Chapter 17 Chunin Exams Part 1

Kakashi and I made it back to the Hokage at the top of the academy building. When we walked in the room it was full of leaf Jonin. They were all standing and sitting around talking with each other like they were waiting for something. As I was looking around, I saw Kurenai and Asuma making their way over to us. I waved and smiled as Kakashi stood there, hands in his pockets, and a lazy eye.

            "Kurenai! Asuma! Are we late? Did anything happen yet with the Hokage?"

            Kurenai shook her head as she was about to speak, but Guy came barging in to our conversation. Like always, loud, needed to challenge Kakashi at…well…something, and boasting about how great he was. I will admit that when you see Guy like this you may not think much of him, but that is a big mistake. Guy is one of the strongest leaf shinobi I have ever met. His way with taijutsu is amazing and he was fast and flawless. No wonder he wants to challenge Kakashi all the time…

            "Hello everyone! Guy here! Oh, and I see Isamu my lotus flower is here! It has been too long for us to be apart….I will win your love no matter what!"

            I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms; my cheeks went red when I saw Kurenai winking at me and Asuma getting uncomfortable. I then glanced over at Kakashi…no surprise…nothing from him, not even a sound. Sometimes when he is like this, I can't help but wonder to myself…how is he this cold and arrogant to everyone else and on the complete opposite side of the spectrum with me? I won't lie I've had my fair share of Kakashi's 'normal' attitude, but it's nowhere near what it was when we were kids when I first came to the academy.

            I looked down and my cheeks went hot as I smiled at the thought. The thought of that kiss we had not too long ago…I could almost feel it like it was happening right here and now. I then saw Kurenai bend down with her hand waving in my face to get my attention.

            "You okay Isamu? The Hokage has arrived, so we need to gather around to see what he has to announce for the Chunin Exams."

            I shook from my daydreaming trance and nodded. I followed behind Kurenai, and  Kakashi was close behind…a little too close…I could feel him pressed up against my back. I got butterflies in my stomach, I was trying to calm myself so I wouldn't become even more red than I probably already was. We then found a place that was more in the back of the room but it had a good view of the Hokage so we stayed. Kakashi was propped against a pillar close to the side wall, Kurenai and Asuma were standing side by side facing in the direction of the Hokage. Guy was…making his way to the front of the room closest to the Hokage…should have seen that coming. I stood in front of Kakashi with my back to the wall and my head turned to face the Hokage.

As I was waiting, looking up towards the Hokage ready for him to start, Kurenai turned around so I shifted my attention to her. I saw her staring back at me…then her eyes darted back to where Kakashi was behind me.

            "You keep staring at Isamu like that you may not have a good eye anymore."

            Asuma turned around to see what Kurenai was talking about, and I saw his gaze go to Kakashi. I then turned my head the other way and I saw Kakashi looking away trying to avert his gaze with any of us as his face went red. The part that I could see was red anyway, but he didn't say a word. Kurenai and Asuma giggled, and I shifted my right hand so that it met the elbow of his crossed arm. I patted it softly as I gave him a big smile. If people's heads could explode from embarrassment, then Kakashi's would be doing that right now. I then saw the Hokage stand as he called out to everyone to grab our attention.

            "Thank you all for joining me today…as you all are aware we are hosting the Chunin Exams. The Exams will start within two weeks from today. This will give enough time for all genin to get prepared and for the other Kage's to arrive and get settled in. I have called everyone here today to go through and see who wants to recommend their genin to take part in the exams. I know everyone has been training hard lately and we have some very promising genin this year…"

            I looked down and immediately the image of Naruto popped into my mind…then Sasuke…then Sakura. They are very promising and have so much potential that it would be a waste to not recommend them. I moved my gaze to Kakashi to see if I could get anything from him…I couldn't he was still deadpan staring up at the Hokage. I really want to recommend them, but this is not fully my team so Kakashi would have to give the okay too. Regardless, I have spent enough time with the three genin to get a good idea and feel for their skills and development.


            He looked down at me and tilted his head a bit.


            I tried whispering so no one could hear our conversation.

            "Are you going to recommend team 7 for the exams?"

            I stared up at him for a moment waiting for his answer, but the Hokage's voice stole my attention back.

            "Might Guy…do you recommend any of your team for the exams?"

            I saw Guy stand up and bow at the Hokage before speaking.

            "Yes Lord Hokage I am recommending Rock Lee…Tenten…and Neji Hyuga…I recommend all three of my genin to partake in the Chunin Exams."

            Lord Hokage nodded, and Guy stood down. Lord Hokage then called on the next Jonin.

            "Asuma Sarutobi…do you recommend any of your team for the exams?"

            I then saw Asuma leave Kurenai's side to go in front of the Hokage and bowed before speaking.

            "Lord Hokage I am recommending Choji Akimichi…Shikamaru…and Nara Ino…I am recommending all three of my genin to partake in the exams."

            Lord Hokage nodded and dismissed Asuma, he then made his way back to where we were. This time Hokage called on Kurenai.

            "Kurenai Yuhi…do you recommend any of your genin to partake in the Chunin Exams?"

            Kurenai made her way to in front of the Hokage and bowed before speaking.

            "Yes Lord Hokage…I am recommending…Kiba Inuzuka…Hinata Hyuga…and Shino Aburame…I am recommending all three of my genin to partake in the exams."

            Lord Hokage nodded and dismissed Kurenai, she then made her way back to where we were at. This was it; Team 7 was the last to give their recommendations. I can't believe that all leaf teams were recommended…that was very surprising…but maybe not. This group of genin are strong and skilled shinobi and I respect them for recommending all their genin. Since the Chunin Exams happen once a year it's probably best we put them through it now, in case they do not pass there will be more opportunities.

            "Kakashi Hatake…Isamu Tatsusageru…do you recommend any of your genin to partake in the Chunin Exams?"

            My eyes darted to Kakashi…I wasn't sure what he was going to say. I didn't want to speak against him but, if he doesn't recommend any of our team then…I may have to step in. I want them to partake…they need this to be able to really grow and increase their skills. When I was placed in the Chunin Exams not long after I joined the academy I was intimidated and scared. Everyone that was partaking were years older than me…and most had already been through the exams before and failed. I won't lie I felt very intimidated at first, but when we finally got to the physical portion of the exams, I was confident and had no worry. Every shinobi I faced was weak…very low skill level…it was a walk in the park. I just hope…that Kakashi will give them a chance to show how much they have grown.

            I followed Kakashi as he walked up to be in front of the Hokage. He bowed before speaking.

            "Lord Hokage…I am recommending…Naruto Uzimake…Sasuke Uchiha…and Sakura Haruno….I am recommending all of my genin to partake in the exams."    

            My stomach dropped a little, but then a wave of calmness came over me. I was anxious, I am glad that he thinks they are ready too. This will be a very interesting exam this year…I am excited to see how it unfolds. I crossed my arms eying Kakashi as he walked back to the pillar and rested up against it again.

            "I am glad to see we are on the same page with those three…"

            Kakashi nodded as he looked down at me.

            "I think they will do well in the exams…I know they have the potential of Chunin and have a very large skill set…I'm not worried."

            I looked back towards the Hokage as he finished his speech and rules for the Chunin Exams. He went over the 3 parts of the exam…the written portion….the survival portion…and the face off portion…he then advised when the written exam will start and where it will take place. Once he finished speaking, he disappeared with the other Kage's that have already arrived. As soon as the Hokage left, the room became loud with anxious conversations among the Jonin. Kureani and Asuma turned to face me and Kakashi, and Guy ran over so he could join.

            "Well..I wasn't expecting us all to recommend our whole teams.."

            Kurenai said very monotone and averting everyone's eyes.

            "Ah Kakashi…recommending your whole team huh? I will accept this challenge and I will prove that my team is stronger than yours! We will prevail and when my team wins you will have to accept that I am better than you!"

            Guy was being extra loud right now and it was giving me a headache…I then shifted my gaze to Kakashi who looked like he was not paying attention whatsoever.

            "Hmm..did you say something Guy?

            Kakashi asked guy very genuinely…yeah, I knew he wasn't listening. Guy put his hand up tears streaming down his face as he shook his head.

            "Kakashi! You will pay for this!"

            Guy huffed away and was gone in a blink of an eye. I sighed as I put my hands behind my head to stretch.

            "Looks like we all are going to have a few long hard weeks ahead of us…only two weeks to prep and train…I guess we will have to start right away."

I saw Kurenai and Asuma nod in agreement as they began making their way out of the room, they too were gone in a blink of an eye. It was just Kakashi and I now…or so I thought. In the corner of my eye I saw purple spiked hair…so I turned my full gaze to her. It was Anko…of course she would be here…she saw me and Kakashi and came running over with a huge smile on her face with her hand up in an aggressive wave.

            Anko and I never really got along from the beginning in the academy. She always gave me these piercing eyes like she wanted to make me suffer for whatever reason. I tried my best not to be rude and say something mean but it was hard.

            "KAKASHI! It's so nice to see you again! It's been so long!"

            I rolled my eyes and slumped my back against the wall crossing my arms. I was trying not to look at either of them, I knew if I did I would most likely pounce Anko.

            "Hello Anko…it's nice to see you again."

            Kakashi said very blandly. There was no emotion or anything which I didn't mind at all right now. Anko got to where she was only a foot away from me and Kakashi. Her gaze then went over to me. Her face immediately changed as she made a disgusted sneer towards me.


            I rolled my eyes and gave her a fake smile.


            I could feel the tension in the air…and I wasn't the only one. Kakashi now looked like he was uncomfortable.

            "Well, it was great catching up but…I have to go…I have to start putting together a training plan for the team so we can get started prepping for the exams as soon as possible."

            I lifted myself off the wall and began walking towards the exit. I didn't even give enough time for either of them to say anyrhing back. I was not going to stay there to just get worked up, I didn't need to start anything that was unnecessary. I was finally out in the courtyard, and I stopped to take a deep breath of fresh air. I exhaled and sighed as I looked over at the Sakura tree. I walked over and effortlessly jumped up and landed on a branch that was high in the tree. I sat down on the branch to get myself comfortable. I couldn't see much…all I could see were the pink blossom flowers. Which was fine because I really didn't want to see anything right now…especially Anko with Kakashi. I picked a blossom and started twirling it inbetween my fingers.

            "What am I going to do…I forgot that they put Anko in charge of the survival exam which means I'll have to see her more often…"

            I closed my eyes and sighed, just then I felt a gust of air on my face, so I opened my eyes. When I did, they met with Kakashi's onyx eye. Kakashi was crouching on the same branch as me not too far from where I was sitting. He then sat down close to where my feet were placed. He turned his gaze to me with a faint smile.

            "You okay Isamu? It felt pretty…intense back there."

            I rolled my eyes and threw the blossom to the ground.

            "Yes, I'm fine…I just can't stand that woman…and she's in charge of the survival exam…I don't know if I'm going to make it through this without attacking her."

            Kakashi laughed as he put his hand on my lifted knee. He was laughing hard, and he gave a big smile. I couldn't help but stare at him…I loved seeing this part of him. It always gave me butterflies and made me feel…special.

            "You'll be fine Isamu…you'll be so preoccupied with training and prepping you won't even notice she is there."

            I nodded my head in agreement…I knew that I just…couldn't stand the thought of her with Kakashi. I knew she had a thing for him since back in the academy. She was also always trying to compete with me for whatever reason. She was always over the top with trying to flirt with Kakashi it made me gag most of the time. It also…made my face hot and my stomach turn. I couldn't tell Kakashi that though, he would probably think I'm crazy.

            "You're right…I'll just try and keep myself busy with training and prepping…which reminds me, are we going to go get the three so we can tell them we recommended them?"

            Kakashi nodded as he laid his head in my lap looking up at me. He smiled as pulled out his porno book and began reading. He literally was laying down on the branch using my lap as his pillow while he read. I stared down at him speechless for a moment. When I realized he wasn't going to get up anytime soon I sat back and relaxed with him. We probably should enjoy this moment since it will most likely be the last for a while. Without thinking I took my fingers and ran them through his hair softly. I loved his silver hair; it was so soft, and the color was so pretty. I smiled and giggled a little as I started messing with a piece that was facing a different direction then the rest of his hair. He looked up at me for a moment, then went back to reading. I guess he didn't mind, so I continued for a while.


            I whispered more softly than I wanted, I wasn't sure if he even heard me. I then saw him look up, so I stopped playing with his hair and leaned my back on the tree.

            "What's wrong Isamu?"

            I looked to the side eyeing some of the blossoms as I was getting nervous.

            "Why is it that…you are like this with me? I mean…I've never seen you act the way you do with me, with anyone else. Like right now, you are lying your head on my lap relaxing reading your book…"

            He kept his head on my lap as he put his book down on his chest. He looked up and I could see a smile form on his face. He lifted his hand and caressed my cheek.

            "Because Isamu…you are special to me…when I'm with you I feel… safe. Safe from having to hide every single emotion and feeling like I normally have to do…it's like you are my release…"

            I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair again.

            "You are special to me too Kakashi…"

Kakashi finally got up and decided it was time to go gather up team 7. I agreed so off we went. We found Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto and told them to meet us in the training ground within the next 30 minutes. When they all showed up Kakashi went in front of them first. He wanted to be the one to tell them he recommended them.

            "Alright team 7…We just finished a meeting with the Hokage about recommendations for the Chunin Exams…and I have recommended all three of you to partake."

            I looked at the three and I saw Naruto get super excited and hyped up, Sakura who had a bit of a worried look on her face, and Sasuke…he looked like he normally did.

            "GOOD! It's about time we got to do something real as shinobi! I was getting tired of walking dogs and doing yard work…. finally something worthy of my skill!"

            I shook my head with a smirk, Naruto was sure something else. I did like his attitude though, his determination, his energy, and motivation. They were all great traits and would do him wonders once he was a chunin and put out on real missions. Its about teamwork, but it's also about making sure your team stays as motivated as possible so there is no hesitation.

            "Kakashi Sensei…what does this mean? What do we have to do for the Chunin Exams?"

            Sakura asked him sheepishly, I could tell she was nervous. I might need to try and give her a pep talk to get her more determined like the other two. Kakashi then crossed his arms and sighed.

            "This means that you three will partake in the exams and get the chance to prove yourselves and potentially become Chunin…the exams have three different parts to them. The first part is a written exam which will take place in two weeks from today."

            Naruto's face turned into a frown as he began to pout.

            "Seriously?! A written exam! No way"

            I laughed and Kakashi shot me a 'shut up' glare so I cleared my throat and became quiet again.

            "Yes Naruto…the first part is a written exam. There will then be a survival exam and finally a face off exam. These will all take place one after the other with little to no rest time…This means we will need to train consistently these next two weeks. If we are to get you anywhere near prepared for these exams, we will need to train from sunup to sundown."

            I saw Naruto continue to pout and Sakura shift nervously in place. Sasuke was of course standing there with a deadpan face and no remarks. He reminded me of Kakashi when he was younger, which in that case Kakashi is going to favor him with training for this exam.

            "So, with everything being said I expect everyone to meet here every morning at 5am sharp. When we meet tomorrow morning, I will lay out the training plan for the next few weeks…you guys can go home now."

            All three of the genin nodded in unison and they were off and out of site quickly. I crossed my arms anls I shot a scolding look towards Kakashi.

            "What's made you so up tight all of a sudden?"

            His immediate demeanor change from before we met with the three to now was unnerving. Normally this means something is wrong or bothering him, so I decided to press on him until he told me what was wrong.

            Kakashi turned his gaze over to me and shrugged a little.

            "What do you mean uptight?"

            I stomped my foot a little and gestured towards the direction the three genin left in.

            "How were you acting and talking to them about the exams and training…you just seemed uptight and demanding…I mean really 5am every morning?"

            He closed his eye as he sighed; I could feel the tension grow in the air…I should have just kept my mouth shut.

            "The exams are more serious than anything those three have faced so far…this could mean life or death for them…you should know that. That's why I need to be hard on them and push them with training. If they want any chance of passing the exams and staying alive this is what's needed. So, no I don't think it's too much or too early..."

            He said that with an angered tone. I understood what he was saying, and he was right. The exams were very dangerous and could mean life or death for them…but still…training them to their breaking point will only diminish their chakra and constitution for the exams. I do know they are not like me or Kakashi. Even though they all have potential none of them are really prodigy's…at least not from what I've seen so far. So, with that they would need more training. Without arguing with him further I forced my arms by my side and began walking out to the market streets away from the training ground.

            Even if he needs to be like this it doesn't mean he has to be so harsh in his words or tone…and to shoot me that glare when Naruto spoke out about the written exam? Who did he think he was? This was the hardest part about being on this team as a second, it wasn't 'my' team, so I didn't really have much say.

            I kept walking swiftly down the market streets not really knowing where I was going. I then felt a hand grab my shoulder, so I stopped and jerked my head around. I saw Kakashi behind me, he continued to hold on to my shoulder even as I turned to face him.

            I then snapped at him,

            "What do you want?"

            His eye went wide, he was taken back by my aggressive tone and was speechless for a moment.

            "I just…wanted to tell you…I'm sorry…I didn't mean to be so harsh, especially with you…"

            I took his hand off my shoulder and as he placed it to his side, I crossed my arms.

            "Well yeah…you should be sorry…I understand where you are at with this and your worry for those three…but you have to have faith in them too Kakashi…they are not as unskilled and helpless as you think…if they were I don't think you would have recommended them."

            He rubbed the back of his neck and looked off to the side as he sighed nervously.

            "No, you're right…I know they are capable and can do these exams…it's just I need to make sure they are fully aware of how dangerous and serious this situation is…"

            I put my finger up to my chin while I thought for a moment,

            "Why don't we test them then? A day before the written exam starts…let's test them to make sure they are ready…put them in a situation that they could come across and see what they do."

            Kakashi's eye went wide, and he nodded a little as he was thinking about what I just said.

            "You're right…. yes…we will test them and if they pass then they move on…but if they don't, I will pull them from this."

            I put my face into the palm of my hand in frustration and shook my head a little. I really didn't understand him sometimes, but at least I got through to him somewhat. I opened my fingers and looked through the opening to Kakashi still standing there staring at me with no emotion. I fixed my posture and stood up to face him, as I nodded in agreement to his terms I started walking again. I didn't really know where I was going but, I knew I had to keep going.

            I felt Kakashi behind me again, but he never reached out to me. He just stayed behind me keeping his distance. I stopped at a small shop that was selling dumpling…all different kinds. The smell, it was euphoric! My stomach then growled loudly, loud enough for the shop keeper to look at me.

            "Hello dear! Are you hungry? Did you want to buy some dumplings? They are fresh... just made!"

            I couldn't resist a good dumpling, so I nodded as I walked closer to the shop keeper. I pointed at the ones I wanted, and she placed them all in a bag for me. As I was going to pay, I saw Kakashi beat me to it. He was already paying for everything before I could get to the shop keeper. When Kakashi finished he looked at me and came closer.

            "Can we sit down somewhere? You can eat and I'd like to explain myself a little better…"

            I saw the sincerity in his eye and heard it in his voice. Maybe I was being too hard on him, I nodded as we headed out. We came to a bridge that was over a small river. It was quiet, hidden, and had the perfect spot on the bridge to sit and talk. I sat on the wide railing as Kakashi followed and sat next to me. I started prepping my dumplings. When I began to eat my first one, I looked over at Kakashi. I was signaling him that I was ready for him to talk.

            I saw him laugh a little as he put on a small smile to me stuffing my face with dumplings. I didn't' care I was hungry…I loved dumplings…so he needed to deal with it.

            "I wanted to say a little more about earlier…so hopefully you can understand where I am coming from."

            I nodded to make him continue since my mouth was full.

            "I have come to grow close with my team…I have not had a team before them that I passed to work towards getting to chunin…but when I did the bell test and how they used their teamwork it was…different. From then on, I knew they would be great candidates for the exams and had true potential."

            I swallowed and before I grabbed anymore, I was sure to get in what I wanted to say to him.

            "So, you care for them and are worried that they might not make it out of this thing alive?"

            He sat up straight as he nodded slightly. He didn't look at me, he just kept staring out to the water. I laughed a little looking down with a smirk on my face. I saw him look over at me with a confused expression, he was wondering what I thought was so funny.

            "Kakashi…you don't have to worry…they will make it through this, and we will ensure they do. We are going to train them consistently, provide a test before the exams, they will be well prepared."

            I put my hand on his shoulder this time, I looked straight into his eye and smiled. I smiled big and felt that warm sensation in the pit of my stomach. He's such a caring person, He may not show it the right way, but he has the right intentions.

            Suddenly, he placed his hand on top of mine and held it down, so he was holding my hand with our fingers entwined. I saw him look down at our hands as he was caressing the side of my hand with his thumb. He was smiling underneath his mask; I could tell from his eye and the light outline of his mouth. He sat there for a moment, and I let him continue holding and caressing my hand. I smiled and laughed softly which caught his attention.

            "What's so funny?"

            I shook my head as I looked up at him.

            "Nothing is funny…it's just how you've been with me lately. It's different…a lot different then how you acted with me when we were kids. I'm not saying it's a bad different…it's just I never got to see this side of you much before. Now I feel like I am seeing it all the time…it's nice."

            His face became red as he let go of my hand. He hopped off the railing and looked up at me. He held his hand out to help me down, so I took it and jumped. I must have missed the footing because I lost my balance and was about to fall forward when, Kakashi caught me. He had his arms wrapped around my waist as he held me close. I looked up at him with us only being a few inches apart. My heart began to race and I could feel my face turn hot. I saw him smile and laugh a little still staring into my eyes.

            "You are just as clumsy as you were when we were kids."

             I rolled my eyes as I was about to say a comeback, when his lips had already met mine. Keeping me from saying anything, I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I continued to passionately kiss him, we stayed like this for a few moments. Then I heard some rustling from behind us, I broke our kiss as I jerked my head over to where I heard the rustling. Kakashi looked up to follow my gaze not letting me go.

            I took a small rock that was on the railing, I aimed it to the bushes over to the side of the stream that was in front of a large tree. I threw it and with amazing speed it hit the person hiding in the bushes with no time for them to dodge. I heard muffled cursing from where my rock went and to my surprise, I saw Naruto stand up from behind the bush rubbing his head. I then saw Sakura jump down from the tree that was behind the bush. I shook my head as I became embarrassed…did they just witness this whole embrace between me and Kakashi? Oh man…that would be so embarrassing. I looked over and Kakashi already had his mask back up gently letting go of me. He then grabbed another small rock that was next to him and suddenly Naruto was yelling out again.

            "What was the second one for!"

            Naruto started rubbing the other side of his head as I looked over at Kakashi.

            "Really Kakashi?'

            He just shrugged his shoulders and looked unamused like always.

            "That was for eavesdropping Naruto…what are you two doing here?"

            Kakashi said this with a very firm and annoyed tone. Sakura then came running onto the bridge to get in front of us. When Naruto was done complaining about his head hurting, he then came over too.

            "Sorry sensei! we were just…well…we saw you two walking together in the market and well…"

            Sakura became red as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers. Naruto was rubbing the back of his neck laughing hysterically. Kakashi came from behind and slammed his book down on Naruto's head. I wouldn't be surprised if his head was covered in bruises now.

            "You saw us and what…. why would you follow and eavesdrop?"

            Sakura tried hiding her embarrassment, but Naruto didn't care much about the sensitivity of the subject.  

            "Sakura thought there was something between you two and I said there wasn't, so we made a bet…we needed to follow you two to find out since you guys never tell us anything!"

            I rolled my eyes as I face palmed; this kid really has no filter…. he is just too much.

            "You two made a bet? What was the winner going to get then?"

            Sakura then chimed in,

            "Free ramen…who ever won the bet would be treated to ramen from the loser…"

            Kakashi looked over at Naruto as he crossed his arms bending down so they were face to face.

            "Looks like you owe Sakura ramen…. you have enough money for that?"

            My face went hot as I heard him say that to Naruto…he was admitting to them there was something between us! Why would he do that! I looked over at Sakura who was giggling and trying to cover her red face. I then looked at Naruto and Kakashi. Kakashi was ruffling Naruto's hair with a smile as Naruto crossed his arms looking annoyed.

            "Alright Sakura…. you win let's go get ramen…"

            Sakura clapped her hands together as she chased after Naruto with a big smile on her face. I watched them walk off back into the market area and disappear. My shocked gaze then went to Kakashi. He looked like nothing phased him as he was looking to where the two walked off and smiled.

            "Kakashi…what just happened?"

            His trance broke and he looked back at me with a wide eye.

            "What do you mean?"

            I sighed as I started to get annoyed…. now I know how Guy feels when Kakashi acts like he didn't hear a word Guy ever said.

            "You just told Naruto and Sakura there is something between us…"

            Kakashi nodded and shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.

            "Well yes…why would I lie to them? They would have found out one way or another."

            I rested my back on the railing of the bridge and leaned back a little. Kakashi just admitted there was something between us? I mean…I knew there was something with how he was acting around me but…still.

            "I also gave Naruto money to buy ramen for them both…he didn't have any money and he was really betting on him winning."

            Kakashi smiled and laughed a little which rubbed off on me. That was sweet of him to do…it would have been bad if he told Sakura that he couldn't pay after making the bet…I could just imagine her pounding him to a pulp.

            "Well, that was nice of you Kakashi…I think it might be time to turn in soon. We still have to finish our training plan so we can start tomorrow morning."

            Before he could respond or do anything I already turned around and jumped to the nearest roof. I went from rooftop to rooftop until I made it to my apartment. When I arrived, I took a shower and was able to unwind from the day. Once that was finished, I started working on the training plan for the next two weeks. The training material would consist of teamwork building scenarios, which will be the majority. I went through separate trainings for all three of the genin to practice and hone their individual strengths. I wanted to make sure they were powerful as a team, but also powerful alone. In real life scenarios there will be a lot of individual work, so they needed to be strong in that aspect.

            By the time I was done with creating the whole training agenda and the end test to ensure they were truly ready for the exams it was already 11pm. I yawned and ended up passing out in my clothes on my futon. I was so exhausted from the day I didn't even care, but trying to fall asleep was hard. I couldn't get the event from earlier today out of my head, Kakashi really does care for me…he said I was special to him…. I wonder what else is going through his mind. It's so hard to read the man…but that was that purpose of his mask. He wanted to always hide his feelings and expressions from everyone. It works most of the time…but I can see right through that and know exactly what kind of emotion he is feeling. Maybe, that was because he wanted me to see? I don't know….no use in worrying about something I may never know.