Chapter 20 Chunin Exams Part 4

            It was the following morning; I saw the sun start rising as I poked my head out of the tent I was sleeping in. There were limited tents and spaces so all 5 of us shared one. It was cramped and uncomfortable. Let's just say I barley slept at all. I looked over at the other four, they were all soundly sleeping. Well almost soundly, Naruto was snoring which I'm surprised didn't wake everyone else up. He was spread out with his arms above his head, he got really close to kicking Sakura a few times. If that happened…I think he would be wide awake and a few feet out outside the tent.

            I got out of the tent and stretched as I yawned. I really needed to wake myself up and try to be alert. With everything that happened yesterday and what Kakashi told me, we would need to be fully awake and alert to our surroundings. The thought of Orochimaru being here of all places…that jolted me right awake. I can't believe he is back…and to know he attacked Sasuke…and he knows I'm here. To be honest, I am not sure how much he truly knows about me, I only had seen him a couple of times growing up and everything else was just stories about him. I knew he was a traitor to the leaf, and he was evil and one of the three great sanin.

            I shook my head, He wants Sasuke…which means we will have to keep an even closer eye on Sasuke. Not only to ensure the curse mark doesn't consume him…but to ensure Orochimaru doesn't get his filthy hands on him. He would have to take Sasuke over my dead body before I would ever let him touch another hair on his head. I became close with these three genin during our time together before the exams. I know I don't really show it but…I do care for each one of them. I want to see them succeed…I want to see them become chunin and continue to do great things.

            I nodded my head in determination as I looked over, I could see the light start shining off the trees and the damp grass. I took a deep breath in and made my way to the larger tent across from the infirmary. When I walked in there weren't many people there…I guess no one is really a morning person. Then again they have all just been fighting for their lives the past 5 days. I went to grab some breakfast and I sat down inside the tent this time to eat. Since there weren't many people around, I was able to eat in peace…or so I thought.  I felt a presence come closer and this person sat diagonal to where I was. I closed my eyes and sighed, who could it be this time. I opened my eyes as I looked over and to my surprise it was Guy. He looked to be fully energized and ready for today. He began eating as I just stared at him, did he notice I was here?

            He swallowed and turned his gaze over to me, he gave me a faint smile.

            "Good morning, Isamu…why up so early? I didn't take you to be a morning person."

            I heard some distance in his voice I knew something was bothering him. I knew all of us Jonin were now aware of Orochimaru's presence in the previous exam, I'm sure that made everyone uneasy.

            "I'm not…but I think with everything going on and the preliminary's today have kept my mind going…I didn't sleep much last night either."

            I started to play with my food, my appetite suddenly disappeared. I looked over and Guy laughed a bit as he continued eating breakfast.

            "It'll be fine Isamu…all of the genin that are going to move on are all strong worthy opponents! I think these preliminary's will be interesting to say the least."

            I nodded; he was right they would be. The preliminary's were not my biggest concern though. My biggest concern was Sasuke…The Hokage made the decision to let him continue with the exams. We of course had to go along with the Hokage's request. I am worried about how Sasuke will do without using his jutsu or sharingan. I know he is a tough competitor but, without using his sharingan and jutsu against any one of these other genin…I really don't know how he is going to do. My other concern was of course Orochimaru…was he going to show up again? when and where? These were all questions that would not be answered and left me on edge.

            "You are right Guy….this will be interesting…I'm excited to see your team compete. I know Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee are all very strong and will be tough competitors."

            Guy smiled and winked at me with his cocky confidence. I rolled my eyes; I knew I would regret saying that to his face. It's not like I didn't believe it, I just know how Guy gets.

            "You're right! They will be! I have kept them back a year to continue long extensive training…all to lead up to this moment…they are more then prepared to win and become chunin!"

            I nodded; I wouldn't disagree with him there. I did wonder though, I think the one genin that made it through that concerns me the most is that one from the sand village. The one with red hair and the face tattoo…just his whole demeanor and presence made me uneasy. His eyes were the worst, you look into his eyes and all you can see is loneliness and the thirst for blood. He was here to kill…and that would make me worried for any genin that had to go up against him.

             I looked over to see Guy had finished eating and stood up. He shot me a confident smile as he left the tent. I knew it was probably time for me to go too, I really should go see if the others are up. None of them are morning people and there is no way I am going to let any of them sleep in. I needed to make sure they were fully awake and aware. I began speed walking out of the large tent to the one I slept in. When I  got closer, I saw that everyone was already up getting ready. I gave a large sigh of relief, now I don't have to be the bad guy and force wake everyone. Then I saw the three turn their attention over to me.

            "Hey Isamu Sensei! There you are! Where did you go?"

            Sakura was bubbly this morning, I think she was feeling good about today. After they finished the second exam there was a whole new sense of confidence from her. I smiled and rubbed my neck nervously.

            "Oh!...I got up early and decided to get breakfast…I wanted to make sure there weren't too many people in the large tent so I could eat there this morning…it was too cold to sit outside."

            Sakura smiled and nodded, I heard Naruto chuckle, and Sasuke scoffed as they finished getting fully ready for the day. I looked around and I couldn't find Kakashi. I think Sakura caught on because she came up and pointed towards the tower with the arena in it for today's preliminary's.

            "He already went to he arena…I think he wanted to get an early start?"

            I nodded slowly as I  looked back to the tower, he wanted to get an early start? Okay… who is this man and what has he done with the real Kakashi. This is all just too strange for words…I really hope I can figure out soon what's going on so he can go back to his normal self. Plus I missed having to brutally wake him up when he slept in…or tease him when he was always late to everything.

            "Okay you three…I just wanted to say…good luck I believe in each and everyone of you. You can do this, just focus and be smart…these genin are going to be hard to overpower. You'll need to take time to study your enemy and find the right strategy to beat them…then you attack with all you have!"

            I got a little excited as they all looked at me wide eyed. I nervously laughed again, and my face got hot.

            "Thank you, Isamu Sensei! You can count on us we won't let you down! All our training will pay off today!"

            I smiled, Naruto always knew what to say…well most of the time at least in these situations. I saw Sakura smile and nod and so did Sasuke, good they are ready. We all made our way to the arena where we met with the other genin and jonin leads. Hayate was in the middle along with Lord Hokage and Anko. They were standing more towards the large screen in the right corner of the arena. We all gathered around and stood there waiting for the next instructions from Anko and Hayate.

            Anko got a glimpse of me and gave me a death glare and a cocky smirk. Is she going to be here the whole time? I hope not…I think I might be making my own match to the side if that's the case. I looked around and I still could not find Kakashi…where was he?

            Suddenly I felt a gust of wind and I turned my gaze to the right. There he was, he had his closed eye smile with his hand up to everyone.

            "Hello guys…good morning…hope everyone is prepared for the preliminary's."

            They all nodded as I stared at him for a moment. He shot me a worried eye and I ignored it as I turned my attention back to the front. I saw Hayate was ready to speak,

            "Thank you everyone for meeting here and being on time…we won't waste any time and will begin the first match. I will set one ground rule before we begin…I will be the Procter for the matches. This means if I feel that the match is getting too much or if one of the genin are in no shape to continue I will intervene and stop the match. Other then that, the genin who is standing at the end of each match will be deemed winner and move on to the finals….with that…"

            He stepped back and nodded at Anko. She nodded back as she said something into the microphone attached to her ear. Suddenly, the large screen pulled out to where it was more visible. Hayate thanked Anko and turned his attention back to us.

            "On this screen…there will be two names chosen at random. Whomever is chosen will be the genin matching off…alright let's see who our first competitors will be."

            I looked up to the screen, names started cycling and did for some time. I was really wondering when the names would be chosen, then suddenly it happened. I gasped a little as I felt my stomach drop.

            " Sasuke Uchia vs. Yoroi Akadō….all of those not competing please make your way to the upper level viewing balcony on each side of the arena until you are called…"

            I shook my head and looked over; I saw Sakura had the same worried face. They really are going to make him go first? He is still recovering…I wish they would have given him some more time. I looked over at Sasuke who looked determined to beat this Yoroi guy. I nodded and the rest of us went up to the balcony. I saw Naruto holding on to the rail peering down intensely waiting for the match to start. Sakura was standing further back, I don't think she wanted to watch. I stepped back for a moment and put my hand on Sakura's shoulder. I looked down giving her a soft smile.

            "Sasuke will be okay…he's strong and has a lot of fight in him…don't worry come up and watch…it'll do you good to observe the match to know what will be expected of you."

            Sakura nodded and walked back to the railing with me. I rested my elbows on the rail and leaned down. I crossed my feet and I kept looking down to the middle of the arena, staring at Sasuke and that damn curse mark. I shook my head and whispered to myself.

            "Come on Sasuke…you can do this just don't let that mark get out of control…"

            I think Kakashi heard what I said because he had walked to my side and put his left hand on thecmiddle of my back. I looked up to him as he gave me his closed eye smile.

            "He will be okay…don't worry Isamu…and you to Sakura…don't worry just watch and maybe you'll learn a thing or two."

            He was right, and with that I heard the signal from Hayate to start the match. My stomach dropped again as I stood straight up leaning against the railing peering down so I could try and see the match closer. I didn't know this other genin even though he was from the leaf, he didn't look familiar and I didn't recognize his name. So, I had no idea what this guy was capable of and what he was going to do to Sasuke.

            Suddenly he had Sasuke on his back, he put his right hand on Sasuke's chest and I saw the chakra light up in his hand. No…he was draining the chakra from Sasuke! If Sasuke's chakra was drained much more, he would be unconscious in a matter of minutes. I then got startled by Naruto yelling at Sasuke to get up and kick this guy's butt. I laughed softly giving a half smile, good Naruto keep motivating him.

            I saw Sasuke break free from this genin's hold. He was positioned not too far from the genin as they held their stances for a moment. I saw him running up to Yoroi and it hit me, like I think it did for everyone else here. Sasuke was using Guy's shadow leaf dance taijutsu…He kicked Yoroi up and positioned himself behind Yoroi. I stared at the two in awe…how did Sasuke know how to do this taijutsu? He saw it once from lee…but even if he learned it with his sharingan…there is no way he could almost perfect it like this…could he?

            I looked over at Kakashi with surprise, I saw he had the same look which means he had no idea about this. I turned my attention back to Sasuke and suddenly I saw him hesitating, his back was now turned toward us with Yoroi still lifted with his back facing Sauske. I squinted my eyes, I saw the curse mark start to grow…it started to spread and I saw a dim orange glow to it. I shook my head, no Sasuke…don't let it take over. Kakashi will have to stop you…and you'll be disqualified. I took a quick glance at Kakashi, he was watching Sasuke intently…I knew he was getting prepared to jump in. I put my hand on his and he quickly turned his gaze to me. I shook my head; I was gesturing for him to wait a little longer before going in. I wanted to see…I wanted to see if Sasuke could fight this. He needed too…No he had to.

            I  put my hand up to my mouth in total shock, suddenly the black marks of the curse mark began receding and completely disappeared in a matter of seconds! He was able to control it! I began cheering as I held my hand up to him. I think I did a little too loudly because I got blank stares from Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto. I chuckled nervously and shrugged my shoulders a bit. Oh well, I didn't care it was amazing that he could do that! It takes so much self-control and chakra power to be able to do something like that. Especially with a curse mark that is so easily accessible. He was doing this…he was doing this with no jutsu and no sharingan. He began maneuvering himself to finish this move off. He didn't finish it off like Guy or Lee's taijutsu though…he used the Lion Combo and forcing this guy into the ground with great force. When they both hit the ground, I saw the ground beneath Yoroi indented and cracked. Sasuke really got him good…but Sasuke was also on his stomach. I stared intently…I was scared he wasn't going to get up. I saw Hayate go over to Yoroi deeming him unable to continue. He looked over at Sasuke and waited to see what he would do. After a few moments…Sasuke was able to get up slowly. Hayate then announced Sasuke the winner of the first match and that he was moving on to the finals. I started cheering, I didn't care if I was being loud the kid deserved it! I then heard Naruto and Sakura join in. I turned to see if Kakashi was going to join but, he was gone. I turned my head back down to the arena as Kakashi appeared behind Sasuke. I saw the medical shinobi running to get Sasuke but, Kakashi denied them. I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but I saw Kakashi walking Sasuke out of the arena. I followed them until they left the arena, where were they going? Sasuke needed medical treatment…what was he doing? I leaned back and looked to my left and right, I saw there was the opening where we came up at. I walked over to see if I could see them but, they were gone. I shook my head, well I guess if I can't find them might as well get back to watch the rest of the matches…I just hope they are both okay.

            Kakashi POV

                        I finished writing the sealing jutsu with my blood, this needed to be done to help Sasuke. The writing went from three different places on the ground and traveled all the way up both of Sasuke's arms and all the way up to the curse mark. I made my way behind Sasuke and got in place to complete the jutsu.

            "Alright Sasuke…are you ready? This will be over quickly…"

            He looked up at me and nodded as he turned his head forward again. I began to sign for the sealing jutsu, once I was done I placed my right hand on top of the curse mark and a bright white light flashed. I could hear Sasuke scream in pain, but this needed to be done. I saw the writing start to move from the ground and pour into the curse mark. It took a few moments for all the writing to pour into the curse mark fully. Once everything was gone a large protection seal appeared around the curse mark and Sasuke stopped screaming.

            "Okay the curse mark is now sealed and will prevent the curse mark from getting out of hand…however you need to know the seal is just as powerful as you are…if your chakra reserve begins to weaken the seal begins to weaken…this means the curse mark could break through the seal and that could mean your life…"

            I saw him nod slightly and suddenly, he passed out and fell face forward. I looked down at him and crossed my arms.

            "Hmm…too tired to even fight or talk back."

            I was bending down to pick him up when, I heard footsteps coming in behind me. I then heard a cold voice that sent shivers down my spine.

            "Ah Kakashi…it been a long time since we last met."

            My eye went wide in shock, I slowly turned my head to the side and moved my gaze to the person who said this. I felt a wave of anxiety and cold rush over my body.


            He continued to walk closer to me and Sasuke with a sinister smirk on his face. I turned to face him fully with a protective stance over Sasuke.

            "What are you doing here?"

            He laughed a bit then stopped, he looked from me to Sasuke and smirked.

            "You seem to be in a much different place then when we last met…you were able to successfully complete the sealing jutsu…well done."

            I was getting angry now, I made a scowl on my face as I replied back to him.

            "I'm not going to ask again..what are you doing here? What do you want?"

            He chuckled and gestured towards Sasuke.

            "I want Sasuke of course…just like your left eye sharingan…I want to wield the full power of the Uchiha clan…"

            I took my feet apart slowly and sunk down into a more defensive stance. He was really pissing me off now.

            "So, what you're using Sasuke as a pawn in your sick game?"

            He laughed cynically and when he looked back his face went lifeless.

            "Of course, not…Sauske is no pawn in my game…he has other uses for me…oh and the dragon as well…I seek the dragon's power to wield."

            My stomach dropped and I got weak. I could feel my legs and arms start to shake. I tried to steady them as much as possible to not show my weakness to this snake. He wanted Sasuke…but he also wanted Isamu? How did he even know about her and the dragon spirit? I got even more angry and scowled when replying,

            "The dragon? The dragon spirit? You are after…"

            He smirked and chuckled a little. Before I could finish my sentence, he finished it for me.

            "Yes…I also want Isamu…to have the power of the Uchiha clan and the power of the dragon spirit…I would be invincible…not to mention immortal…but you won't need to worry right now…I'm not going to take them from you just yet…"

            I lost it at this point, I held my right hand down with a ball of lighting starting to form in the palm of my hand.

            "You will not touch either of them…I will not allow you to have either even if it's the last thing I do Orochimaru!"

            The ball began to grow larger and once it got to it's limit I was about to charge towards him with my full formed Chidori. With a blink of an eye though, he was gone…he disappeared. I ended up forcing my Chidori to the wall next to me and made a long-broken trail. When my Chidori broke, I fell against the wall trying to catch my breath before making it back over to Sasuke.

            "He knows…. he knows about her….and he wants that damn dragon spirit! And immortal? What the hell is he talking about becoming immortal with the dragon?"

            The words echoed in my head and made me shudder. This was not good…Orochimaru has motives…and they are both here…unaware of the true danger…vulnerable…no. He wouldn't do it here…not with all the jonin, genin, and anbu black ops surrounding the area. He wouldn't be stupid enough to do that…not now. Knowing that he was going to try...that's what was really bothering me.

            I made my way over to Sasuke, I picked him up and took him to the infirmary. I placed four anbu black ops members in charge of protecting him while he fully healed. I then slowly made my way back to the arena…I wasn't going to say anything about this. There was no need to worry her more then she already was…but I can't stand by and do nothing when he wants my student…and my… I stopped in my tracks and my eye went wide as I felt my heart race.

He wants…my love…the person I hold dearest to me…the person that is my rock…my life…he wants to take her from me. No…he doesn't want Isamu for her…he wants the spirit inside of her…which means he will go through all means to extract it for himself...I couldn't stand the thought.

            I shook my head and made my way back to the arena.

End of Kakashi POV

            It was already the second match and Kakashi still was not back. I was getting worried, but as soon as I was beginning to look around again he reappeared behind me and Sakura. He held his hand up and gave us his closed eye smile.

            "Hi guys…"

            Sakura and Naruto started freaking out and asking Kakashi where Sasuke was and if he was okay.

            "He is fine…I took him to the infirmary to heal and he is being protected and watched over by the anbu black ops…"

            He said that with a dark tone, it made me shiver. I saw the two's expressions fall to worried and I turned around to look at Kakashi. His eye met mine and we kept contact for a moment. His face was whiter then normal, it almost looked like he saw a ghost. I gave him a puzzled expression as he broke our gaze and looked away. The 2nd match was then announced and Kakashi had broken Sakura out of her trance when the screen read Sakura Haruno Vs. Ino Yamanaka. I saw Sakura's face drop as I looked over when I saw Ino walking by. The girls gave their determined looks to each other and made their way down to the arena. Kakashi then came to my side and leaned on the railing next to me. I looked down and scoffed a little.

            "You know…you can't keep things from me forever…you are eventually going to have to tell me what's going on…what had you scared…"

            Kakashi stood still with no change in his emotion or demeanor. He continued to look down to the two girls in the middle of the arena. Before I could say another word Hayate gave the girls the green light and they began.

I couldn't stop thinking about the look Kakashi gave me…this didn't sit well with me at all, and I could barley stand still to watch the match. I wanted to know what was going on…but part of me hesitated…if it was bad enough to scare Kakashi then…maybe I don't want to know.