with Naruto. Kakashi and I stood back, we wanted to make sure who these new shinobi were and what they were going to do. I then saw another one jump down, this one was a girl. She had fair skin, sandy blonde hair and a large fan stationed on her back. She ended up taking it and holding it on the ground to her side. I saw her smirk as she place her free hand on her hip, I looked over and Naruto was getting upset and began yelling at the shinobi in full black. They went on for a few moments. I then saw the shinobi in black push the smaller boy down to the ground, as Naruto was getting into his fighting stance the shinobi took the large bandaged cylinder off of his back and placed it to his side.

            I shook my head…no I didn't like this…it didn't feel right. Without even thinking I jumped with great speed and landed in the middle of Naruto and the shinobi in all black. Naruto's expression went from rage to shock, as did the shinobi. I held my arms out as I moved my glance over to the strange shinobi. I looked him up and down trying to identify his headband symbol. It wasn't the symbol of the leaf village….no…it was the symbol of the hidden sand village.

            I stood up straight as I stared at this stranger with piercing eyes

            "Who are you and what do you want?"

            I said this with a much darker tone then I wanted, but I think it was intimidating enough to get these two to back off. The shinobi threw his hands up in defeat and the girl shot me a nasty look. I then sensed…something greater…more powerful…almost overwhelming.

            I looked up and saw another shinobi standing upside down from the tree branch above us. He had blood red hair, blue eyes, and a large gourd on his back. He  jumped down and came in between the two shinobi from the sand.

            "Leave them be Kankuro…we have business to attend to…"

            His voice was dark…lifeless…as were his eyes. He had a strong powerful sense about him, but also a strong blood lust. This kid….this kid was pure evil…and I should know a thing or two about pure evil since I have that inside of me.

            I saw the sand shinobi in all black cower back and apologize to the red haired boy. The red haired boy was not amused and never look at him once. He was fixated on me…his eyes were staring straight into mine. He never broke eye contact…and I couldn't look away.

            I held my arm back towards Naruto and the 3 students gesturing for them to get behind me incase this one was going to try anything stupid.

            He sneered and began walking past me.

            "these scum aren't worth our time…let's go…"

            He stared back at Kankuro with deadly eyes,

            "Or I'll kill you.."

            The girl and Kankuro got tense and began cowering behind him. They nodded and didn't say another word.  They followed him past the bridge towards the ninja academy. Naruto then threw his arm out, pointed, and yelled at the three sand shinobi.

            "You can't leave! We weren't finished!"

            Sakura then joined in,

            "He's right you can't be here unless you have an invitation to enter the leaf village sand shinobi!"

            I saw the red haired boy stop and turn his head to the side glaring at Sakura and Naruto. The other two stopped and stared back as well.

            The girl shinobi spoke up this time,

            "We have invitations…we were summoned here….so we aren't intruding….we are leaving now."

            Sakura took a few steps forward and yelled,


            The red-haired boy snapped back at her sneering again,

            "Shut up…or I'll kill you…"

            Sakura lowered her hand and began to cower…she ended up stepping behind me and didn't say another word. I continued staring at them until they were off far enough in the distance.

            I saw Sasuke jump down from the tree branch he was crouching on. He started staring at them with the rest of us.

            "Who were those guys?"

            Naruto asked in an angered tone. I then saw Kakashi come up with his hands in his pockets staring in the same direction with a concerned look on his face.

            "Those Naruto were shinobi from the village hidden in the sand…and if they were invited here…that must mean only one thing…"

            My eyes went wide when I realized what Kakashi was getting at, so without even thinking I ended up blurting it out and finishing Kakashi's sentence.

            "It means…it's time for the Chunin Exams…"

            Everyone grew quiet and the air became tense. I looked over at Kakashi who shot me a concerned glance and then down to the rest of the genin.

            "You're right…the Chunin Exams are starting…Isamu we will have to go meet with the Hokage and the rest of the Jonin on this."

            I nodded as I waited for his signal,

            "The rest of you…go home...I will call for you once we have more information."

            With that the genin and the three academy students ran their separate ways back into the village.

            Kakashi and I looked at each other with concern as we started to quickly make our way to the Hokage.