Chapter 22 Toad, Dragon, and Fox

            It was the following morning and when I woke up, I noticed Kakashi wasn't there. It looked like he left early, so I began to get ready and headed out. I was supposed to meet Sakura and Naruto to go to the hospital. I made my way to the market square where I saw Sakura and Naruto bickering like normal. I smiled raising my hand to greet them.

            "Hello, Naruto and Sakura, good morning!"

            They stopped bickering and when they looked back to me, they smiled. I saw Naruto rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

            "Isamu Sensei! You made it thank you for coming with us! I think Sasuke would be happy to see you too!"

            I rolled my eyes and smiled faintly as I ruffled Naruto's hair. I really haven't seen Sasuke smile or be happy about…well anything.

            "I'm happy to see both of you…so if everyone is ready want to make our way over?"

            Naruto nodded and grabbed my arm pulling me as he started to walk. I then heard Sakura cry out.

            "Wait guys! I have to wait for Ino she said he was going to come with us…"

            I heard Naruto grumble as he let go of my arm. I stood back up and faced Sakura. I looked over and saw Ino walking over, she had a white flower in each of her hands. I saw her walk up to Sakura and hand her one of the flowers. I walked up and put my hands on my hips.

            "Hello girls, what do we have here? Flowers for Sasuke?"

            Sakura looked up at me and her face got red.

            "Well yes but…actually one is for Lee too."

            I looked down and realized there were two flowers in her hands and two in Ino's.

The ones I saw must have been bunched together to look like one flower. My gaze went to Ino and her flowers, I saw her eyes immediately dart to the ground as her face turned slightly pink. She grabbed Sakura's arm and whispered in her ear. I couldn't make out what she was saying but, I knew it was about me. My team has gotten used to me…how I look and everything else. Other teams not so much, the jonin pay no mind but the younger genin and the younger academy students get intimidated or scared. I tend to see a lot of them avert their gaze or try not to get close to me. I didn't pay too much mind to it because if I did, I would be in a much worse state. I just ignored Ino and turned back to face Naruto.

            "Alright is everyone ready to head to the hospital?"

            I did a quick glance, and they all nodded their heads at me except for Ino. I did a slight nod as I turned to start walking towards the hospital. I felt Naruto run up to be by my side. He looked up at me for a moment then back in front of him.

            "I wouldn't pay Ino much mind Isamu Sensei…she's just weird and does really weird things...I think she is super annoying too."

I smiled and gave a quick giggle before I flicked Naruto softly on the head. I guess I am around Kakashi too much, I'm starting to pick up on his tendencies.

            "Oh, come on Naruto…that's not nice to say about Ino…"

            He rubbed his head and looked up at me as I gave him a wink.

            "But thank you I appreciate you trying to make me feel better…you're alright kid."

            I smiled and patted his shoulder forcing him in a little closer to my side. I did a side glance and saw his face turn a little pink. The girls behind me were bickering the whole way to the hospital…I could see why Naruto said she was annoying…they are just as bad as Naruto and Sasuke when they are together.

            We made it to the front of the hospital. We tired to stay out of the way, but it was very busy today. We all made it to the front desk. The three were standing in front of me and I stood behind them smiling at the lady that was working the front desk.

            "Hello, everyone, how can I help you today?"

            She smiled as she was still working on some papers on the desk. She took a quick glance and went back to her paperwork.

            "Yes actually…we were wondering if we could visit Sasuke Uchiha? We know he's been here for a little while recovering from the preliminaries."

            I heard Sakura's voice go soft…I knew she was sad and felt bad about what happened. She blames herself…she tried to stop Sasuke but he wouldn't let her. She thinks if she tried harder maybe Sasuke would be okay right now. I didn't have the heart to tell her that no matter what happened Sasuke would have been in the hospital…that curse mark took a big toll on his chakra and body.

            I saw the woman stop her paperwork and put her full attention on us. Her eyes were saddened as she gave us a small smile and shook her head.

            "I am so sorry everyone…but Sasuke's overseer has advised no visitors during Sasuke's recovery…"

            I saw Ino and Sakura's hands drop as the sadness come over their faces. I knew that Kakashi was his overseer, so I was a little confused as to why he said no visitors. I knew they really wanted to see him…I looked back at the woman.

            "What about Rock Lee? Is he able to have any visitors?"          

The girls' heads perked back up and their gazes went to the woman.

            The woman sighed and closed her eyes.

            "I am truly sorry to everyone but…Lee's overseer has also advised no visitors during his recovery…I am sorry truly…but I can't go against those rules."

            The girls sunk their heads again and nodded slowly. I looked over at Naruto as he crossed his arms. He didn't say anything, but I think he was upset too. I knew Guy was his overseer, so I am a little saddened that he said not visitors but then again Lee was in bad shape. I felt bad for Guy…He is so close to Lee. I would say Guy was closer to Lee then his other students. He always spent more time with him and helped him train in taijutsu. He would push Lee to his breaking point. For taijutsu to be strong and effective that was what needed to be done. The body had to be trained to be the strongest it could be. I just can't get the image out of my head when Guy had to rush down to stop the fight with Lee and Garra. If he didn't stop the fight Lee would be dead. I think when everything settles down again, I am going to visit Guy. Guy is my friend which also made Lee my friend so the least I could do was visit them both.

 We stood there for a while in the lobby. We stood more in the back, so we weren't in the way. I saw Sakura's head move back over to the front desk. I looked over saw the ladies were getting up getting ready to leave. They placed a note on the front desk as they started walking towards the front doors talking to each other. I saw Sakura go over to the front desk to read the note, she then came running back to us.

            "Hey! The note said they were going out to lunch…"

            I stood with my back rested against the wall crossing my arms. I gave Sakura a beaming stare which made her stop in her tracks as her smile turned to a frown. I knew what she was thinking and there was no way she was going to sneak in there to visit Sasuke.

            "Sakura…I know what you're thinking and it's a no…there is no way you are going to sneak into Sasuke's room."

            I knew if she did and Kakashi caught her…he would have my ass for sure. I know they were all excited, but I was not going to let them do that. I saw Sakura look down at the ground and pout, I saw Ino pout as well. I shook my head…oh these silly girls.

            "You three go home now…maybe you can come back another day and visit."

            They looked up at me as they slowly nodded. I saw them walking out the front doors. I kept leaning on the wall with my arms crossed. I was waiting for someone different. I needed to see Kakashi, and I needed to ask him what we were doing about Naruto's training for this next month before the finals. I knew he was going to take care of Sasuke. I really wasn't too worried about him in the finals. I wanted to make sure we prepared Naruto the best we could. I really want him to become a chunin…I wanted to see him do great things. He has such great spirit and amazing chakra reserve because of the nine tails.  If he could learn how to use that chakra he could do great things. I stood there and smiled as I saw a familiar figure walking out of the hallway next to the front desk. I smirked and kept my position; he would notice sooner or later. I saw him walking past the desk and when he turned his eye met mine. He stopped in his tracks for a moment and then started to walk towards me with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

            "Hello Kakashi…I knew you'd be here."

            He chuckled a little as he shrugged his shoulders.

            "Well of course…I have to make sure Sasuke's recovering and well protected."

            I nodded and laughed softly as I stood up from the wall. I turned to him with a stern face placing my hands on my hips.

            "Okay Kakashi…now what are we going to do about Naruto's training. We have one month. We both know Naruto will need the most help if he has any chance at the finals."

            Kakashi nodded rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he laughed.

            "Oh yes…I actually already have his training planned out…He will be trained under Jiraiya…He is meeting with Naruto tomorrow morning to start."

            My mouth fell for not telling me and making the decision and two, for not telling me Jiraiya was going to be the one to train him. One of the legendary sanin that hasn't been seen for months suddenly returns and agrees to train Naruto. I can't believe this! It was crazy!

            "Kakashi! I swear I am going to get you one of these days…why didn't you tell me you already had this planned out? Also, why didn't you tell me about Jiraiya? And what about me….I mean what am I going to do?"  

            Kakashi's eye went soft as his gaze went to the ground. He stood there for a moment in silence and then looked up at me with no emotion.

            "I am sorry I didn't tell you. The sanin came to me and asked to train Naruto. He will be the best teacher to help Naruto get stronger. As for you well…You are going to go with them. Jiraiya asked for you specifically to join the training for the next month. I left it open…for you to make that decision."

            I crossed my arms and looked to the side. I felt my anger grow and my face get hot. Who was he to decide what I was going to do? Without even telling me anything about it? What was he thinking! I then turned my gaze back to him and saw his eye get wide.

            "Who are you to make decisions for me? I mean...I can't believe you did that!"

            The last part of that came out louder then I wanted to which grabbed the attention of those who were in the lobby. I didn't care because Kakashi needed to know he did wrong and not to do it again. I saw his eye stay wide while he squirmed as he became uncomfortable. He crossed his arms and sighed.

            "Isamu…I understand your frustration, but this is something that is needing to be done. You, just like Naruto, need to learn how to control the spirit you have inside of you. You need to learn how to control it but also be able to use its chakra. Jiraiya is someone who can help you both do that."

            His voice was cold, it made me shiver. My anger came down because I understood what he was saying. I understand, he is right I need to learn how to control this thing. I was looking at the ground and still had my arms crossed. Part of me didn't want to leave Kakashi again. Since the chunin exams started we haven't been able to see each other much. Now we are going to be apart for a whole month. I felt his hand as he grabbed my chin lifting it up so I was looking up at him. His eye was soft, I could see a soft smile form. I know he means well even if he didn't really come at it the right way. I gave him a small smile, but it was forced. I was being a child because I really didn't want to go.

            "It'll be okay…go learn what you can and come back stronger Isamu...come back so when we spar there is no way I could beat you...just make sure you come back to me in one piece okay?"

            I smirked as I took his hand and lowered it, but I kept my hold on him. I nodded and looked down as I entwined my fingers with his.

            "I'll come back to you in one piece there is no way I wouldn't…and trust me I'll come back and I'll kick your butt a few'll be pay back for not telling me."

            His face went red, he gave me his closed eye smile as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I smiled even bigger because I loved when I was able to make him blush. I let go of his hand and became serious again.

            "When do we meet this sanin? Did you tell Naruto about this, or do I have to?"

            He chuckled a little and turned his gaze to me, lifeless like always.

            "Naruto knows and you two will be meeting Jiraiya tomorrow morning in the market square…trust me you'll know him when you see him." 

            He told Naruto before me. Oh yeah, he's so going to pay when I get back.

            " I'm sure I will…I have seen Jiraiya before you know. I don't think I could miss him…but okay I'll meet them there tomorrow morning."

            I tried looking at him with a serious face. I knew that wasn't the case when he looked down at me with a soft eye. I figured some of my sadness was being transferred to my face. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. I took his hand and lowered it. I saw the confusion in his eye, before he could do anything I went in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his lower chest and put the side of my face to his chest. I felt his arms hesitate for a moment but then they wrapped around me and held me close. I didn't want to leave…and I didn't want him to leave. For all this time I was alone out there traveling, being alone never bothered me. It never bothered me growing up, well I didn't have a choice anyway until I came to the Leaf. I never really needed anyone, it was nice to have friends and see them here and there when I could. With Kakashi…it was different….to be honest it was always different with him. If he was anyone else I would have left it at that and left the hospital to be on my merry way.

            I felt his chin rest on the top of my head. I felt his chest rise as he was taking in a long deep breathe. He let it out slowly and sighed but I never felt his grip loosen.

            "I…I can tell that you're not the happiest about having to leave but…I promise when we both return and the chunin exams are over I will make sure to be by your side…I don't want to leave you like this…to be apart for this long it makes me…well it makes me sad."

            What he said gave me massive butterflies in my stomach and my face went hot. I'm sure I was super red so I kept holding on to him for just a few more moments. We parted and I looked up at him with a nervous smile.

            "I'm going to hold you to that Kakashi Hatake…"

            I giggle as I saw the cringe on his face. I knew he hated when I used his full name like that. He used to tell me when we were younger that it made him feel like he was in trouble or being scolded by his father. I  planted a swift kiss on his cheek and headed out of the hospital. I headed home because I knew I had to prepare myself for tomorrow. I'm sure with Jiraiya he will want to leave and start right away…and knowing Naruto he will want to do the same.

            I headed out early this morning. I wanted to make sure I could eat and wake up before meeting the sanin and Naruto. I headed to the market and found an open stand that had just finished making dumplings. I bought a few and ate them as I found a bench near a tree that was out of the way of everyone around. I sat down and sighed. I was near the square where Kakashi had said they would be. I looked around and didn't see the sanin or Naruto. I closed my eyes and lifted my head to the sky; I was able to relax for a moment. I sat and thought about the exams. It took me back to when I took them. I went through the forest of death and that was the first time I had to kill someone… it was more then one. Since I was deemed a prodigy I was sent into the exams alone without a squad. I remember feeling intimidated by all the other shinobi that were taking the exams. They were all older, more experienced, and most had taken the exams before. I kept to my self the whole time. It made me a target. Once the first group attacked me and got demolished the other groups were a little more hesitant. I remember feeling like I was out of place but this time for different reasons. I felt like I was out of place because of my abilities…because of my age and what I could do.

            I would rather have been feared because of my abilities then feared for the way I look and the dragon spirit. I knew a hand full of people who never looked at me differently. One of the most important people I held dear to my heart…was gone. I missed Obito every day. That made me hold the friends I have closer. Knowing how fragile life anything could happen at any time…I didn't ever want to regret anything in life.

            Suddenly I felt a gust of wind and I opened my eyes. My arms were still spread out across the top of the bench. I slowly lowered my head to see what made the gust of wind. It was Naruto with a big goofy grin on his face. He was standing in front of me with a bag on his back. It was much larger than the one I have…I wonder what he has in there.

            "Isamu Sensei! I found you! We thought you may have forgotten or weren't going to come."

            We? That means Jiraiya was here too. I sighed and smirked as I ruffled Narutos hair. I stood up and saw Jiraiya coming over to us. It looked like he had some kind of food in his hands with his mouth stuffed. He was laughing with his eyes closed. I don't think he noticed I was here.

            "Naruto! They were giving these fried squid out like they were candy! Can you believe how many I got for the price of one! I need to come to this market in the morning more often!"

            Naruto got excited and went up to Jiraiya with a determined look on his face.

            "Pervy Sage! Can I have one? I'm starving I haven't had breakfast yet!"

            I saw Jiraiya hold one up in the air above Naruto teasing him…he hasn't changed one bit. Well…that's a lie he did change but it was just the age marks on his face. It showed his age but his personality never changed. Which made him eternally young at heart.

I  saw Jiraiya open his eyes and he lowered his hand as his gaze met mine. Naruto took the opportunity to grab the squid out of his hand. I don't think Jiraiya noticed Naruto. Naruto started eating the squid as I crossed my arms staring back at the sage.

            "Hello Jiraiya…long time no see"

                        He smiled big and his face got red. I wasn't sure if he was drunk or just being weird. Or…maybe both? Yeah, I want to say both…He walked over to me with open arms.

            "Isamu! Oh how much you have grown…and look how beautiful you turned out to be! A perfect woman! beautiful, smart, skilled…what more could a guy ask for!"

            I rolled my eyes as I placed my forehead against the side of my fingers shaking my head. Now I can call him pervy sage because…that is what he was…a perv. He wrote those books that Kakashi reads…I have never had the "pleasure" of reading any. I didn't have to, to know how dirty they were. That's why I always teased Kakashi about them…I knew they were his pleasure so I let him be….I mean after I teased him of course.

            "So now I get to call you Pervy Sage too, right?"

            I saw Naruto's head perk up.  He held his hand out to the sage with his mouth full of squid. I could barley understand a word he was saying but I tried my hardest to decipher stuffed face Naruto talk.

            "Really Pervy Sage! You're hitting on Isamu! You can't do that!"

            Jiraiya turned his head and mockingly put his hands on his hips.

            "is that so? Why not? I think a grown man like myself can do what ever he pleases…especially being the great toad sage! I can do whatever I want when I want!"

            Oh lord, him boasting is almost as bad as Guy…almost.

            "Well okay Pervy Sage but…You'll have to deal with Kakashi Sensei then."

            The sage began to laugh out loud like Naruto had just told a joke…Naruto wasn't wrong he would have to deal with Kakashi if Kakashi found out about this.

            "Oh yeah? Why is that hmm?"

            He was mocking Naruto which made me and Naruto irritated.

            "Because she is Kakashi's, I don't think he would like you hitting on his woman."

            The pervy sage laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

            "Ah yes…don't want to start any unnecessary violence so with that…let's get to the mission at hand shall we?"

            Naruto nodded as he continued to eat the squid that he stole from the sage. I looked at Jiraiya and nodded as I took a seat next to Naruto. I stretched my right arm out across the top of the bench behind Naruto. He inched in a little to my side.

            "Alright pervy sage what do you have for us?"

            He sighed and I could see the lines on his forehead as he began to frown.

            "Please…do not call me pervy sage, okay? It's Jiraiya the Great or The Great Toad Sage you got that?"

            Naruto giggled as did I. Jiraiya crossed his arms as he got a serious look about him.

            "First things first…Naruto we need to start training you on controlling your chakra. You need to learn how to control it and not use more than necessary. We will first start with walking on water…"

            Naruto jumped to his feet and made a fist in front of him.

            "You're going to teach me how to walk on water! How cool is that!"

            I sighed smirking at him. He was cute with his excitement for something so simple.  I saw Jiraiya laugh a bit as his eyes shot to me. I felt my stomach drop…now what.

            "Well yes technically speaking…and that is why we are going to head to the hot springs first…it will be easiest to be in a place with water close enough to walk on…"

            I finished his sentence in my head because I knew exactly why he said the hot springs. If you fall in the water, you'll have more determination to get it right because that water is so hot. So you fall into that water you will be hurting for a little.

            Naruto sighed and groaned. Apparently he didn't like the hot springs answer.

            "But pervy sage! The hot springs are so far…why can't we just do it at a lake nearby or something?"

            I giggled, that means he didn't get it…well he'll learn eventually... he always does.

            "No, we have to go to the hot springs…and our lovely Isamu is going to be your teacher on how to master this."

            I shot him a death glare as I gave a sarcastic smile; he keeps saying things like that he won't be having that care free attitude for much longer. Naruto turned his eyes to me and had the look of shock on his face.

            "Isamu Sensei! You can walk on water too! That is so cool! Yes teach me! Please, please, please!"

            I laughed as I put my hands down in front of me to signal for Naruto to calm down. When he did I sighed and ruffled his hair.

            "How about I talk to you about it on our way to the hot springs? I'll tell you all about it."

            If we didn't get moving soon we would never make it to the springs by night fall.

Everyone nodded in agreement and we started making our way to the springs. The sage was in front leading the way. Naruto and I were  behind him but he was walking to the side of me. He was really excited to learn how to do this. It is quite simple but maybe not for him.

            "Alright Naruto…so the walking on water thing…well it has a tactic behind it. It's not just some magic or miracle."

            Naruto looked up at me and nodded with determination.

            "What is it Isamu Sensei? How am I going to walk on water like you guys?"

            I laughed and I saw Jiraiya turn his head slightly to get a glance of us.

            "It's all about chakra control…like Jiraiya said that is our first step. We need to teach you about chakra control…so to walk on water you need to focus your chakra to the bottom of your feet. You need to have enough chakra to keep you lifted from the water…but not too much because it will force you back and you'll fall in. Think of it just like the exercise you guys did with Kakashi. Remember the time he had you guys walk up a tree? Well this is the same concept but now it's being pushed out instead of just focused to your feet. You'll have to push out just the right amount to keep lifted."

He looked up with awe in his eyes and a smile on his face. He nodded and looked like he was in deep thought.

            "Okay…I think I get it now! I'm going to walk on water when we get there just you two watch!"

I smiled and laughed; he was an amazing kid. I couldn't help but stare at him with soft eyes. He reminded me of myself when I was younger. He is just more vocal and "in your face" about everything. Which honestly was not a bad trait to have. I was more of the reserved type, but I had just the same amount of determination. I wanted to so badly prove everyone wrong in my village, I wanted to prove to them that I could be an amazing Chieftain…an amazing person. I wanted to show them that I was more then just my mutations at birth and the spirit inside me. I was never able to do that…but I was able to prove to my new home that very same thing. I now want to help Naruto and support him. Everyone else needs to see how amazing he is…and that he is more then just the 9 tails. He is a smart, loving, motivating kid…even with his past he still looks forward. I think this is why I feel such a strong connection to him. I feel like I can help him achieve his dream and be a big support. I will always be in his corner…no matter what.