Chapter 19 Chunin Exams Part 3

            I began to open my eyes slowly, I saw the room full of light from the rising sun. I blinked a few times so that I could get my vision back, as I looked around the room it was empty. It was empty except for the sleeping Kakashi I saw sitting next to where my head was propped on the futon. I could see his eye was closed and his arms crossed. His chest was rising and falling slowly. I knew he was asleep and had been for some time. I finally got the energy to sit myself up and when I did reality hit. Last night's events came back and the last thing I remembered was Kakashi picking me up after I had killed that assassin. I pulled my shirt up slowly, when I looked at where the two wounds were I gasped. They were gone! They were both fully healed! There was a light scar where the assassin stabbed me but that was it. I ran my fingers across each scar, and I didn't feel any pain. I knew those wounds were deep and serious last night…how could they have healed so quickly? I continued to examine my stomach and side when I heard Kakashi moving a little bit as he was waking up. I turned my head and gave him a faint smile as he began to open his eye and fully wake up. When he came to his eye went wide as he jumped to his feet.

            "You're awake!…I didn't know how long you were going to be out for…it was beginning to worry me."

            I could see the worry in his eye, and the exhaustion. It looked like he was up for a long time, I bet he didn't sleep at all last night.

            "Yes…I can't believe how long I was out either…but I feel much better. What happened? How did I get here?"

            Kakashi slumped back down again relaxing next to me, so we were at eye level.

            "I took you back here after you passed out. I met with an elderly woman and young man that were able to take you back and stitch you up. Once they were finished, they put you here to rest."

            They stitched me? There was no trace of any stitching on either wound.I pulled my shirt up again and I saw Kakashi's eye move down to my stomach and side. I ran my fingers over the two scars and I saw Kakashi's eye went wide.

            "They stitched me up? doesn't even look like there was any kind of stitching…they are completely healed."

            Kakashi reached out and he began to trace the scars with his fingers gently. I could see the shock and confusion on his face, I'm sure that is what I looked like too. I was just as confused as he was. I had no idea how this happened, but I feel completely refreshed like last nights event never even happened.

            "They….are gone…there are only scars left how could that be? Those wounds were deep…they should have taken days to heal."

            I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders a little as I let my shirt fall back down. I started to get up to my feet as Kakashi helped me up. It was nice of him but, I could get up on my own. I wasn't feeling weak or in pain, I was ready to go…I was ready to find out who the hell attacked me last night.

            "Kakashi…we need to find out who that assassin was…we need to find out who sent him, and how they knew about me…No one knew about me being the dragon princess except for you and the Hokage…my village knew but they were all wiped out that night…and the ones who attacked the village…well we still have no idea who they were."

            I realized it might be harder to figure this out. I furrowed my brow and began to pace a little. I was trying to figure out a place to start, but I couldn't.  Kakashi stood next to me and pulled my waist in so I was facing him. I looked up into his eye and I could still see the worry…and the pain…it made me feel bad about having worried him so much.

            "We need to go back to the Hokage…we have to report this."

            I nodded; he was right that would be the first place to start. Report this to the Hokage and see what he wants to do from there. I'm not sure how much we could do right now though since the Chunin exams were still going. We still had a whole other part to finish and the forest of death wasn't even done. It's been two days, and by the time we make it back to the village it would be three days. Maybe since the Hokage may have some time to set back with all the genin being in the forest, he might have time to at least look this over.

            "Okay Kakashi…you're right we should head out immediately…we have to get the village right away."

            We both nodded at each other then rushed to get our stuff packed and checked out. I wasn't able to thank the elderly women or young man for helping me last night, hopefully Kakashi was able to for me. We left and headed back to the village, with our speed we were able to make it back to the village within a few hours. Once we arrived we made our way to the Hokage's office at the top of the academy. The two guard anbu nodded to greet us and opened the doors for us to enter. When we walked through the doors I saw the Hokage but I also saw someone else. It looked like…the Kazikage…as I got closer I was able to confirm by the symbol on his draped hat. Lord Hokage finished and dismissed the Kazikage as he gestured for us to come closer. As the Kazikage was walking towards the doors our eyes met. I felt a shiver down my spine…his gaze pierced me, and it made my stomach turn. I shook this feeling because we had more important things to focus on.

            "Lord Hokage…we have come to report something serious that we need your help looking into."

            Kakashi wasn't messing around he was quick and got to the point, no formalities here. Lord Hokage nodded as he looked from Kakashi to me.

            "Okay go ahead you two…what do you need to report?"

            Kakashi gestured for me to tell the Hokage. I sighed as I was thinking back to that shinobi covered in all black...and my hands began to shake. I was hesitant to speak, it was like I was frozen... couldn't do anything. I looked up giving Kakashi a pleading look, I couldn't tell the Hokage. Kakashi nodded slowly and sighed as he faced the Hokage again.

            "We are here to report an assassination attempt on Isamu…she was attacked the other night by a shinobi that was dressed in all black. The shinobi had no headband or any indicators of where he was from…he was a complete mystery. We were unable to get much information before the shinobi's life ended…We wanted to bring this to your attention because…I think there are others who know about Isamu and are wanting her….there will be more where that came from…we have to figure out who sent that assassin…"

            Before Kakashi could go on Lord Hokage held his hand up to stop him. He closed his eyes and groaned smoking his pipe. I could see the tension in his body now, I felt that tension transferred to the air around us.

            "This is not good…and to do it at a time where the village is occupied with the exams…the perfect opening…we will need to keep on guard. We need to ensure that there is more protection…. not just for Isamu but for the village. We have no idea who this enemy is and what their motives are…but we can't wait around helpless."

            We both nodded but stayed silent. We were waiting for what the Hokage was going to say next. What he would want us to do, especially since the second phase of the exam was almost done and we would need to put our focus back on that.

            "Kakashi…I need you and Isamu to be with each other at all times…I know it is not ideal but for now until we know who is behind the attack she can't be left alone…"

            The Hokage looked back at me with worried eyes, his expression calmed but I could still see the worry.

            "Isamu…I need you to be on your toes…do not let your guard down and do not go out alone…I know this will not be easy, but this must be done for now…You two will meet at the tower in the next two days to greet the genin survivors and move on to the next phase as normal. We can not put the exams on hold for this…but we can be more cautious. Once the exams are done we will figure out who is behind this."

            I nodded, I knew that was the best option for now…I just had to make sure I was careful. With Kakashi, I mean we basically have been with each other ever since I got back so it wouldn't be much different than it has been.

            "Yes Lord Hokage…understood…"

            He nodded and sat as he dismissed us. I began walking towards the doors and out to the courtyard. Kakashi followed closely behind me, he didn't say much but he was atentive. I had no idea what to do now…we still had two days to kill and the thought of this assassin overpowered anything else I would try to think about. I stood there for a few moments and sighed.

            "What do we do now…"

            Kakashi looked at me with a caring eye as he walked over to my side. It looked like he was in deep thought.

            "I think we lay low…we keep close within the village and take things slow until we have to return to the genin…there's not much else we can do until we finish the exams."

            I nodded, it kind of upset me that Kakashi was with the Hokage putting the exams before this…but then again the Hokage was right we couldn't put the exams on hold. Once they started, they would continue until fully completed. I had no choice but to continue and hope nothing else happened in the meantime.

            "You're right…maybe I'll just head home…a hot shower sounds nice right now…"

            Kakashi nodded and as I turned and began walking towards my apartment I heard Kakashi following me. I turned my head to the side and gave a faint smile.

            "You really are taking the Hokage's orders seriously…you're going to follow me home?"

            He nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked by my side.

            "Of course, I won't leave you again to have some other shinobi attack you…If I was with you at the springs…you wouldn't have gotten hurt…this might not have even happened…this…"

            I held my finger up to where his mouth would be to make him stop talking.

            "Kakashi…it's not your fault…you can't blame yourself for what happened…who would have known that was going to happen anyway? You came…you helped me when I needed it…that is what matters."

            He looked down at the ground with a saddened eye and softly nodded.

            "You're right…I am glad I was able to make it there when I did…"

            I averted my gaze and sighed; I really wish he would stop worrying about what happened. It really wasn't his fault, and who knows...if he was there any sooner he might have been barbeque like that assassin…Oni was determined and he made me determined to kill.

            "Why don't you come inside with me…you can take a shower once I'm done….we can cook dinner…have a breather."

            I saw a faint smile form on his face under his mask as he nodded.

            "That sounds great…"

            We arrived at my apartment and once we got inside I was able to get comfortable and get in the shower. I tried washing all of the dried blood away from the other night. I went slowly over my scars still trying to figure out how they healed so fast. It made me think about when I first arrived at the village…my eye was fully healed the next morning. I had no idea how that happened either, but that is for another time. Once I was done I got into my comfy clothes and went out to the living area. I saw Kakashi plopped on the cough reading his book. He didn't even look up when I came out, I got closer to him and he still did not acknowledge me. I smirked and grabbed his book and held it up above him.

            "Hello…. you're turn for the shower."

            We both laughed a little and then I gave him back his porno. He put it on the side table before leaving to take a shower…there was no way I was going to peek into that one. I am not sure I am ready to know what's in that book. If the pervy sage wrote it….then it must be bad. I shuddered at the thought…I then remembered it's been so long since I saw the pervy sage…maybe I'll try and pay him a visit sometime soon.

            Once Kakashi was done we sat down and had our dinner. We talked a little bit about the exams, but the rest of the time was filled with silence. It was hard trying to talk with everything weighing us down. After dinner I began working on some training scrolls and Kakashi read his book by my side. It was dark out now and I began to yawn. It was time for bed, I went to my room and Kakashi crashed on the sofa. I wasn't going to fight him on that one…the Hokage ordered it and Kakashi follows orders…to the T…which can make him difficult to deal with sometimes.

            We spent the next two days quietly; we kept close in the village like instructed. We went out to the market a few times, I was able to get stuff to restock my apartment. We went out and had ramen and kept to ourselves. I didn't run into anyone else I knew, which made me wonder what everyone else was up to. I hadn't seen Kurenai, Asuma, or Guy since the second phase of the exam started.

            On the 5th morning Kakashi and I got up extra early, which was surprising for him since he never gets up early. We got dressed and we headed out. We made our way to the tower that was built in the middle of the forest of death. We were able to make it to the tower before the exam was officially complete. Kakashi and I stood on a balcony where no one would be able to see us. I got nervous and anxiety filled my body. I held my hand up under my chin. Kakashi looked over took my hand and pulled it to his side. He held it close to his side and entwined our fingers. We rested our backs on the balcony railing and held our hands for a short time. He always knew how to calm me down; it was nice and it gave me butterflies even now.

            "Do you think they made it?...the exam should be called by now…I'm nervous… I really hope they made it…."

            Kakashi nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he lifted himself from the rail. He gestured with his head for me to follow him. We made our way to the inside of the tower. I followed him down a hallway and into another room. When we went in I saw Iruka, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. They were all alive, they looked like hell and super beat up…but they were alive. I heard Iruka finish telling them about the scrolls they had to collect. Once Iruka was done telling them they all passed I ran up. I grabbed them all and forced them into a hug, I could hear the groans but I didn't care. I was just happy they were all alright, I am happy they are moving on.

            "Isamu Sensei! What's the big hug for?"

            Naruto asked as he was trying to recover from my hug.

            "I am… happy all of you made it…I'm happy you all are alive…"

            Naruto smiled his big goofy smile of course and pointed to himself with his thumb.

            "Nothing can destroy me! I am going to be Hokage one day remember! You better believe it!"

            I shook my head with a smile, even when he was totally spent and on the brink of exhaustion, he was still full of positivity and strength. I looked over at the other two and I saw the same thing. They were both exhausted, their chakra reserves were almost to nothing. I looked over to Kakashi as he came closer to us and crossed his arms.

            "Good job you three…. go see the nurse and make sure all your injuries are taken care of. They will be announcing the next exam shortly."

            I heard Sakura sigh and Sasuke and Naruto were quiet and determined. I'm sure they were ready to move on to the next exam, but if they don't rest some they are going to go past their breaking point…and there is no coming back from that. I saw the three walk out of the room and off to see the nurses that were close by.

            I turned my attention to Iruka who was smiling and had his arms crossed standing in front of some scrolls.

            "I knew he would make it…Naruto sure is something else…"

            I nodded in agreement, I then saw Iruka turn his attention to me. He came walking over with a big smile.

            "Isamu! It's so nice to see you! I feel like I haven't seen you much since you returned…you and Kakashi did well with your training with those three."

            Iruka grabbed me and pulled me in to a hug…it felt more like an intimate hug then just a friendly 'how do you do' hug. My eyes went wide and my hands hovered over the top of his back. I was taken by surprise and wasn't sure what to do. I saw Kakashi eye us down as he made his was way over and stopped behind Iruka. He grabbed his shoulder forcefully breaking him from the hug. Iruka looked very surprised and rubbed the back of his neck.

            "Don't you have some place to be now Iruka? You've said your piece…you're done here."

            Iruka's eyes went wide as he looked from Kakashi to me. I had a blank stare, I had no idea what just happened and I had no idea what to do or say. Sorry Iruka…you're on your own with this one.

            "Ah…yes…you're right…thank you Kakashi."

            Kakashi crossed his arms as he was still eyeing Iruka down…it was like he was trying to intimidate him. Iruka looked over at me and gave a smile and wave.

            "It was nice seeing you Isamu! I hope we can meet up again real soon!"

            His voice echoed as he left the room, I held my hand up awkwardly to wave my goodbye. I looked back to Kakashi with a confused look as I put my hands on my hips.

            "What was that all about?"

            Kakashi didn't move but his eye shot straight to meet mine. He was now giving me the death glare...I've only seen him do that when he was really pissed off. It hit me, Iruka must have really pissed him off…good thing he got out when he did.

            "He is too informal…that's not how shinobi should be acting…"

            He was very monotone saying that. It's informal? What does he mean informal? I've hugged Kurenai countless times…and him…he's done a lot more than that to me in front of everyone!

            "Informal? What are you talking about Kakashi…a hug is not informal…plus you've done way worse to me in front of everyone and you don't consider that informal?"

            Kakashi kept his crossed arm stance with the same piercing eye. He looked from the exit back down to me.

            "It's informal because…"

            He stopped and hesitated, his look went from scary intimidating to embarrassed. His face became a little pink but he gave me the same piercing look.

            "It's informal because you are not his…he shouldn't be so casual with you like that…"

            His voice had anger but hints of jealousy, he was jealous of Iruka hugging me? I know Iruka has always had a thing for me but, I've never returned the feelings. I also have never done anything to Iruka to show him that I was interested. I closed my eyes as I giggled a little and I felt my face heat up.

            "Kakashi…I can't with you sometimes…"

            I opened my eyes and saw his face turn bright red  but his expression never changed. He just keeps surprising me…this is a different side of Kakashi I haven't seen much of. I smiled though because it was a side I didn't mind seeing more of. I just wish sometimes, things wouldn't be so complicated. I wish I was just a normal shinobi, I had just my own chakra and skill and not have this…demon…living inside of me. I wish I didn't have to worry about Oni taking over constantly. I wish I didn't have to be on my toes 24/7. I shook my head as I felt a frown grow on my face and my eyes begin to water over. I  looked away so Kakashi wouldn't see. I'm not a very good hider though, he saw and got closer. He held his hand up to my cheek and I met his with my hand. I shook my head lowering his hand, I didn't want that…it would have made me even more sad and I probably would have started crying. I looked up at him with a faint smile.

            "We should probably get to the infirmary…we should check to make sure the three are okay and nothing serious has happened."

            He nodded and gestured for me to exit first,  he then followed close behind but never came to my side. We got to the infirmary and we came across Naruto first. There was a nurse that was putting some ointment on his cuts and bandaging some of his wounds. He was sitting up and alert which was good, it means he wasn't seriously injured. We made our way to Sakura. She was sitting there and the nurse was tending to her cuts and bruises. I saw that her hair was a lot shorter then when they started the exams…I wasn't going to ask. I knew if I did it would be a touchy subject, maybe later if she is open to it. We then made our way to Sasuke, he seemed to be in a lot worse shape then the other two. He was massively drained of his chakra, he was covered in cuts and bruises, and was lying down with his eyes closed as the nurse was tending to him. I went up closer to ask the nurse if Sasuke was going to be okay and Sasuke moved his head to the right. I then saw a glimpse of something on his upper shoulder right next to his neck. It looked like…a black mark…or a tattoo? Like mine but it was smaller. There were three little wisps that were slightly spiraling to make the mark form a circle. I tilted my head as I leaned in a little. Kakashi then grabbed my hand and pulled me back. He was looking down at Sasuke with a lifeless eye and no emotion.

            "Leave… I'll stay here for a while until Sasuke wakes up."

            He wanted me to leave Now? I got agitated and opened my mouth to say something. Before I could speak Kakashi shot me a glare and I got the message. Somethings were just not worth fighting him on and this was one of them. I walked out of the Infirmary and came out to face the barrier of the forest of death. The trees were tall, and the tree line was thick. It was pitch black past the barrier in between the trees. I did not miss this place, and I did not envy those three who just spent 5 days in there. I began to walk along the tree line, looking into the forest then back out to where I was at. I looked at the sun that shone down on the grass and flowers and how bright it was out here compared to in the forest. I then felt a gush of wind pass by. It was strong enough to lift my hair to the left. It wasn't a normal gust of wind though, it felt different. I looked around to see if I could figure out where the wind came from. I saw a figure not too far in front of me. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things because, there was no way I saw that figure there before. I began walking slowly again towards the figure. I had my hand over my kunai harness in case I needed to defend myself. I say this because me and seeing figures has not been turning out good lately.

            I continued to walk and the figure did not moved they stayed put. When I got close enough I could start seeing details of the figure. I could see, long black hair, pale skin, and….those eyes…I've seen those eyes before. They were glowing from where I was and I stopped dead in my tracks. I then saw a small black snake slither in front of my feet and disappeared into the tall grass to my right. When the snake disappeared I looked back up to continue walking towards the figure but, they were gone. There was nothing in front of me anymore, other then the trees in the distance. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, I felt like I was going crazy.

            No, I wasn't going crazy I knew those eyes too well. I just wasn't able to see the whole figure up close enough to confirm if it was him or not. I looked back into the forest and my mind went back to the mark on Sasuke's neck…the mark…the snake…if this is Orochimaru…and that mark is his doing…we will have way bigger problems than just the exams. My eyes went wide and I could feel my heart begin to race in my chest. A sound of a faint bell shook me out of my trance. I started running back towards the infirmary and saw all the genin and the jonin team leads all gathered around. I slowed my pace trying to find Kakashi and the three. I got closer to the gathering but still could not see them. I decided to stay put so I could hear what was going on. I then felt a hand grab my arm, I jerked my head to the left and saw Naruto. He held on to my arm for a moment and laughed nervously.

            "Found her!"

            Sakura and Sasuke walked slowly over to me with Kakashi walking behind them. I didn't even give Kakashi a glance, I immediately looked over to the middle of the gathering. There was another jonin that was standing in the middle of everyone. I squinted my eyes to see if I could get a better look at who it was. I recognized him it was Hayate Gekko. I haven't seen him in a long time, not since I was in the anbu black ops. I had an anbu under me her name was Yūgao Uzuki. I remember while under my team she would train Hayate. I remember speaking with him a few times during their training sessions. I then saw Hayate as he was grabbing everyone's attention and began to speak.

            "Hello everyone, thank you for joining me so quickly after the second part of the exam. It has been determined since 7 total teams have made it through the second exam, we will be holding preliminary rounds. This is put in place due to the massive amount of genin who passed. It has exceeded expectations and normal pass rate. We will be holding the preliminary's tomorrow morning. This will give time for all genin to rest and build back up their chakra. We will be meeting at 8am tomorrow in the indoor arena. We will randomly choose two genin to face off. Whom ever wins will move on to the final exam."

            I looked down, a preliminary? Wow I didn't realize just how many genin made it through, this is going to be tough. I looked at the three standing next to me, I saw Naruto bursting with determination, Sakura was giving her worried look, and Sasuke as always...was looking out to Hayate with an expressionless face. I then caught a glimpse of Kakashi who had his hand on Sasuke's shoulder. He bent down and whispered in his ear; I couldn't hear what he said. I then saw the two walking off together to behind the infirmary. I grew irritated, what was going on with all of this? Kakashi's secrecy? The mark? The snake and figure? What was going on? I was confused and angry all at the same time. Kakashi will have some explaining to do the next time I see him. I looked over at the two when I calmed myself.

            "Okay you two, why don't you go off and get something to eat and relax…you'll need all the strength you can get for tomorrow."

            They both nodded and ran to another large tent that was a little across the way from the infirmary. They set up two tents knowing that most genin would not be able to make it very far after completing this exam. One was the infirmary, and the other was spacious enough to provide food, tables, chairs, and small cots for the genin to sleep on. I stood there and watched as all the jonin started to break off and disperse. I was staring off into the distance when I felt someone jump on top of me. I was caught off guard, so I wasn't able to do much back. It was Kurenai, she jumped and held me in a tight hug. I could barely move…or breathe.


            She smiled and looked over to Asuma who was making his way over as well.

            "Isn't it amazing that all our teams have made it this far? They are all so strong and brave…I knew we made the right decision!"

            I nodded as she let me go, Asuma then lit a cigarette and took a big inhale.

            "It's just going to get harder from here…the preliminaries are going to be brutal…this will be what determines if the genin will move on to phase 3 or be dropped…they are going to fight dirty…"

            Asuma sighed  as he crossed his arms and Kurenai rolled her eyes. I knew he was right; it was going to get brutal out there tomorrow. I just hope no one gets seriously injured, I know Hayate will be there to intervene if he thinks the match is going too far. It's just, how far will he let these matches go? I smiled faintly, trying not to show my worry. Kurenai then began looking around and I gave her a puzzled look.

            "Hey Isamu…where is Kakashi? I just saw him a few moments ago…"

            I rolled my eyes and huffed, she smirked at me crossing her arms. It was like she was demanding me to tell her what was going on.

            "I have no idea…he whispered to Sasuke and suddenly, he disappeared. He has been acting very odd since the second phase of the exam was completed…I don't know what's going on…but I don't like it."

            Asuma chuckled and crossed his arms while exhaling a puff of smoke.

            "That's Kakashi for you…mysterious…never tells anyone anything…why does that surprise you?

            Kurenai nodded in agreement and giggled along with Asuma. I laughed lightly, only because that wasn't really the normal Kakashi…at least not with me. He may be like that with everyone else…and yes, he can be that way with me too at times. I just don't like the change of demeanor and attitude from a few days ago to now. He went from worrying about me and staying by my side all night, caring, gentle, and understanding to…cold, arrogant, discrete, and secretive? Something was going on and I did not like it. I just didn't want anyone else to know and worry, that would cause more issues.

            "You're right…well I think I am going to grab something to eat before checking in for the night…it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

            They both waved to me as I made my way to the bigger tent across the infirmary. I went up and grabbed a bowl of steamed rice and chicken. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and went outside of the tent. I looked up and the sun was beginning to set so the color of the sky was beginning to turn orange. I walked over to large tree not too far from both of the tents. There were a couple of medium rocks that sat under the large tree. I sat on one and began eating, I would rather come and eat by myself then be surrounded by all of those jonin and genin. I get very uncomfortable in large social situations, and after the few days I have had I was not having it.

            " Long day?"

            I jerked my head to the right and saw Kakashi standing to the side of me. I rolled my eyes once I realized it was him and set my bowl down on the rock next to me.

            "Yes…it's been a long day but…it's also been very frustrating and confusing …"

            I said this with more of an angered tone then I wanted. Kakashi sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He came to the rock that was to the right of me. He sat down placing his elbows on his lifted knees.

            "You know…you've been very distant and secretive today…what's going on? I know something is up…you don't normally act this way with me…"

            He turned his head slightly so his eye could catch mine.

            "I know…and that hasn't been fair to you…but I needed to take care a few things before I told you what was going on. You are the second lead to team 7 and you should know what has happened…In the forest of death Sasuke and the others were attacked by a large snake…the person who summoned and commanded this snake was none other than Orochimaru…he got to Sasuke…he bit Sasuke and that created the curse mark that you saw on his neck…I had just finished discussing with him how he is to not use any of his jutsu or sharingan tomorrow during the preliminary's…If he does the curse mark will grow and become out of control and I will have to step in and intervene…"

            A curse mark…I figured that's what it was. It looked like mine…just nowhere near as big and it only covered a small part of his body. But a large snake? Orochimaru controlling the snake causing the curse mark? All of this was not sitting well with me at all…I held my hand to my stomach because just then I got nauseous. Kakashi looked over at me and put his hand on my knee. I held my hand up signaling for him to give me a moment, so he sat there patiently. When the feeling went away, I looked back over to him with a concerned look.

            "All of this happened and…the exams are still going to continue? This doesn't sit well with me at all…and after…"

            I stopped there, I was debating if I should tell Kakashi about what happened and what I saw earlier today. It fits the genre of the issues going on right now, but I also don't want him to worry more. After learning all of this, he needs to focus on Sasuke and ensure that he doesn't activate the mark during the preliminary's.

            Kakashi sighed and closed his eye as he lifted his hand off my knee and stretched back.

            "Yes Isamu…the exams will continue…this is the will of the Hokage and we will accommodate…we just have to keep our eyes out and our guard up…There is something else here and I can feel it…just like you…but you were going to say something what was it?"

            He looked at me with a concerned eye as he sat up straight to show I had his full attention. I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment, I guess I have to tell him now…he won't let this go.

            "I was going to say…earlier today I saw a figure…I then had a small black snack cross my path and the figure disappeared…I didn't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or what…but all of these things happening…it's just not a good sign….there is something else going on…something…evil."

            Kakashi kind of jolted up with my use of the word evil, but as he processed what I said I could see he was agreeing with me. I could see it on his face, I think what I saw just confirmed it for him.

            "We need to be on guard….but like I said we have to continue with the exams so that is what we will do…"

            He turned to me and held my hand close to his chest and squeezed it.

            "Just promise me you'll stay close to me…promise me you will be on your guard, and you tell me if anything happens…I don't want to lose you…I was afraid the other night I was going too…and I just…can't."

            His eye became sad as he looked down to the ground. He squeezed my hand, and I could feel his heart beat racing. I took my free hand and cupped the side of his face as I lifted it so he was looking at me.

            "You won't lose me Kakashi…I won't let anything happen…I'll stand and fight…just don't worry I'll be fine…we will be fine…"

            I gave him a faint smile as my eyes began to water so my vision became a little blurry. He let go of my hand and grabbed me by my mid back pulling me into his embrace. He held me tight as I rested my chin on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and felt a tear fall down my face. I smiled ad I held him back; immediately I felt warm and safe. I won't let anything happen to me…Kakashi…our team…no one without a fight they would have to take them over my dead body.