Chapter 18 Chunin Exams Part 2

            It was the following morning, and the sun was barley rising. It was way too early for me to be up. I kept yawning the whole way to the training grounds. When I came through the entrance, I saw the three genin positioned around a center post talking with each other. They looked livelier than I did that was for sure. I looked around and surprise, surprise, no Kakashi yet. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes as I stood in front of the three genin. Kakashi is literally never on time…to anything. He is always late no mater what. Even when he sets the time to meet…he is still late. I swear I am going to beat him down when I see him walk through that entrance.

            As I stood in front of the three, they all waved and said good morning.

            "Good morning Sensei! you know where Kakashi Sensei is?"

            I shook my head and as I did, I got a glimpse of Kakashi making his way slowly over to us. I pointed over at him and Naruto followed. When he saw Kakashi he became furious too. He started to curse at Kakashi saying how early he has been up, and how late Kakashi is, and how it was cutting into training time…Kakashi didn't respond to him, it didn't even seem like he was paying him any mind at all.

            "Good morning, everyone, sorry I was late…I got lost on the path of life…"

            He looked over at me and cut his sentence off when he saw my tired death glare. He knew not to push me right now. He cleared his throat as he looked back at the three genin.

            "I want to lay out how most of the next two weeks will look. They will consist of us meeting here every morning at this time…When everyone arrives the day will start off separated. Sakura and Naruto will be with Isamu here in the grounds, and Sasuke will come with me. Towards the end of the day we will meet back up and spend the last few hours trading off…Isamu has her training scenarios that she will go through and I have mine."

            The three genin nodded in unison but didn't say a word. They all were waiting to see what Kakashi would say next.

            "Well with that…Sasuke shall we?...don't go too hard on those two Isamu, you got it?"

            I could hear the sarcastic kidding tone. I was about to throw a rock at him but, my energy was too low so I  watched them walk away. Once they were gone I put my focus on Sakura and Naruto. The first training scenarios I have set up are team building. They will be focused on having those two to collaborate and work together if they want to complete the scenario.

            "Alright you two…first training scenario I have for you will be this…"

            I took one of my kunai and placed it on top of a wooden post in the middle of the grounds. I gestured up to the kunai and pointed back at the two.

            "Your job is to force me away from this post and retrieve that kunai. Once you have retrieved the kunai the training session will be over."

            The two looked at me and then at each other with worry on their face. I smirked and got into position in front of the post.

            "Come on guys…it shouldn't be too hard…whenever you are ready you can start."

            They both nodded as they jumped to opposite sides of the grounds hiding within the tree line. I stood there for a moment; I could sense the two's chakra force. I could see that they were to the right of me, they were crouched, looked like they were planning a strategy…good that's what they need to do.

            I turned my focus over to my right waiting for them to come out, I then saw Naruto start charging at me. He had his kunai and as he got closer he aimed throwing the kunai at me. I quickly dodged it and was able to swiftly meet Naruto. When I met him in the middle of the grounds I fell to the ground swiping my leg so that it caught Naruto forcing him to the ground. As soon as Naruto hit the ground, I saw Sakura coming in from the left. She began throwing her shuriken and I was able to jump and dodge them. I landed in a crouched position on the wooden post. I saw Naruto rubbing his back trying to get up as Sakura ran to help him.

            "Come on you two…you can do better than that!"

            I saw their faces become angered and with a blink of an eye they were gone. I could sense their chakra force and again they were hidden to my right. Suddenly, the chakra force turned into 5 separate forces total. I saw two of Naruto's shadow clones charging at me with kunai to the right, I then saw two come at me to the left. I heard rustling behind me and saw one Naruto come charging me from behind. I smirked and landed on the ground, when the 4 clones got close enough in range I fell to the ground and signed quickly.

            "Wind release! Whirlwind kick!"

            I then swiped all four of the clones with a powerful whirlwind. As I completed my circle the four clones disappeared. I turned around to the one Naruto coming from behind and lifted my leg up so that my foot met his chin. I caused him to fly up into the air with my wind release. I looked around and couldn't find Sakura, I then got distracted by Naruto falling to the ground and groaning. Naruto got up and Sakura came in behind him. Naruto signed his shadow clone jutsu again but this time he created 12 clones. They all started charging at me as I lost track of Sakura. The clones all were preparing to throw their kunai at me.

            Before they could aim and throw, I was able to sign.

            "Water Release Water Barrier!"

            Suddenly I was enclosed in a water barrier and the kunai thrown all were projected back out. I could sense all the clones right at the barrier trying to get past it. I released the water quickly and as I did, I forced the water all around me so that it knocked all clones back a few feet away from me.

            I saw the clones disappear, I then turned to get back to the post when suddenly, a hand was holding on to my ankle. I looked down and saw a clone holding onto me through the ground! I turned my head and saw Sakura and the real Naruto running towards the post as the clone held me in place. I made two fists, I raised them and quickly forced them to the ground. The ground then split in two all the way to where Sakura and Naruto were running. When it split under their feet they were not quick enough and slipped into the opening. I was able to shake off the clone and run back to the post. I went over to where the two were caught in the opening in the ground. I bent down as I held my hands out to help them out. When they got to their feet, they were panting trying to catch their breaths.

            "Wow Isamu Sensei…you're really good…"

            Sakura nodded and sighed.

            "Yea…and really fast…too fast….I would honestly say even faster than Kakashi."

            I giggled a little and shook my head as I put my hand softly on Sakura's shoulder.

                        "That may be true…but let's not mention that to Kakashi okay? It'll stay between us…plus he would never admit to it anyway."

            The two smiled and laughed with me. I gave them a short break to collect themselves. Once the break was over, I went through a few different scenarios. By the time we finished the third the two were spent. Naruto laid on his back on the ground and Sakura sat against a tree. I guess I might have over done it today…oops. As soon as I was about to release them from their training, I saw Kakashi and Sasuke walking over to us. They didn't look tired or anything but, when Sasuke got closer, I could see he was covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises. Kakashi must have really pushed him today.

            Kakashi came to my side as he looked from me to Naruto and Sakura who were still in the same positions. He laughed a little and gave me his closed eye smile.

            "Didn't I say not to go too hard on them today?"

            I playfully shoved him and sighed.

            "I must have gotten carried away... regardless they did well. They went through three of my training scenarios and were successful for the most part. So, I say it was a productive day."

            Kakashi nodded as he crossed his arms. I then saw Sasuke walk over to me.

            "Are you ready to do our one-on-one training Isamu Sensei?"

            I looked down and saw Sasuke had determination in his eyes and almost seemed impatient. I nodded as Kakashi placed his hand on my shoulder.

            "I want you to start your barrier training with Sasuke…try to get him to where he can create a full solid barrier that lasts at least 10 minutes. I know he won't be able to master it within two weeks…but if he can get to this point he will be in a better spot for the exams."

            I nodded and put my hand on Sasuke's upper back ushering him away from the rest of the group. We finally got to a part in the grounds that was far enough away from the group and had a decent opening for us to work.

            "Alright Sasuke…first things first…we need to get you comfortable with producing a large amount of chakra and spreading it evenly throughout your body. The chakra needs to be placed at all focal points of the body and it needs to be evenly distributed…to do this get in your stance…and imagine your chakra outside of your body…it completely covering you from head to toe..once this is done you can then sign the jutsu and create a barrier."

            He nodded and as he was watching me intently, I was about to give him a demonstration. I spread my feet wide to ensure I had a stable stance. I then formed my hand sign and closed my eyes. I gave myself a few moments so I could distribute my chakra to where I wanted it. Once I felt comfortable with my chakra reserve, I opened my eyes.

            "Earth Release! Rock Barrier"

            Rocks from all around us flew to my body and began forming together to create a full barrier. There were no open spaces and no weak spots so the barrier could not be penetrated. I held this for a moment and then released. Once released the rocks fell to the ground around me. I looked at Sasuke and his mouth was open a little in shock. I smirked…I didn't like to toot my own horn but…I am pretty badass at these barrier jutsu's. I saw Sasuke raise his hand a little as he walked around the fallen rocks.

            "Isamu Sensei…you did a rock barrier and the rocks around us formed to your chakra…are we only able to create a barrier with elements that are close in range to us?"

            I shook my head as I crossed my arms.

            "Sasuke…if  have a strong enough chakra reserve you can create any kind of elemental barrier you want…it's easier to start with barriers that are created by elements close to you. This helps so that you can focus solely on distributing your chakra and forming a full sturdy barrier…if I were to do a water barrier right now for example…I would have to use even more chakra reserve to create water and then form it into the barrier…"

            He nodded as I saw the light bulb come on in his head. He looked like he understood, but the only way to know is for us to test it.

            "You saw me do it…you heard me explain everything…now I want you to try it. I want you to first try and level your chakra and move it to all points of your body. I can sense chakra in others and can see it's placement…I will let you know once you are leveled…once you are, I want you to try to do the rock barrier okay?"

            He nodded and determination came across his face as he got in his stance. He closed his eyes and started forming his hand sign. He stood there for a moment and I  could sense his chakra being sent to all points in his body…it took a few minutes but then it was finally in the right place.

            "Okay Sasuke…you are all set…let's see your barrier."

            Sauske nodded as he took a deep breathe, he then opened his eyes and yelled,

            "Earth Release! Rock Barrier!"

            The rocks that were around him from my barrier started to shift. They began forming an almost full barrier around Sasuke, but just when it looked like they were coming together I noticed that they were starting to drop again. Before they were able to land on top of Sasuke I sent them flying in the other direction. Sasuke looked from me to the rocks that were now on the opposite side of the ground.

            "That was a good effort Sasuke…I think that is enough for today. Trying to use the barrier jutsu takes a lot of chakra…I can tell you reserve is low. We can practice more tomorrow."

            I saw Sasuke nod in agreement, he was now panting trying to catch his breath. He knew he was pushing his limits, but he wasn't going to stop so I had to stop him first. I watched as Sasuke was making his way back into the market area. Once he disappeared I made my way to the entrance of the training grounds. When I arrived I didn't see Naruto or Sakura but, I did see Kakashi sitting on the ground post reading his porno. He was spinning a kunai on his pointer finger. When I got closer I noticed it was my kunai from the scenarios earlier in the day. When I got close enough, he turned his attention to me and put the book away as he held the Kunai in his left hand.

            "Where did Naruto and Sakura go?..."

            I took the Kunai from him and harnessed it on my right leg. I then rested my back against the post Kakashi was still sitting on. I looked up at him waiting for his answer.

            "Oh right…I sent those two home after you and Sasuke left us…"

            My mouth dropped as I gave him a death glare.

            "You sent them home and sat here for the past two hours by yourself? Why wouldn't you leave too…I already sent Sasuke home... I was about to head home also."

            He shrugged as he dropped from the post stuffing his hands in his pockets. It was hard to see him since the sun was gone, the only light came from the light posts near the entrance of the grounds.

            " I wanted to make sure you were good…I also wanted to hear how it went with Sasuke…"

            I rolled my eyes, I knew he was lying I could hear it in his voice. I just nodded my head and gave a faint smile.

            "Sure you did….well it went well with Sasuke. He was able to figure out how to distribute his chakra evenly throughout his body. He got the start of a barrier to form but, then again it will take time for him to master the jutsu it won't happen overnight."

            Kakashi nodded, it looked like he was deep in thought. I waved my hand in front of his face to snap him back to reality.

            "Well if that's all I think I'll head home…it's been a long day... Naruto and Sakura really took it out of me…"

            I stretched and yawned as I felt the tiredness take over my body. Kakashi laughed and gestured for me to go first through the exit of the grounds. I began making my way through the market and back to my apartment. When I was getting ready for bed, I couldn't help but question why Kakashi was so deep in thought about Sasuke's barrier results for the day. I wanted to know what his plan was with Sasuke. I knew there was something going on, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Why would Kakashi want me to teach Saskue the barrier jutsu but not the other two?  Naruto has a hell of a lot more chakra in his reserve then Sasuke…he just needs to learn how to control it. I kept thinking about this and got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to lay down to go to sleep, but it didn't go well. I was tossing and turning all night.

            The next day we met at the training grounds again. We spent all day training and practicing as this went on for the next week and a half. It was exhausting, draining, and really pushed the three to their limits. They all made great progress though…Sakura and Naruto had their teamwork down to a point and Sasuke was able to join in. So with all three of them they were a strong force. Sasuke could now create a full rock barrier that lasted him about 5 minutes. I knew it wasn't exactly where Kakashi wanted him but, it was close enough with the little time we had. After everything I felt confident in these three being able to make it through these exams. I will say I still had a small bit of doubt, but no where near where it was in the beginning.

            We had three days now until the written exam so I made sure to get with Kakashi before training the following day. We made sure the test for all three of the genin was properly planned out. We needed to make sure they were all by themselves. Once we felt confident, we started with Sakura. We created a genjutsu that showed Sasuke dying and asking for her help. When it looked like it got her Kakashi transformed into a different shinobi. He chose some random guy from the water village. He tried getting Sakura to break but she saw right through the jutsu. When it came to Naruto it was similar and Naruto saw through it was well. With Sasuke we knew he would see through his but, we still had to make sure. Once the tests were completed we gathered them all together at the ninja academy building.

            "Everyone did very well these past two weeks…I have seen a lot of growth and progress…the written exam starts in 5 minutes in room '322'. Make sure to go straight there and are not late."

            The three genin nodded in agreement as they began running off to the room labeled '322'. We saw them each enter and the door closed behind Sakura who was the last one to step in. I sighed putting my hand up and placing my fingers to my lips. I felt a wave of anxiety come over my body. I stared at the door of the exam room. No matter how ready we made them I was still worried. I was worried about how they would do under all this pressure. I just hope that they make it out alive…that was my only hope for now.

            I felt Kakashi's hand on my shoulder, so I turned my head to the side to look up at him. He was smiling as he squeezed my shoulder.

            "Don't worry Isamu…They will be fine I promise. Now come with me there is a waiting room upstairs for us jonin to go during the written portion."

            I nodded as I followed behind Kakashi up some stairs and into an unmarked room. The room was big and spacious. I began checking out the room when I saw Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy all sitting next to each other on the couches in the middle of the room. Their attention shot to us once I closed the door and they gestured for us to come join them. I made it over and sat in the unoccupied couch across from Kurenai and Asuma. Kakashi made his was to occupy the open seat next to me. Kurenai sat back trying to relax, she looked pretty beat just like Asuma did.

            "Long two weeks?"

            Kakashi said as he slumped back in the couch. The two jonin groaned in agreeance and Guy of course was boasting about how his team was going to be the winners and make it as chunin. We all tuned him out, I think we all were more focused on how the written exam will turn out. I crossed my arms as I looked out the window to my left. I really hope that they pass, I know Sakura will do well and Sasuke will be okay. It's Naruto that I'm worried about…he's really not that great at the written stuff. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it brought me back into reality. I saw Kakashi's hand on my shoulder and him bending over a little asking if I was okay.

            "I'm fine…just a little worried is all…I just hope they all can make it past the written exam."

            I then saw Asuma smirk as he sat back with his arms crossed.

            "What's that look for Asuma?"

            He laughed a little and put his focus on me.

            " I don't know about the written exams this year…Ibiki is the instructor and conducting the actual exam…which means this will be a very hard exam to pass."

            I looked over to Kakashi and then to Kurenai, thankfully I wasn't the only one confused as to why this Ibiki person was going to make the exam harder.

            "I'm sorry Asuma…but Ibiki? Who is this person?"

            Kurenai shot her glance to Asuma, I think I asked the same question she was going to.

            "Ibiki Moreno…he is the head of interrogation in the leaf village. He is very good at what he does, he doesn't just do physical torture though…His mental torture is really what works."

            I looked down a little defeated…If I would have known this shinobi was going to be overseeing the written exam I might have changed my mind…there is no way they are going to pass this. I don't think we really worked on their mental strength, it was all about their chakra and team work but never individual mental strength.

            "What do you mean by mental torture? What does he do that makes it so effective?"

            Asuma smirked again sitting back into the couch.

            "He is good at getting into someone's mind…he can expose a persons weakness' and push them to the edge. He has had more success and broken many enemy shinobi with just his mental torture…it's really quiet impressive. So I think you may want to be little more worried about the written exam…with him I wouldn't doubt most of the groups get disqualified…"

            I sighed and shook my head, great right when I was confident in them being able to make it through. They have to bring up this Ibiki and how good he is at mental torture. I looked over at Guy and Kakashi, they both looked unaffected by the news. Apparently, they still weren't worried even with this Ibiki guy.

            "Well that's nice…. I guess we will see in the next hour how good he really is…"

            Asuma lit a cigarette and Kurenai looked at me with a faint smile as she nodded. She put her attention back on Asuma and stayed quiet. I think this is the first time I have ever seen her this quiet. I stared back out the window trying to avert my gaze from everyone. I wanted to try to calm my mind and not be so anxious for the past hour. I then felt something on my right thigh, I looked down and saw Kakashi's hand now on my thigh slowly rubbing it. I moved my gaze to his face as I realized he pulled his lovely book out and began reading. He wasn't paying attention to anything, because Asuma and Kurenai were shocked at what he was doing and Guy was squirming in his chair. I felt my face get hot as I got embarrassed by the other jonin's reactions.

           Suddenly I heard the door behind us swing open and slam against the wall. We all got a little startled and turned our attention to the doorway. I then got nauseous and turned my attention away quickly. Of course it was Anko, always finding a way to ruin and interrupt situations. I could hear her walking towards us, but I never looked up at her.

            "Hello everyone! It's nice to see you and all in the same room..aren't I lucky."

            I rolled my eyes as I was looking in the opposite direction of where she was standing. I then felt Kakashi squeeze my thigh even tighter, it jolted me to turn back towards him. I saw Anko staring at me puzzled, she was standing right next to where Kakashi was sitting. She was almost towering over him.

            "Hi Anko…I heard you are conducting the next survival exam this year."

            She smiled big and nodded in excitement.

            "Yes! That is right, and I am so excited for it. This is going to be a crazy year for these genin and the exams. With Ibiki and the forest of death…they are really going to be pushed and tested to their limits."

            I turned my head a little and got wide eyed. Did she say…Forest of Death? I shook my head a little. This is going to be hard for them…I remember having to do that portion in the Forest of Death for my exams and it was…brutal. A lot of shinobi died during the exams and the ones that made it out alive…they were all changed.

            I saw everyone look down and I felt the tension in the room grow. I then caught a glimpse of Anko, she had jumped and sat on the couch arm right next to Kakashi. When I saw that my face became hot, but from anger. Who does she think she is? Walking around like she owns the place and getting up in everyone's personal space. She was trying to get Kakashi's attention but, he wasn't having it. Neither were the other three, I sighed in relief. Thank goodness no one is feeding into her bullshit. We have more important things to focus on. I saw her turn her gaze to me with a wicked smile. I turned my full attention to her and tilted my head a little.

            "Can I help you Anko?"

            She laughed a little as she crossed her arms puffing out her chest.

            "Yes…I am curious…why are you here? This room is for the jonin who's teams are in the exams… last time I checked you didn't have your own team. Being Kakashi's second doesn't mean you are the overseer of team 7…."

            I felt that burning sensation in my throat and my chest, she really did it this time. Kakashi shot his gaze to me and his eye went wide. I already knew what that meant, my eyes were glowing. I knew I was getting more and more angered but, this girl needed to be taught a lesson. She needs to learn to hold her tongue, yeah…maybe I should show her how it's done. I could feel Oni present inside me…he was starting to put thoughts into my mind to try and push me further.

            I stood up and kept my eyes on Anko, I could see her expression changed from confident to worried and puzzled. She had no idea who she was messing with. I started to make my way over when suddenly Kakashi stood in front of me blocking my view of Anko. I looked up at him and almost sneered, why was he getting in my way? I needed to do this to Anko…she needed to be put in her place. I then met Kakashi's gaze and I hesitated.

            "Isamu…don't…she's not worth this…you need to calm down."

            I could feel the anger continue to grow and the burning was getting worse. I needed to calm down? No…she is so worth it…I could finally overpower her after all these years and what she did to me when we were younger. Always putting me down, and I had no idea why.

            I put my hand on Kakashi's shoulder to try and push him out of the way when he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him not letting go. He was looking down at me with a soft worried eye. He pulled his mask down and kissed front of everyone. I felt the heat move to my face and the burning sensation was fading away. I closed my eyes as I gave in to his kiss, I can't believe he had this much control over my emotions. I will admit though, it was a good thing that he did. It's stopped me from doing very stupid things…so maybe I should listen to him.

            Kakashi stopped and pulled away slowly. I could see his eye dart back and forth as if examining mine. He nodded as he let go of my waist and pulled his mask back up to cover most of his face. He put his hand up and rubbed the back of his neck laughing awkwardly.

I looked over where Kurenai and Asuma were. They were speechless with their mouths gaped open. Guy went into the corner and started crying, Anko just stared at me with disbelief. I guess I didn't have to say anything to shut her up. Kakashi turned back to face Anko.

            "Shouldn't you be making your way to the exam room?...I'm sure you have some big entrance to make for the next part of the exam."

            Anko nodded and ran out of the room in a blink of an eye. I turned my attention back to Kurenai and Asuma who still looked like they were in shock. Kurenai jumped up, grabbed my arm, and started to hug it a little.

            "Why didn't you tell me you two were a thing! You should have seen Anko's face…priceless!"

            I rolled my eyes as I laughed nervously. I'm sure it was because of Kakashi kissing me. That means that Kurenai and Asuma didn't see my eyes…good I didn't need any more problems today.

            I then saw Asuma stand up patting Kakashi on the back with a large smile with his cigarette hanging from his lips.

            "You sly dog…"

            He Started laughing but Kakashi kept his eye pinned on me. He was nervous, his face was pink and it looked like he was lost for words. Kurenai then jumped in front of everyone and pointed up at the clock.

            "It's time to go see who made it past the written exam!"

            I looked up at the clock and didn't even realize there was 5 minutes left before the exam was done. We all gathered ourselves and walked out the door to start heading to room '322'. I was trying to stay behind everyone, still embarrassed about earlier. I couldn't tell which embarrassed me more…having public affection displayed by someone who never even shows their own emotions…or almost tearing Anko to shreds. It was probably a mixture of both which made my face even more heated. I hate that I have to be so hot headed all the time…and I was doing so well the past few weeks.

            It was like Kakashi could read my mind, He held his hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile.

            "It's okay Isamu…I don't mind showing everyone how I feel about you…. but I also don't want you tearing apart other shinobi for no reason…I needed to stop that, I hope you understand."

            I nodded as I held my hand up to his for a moment.

            "I do understand… thank you for stepping in…I'm not sure how far things would have gone…but I'm glad we didn't have to find out."

            Kakashi let go of my shoulder as we approached the exam room. It looked like everyone had left the room by the time we got there, all except Ibiki. When we walked into the room Ibiki was picking up the exam papers from all the desks. He stopped when he realized we were there and crossed his arms.

            "Hello, how can I help you?"

            I looked around the room and then back to Kakashi before answering. Kakashi nodded for me to ask Ibiki.

            "I wanted to know if…Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura passed this written exam? They are our genin and…we would like to know how they did."

            Ibiki tightened his grip on the papers he was holding as he started laughing. I tilted my head in confusion.

            "Ah yes, that Naruto…he sure is a character..yes they all passed. All the genin who passed went with Anko to go over the next part of the exams. They were heading to the forest of death."

            I smiled as I gave a sigh of relief, thank goodness they passed. I was now hoping they get through the next exam…alive. This one was the most dangerous, and the forest of death is no laughing matter. I looked out the window towards the direction of the forest. I really hope they are okay. Kakashi came up next to me looking out the window as well.

            "They will be fine Isamu…stop worrying."

            I nodded...but lightly...most of me believed Kakashi, but there was a small part that didn't. There was still a part that was worried, worried that they might not make it back. If they didn't come back I don't know what I would do…but I tried pushing those thoughts deep down. I needed to have more faith in them like I was telling Kakashi earlier.

            We started making our way out of the academy and we all stopped in the courtyard.

            Kurenai clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

            "Well…we have a few days to kill now…the next exam will take five days to complete so, I guess we have some free time."

            She tried to sound excited and reassuring but, it wasn't working out too well. I think she realized it too because as she looked down and her smile faded. Asuma came and put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. They then said their goodbyes and walked off. I turned to Kakashi giving him a faint smile.

            "So…what are we going to do with all this free time? I almost forgot what it was like to have time to myself."

            Kakashi nodded and closed his eye, it looked like he was in deep thought. I stood there for a moment staring at him, waiting for him to answer. He opened his eye and it looked like he had an idea. 

            "Why don't we go to the hot springs? It's not too far…but far enough to get out of the village…it'll keep us occupied for a few days so…"

            Before he could finish his sentence I put my hand up to make him stop talking. I didn't need him to say anymore, I was already hooked when he said hot springs. I haven't been there since I was a kid.

            "Yes…that sounds like a wonderful idea! Let's go right away."

            We began packing a small over night bag and once we were ready we started making our way to the hot springs. It took most of the day to get to the springs, the walk was nice and quiet though. When we arrived we checked in and got our room keys. I took mine and went to my room first. I put my bag down and set everything on the futon in the middle of the room. Once I was settled in I stripped down and wrapped a towel around my body and knotted it in the front so it wouldn't fall down. I put on my sandals and made my way to the women's spring. I found a place over in the corner that was empty. I took the opportunity and got into the empty spring. The water was so warm, and relaxing. I ended up closing my eyes laying my head back against a lifted rock on the side. I sighed and let all my tension just disappear into the water. I smiled big and stretched myself out, oh yes this was so needed. I'll have to thank Kakashi later for the wonderful idea. I stayed in the water for sometime and right when I was about to get out I felt a weird sensation.

            I couldn't make out what it was, it was like someone was watching me. I mean of course there were other women around in the spring and everyone looked at each other at some point during their soak. I took a look around to see if I could find anything that would be causing this feeling, but I couldn't see anything. All the chakra reserves in the area were low, nothing threatening. All the women looked to be enjoying themselves and vulnerable. I shook my head as I got out of the spring and started to dry off. Maybe I was just imagining things and the feeling was nothing. I ignored the weird sensation and began making my way out of the spring area. There was a path that lead from the springs back to my room and I started making my way. There didn't seem to be anyone around, so it was quiet on the path.

            Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, it was coming from my lower calf. I bent down to investigate what caused the pain and I saw a long cut. There was blood that started to run down my leg. I looked next to my foot and saw a kunai. I jolted up, I started looking around to see where the kunai came from. I couldn't see anyone, but then again it was getting dark which made seeing anything harder. I felt another kunai being thrown, but thankfully this time I dodged before it was able to graze my arm. Then it hit me, I felt a burst of chakra appear in the area. I turned my head towards the chakra reserve and I finally saw someone. They were making their way closer to me as I grabbed the kunai by my foot and held it up in a defensive stance. I kept my eyes glued to the figure, as they got closer I saw they were covered in all black. Everything was covered except for their eyes and the top of their nose. My eyes went wide and I felt myself start to shake. I couldn't control myself; the site of this figure took me back to that night. He looked like the shinobi that attacked my village and tortured me. I was frozen in place, like a deer in headlights. My eyes went wide as I tried keeping as still as possible until the figure was close enough for me to see all of him.

            "Who…who are you! What do you want?"

            I tried saying this as intimidating as possible, but when it came out it was broken because my voice was so shaky. The figure looked like he was smirking and pulled another kunai. He dashed over to me and grabbed me by the neck. He slammed me against the nearest tree and I could hear something crack. I didn't know if it was the tree or my back with how hard he forced me against the tree. I closed my eyes and groaned in pain, I could feel his grip getting tighter on my neck. It was almost to where I couldn't breathe. I slowly opened my eyes to look at the man to see if I could make out who he was. I still had no idea, everything was covered and hidden. I started clawing at his hand to break free from his hold, but it was useless he wasn't budging.

            The shinobi took his free hand and grabbed my chin. He forced it up so that I had to look straight at him. He then jerked it from one side to the other, this was all to familiar. I continued to shake, I felt helpless, I felt scared just like that girl. That girl who let her mom be killed in front of her that night. The girl who was tortured by multiple shinobi and had her eye forcefully removed. The girl who left her whole village…who was terrified and ran from her home.

            I tried breaking free, but I was weak and couldn't do anything. He let my chin go and my head went back to hit the tree.

            "Ah…yes…I knew it was you. You are one tricky person to track…Princess."

            My eyes went wide, I gasped and felt all the air forced out of my chest. He knew who I was, how did he know. I tried to talk back but it came out very muffled and broken.

            "who…who are you…how do you…know…who I…am"

            I could hear him laughing as he grabbed his kunai in his free hand and forced it into my right side. I grunted in pain, he then forcefully pulled the kunai out of my side and jabbed it into my stomach. I grunted again in pain; I tried stopping him, but I couldn't. I had no strength and me trying to grab his free arm to stop him was not proving effective at all. I felt blood running down my stomach and side as I began to feel dizzy. I heard Oni…I heard his voice…he was angered. I spoke to Oni as I closed my eyes. I could see red, and I asked him to lend me his chakra. He agreed because he knew he was going to get blood from this shinobi.

            When I opened my eyes I saw the shinobi's eyes go wide as he stared at me in shock. I dug my claws into the shinobis arm that was still holding me by the neck. There was blood dripping from his arm where my claws were embedded. He let go of me and I pushed him to his back. He tried to get lose from my grasp but, it wasn't happening. I held him down on the ground. My claws moved to his neck and as I tightened my grip blood started dripping down his neck. He kept trying to fight me and get lose, but he wasn't going to get away. He was sent for me…I needed to find out why…why was he sent and how he knew.

            I leaned my snout in closer to his face and as I began to open my mouth I could see the smoke flowing out of the sides and coming out of my nose. I could hear his neck sizzling from my hand burning it with my hold. I could see his fear, I could feel it, I could even smell it. He was full of fear, and he was now paralyzed groaning in pain from the burns and my claws.

            "You…are going to tell me…who sent you and how you know about me."

            I could tell he was hesitating…I could see the fear grow…I was waiting staring deep into his reddened eyes.

            "Tell me…. now."

            My voice was deep and dark…it didn't feel like my voice it sounded more like Oni talking through me. It sent shivers up my spine, but I kept my focus on the shinobi. He was squirming and trying to get lose, he wasn't going to say a word to me. I knew now I wasn't going to get anything out of him and that really pissed me off. I could feel the rage almost pouring out of me. I started opening my mouth wide slowly placing it over his neck. His neck was now in between my jaws, just as I was about to bite and tear his head from his body I heard someone.

            I looked over but never moved a muscle, my eyes just shifted to where the disruption was coming from. It was Kakashi, he found me and he stopped in his tracks when my eyes met his. Being distracted by Kakashi made my grip on the shinobi loosen some so he was able to wiggle out of my grasp. When I noticed he was trying to get up I jumped forcing him back on the ground. This time I wasn't playing, this time I wanted this man dead. If I don't kill him now, he will kill me and I can't let that happen.

            I opened my snout and took a bite out of his neck. Blood was now pooling under his head and down the part of his neck that was left. He was gasping for air and clawing at his neck, I could see him struggling and I could feel his life force diminishing. I decided to end it, I held my clawed hand out to the side and lifted it up. A large burst of flames consumed the shinobi. I could hear his brief cry of pain and then silence. All that was left was a charred skeleton. He was dead, there Oni…you got your blood. I wasn't able to figure anything out though and that made me frustrated. I closed my eyes and asked Oni to release me. He agreed and let me go back to my normal self. I sat there on my knees next to the dead shinobi as I stared at his skeleton. I heard Kakashi running over to me, but I didn't budge. I didn't want to look up at him. He fell to his knees next to me and grabbed my shoulders. He forced me to face him fully, I then saw the fear in his eye. Suddenly I felt a jolt of pain from the stab wounds in my side and stomach. I winced and held one hand over my stomach and one to my side.

            Kakashi took an extra towel that was lying on the ground and tore it in two. He wrapped one piece around my stomach wound and wrapped the other piece around my side wound. I felt weak, I could feel the blood spilling out down to the ground. My vision became blurry, and I began to feel lightheaded. I could feel myself slipping away from all of the blood loss. All I could hear was Kakashi yelling my name as he picked me up and held me in his arms. As soon as he stood up with me everything went black.

Kakashi POV

            I held her in my arms, I could see the blood already staining through the towel I had wrapped around the two wounds. She was unconscious in my arms. I looked around to see if anyone was around. It was just us, I then began running with her to the inside of the springs. I came up to the front desk with a woman sitting behind it. I stood in front of her and I saw her eyes go wide in shock.

            "We need help...she is very injured…"

            I could feel worry and anxiety consume my body, it almost made me lock in place but I had to fight it. I had to fight it for Isamu's sake…I needed to get her help and healed soon or it is going to be too late. I saw the women pop up from behind the desk and run into the room next to us. It was a few moments and then I heard shuffling feet come towards us along with muffled conversation. The women came back with an elderly woman and a younger man. The women explained to the elderly women and man that we needed help.

            I took a few steps closer to the group,

            "Are any of you able to help me…she is losing a lot of blood."

            The elderly woman and young man nodded. The man came over to me and took Isamu as he went to the elderly woman's side. They quickly went to the next room and shut the door behind them. The woman who had been sitting behind the front desk turned her attention to me. She was very shaky and full of fear so when she spoke it was broken.

            "What..happened…who did this to her?"

            I shook my head as I pointed out towards the back where the path was to the hot springs.

            "There was an assassin…he came out of no where and attacked Isamu…he is no longer here or a threat."

            She nodded slowly as I could see her tension lessen a little knowing the assasin was no longer able to cause any more harm. I then went back to when I saw him under Isamu…he was dressed in all black I couldn't see much of anything. I didn't see a headband, so I wasn't able to determine what land he was from. I just wanted to know who he was and why he attacked Isamu. I started to pace back and forth impatiently. I was anxious about Isamu and if she was going to be all right. I was also worried about the now dead assassin. If he came for her, there will be more. Someone knows about her and wants her…but who.

            I kept pacing as the woman at the front desk stood up and put her hand on my shoulder. She said she would go check in on them for me and let me know how things were going. I nodded and watched her disappeared behind the side door. I stared at the door for some time waiting for someone to come back through. The woman then came back and shut the door behind her. She smiled faintly as sh3 patted my shoulder.

            "She will be all right….she will just need some rest and time to recover…"

            I nodded... I was able to breathe….thank god she is okay…I don't know what I would have done if…

            I shook my head...I couldn't think that way. I looked up at the woman.

            "Can I go back now and see her?"

                        The woman nodded and gestured for me to go, so I walked up to the side door and went into the next room. I saw Isamu laying on a futon in the corner of the room. She was still unconscious and the elderly woman was finishing up her stitches. The young man turned his attention to me and walked over.

            "She was in pretty bad shape…what happened to her?"

            I shook my head and crossed my arms.

            "An assassin attacked her…"

            The young man softly gasped as he looked back over at Isamu.

            "An assassin? Here? Did he get away?"

            I could hear the worry in the young mans voice as I placed my hand on his shoulder giving him a faint smile.

            "No he is no longer here and will no longer be a threat…please don't worry."

            The young man nodded and relaxed a little, the Elderly woman then got up and was making her way towards us. She came up to me taking my hand in hers as she smiled.

            "Do not worry…she will be fine…now go be with her….we will leave you two be."

            I nodded and silently thanked the woman as I ran over to Isamu. I sat down next to where her head was propped up. I looked down at her and I could feel my eye begin to water over. I was scared I was going to lose her tonight, I couldn't shake the thought. I placed my hand on her arm rubbing it softly.

            I stayed by her side for the whole night, I don't think I slept at all. I was there watching her, waiting for her to wake.

            I was also going through the event in my mind, and who that assassin could have been. I kept wondering who was behind this, and that I would have to find out. Who ever wants Isamu is not good, and they are going to keep sending shinobi after her. I have to  get to the bottom of this, and I was determined to do so.