Chapter 23 The Springs and The Journey

            We arrived at the hot springs. Naruto was bickering with the toad sage the rest of the way. It made the journey feel longer. I honestly felt like we would never get there. Thankfully just as the sun began to set we arrived. I went in first and got us a room for the night. Naruto and the sage will have to share though. I can't wait to see their faces when I tell them. Sometimes it pays off to be traveling with the opposite sex, you're always guaranteed a room alone. To be honest though, I really didn't like spending my nights alone anymore. Ever since that night Kakashi brought me home and stayed with me, I haven't been able to sleep alone comfortably. We haven't shared the bed since…and it made me think about it more.

            I shook my head; I couldn't be having these thoughts right now. I needed to turn my attention to the task at hand. That was Naruto's…and I's…training. Once I received the room keys I went back outside. I looked around and couldn't find the two anywhere. I rolled my eyes, great now I have to go searching for them. I giggled because I think Kakashi was really rubbing off on me. I was starting to take on all his tendencies now.

            I began walking down the path that lead to the middle area before splitting up into two different paths. One lead to the men's spring and one to the women's. This was where that one shinobi attacked me when Kakashi and I were trying to have a relaxing evening. I shuddered when I saw the tree he had me pinned to that night. I looked over and saw Jiraiya and Naruto. I saw Jiraiya standing in front of a small part of the springs run off. When I got closer, I saw Naruto in the spring. He was soaked, and yelling at the sage as he got out of the water. From the looks of it this wasn't the first time he had fallen in.

            I walked up to where I was standing right next to Jiraiya. I was watching Naruto trying to master the walking on water technique. He was really bad at it…like really bad. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I began to rub my forehead with my fingers. Jiraiya chuckled lightly as I turned my attention to him.

            "I got our rooms keys for the night…how long as he been at it?"

            Jiraiya shrugged his shoulders and looked up to the sky.

            "Not long…maybe 15 minutes or so…he's really bad at this."

            I giggled as I nodded my head. I pointed to his feet.

            "you're right…he's putting too much chakra in the middle of his foot…if he keeps doing that he'll keep falling into the water."

            I saw Jiraiya smile out of the corner of my eye as he turned his full gaze to me. I felt some light butterflies in my stomach when he was staring straight at me.

            "It's been so long Isamu…you've really grown not just in looks…but in skill and technique. I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. So, tell me…how has the dragon spirit been treating you? Lord Hokage filled me in breifly….as did your little boyfriend."

            I could feel my face get really hot...i'm sure It was super red. I can't believe he just called Kakashi my boyfriend…but it did get me thinking. Is that what he is?... Oh man, I never really thought about it like that before.

"Oh yeah? Well first off he's not my boyfriend..and secondly what did they fill you in on exactly?"

            Jiraiya laughed, I'm sure it was at me denying the boyfriend thing.

            "They filled me in on how you have been taken over by the dragon for some time...and that you are able to control it…In a sense. You were able to transform but do it knowingly instead of the spirit fully taking over your body and mind. They filled me in on your couple of run ins when you returned to the leaf…but not much else."

            I looked back at Naruto and shook my head as he fell in the water again when he lost his balance.

            "Naruto! Come here I want to tell you something…"

            I really wasn't in the mood to talk about what they told him. I saw Naruto perk up and run over as soon as he got out of the water.

            "Yeah? What is it Isamu Sensei?"

            He was out of breath, this told me he was using too much chakra and not in the right way. I bent down and gestured for Naruto to do the same. When he crouched down next to me, I pointed out to the water.

            "You see…you are pushing too much chakra out of the center of your foot. When the power is released, it's forcing your foot to go back, and you lose your balance…You need to look at the water and realize how it has movement. You see how the water moves back and forth up and down slowly?"

            He nodded still staring at the water with me.

            "Good…this means you must feel the movement of the water under your foot and transfer the chakra to the whole foot not just the center. This is so, when the water moves under you, you will still stay balanced on top of it…does that make sense?"

            He looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded slowly.

            "Okay…then here take a look I'll show you…watch carefully, okay?"

            I stood up as Naruto took his place by Jiraiya's side. I looked back and saw both eyeing me intently. I went up to the edge right in front of the water and looked down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was gathering my chakra evenly at the bottom of both of my feet. I opened my eyes and took my first step down onto the water, and then the other foot. I made my way to the middle of the spring walking on top of the hot water. When I made it to the middle I turned around and looked back at Naruto and Jiraiya. I smiled and waved, I smiled as I saw Naruto pretty much freak out. I saw the excitement on his face and heard him yelling my name out.

            "Isamu Sensei! That is so cool! I want to try now I think I got it!"

            I giggled as I ran back to them swiftly. I jumped out from the water and landed in front of Naruto.

            "Show me what you remember breathe and envision the chakra evenly throughout your feet…then take your first step."

            I patted his shoulder and stood back up next to Jiraiya. Naruto nodded and smiled as he ran back to stand in front of the water. I saw him hesitate for a moment, I could see his chakra move to his feet and evenly coat the bottoms. I nodded and smirked as he took his first step and didn't fall in. He took another; he was a little unbalanced but just to see him be able to master it this far in such little time amazed me. I was staring at him watching his movement and felt proud of myself to be able to help him achieve this. I heard Jiraiya chuckle a bit as I looked at him out of the corner of my eye.

            "You've really got some kind of gift…and to be able to help Naruto in that short time. To be able to do something that would have taken him weeks to master? You really are a good sensei…The old man did right by putting you in charge of this team."

            I smiled as  my face turned slightly red. I crossed my arms and shrugged my shoulders.

            "Well in all due respect Kakashi is the leader of team 7…the old man just put me as his second…this is Kakashi's team…"

            I felt my smile fade a bit and my voice hollowed out. I went back to staring at Naruto and watched as he continued to walk around the water laughing and yelling out how good he was.

            "With Naruto…it's different…with Naruto I have some sort of connection with him…I should be the one with him and training him…I know it sounds weird and like I'm favoring him but that's far from the truth…"

            Jiraiya laughed as he put his hand on my shoulder. This made me dart my eyes to him. I saw him smiling as he was watching Naruto.

            "Now I understand…you feel connected to him because he is the same as you…you just want to make sure he gets what he needs like you never did…you want to make sure he doesn't feel like an outcast and how he is seen for more than the 9 tails…how am I doing so far?'

            I smiled as I put my hand on top of his. My eyes got a little moist as he finished talking. He was right, I wasn't going to deny him or anyone else who said that. I wanted to be there for him always. His support, and to make sure he knew he was more than just that damn spirit.

            "You…did good…right on the money as always great pervy sage."

            I laughed as Jiraiya crossed his arms and began to pout; I knew it got on his nerves, but I had to. It was just too hard to resist. I finished teasing him as Naruto came running back to us with his hands on his knees. He was trying to catch his breath, even so he was smiling.

            "How…how did I do Isamu Sensei? Pervy Sage? Did you see I was walking on water!"

            I smiled and nodded as I put my hand on Naruto's shoulder. He was still wet from all of the times he fell in.

            "You did great Naruto…good job really! You're soaked...why don't you take your room key and go get dried off, relax for a little. I'll be by so we can go get dinner a littler later…how does that sound?"

            He smiled and rubbed his neck as he took the room key from me.

            "Yeah, that sounds good Isamu Sensei! I'll see you guys in a little bit!"

            He ran off towards the front where we came in. When he disappeared, I sighed and shook my head. I saw Jiraiya look at me and gestured to follow him so I did. We started walking a little bit further in the middle part of the springs. I looked up at Jiraiya as we stopped underneath a cherry blossom tree.

            "Did you need something sage? I'm sure you didn't want to walk all the way down here just to see the veiw. The women's spring is back that way."

            I giggled as I pointed over his shoulder back to where we came. I saw that he wasn't laughing. I straightened up and kept quiet.

            "I wanted to bring you out here so I could tell you something…"

            I tilted my head and leaned my back against the tree trunk.

            "Okay then tell me…why did you want me to follow you all the way out here?"

            He sighed as he looked up at the cherry blossoms and smirked.

            "I spoke with Kakashi not too long before we left the village. I spoke with him because I wanted to be the one to train Naruto during this month before the finals. I felt that I would be a better teacher and be able to help Naruto tap into his 9 tails chakra using it as his own…among other things…"

            I nodded; I already knew this…why was he bringing it up again?

            "The thing is when he agreed to let me train Naruto…he had a condition…and that condition was that I take you along and train you the same as Naruto…but…"

            Kakashi asked! Jiraiya didn't bring it up…Kakashi did…. he really thinks I need that much help?

            I got a little frustrated, but I decided to stay quiet to let Jiraiya finish.

            "He was also asking me to do this because he is worried about you…I don't think I've ever seen him have this much emotion and concern for one person…he said that since he would have to be away he didn't want to leave you alone. I would be the best person to not only train you but keep you safe…with that being said I wanted to tell you, he really cares for you. I think even more then anyone else in his life…I just wanted you to know…he doesn't always say the right things or knows how to say them. Trust me when I say this, try not to be too hard on him when we return okay?"

            I looked over, I didn't want to look at Jiraiya right now. I knew he cared for me, yet I never took the time to see his true intentions. I felt bad, I know I am hot headed and get worked up without thinking sometimes. Kakashi didn't deserve that. All he was trying to do this entire time was keep me safe. Whether it was from the Dragon Spirit or from everyone chasing after me. My heart felt warm and it started to race a little. The words began to play over in my head. The words he told me before we parted ways in the hospital. When the exams are over, he was going to make sure we spent more time together. He was hurting just as much as I was being away. He just…didn't show it in the way I did. All of this got to me more because, I have never seen him this way before. Those 8 years apart…he has changed. Not in a bad way though. I was always used to him being so cold and arrogant. There would be little instances where he would show me how he cared but it was very different. Now he is doing it all the time, and he is even more physical with me…I guess all of that should have been a sign to me. I was just too naïve to see it and I decided to focus on everything else going on around us. I do need to talk to him when we get back…and tell him how I really feel about him and let him know his acts of kindness didn't go unnoticed.

            I nodded and looked back at Jiraiya with a soft smile on my face. I held my hand out and placed it on his arm.

            "Thank you for telling me Jiraiya…and thank you for taking me along with you and Naruto I really do appreciate it.  I do need your help with this. I have been able to tap into the dragon spirit…he lends me his chakra and lets me use his strength but…only on one condition."

            Jiraiya's expression changed to now show curiosity as he nodded to let me know to continue.

            "Oni…that's his name…he said the only way he would lend me his chakra was if I gave him blood…most of the time when I needed him he got what he wanted. I just don't want to have to promise him that…not every fight I get into will lead to death…but Oni also said if I didn't give him blood…he would take over and take it for himself."

            Jiraiya put his fingers to his chin and looked to the sky in thought. We stood there for a few moments in silence until Jiraiya finally spoke up.

            "Then we will need to tap into this so called Oni…and show him that he lives within you so he needs to obey you…you can't let him dictate when or how his chakra and strength is used…he needs to know that when you ask for it he provides and you're in control he isn't….I know it sounds a lot easier said than done but…this is just like Naruto and the 9 tails. He will need to do the same if he ever wants to tap into the 9 tails chakra to use as his own…"

            I nodded; I understood…I was thinking how I would even go about starting something like this. I was able to threaten him enough to let me be conscious when I transformed…but it needed to be more then that. Jiraiya was right, I needed him to know I was the boss and put him in his place.

            I felt a pain in my chest…it burned worse than it ever has before. I grasped at it as I fell to my knees. I felt Jiraiya fall next to me and place his hands on my shoulders. I could faintly hear him asking if I was okay, but the pain was too unbearable for me to answer. I started to hear ringing in both of my ears. I put my hands up to cover them. I couldn't open my eyes because of the pain, I started to see red from underneath my eyelids. I felt Jiraiya's hands still on me . If he was saying anything I couldn't hear him. I heard Oni's deep and dark voice in replace of the ringing. He kept saying blood repeatedly. It began to get louder. It became so loud that I had to  yell "Shut Up" and that startled Jiraiya. I felt his grip release from me as I fell down and the wet ground startled me so my eyes popped open. I looked over at Jiraiya and saw the fear in his eyes. He noticed I was looking at him to help me up.

            "Isamu…can you hear me? Are you alright?"

            I nodded slowly as I held my hand up to my head.

            "Yes…I'm alright I just got a massive pain in my head…it's gone now though."

            He nodded but kept my arm around his shoulder propping me up.

            "I'm going to get you to your room…so you can rest and when you feel up to it come find me and I'll tell you what we need to do…"

            I nodded as I closed my eyes again. It felt like I had been running for 5 days straight. All I wanted to do right now was lay in bed and go to sleep.

            We finally made it back and Jiraiya lifted me placing me softly on my bed. He pulled a blanket over and I heard him walk out of the room as he closed the door behind him. Once I knew he was gone I turned to lay on my back as I opened my eyes to stare up to the ceiling.

            That was Oni…he didn't like the thought of me trying to take full control…but he didn't have a choice. I needed to do this…to ensure the safety of those around me. I can't let Oni take me over again…I can't let him kill needlessly for his thirst of blood. I wasn't going to stand by any longer, so I closed my eyes again.

            I laid there and all I could see was blackness…I began to call Oni. I told him to present himself because we had business to discuss. I began to see a red light, as it got bigger it formed into a large dragon. It was Oni, I could tell by the dark red glowing orbs in his eye sockets and the strong sense of blood lust.

            "What do you want puny human? What is so urgent that you had to call?"

            His voice was deep, dark, and beyond angry.  I could hear the rage in his voice. I felt a strong wave of rage and the urge for killing and blood come over me. I shook my head; I stared up at this dragon with determined eyes. I was not going to let him do this to me...not anymore.

            "I have called upon you Oni…to tell you, you will no longer control me. You will no longer needlessly have me kill for blood just to use your chakra and strength…I am here and have called you to show that you're not in control anymore…I am!"

            I heard the spirit chuckle and the dark tone echoed. I saw its orbs turn to more of a yellow hue now instead of dark red. The dragon laid its head down so its snout was almost touching my chest and the orbs were at eye level.

            "You truly think you can control me human? I have been transferred and trapped inside of your kind for years and not one of them was able to control me! None were strong enough…none were worthy enough for me to bow down to! Now you…you come in disturbing my slumber to tell me this? You truly do know how to get on my nerve's human…"

            I put my hand on his snout and took a tight grip of what I could. His skin was cold and scaley to the touch. I hopped on to his snout so fast he didn't see it coming. He jerked his head up, so I held on for dear life. I held tightly on to the sides of his mouth as my face was pressed sideways against his snout. I could feel his struggle to try and shake me, but I wasn't budging. I felt him stop and become calm so I sat myself back up. I tightened my legs around the top part of his snout so I wouldn't slide off. I began to inch myself closer and closer until I was sitting a few inches from his eyes. I bent down and stared into the orbs. They became white and dim. I sat there for a few more moments, both of us still.

            "I'm not going to tell you again Oni…from now on you are going to obey me…you will obey my wishes to use your strength and chakra as I see fit…and your reward? A place to stay where no one can harm you...I will not allow you to do this any longer...I don't care about the others you've lived inside of…I'm not like them…Do we have an understanding?"

            I heard my voice echo around us…it was loud and powerful. I felt the dragon lower its head and laid it down. His orbs stayed white for a few moments and went to a light blue…I've never seen this color before. I felt a vibration come over his snout and heard a grumbling noise. I felt the dragon slowly open his snout, so I grabbed on to the sides of his mouth to keep myself in place. I  heard a loud screech and saw the smoke begin to rise from his mouth. I felt the warmth as he slowly closed his snout again.

            "You pesky human…I do not like you touching me or being on my snout…so you will get off if you know what's good for you…"

            He lowered his head again and I slid off as I stood in front of him.

"I will…obey your wishes…for now…"

            I put my hands on my hips and a smirk came across my face as I nodded.

            "Good…so our little meeting is done here."

            He nodded slowly and lifted his head back up  grunting.

            "Yes…now leave me be human…"

            His voice wasn't as strong or powerful as before. It was now a whisper and then I saw him start to fade away. Everything went black again as I opened my eyes to see the ceiling above. The pain in my head and chest were gone and I felt....refreshed? It was a weird feeling, but it was much better then on my knees in pain. I slowly sat up and looked around. It was dark out now there was no more sun. It was night-time but, how late was it? I looked around to see if the room had a clock, and it had a small one near the door.

            "8:30pm already? How long was I out for?"

            I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. I wonder where Naruto and pervy sage were. I bet Naruto is probably in bed sleeping, he looked pretty worn out earlier. I wouldn't blame him for clocking out early. I was about to go get my house slippers as my stomach growled. It growled so loud I thought there was a dog in my room…but no, it was just my stomach. I rubbed one of my hands on my stomach and closed my eyes.

            "There has to be somewhere around here to get food…I just hope it's not too far…"

            I was in no mood to deal with anything or anyone anymore today. My little "meeting" with Oni put me in a weird position. Does this mean that he is going to obey me and not take me over fully anymore? Is he going to let me use his chakra willingly without me providing him blood?  It sounded like that…I guess I'll just have to see what happens next time I need to use his strength.

            I walked out of my room and down the hallway. I was dressed in an oversized sweatshirt with quarter pants and my house slippers. I knew my hair was a mess but right now…and I did not care one bit. I stumbled upon an opening that was next to the front desk. I peeked my head around the corner and saw that it was a small bar area. Oh I really hope they have food. I walked in and headed to the front of the bar and took a seat. I rested my elbows on the counter and placed my chin on my closed hands to prop myself up. I closed my eyes and sighed. I felt someone sit next to me. I slowly turned my head a little to my left and yup... it was Jiraiya and he looked like he had already been drinking quiet a bit. He slumped over the bar counter a little as he turned his head to me with a large grin on his face.

            "Hello Jiraiya…I see you are having fun…where is Naruto?"

            He straightened up a little and waved the bar tender to come over.

            "Oh, the kid? He's asleep he turned in early for the night, he was pretty exhausted…I took him for ramen and as soon as he hit his futon he was out like a light…so I decided to take the extra time to come…"pleasure" myself…sadly the pretty girls don't seem to be around anywhere."

            I rolled my eyes as the bartender came in front of us asking what we wanted. Jiraiya ordered some sake and he gestured to me. I ordered some steamed rice, chicken, and a second cup for the sake. When the bar tender left to get our drinks and food Jiraiya turned to me leaning in closer…too close if you ask me.

            "What happened back there? You were in a lot of pain, I didn't like leaving you in the room alone but…"

            I shook my head as the bartender brought the sake over and poured some in each of our cups. I threw back the first one as I closed my eyes. I could feel the burn in my throat.

            "It's fine Jiraiya I'm fine it was just a really bad headache…"

            He peered at me and didn't take his eyes off me once even when he took his drink.         

            "You're a really bad liar you know that don't you?"

            I slumped my head down as the bartender brought my food. My stomach growled and for the moment I decided to ignore Jiraiya. I had a few bites of my food and Jiraiya laughed as he was watching me stuff my face. I didn't care, the food was so good…I knew it wasn't high end fancy stuff but I didn't care  it was wonderful to me.

            I wiped my mouth with a napkin as I turned my attention back to Jiraiya.

            "You just ate like you hadn't eaten in days…you were that hungry? I mean you always were a sloppy eater even when you were a kid…"

            I scoffed and poured us another cup of sake.

            "Okay Jiraiya fine…what happened when you took me to my room. I met with Oni…we had a conversation and then everything went back to normal…that's all there is to it."

            Jiraiya's face went serious as he drank his cup empty and sighed when he placed it back down.

            "Isamu…what kind of conversation did you have? Do you always have to be so evasive?"

            I got offended, I normally was quiet, alone, and didn't really want to talk to people much. He should know this…but maybe he thinks it should be different with him?

            "I'm not trying to be evasive…the conversation was me putting Oni in his place…I told him that I was going to use his strength and chakra as needed without having to pay in blood…I also told him he was not to take me over. His reward was a safe place to stay…he coward and agreed then vanished…I haven't felt or heard anything since."       

            I looked over at Jiraiya from the corner of my eye and slowly picked my cup up to finish my second helping of sake.

            "I see…well that will all be confirmed in time…I wouldn't trust  his word…we will have to see what happens when you truly need his strength…that will tell all."

            I agreed, he was a spirit demon and they don't play nice. I knew he coward down but, Jiraiya is right that doesn't mean much. I will have to be extra cautious the next time I have to fight. That will determine all…and determine what I need to do moving forward.

            "Jiraiya..let's say he tries to take me over the next time I need him…do you know how I can fight him? He has taken me over a couple of times and I came close to taking my friends lives… I killed needlessly…I don't want to ever have that happen again."

            He laughed a bit and poured another glass.

            "That is where we will need to focus on building your mental strength and your own chakra…the more power you have the more you can fight him if needed…you also need to keep trying to intimidate him and make sure he knows you are boss…if not he'll take you over in a blink of an eye and will do as he pleases…"

            I nodded and grabbed the bottle of sake to pour myself another cup. Jiraiya laughed as he  smiled at me.

            "You can handle your alcohol pretty well huh?"

            He was starting to slur his words and I knew he was getting to a very tipsy state. Thankfully I was only slightly buzzed so I wasn't worried.

            "I suppose…looks like I can't say the same for you though…looks like you're getting pretty tipsy there pervy sage."

            He laughed out loud as he held his hand to his stomach. I rolled my eyes to his obnoxious behavior…even though he was my elder he didn't act like it. I think I was done for the night…he said his piece. He told me what I need to focus on next…that's all I needed for the night.

            "This has been fun and I appreciate the company but I think I'll be heading out now."

            Jiraiya grabbed my arm, he had a tight grip on my forearm as he looked up at me. My eyes went wide, and my heart began racing a little…what was he doing.

            "Jiraiya…what are you doing? Why are you grabbing my arm like that?"

            He let go and rubbed the back of his neck nervously as his face went red.

            "I just wanted to…walk you back…I would feel better if I knew you got to your room in one piece."

            I nodded slightly…I knew he was somewhat worried about the dragon… it was nice of him to offer. He did pay for my dinner… I guess I could let him do this one thing.

            "Alright pervy sage…let's go…you can stand on your own, can't you?"

            He nodded and stood up effortlessly. He started walking towards the exit as I followed behind him. When we got to the door he slid it open as he gestured for me to go first. When the door slid shut, I heard it shut  hard. I turned around to see why Jiraiya slammed it so hard. When I turned around Jiraiya's back was facing me so I moved in a little closer and put my hand on his shoulder. I was going to ask him if he was alright but suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and forced me up against the wall. He had both of my arms pinned up above my head. One of his hands on each of my wrists. He was looking down at me and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He had a smirk on his face that made me really uncomfortable and my eyes went wide. I almost felt helpless…I felt the fear overcome my entire body which made me paralyzed. Why was he doing this to me? I knew he was a perv with the ladies but...I wasn't like those ladies…right?

            He put both of my wrists together and took his right hand down and started to lift the bottom of my shirt slowly. I squirmed a little and he tightened his grip on my wrists, so I stopped. I felt his hand so I looked down and from what I could see he was tracing my tattoo that wrapped around my midsection.

            "What…what are you doing Jiraiya?"

            He scoffed a little as he smirked. He took his free hand and grabbed my chin as pulled it up, so I was looking to the ceiling. He traced the dragon tattoo from my neck down to my chest.

            "You're clan is amazing…being able to transfer a demon spirit from one person to the next…and these seal markings…it is amazing…how it wraps around your whole body…"

            He still had me looking up to the ceiling and my heart continued to race. Why was he doing this? I've never seen him like this…I never thought he was this kind of person…or was it just the alcohol acting? Either way I was uncomfortable being put into this position and the fear that took over kept me paralyzed.

            "Okay I get it…you like my sealing tattoo…can you let me go now?"

            I was trying to be more intimidating, but it came out as a broken whisper. Suddenly he ran his free hand back up caressing the side of my face cupping my cheek. He continued to keep my wrists pinned up, they were beginning to hurt. I forced my head away from his touch and I could see the disappointment in his face. I saw a glimpse of something…something that made me realize…this wasn't the real Jiraiya. I saw a glimpse of those snake eyes in place of Jiraiya's.

            This was some kind of transformation jutsu…but how did I not realize it sooner? How could I not sense this wasn't Jiraiya? It was…Orochimaru…which means Jiraiya was nowhere near…I was alone and vulnerable. Why does this keep happening? I am not coming to the hot springs any more…

            "You bastard…what do you want? Why do you keep showing up out of nowhere?"

            I felt anger and rage growing within. I was trying to get free from his grasp but it was no use. He looked like he wasn't even trying, and I couldn't break free. He chuckled deep and grabbed my neck. He tightened his grip as he lifted me off the ground and against the wall. I saw him grasp the skin on his face and pull it down. He started to show his true form and the transformation jutsu was being released. I saw his disgusting grin and his long tongue that ran up my neck to my cheek and back down. I shuddered because of the cold slimy feeling of his tongue on my skin.

            "I want…you my dear…I want your power…I want your strength…the spirit trapped inside of you…but not yet…no when the time is right, I will have what I want…I'm just toying with my prey and watching from a far."

            His voice sent shivers down my spine as I held my eyes shut tight. I was calling for Oni to come to my aid but for some reason…all I heard was silence. I continued to call and call but he never came. I opened my eyes and looked back at Orochimaru with fear filled eyes…What was I going to do? I saw him smirk and laugh as he lowered me to the ground and slowly let go of my neck.

            "Your demon won't obey you…no matter how hard you try or what you do…he will never obey you…"

Suddenly I heard the door we came through slide open. I turned my head to see who was coming in. It was Jiraiya…the real Jiaiya and I saw his face start beaming when he saw Orochimaru.

            "Orochimaru…what are you doing! Be gone you snake demon!"

             Jiraiya was about to sign a jutsu but before he could Orochimaru smirked and was gone. He just disappeared out of nowhere, I slumped down a bit rubbing my neck. I looked down at the floor where he was standing. I saw Jiraiya run to me and hold my shoulders. I looked up with worried eyes as I tried to speak but nothing came out. I just fell into his arms and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. I had the side of my face pressed against his chest and after a few moments I felt his arms slowly wrap around me.

            "What happened Isamu…what did he do to you?

            I shook my head against him as I found my voice even though it was broken.

            "It was…awful he used some kind of transformation jutsu to transform into you…he got me alone in this hallway and he began tracing my sealing tattoo from my hips to my neck…he had me pinned to the wall and I couldn't call on Oni to help me…I was…powerless and paralyzed with fear…I didn't know what to do…and if you never came who knows what would have happened…"

            When I talked it was very staggered but thankfully Jiraiya understood me. He nodded as he held me closer. He stroked my hair for a moment. I felt him hold me out a little so he could look at me straight on.

            "It's not safe to leave you alone…I'm sorry but you're going to have to stay by my side at all times moving forward…you'll have to come to the room with Naruto and I. We will have to be with you at all times…I'm not going to let Orochimaru take you or lay another finger on you…do you understand?"

            I nodded...I was speechless, I'm sure my face was a little surprised by the way he looked at me. He let me go and stood up holding his hand out to help me up. I took it as I got to my feet.

            "Let's get you back so you can rest…you look exhausted."

            I nodded…this encounter took a lot out of me… to feel so helpless in his presence…it made me angry. Why did I freeze? Why couldn't I do anything…I just sat there and let him violate me…I can't believe myself. Jiraiya saw the worry on my face and held my shoulder. He pulled me close into his side as we walked back to their room.

            "It's alright…Orochimaru has some inhuman power and qualities…so don't blame yourself for not being able to get to him…I'm just thankful I arrived when I did."

            I nodded but looked at him a little puzzled.

            "I am happy you came when you did too but…how did you know where I was?"

            He looked back up as we continued down the hallway.

            "I figured you would be going to get something to eat… that bar is the only place here that serves drink and food…Once you didn't answer your door I came down here looking for you…the bar tender pointed me in the direction you went so I followed and it lead me straight to you…Orochimaru was masking his chakra along with yours so I was unable to sense you….so it was harder to track you down."

            I nodded as I held my left hand up grabbing a small portion of his shirt. I pulled on it a little and realized we arrived at the room. He opened the door and when we walked in, I saw a stretched-out Naruto snoring on his futon. I heard Jiraiya close the door behind us and I turned around.

            "Can…can I use your shower? I'd like to wash off this slime…it feels very unnerving and uncomfortable…"

            Jiraiya nodded as he held his arm out gesturing me twoards the bathroom. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I got in the shower and stood there for some time as the hot water poured all over my body. I held my arms across my chest as I closed my eyes.

       I walked out and saw Jiraiya passed out next to Naruto…they both were snoring so I knew they were fast asleep. I smiled as I went over and pulled a blanket over Naruto and then Jiraiya. I made my way to the futon next to them and laid down to get comfortable. Even though they were loud I was able to close my eyes in peace…this is going to take some time, but I want to get stronger…I want to get stronger, so I don't have to be helpless in Orochimaru's hands ever again.