Chapter 24 The Summoning

          I opened my eyes and saw Naruto hovering over me staring. I  jolted up as I held my blanket close.

          "Naruto…what the hell are you doing?"

          My heart was racing, that was a wonderful way to wake up. Naruto jumped back and his face went really red as he was avoiding eye contact.

          "I um…I didn't know you were sleeping here and Jiraiya told me to keep an eye on you while he was out…you were sleeping in and well..I worried."

          I smiled as I fell back down on the bed with a sigh. I turned my head towards him seeing that he was still nervous.

          "Thank you Naruto…I really appreciate it…where did Jiraiya go?"

          Naruto seemed to loosen up as he sat down next to my futon. He crossed his legs and shrugged.

          "I don't know he just said he needed to go out and he would be back…he said today we are going to work on helping me use the 9 tails chakra…"

          I nodded slightly as I placed my hands on my stomach, and I looked back up to the ceiling.

          "Yes…well if you want to start that training now, I can give you some pointers and exercises to get yourself in that state…"

          I looked over and his eyes went wide. He put on the goofy grin he always does. I saw the excitement radiating and I laughed a bit.

          "Yes! Please! Let's go Isamu Sensei! I can't waste any more time I need to train if I'm going to pass the finals!"

          He bent down grabbing my arm trying to pull me out of bed. He was able to get me to my feet and I almost fell forward. The kid has more strength than I thought, I laughed nervously as I got to my feet. I fixed my shirt and saw Naruto rub the back of his neck nervously again. He's being really strange…I wonder what's going on with him. Maybe I'll try to get it out of him later, it might be easier if he's calmer.

          "Okay…calm down Naruto…Let me just freshen up, get ready, and we will be off okay? I will leave Jiraiya a note so he can come to meet us when he gets back…deal?"

          He nodded his head slowly still not keeping eye contact with me. I smiled as I grabbed a few things and went into the bathroom. I got into the shower; quickly washed and got out. I got dressed quickly and tightened my headband around my neck. My hair was still super wet, so I was towel-drying it as I came back into the room. Naruto was sitting on his futon, legs crossed, and patiently waiting. He looked up at me when I walked out and gave me a nervous smile. I walked over and bent down in front of him so we could be at eye level. His face went red but he was staring straight into my eyes. I took my hand and grabbed his right cheek pulling it a little. I giggled at how red he was, but he is acting too weird for words.

          "Are you sure you're Naruto…you are acting very strange."

          I let go of his cheek. He took his hand up slowly and started rubbing where I let go. He laughed nervously and grinned.

          "Yes of course Isamu Sensei! Now let's go!"

          He got up and grabbed my arm as he pulled me out of the room. He let go as he looked up at me waiting for the next step. I finished writing the note to Jiraiya and stuck it on the door. I turned to Naruto as I pointed out to the entrance of the springs.

          "We need to get away from here…let's go back through the entrance find a nice secluded spot so we can begin on a few starting points."

          Naruto nodded and followed behind while we left the springs. We walked further and I found a small opening to the left. I gestured with my hand for Naruto to follow as I lead him into the forest area. We walked a little and came to an opening near a small river runoff. I put my hands on my hips and looked around nodding.

          "Okay this is perfect…the first thing I want you to do Naruto is to spend almost all of your chakra…do whatever you have to, get it almost empty…try to come up with as many clones as you can and have them come after me…that will spend you."

          Naruto looked at me with determined eyes as he made a fist.

          "You go it Isamu Sensei! Watch out you might regret those words…better believe it I'll make so many clones you won't be able to keep up!"

          I loved his determination…and enthusiasm…I smiled as I gestured with my finger for him to come at me.

          "Let's see what you got…give me your all!"

          I saw Naruto start signing for his shadow clones. His eyes were closed, I could feel the chakra radiating from him. I saw he was gathering a lot of chakra for this jutsu. He opened his eyes and did it…he completed his jutsu and I looked around. I saw at least 15 clones all standing around me. They were all waiting for Naruto to give them the go. Naruto looked around and nodded as I took my defensive stance.

          "Let's go!"

          They all started running towards me. Some were coming straigh while the others were going around hiding within the tree line. The five that ran straight for me I let them get close. Once they were within range I smirked signing quickly, and used my wind release. I crossed my arms and when I pulled them apart a huge gust of wind took the five clones. They disappeared into the trees behind them. I heard the others behind me and to the left. I stood up and closed my eyes. I could sense them, since they were fully made up of chakra I could see them clearly. I saw them shift and come up behind me. They began throwing their shuriken and I dodged. I had to roll and get back on my feet. I was now facing the remaining clones. I was playing nice, but that was the point I needed Naruto at his limit, and he was almost there.

          "Let's end this shall we?"

          The clones scoffed as they started running towards me. I grabbed my shuriken as I closed my eyes. I transfered my chakra to the shuriken and threw at the first clone. It flew so fast I don't think anyone even saw it. It  hit the first clone and he disappeared. I knew which one was the real Naruto, so I was just playing with the shadow clones. I ran and with great speed I jumped behind another two clones. I signed quickly and went to break the ground beneath them. They both fell in and disappeared. I then put my sight on the rest of the clones and Naruto.  I closed my eyes and targeted the rest of the clones. I wasn't trying to hurt Naruto or do any damage. So when I opened my eyes I signed and lightning formed in my right hand traveling up to my shoulder. With great speed I went to each clone and slashed them with my lighting arm. Once all of the clones were gone and Naruto was the only one standing I released my lighting jutsu. I stood up a few feet in front of Naruto and his eyes were wide with his mouth gaped open.

          "Wow Isamu Sensei…you can use lighting like Kakashi?"

          I nodded as I held my right arm. It does damage to the skin but that's the price paid when using certain elements.

          "Yes, I can…Kakashi was the one to help me master my lighting jutsu…he was amazing with his chidori and mastered it so quickly…so of course, I wanted to be like him so he taught me this…it's not like his lighting blade but its effective."

          Naruto nodded looking at my arm then back up at me.

          "Wow…you think you could teach me? I want to do that!"

          I laughed walking closer to him to put my hand on his shoulder and smile. His face turned red as he looked away. I tilted my head, I was trying to get him to look back but he averted my gaze. I grabbed his chin softly forcing his head straight, so he was looking at me fully. I could feel his heart racing and I could see the nerves on his face.

          "What is up with you today…it's like…it's like you're afraid of me or…something."

          Saying it out loud hurt more than I thought it would. That was the last thing I wanted, anyone to be afraid of me again. At least people I held close…my enemies can be afraid all they want. Naruto looked deep into my eyes. This was enough to make me even a little uncomfortable but he was about to say something so I stood still.

          "Isamu Sensei…I…I'm not afraid of you…I mean yeah sure the first mission we went on we were all scared of what happened, but nobody knew. I'm not scared of that because…I know you can control it…and I just think well..I think you are amazing! You are such an amazing shinobi and Sensei and to think all of these other shinobi and Orochimaru are after you! I won't let that happen! I won't let anyone lay a finger on you but…I need to be stronger I need to be strong to protect you Isamu Sensei!"

I stood up as my eyes went wide. My face was blank trying to process what he said. I appreciated his words but…I wasn't sure how to take it all. He wants to protect me? Does everyone think that I can't take care of myself? Maybe they are right…every time Orochimaru has shown up I froze. I was helpless and couldn't do anything about it. I didn't understand why Naruto was so focused on protecting me though…I really wanted to know.

          "I am…speechless Naruto…I appreciate everything you said to me and being vulnerable like that takes guts…but I am curious about one thing."

          Naruto became quiet and his big grin faded as he nodded slowly.

          "Why now…why now are you suddenly so worried about protecting me? Your whole goal and motivation for moving forward is to become Hokage…right?"

          He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck nervously looking up into the sky.

          "Well yeah…my dream and goal is always going to become Hokage! Believe it! I just…I…I like you and don't want you to go anywhere. I want you to stay and continue to help me and train me…I just don't want you to leave…and I feel super embarrassed to say it!"

          I smiled and giggled, I understand now…I am happy that he feels that way…I really didn't want to go anywhere either. I wanted to stay with him and continue to help him along his path of becoming Hokage. I made that a goal of mine…I want to help Naruto become stronger and be successful. Out of emotion, I grabbed him  pulling him in close. I squeezed him a little and didn't feel any fighting back.

          "Naruto…I'm not going anywhere I promise…I won't leave you…I am going to stay by your side train you and help you to become Hokage…because I want to see you succeed…I want to one day call you Hokage."

          He pushed out a little as he looked up with moist eyes. I knew what he was feeling. I knew his pain and what he has gone through…I understand him completely. This is why I am so close to him. My need to help him is so strong. I want him to have what I never did.

          "Thank you, Isamu Sensei…Thank you…I want you to be the one to train me and help me reach Hokage! Believe it! "

          I laughed a little as I let him go. I  was able to see that his chakra reserve was low. I placed my hands on his shoulders and kept my eyes closed. I was transfering some of my chakra through to his his seal. This would agitate the 9 tails so that Naruto could reach him.

          "Okay Naruto…I want you to close your eyes…I want you to call out to the 9 tails...try and connect with the spirit…once you do…demand it to lend you it's chakra…this is how you are going to be able to use the 9 tails chakra when yours runs out…think you can do that?"  

He nodded as he closed his eyes and stood still. I transferred a large burst of chakra from his shoulders to his stomach where the seal was. I felt Naruto wince as he jerked out from under my hands. I stepped back and opened my eyes. Naruto still had his eyes closed and hands together. He looked like he was really concentrating…good that's what he needs.

          I crossed my arms standing there patiently until I heard a stick break behind me. I darted around to see where the noise was coming from. I saw the bushes start to rustle. I held my hand on my kunai just in case. Suddenly I saw Jiraiya popping out from the bushes. I heard him cussing under his breath. When he looked up I put my finger to my mouth telling him to be quiet. He stopped for a minute looking from Naruto to me and walked closer. He came and stood by my side crossing his arms. I saw him staring at me from the corner of his eye. I turned my head and whispered,

          "Naruto is concentrating right now…I am helping him call on the 9 tails so we can start the process…he's been like this for a few minutes now."

          He looked back at Naruto nodding but he didn't say a word. We sat there for a few more moments. Suddenly Naruto flew landing on his back. I heard him grunt, I then saw him rubbing his head sitting up. I ran over and bent down next to him.

          "You, okay? What happened? Suddenly you just flew back…"

          Naruto looked up at me and then over to Jiraiya with a frown.

          "Well…I tried to do what you said but when I was getting close I felt a huge gust of wind and it knocked me back…"

          I closed my eyes and sighed, at least we tried. I guess it's going to take him longer…which is fine but we are getting there. I heard Jiraiya laugh so I shot him a scolding look. I stood up and helped Naruto to his feet.

          "Well It's okay Naruto…we will keep trying…you will work with Jiraiya on this. Don't forget what I've told you and make sure to always start the process with little to no chakra."

          He nodded giving me a half-smirk still rubbing his head. Jiraiya looked over at me and groaned.

          "That was supposed to be my lesson…Isamu…"

          He put his forehead against his hand shaking his head. I looked over at Naruto and back to Jiraiya with wide eyes. I didn't mean to step on his toes I just wanted to help... I'll just stay on the sidelines from now on.

          "Sorry sage…I'll keep to the side from now on…you do your thing."

          He darted his eyes as I averted his gaze and whistled quietly with my hands behind my back. Naruto laughed out loud as he put his hand out to the sage.

          "Oh, come on pervy sage! She was just trying to help! Plus I got close to approaching the spirit…that's good right?"

          Jiraiya sighed rubbing the back of his neck with a smirk.

          "Yeah…that's good kid…Isamu I'll let you off with a warning this time."

          I giggled nervously nodding my head. Jiraya gestured for us to follow him. Naruto was at his side bothering him about training. I was behind the two looking up at the sky.

          I wonder if Kakashi and Sasuke are all right…I get worried…I hope they will be back in time for the finals. I always worry about that too because Kakashi is never on time…ever. I hope that Sasuke doesn't go first. I can't help the strange feeling I have…besides Orochimaru showing up randomly…I have a bad feeling something is going to happen. I just have to be extra cautious now and make sure to stay close. Then again Orochimaru did trick me when he transformed into Jiraiya. Maybe I wasn't safe even with the people I trust.

          No, I shook my head...I was being absurd. Suddenly Jiraiya and Naruto stopped. I noticed a little too late and ran into the back of Naruto. He almost fell forward as I began rubbing the back of my neck with a nervous smile on my face.

          "Whoops sorry Naruto!...what are we doing here Jiraiya?"

          I saw a huge split in the ground not too far from where Jiraiya and Naruto  were. I walked to the edge and looked down. It was deep and all I could see was blackness.

          I looked back and saw Jiraiya gesturing for me to come back. I ran over looking up at him.

          "This is where we are going to be doing our next lesson…"

          I nodded as Naruto stood there waiting for Jiraiya to say what the lesson was. He was staring intently I could feel the impatience radiate from him.

          "I'm going to start with Isamu…she will be the demonstrator for what we are doing today…"

          I looked over and shot him a worried glance. I didn't agree with this…I thought he wanted me to stay out of it.

          "What do you mean me being the demonstrator? Demonstrator for what?"

          Jiraiya laughed taking his right hand lifting it up to his mouth. He bit into his thumb, and drew blood. Oh lord he's going to try and teach Naruto this? Suddenly a large toad appeared underneath Jiraiya. He smiled down at us with his cocky attitude.

          "You are going to be demonstrating the summoning jutsu for Naruto! Like me just now, summoning the toad. You are going to summon your ninken. Whom or whatever you summon will be your ninken for life and will always come to your aide when you call."

          Jiraiya dismissed his ninken toad and smiled his big pervy smile acting all cool.

          "Now Isamu…your turn…why don't you show us how it's done and what you can summon, hmm?"

          I got wide eyes awkwardly walking a little way out from where we were. I had no idea what I was going to summon…I had never done it before. I never had the need to summon my ninken. I faced the two and swayed back and forth awkwardly.

          "Okay…here we go…"

          I whispered under my breath as I closed my eyes. I focused my chakra biting into my thumb to make the blood run down my hand. I opened my eyes and fell to the ground with both of my hands placed on the ground.

          "Summoning Jutsu!"

          I felt my chakra slip from my body as I completed the saying. I opened my eyes staying crouched on the ground. Suddenly a burst of black smoke covered the area where I was standing. It was so dark and thick I couldn't see anything. I squinted my eyes as I stood up slowly trying to figure out what was going on. I saw the smoke start to part in front of me as I headed towards it. I walked out and looked around. I saw Jiraiya and Naruto staring at me. Naruto had a gaping mouth and Jiraiya had his arms crossed with a puzzled face. I looked around as I couldn't see what caused the large smoke cover. I turned around and as the smoke was nearly gone I saw them. There were three black wolves standing in a triangle stance. They all looked the same…pitch black with red glowing eyes. They stood there staring at me, I was a bit frightened because when they started inching towards me they left trails behind them. It looked like they were ghosts…the back of them was rising like smoke. I stood still holding my ground, I had no idea who these wolves were or what exactly were.

          I know normally with the summoning Jutsu you have to tame the ninken before it becomes yours. Once you tame them every time you call, they will come. I had no idea how I was going to tame these…smoke wolves. I could hear low growling, it was dark and echoed around me. Before I knew it, they were standing only a foot in front of me. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I heard a dark quiet voice in my head.

          "You're welcome…enjoy your toys…"

          It sounded like Oni…he made me summon these three? I wonder why, but I shook my head and regained my focus on the wolves. They were not moving an inch. They were completely still as their eyes were beaming. I lowered myself and crouched onto my knees. I slowly held my hand out to the front wolf; I felt the heat radiating from the wolf's body. The wolf inched closer until their snout and my face were only a few inches apart. I couldn't look away from the red orbs, they reminded me of Oni's.

          The wolf opened its snout wide and devoured my arm. My first reaction was to scream, but I came to realize I didn't feel any pain. I saw the other two wolves behind this one. They were now sitting and staring back at us. I looked over and saw Naruto and Jiraiya. They were still standing in place, but Jiraiya was holding back an angered Naruto.

          I looked back to the wolf and felt an awful burning sensation that ran from my fingertips all the way to my elbow. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth trying to get through the pain. It was different than the burning sensations I would feel in my chest or throat. This was an awful pain that stung more than anything. Like my arm was being attacked by thousands of bees at the same time.

          The pain stopped, I opened my eyes and saw the wolf open its snout again. It released my arm and stood back. I kept my arm extended as I looked down to see what happened. I saw my arm and hand were completely black now…I couldn't see the dragon tattoo anymore. I lifted my sleeve to see how far this went up and it stopped at my elbow. That's where the wolf's snout stopped when it bit down on me. I suddenly felt a quick sting again through my whole arm. I saw that the dragon tattoo was burning through the black and it now appeared white to contrast the rest of the black that covered my arm.

          I heard a dark chilling howl come from the three wolves. I looked up and saw them howling in unison. Once they were done the head wolf came back and lifted its snout up.

          " Human…we have come to aid you…you called what can we do for you?"

          His voice was dark and sounded unearthly. It was like a whisper but a growl at the same time. I titled my head and held my right hand. I began running my fingers across my skin. I felt the rise of the dragon tattoo that burned through the black.

          "I…I'm confused…isn't it normal for the summoner to try and tame the ninken before they are willing to aid?"

          The wolf chuckled, I couldn't help but stare straight into its orbs. They had changed color now to a dark purple…and the other two wolves' eyes did the same.

          "We are creations from the master Oni…he has sent us to be your aid whenever called…no need to try and "tame us" we already have a contract signed and in place…so whenever you are in need of us human…you call."

          I nodded slowly, I could feel my mouth gape just a little as I watched the wolves suddenly disappear. It looked like they were swept away by the wind and in a few seconds, they were gone. I looked back down at my arm, it didn't hurt but it still looked the same. This must be the marking of the contract. That is the only thing I could think of. The wolves were sealing the contract with me and Oni so this is the seal. I walked back over to Naruto and Jiraiya. I think I was just as shocked as they were.

          "Um…yeah…okay so that happened."

          I was at a loss for words so I had no idea what to say. I looked down at the ground and hid my hands behind my back. Naruto stepped in closer looking up as he grabbed my right arm. He held it out as he looked at it with curiosity.

          "What's that Isamu Sensei? What did those wolves do to you?...Jiraiya is this normal from summoning a ninken?"

          I looked over at Jiraiya waiting for him to talk first. I was still too shocked to talk. I actually didn't know what it was. I was just guessing about the contract seal. It was the only thing that made sense with what Oni and the wolves said.

          Jiraiya came over and took my arm out of Naruto's pulling it up closer so that he could inspect it. He shook his head, after a few moments he let go and I pulled my arm back.

          "No Naruto…with normal ninken when they are summoned you have to earn their trust and respect before they approve and complete the contract. The contract however, is a mutual agreement between the two and is closed with the blood you draw when summoning…With these it was different…from what I can see the contract was burned or etched into Isamu's arm. Those wolves will be with Isamu until the day she dies…"

          Naruto went quiet and so did I…I didn't realize mine was so…unusual. I looked away and felt my face get hot in embarrassment. Great just another thing to make me even more of a freak. I was really curious about what those wolves could do for me. If Oni called upon them that must mean…they are demons of some sort? I shook my head, I guess I'll have to find out the next time I need to summon them. It probably would have been a good question to ask but…that wasn't running through my mind when they smoke-bombed right in front of me.

          "Jiraiya…will mine be like that too?"

          Naruto asked with a shaky voice. I think he was nervous about the summoning now. I shouldn't have been the demonstrator…thanks Jiraiya…thanks a lot.

          "No Naruto…yours will be similar to a normal ninken and their ways to seal the contract…now let's get on with it…you'll need to tap into the 9 tails chakra if you want to complete the summoning jutsu."

          Naruto's eyes went wide as he looked back with worried eyes like he was looking for reassurance. I smiled and gestured slightly with my arms to tell him to go ahead. He's got this…I hope… he knows what to do now. Will he really be able to get to the 9 tails and get him to lend his chakra? Will Naruto be strong enough to stand up to him…oh who am I kidding of course Naruto will be strong and brave enough to do it. He goes into all situations with a determined attitude, he never backs down.

          Suddenly I saw Jiraiya lift Naruto and swiftly started walking to the opening in the ground. I saw Jiraiya throw Naruto into the opening. I felt my stomach drop and gasped. I started running as fast as I could and stopped right next to Jiraiya. I looked down into the opening and saw Naruto falling into the darkness. I looked up to Jiraiya as I was fuming. I hit his arm a few times until he looked back down.

          "What the hell, what did you throw him down there for Jiraiya! You just threw him into a split in the ground…he's not going to survive that! What were you thinking!"

          Jiraiya looked at me and his eyes told me to stop now or there would be trouble. I stopped talking as I looked back down into the split. I didn't see Naruto anymore as I heard Jiraiya clear his throat.

          "The 9 tails comes to Naruto when he goes through major emotional situations…throwing him in there will trigger the 9 tails and he'll be able to use the chakra to complete his summoning jutsu…just watch."

          I nodded; I understood what he was saying. Oni was the same way, he only took over me when I had massive emotions. I know Kakashi has told me a bit about Naruto and the 9 tails during some of their missions before the chunin exams. Jiraiya was right, but still there had to be some other way than just throwing him into a dark pit. I crossed my arms and stood back a little. I put my hand up to my mouth. I was starting to get nervous, I didn't hear anything or see anything. Jiraiya kept staring at the opening and was calm and collected.

          Suddenly I heard something. I heard a big slam, so I ran to the edge and looked down. I gasped when I saw Naruto on top of a huge toad. The huge toad was pressing his arms and legs against the sides of the opening and was holding himself up. He stopped Naruto from falling to the bottom of the pit. I squinted my eyes while leaning closer. I got a better look at the toad and I jerked my head back to Jiraiya.

          "Did Naruto just summon the toad boss Gamabunta? There is no way! He really summoned him?"

          Jiraiya smirked and nodded his head; I could see the surprise behind his calm composure.

          "Yes…that is Gamabunta…I can't believe he summoned him either… but with the 9 tails chakra I assumed he would summon something big and powerful."

          The toad launched itself into the air above the opening and landed on the other side of the split. I looked over and saw Naruto holding on to the toad for dear life. He was not letting go, and in my mind I was cheering him on.

          Hold on Naruto…tame that toad…make him your summoning ninken…you can do it. I kept saying it over and over as I watched nervously. The Toad was not happy with Naruto…he kept saying he wasn't going to obey a small child like him. The toad jumped high into the sky landing even further behind the tree line. I looked back to Jiraiya and held my hand out to the tree line.

          "Aren't we going to help him…or are we just going to stand here and watch…letting him get thrown all around by that toad?"

          Jiraiya laughed as he put his hand on my shoulder.

          "Oh Isamu…don't you remember? To have something become ones summoning ninken they have to tame them and gain their respect. Naruto will need to do this alone and gain the Toad's respect if he wants to have him become his ninken…all we can do is watch and hope Naruto can hold on long enough…"

          I looked back to the tree line, I couldn't see the toad anymore…it looked like they disappeared. I put my face into my hands. Oh great, I hope we can find them and Naruto stays safe. I lifted my head as I sighed while closing my eyes, please keep Naruto safe.

          I can't believe I am worrying so much about him; I had faith in him that he could do this and succeed. I couldn't help myself from worrying about him. I felt Jiraiya's hand on my shoulder so I turned my attention back to him. His face looked softer and there was sadness coating his eyes.

          "Isamu…come with me."

          I nodded and followed Jiraiya away from the split in the ground and back into the tree line. He was quiet but, I knew he had something to say so I stayed quiet until he was ready. We made it to the main road not too far from the entrance of the springs. Jiraiya turned around and had his hands on his hips smiling at me.

          "How about something to eat and drink?"

          I gave a half smirk as I held one hand to my stomach as it growled.

          "Yes, please I'm starving."

          He laughed and put his hand around my shoulder pulling me in close.

          "Best answer you could have given! Let's go!"

          He pulled me as we headed back towards the entrance of the springs. We then took a left turn. There was another path that we went down. I didn't see anything other than road and trees. I looked up at Jiraiya and felt a weird tension.

          "Jiraiya…are you okay? You seem kind of…off?"

          He looked at me out of the corner of his eye as he sighed a little.

          "That summoning you did…it was…well it wasn't normal…I've never seen anything like it. The seal that they gave you on your arm? That's not normal either there is no physical contract between summoner and ninken…I am having a hard time trying to wrap my head around what those things were…"

          I nodded as I looked down at my right arm. I looked at the blackness that covered my entire arm and the white dragon's body that wrapped around it. Once it hit my elbow the dragon tattoo went back to its normal black. My arm stood out like a sore thumb. It made me more self-conscious. It wasn't like I could hide it so might as well embrace it. I understoid what he meant though. I knew they weren't normal ninken, that was made obvious to me when Oni said he sent them. What made me curious was they were more demon like. What exactly was this contract? What were they needing from me for them to obey me when summoned? I felt my legs start to slow down and become heavy. I stopped as I  was deep in thought. I then saw Jiraiya stop and walk back to me as he tilt his head.

          "You okay there flames?"

          I jerked up and beamed my eyes at Jiriaya…what did he just call me? Flames? Really? The nerve of this pervy sage.

          "Really pervy sage? Flames? That's what you came up with?"

          His face turned red as he rubbed the back of his neck while looking anywhere but at me. I laughed and punched him in the shoulder. I think a little too hard since I heard him wince a little.

          "Well I have no idea what happened back there…I never have done a summoning before. I had no idea what to expect. Those shadow wolves were the last thing I expected… I could see a large dragon falling from the sky before I would have seen those three."

Jiraiya chuckled and I saw a little town coming up. There were some shops and some houses but not much else. Jiraiya stopped at the entrance. I saw him looking around. He pointed to a little shop as we made our way over. He pulled the cloth to the side as we entered. He sat on one stool and I sat on the other. This scene looked all too familiar… at least this time I could tell it was the real Jiraiya next to me. He waved down the chef behind the bar and he came over to take our order. I ordered ramen and Jiraiya just ordered a bottle of sake with two cups for us.

          The food came and I ate it all right away. I was so hungry I didn't care. Jiraiya sat there in silence drinking his sake waiting for me to be done. Once I finished he poured me a cup as I downed it back.

          "You think Naruto is, okay? It's been a while…that toad boss didn't seem like he was having any of it."

          Jiraiaya laughed as he took another drink.

          "Yes…he's fine…you have to have more faith in that boy….he's a lot stronger than you think."

          I smirked a little as I swirled my cup as I watched the sake circle inside. Jiraiya looked over and his smile faded.

          "You care for him…a lot don't you…that's why you're so worried. You know he can do this but, something else is causing you to worry."

          My face got hot as I slumped down so hopefully Jiraiya didn't see how red my face was. He was right, I just wish it wasn't so obvious.

          "I mean…yes, I do care for him a lot…I've gotten very close to him since coming back to the leaf."

          Jiraiya nodded and smiled as he downed another cup. I could see his face start to turn red too, but I think his was from the alcohol.

          "I could tell…I could also tell how much he cares for you…when he saw that shadow wolf devour your right arm, he was trying his hardest to get to you. I had to hold him back. He was trying to go and save you. I had to stop him since that was between you and those…things."

          I smiled a little, I am happy that I could be so important to him. It made me feel good because I knew he didn't really have many people around him that would see him and not the 9 tails. I knew he was close to Iruka and Kakashi. Oh yeah let's not forget Sasuke even though they acted like they hated each other. He also had Jiraiya who was going to be one of his best teachers and mentors.

"Yeah…I did catch a glimpse of that earlier…he really needs to work on his temper."

          Jiraiya laughed as did I, I was happy that we could have this conversation. I'm happy that he let me come along…I was still feeling anxious. I just couldn't stop thinking about Kakashi…suddenly my train of thought got disrupted when I heard a loud crash outside of the shop. I jumped to my feet and pulled the curtain back. My eyes went wide and began to water over. I saw Naruto laying on his stomach lifeless. I looked around and didn't see the boss toad anywhere. My heart sank as I ran over to Naruto dropping to my knees. I put my hand on his back, I could feel him breathing slowly. I sensed his low chakra force and I felt him squirm under my hand. I saw his head turn to the side as I lowered down so I could get closer.

          "I…I did it Isamu…I tamed that toad boss…"

          He passed out and I smiled as I rubbed his back. I could still feel my eyes water and a few tears escaped down the sides of my face. I picked him up and held him in my arms as I turned around to see Jiraiya standing there with shocked eyes.

          "We have to get him to a hospital…"

          Jiraiya nodded as he gestured for me to follow him. We began jumping from tree to tree to head back towards the springs. There was a hospital near the springs. When we arrived I passed him off to a nurse that took him back to be treated. I stood there with my hand up against my mouth, my other arm holding my stomach. I felt the nerves start to get to me. I felt Jiraiya behind me with his hand on my shoulder. I looked up with a worried smile. He looked down and he shot me a reassuring glance.

          "He's going to be okay…just exhausted from his fight… he tamed the toad boss which is an amazing feat."

          I laughed and it came out a little broken as I nodded my head.

          "You're right…he did it…I am so proud of him…do you think he'll recover and be ready for the finals?"

          Jiraiya nodded and laughed as he patted my back, a little too hard since it almost knocked me down.

          "He'll be fine don't worry about it ….he'll be up on his feet ready for the next fight in no time."

          I nodded and looked back to where the nurse took him. Jiraiya said his goodbye so that he could turn in for the night. I was left standing there alone. I waited for one of the nurses to come back to the front desk. When one returned I went up to her grabbing her attention before she could leave again.

          "Hello... is there any way that you could take me back to where Naruto is?…I need to make sure he is doing okay."

          I could hear the shakiness in my voice and so did the nurse because her look turned into a worrisome one.

"Oh dear…are you the boy's mother?"

My eyes went wide,  I wasn't his mother. If I said no would that mean I couldn't go be next to him? I stood there and didn't answer her question.

"Come with me this way dear, your son is right through this hallway. Go through those double doors and he is in the first room to your left."

          She stopped, gesturing towards the doors in front of us. I nodded as I slowly made my way to the doors. I pushed them open and went to the room to my left. I stopped in front of the door. It took me a few moments and finally I opened it and walked in. I saw Naruto lying on a bed covered in bandages with an Iv set up. He was unconscious but he looked to be in decent shape. Where he didn't seem like he was in too much pain. I found a chair and pulled it up to the side of his bed as I sat down. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and my hands up to my mouth. I lowered my head and let my face fall into my hands. I felt my hair fall forward. I closed my eyes and sighed as I slowly shook my head.

          What was I doing? Lying to the nurse like that…well I didn't actually lie to her she just…assumed? I can't believe she thought I was his mother… maybe my demeanor showed as a worried mother? I finally felt the exhaustion overpower over my entire body. I lifted my head and saw that Naruto was still in the same spot. As I looked around the room there was no one else around. I leaned back into my chair crossing my arms. I looked up at the ceiling and felt my eyelids getting heavy. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

          I felt a hand on my shoulder and it jolted me awake. I looked to my side and to my surprise it was Shikimaru. He is on Asuma's team, but I didn't see Asuma or any of the rest of his team with him. I tilted my head giving him a puzzled look.

          "Shikamaru? What are you doing here? Is Asuma and the rest of your team with you?"

          He shook his head and sighed as he looked over at Naruto who was still unconscious.

          "No…no one else is here I just wanted to check in on this one…it would be a drag for him not to wake up in time for the finals."

          I nodded and relaxed  more in my chair while I looked over at Naruto. He was still asleep and from how the sun was shining through the room I slept until noon. I can't believe I slept that long. It had been a rough time up here for both of us. I didn't see a trace of Jiraiya but I think he was gone for good…at least for now. He did his training and the finals are…I shook my head, I didn't remember what day it was.

          "Shikamaru…when are the finals how far out are they?"

          He scoffed as he gestured to the small calendar by the side of Naruto's bed.

          "The finals are tomorrow...that's why I came by to check in."

          I gasped putting my hands up to my face as I leaned back. I ran my hands down slowly and they fell into my lap. Shikamaru came closer and bent down so we were at eye level.

          "Are you okay Isamu Sensei? You look pale…"

          I shook my head as I smiled.

          "I'm okay thank you for asking I didn't realize that they were so soon…The time got away from me."

          Suddenly I heard shifting from the bed. I jumped up from my chair and I think I scared Shikamaru since he backed up slowly. I was at the side of Naruto's bed and he was moving around. He was now slowly opening his eyes. Shikamaru came to the other side of the bed and I could see him smirk. Naruto opened his eyes looking from Shikamaru then over to me. He sat up quickly and looked panicked.

          "Where am I? What happened!"

          I put my hand on his shoulder giving him a calming glance. I felt his tension release, out of the corner of my eye I saw Shikamaru wide-eyed but I ignored it.

          "You're fine Naruto…you just overdid it with the toad boss.  We took you here to heal and rest…you used up way too much chakra. You were also at it all day…"

          He smiled as I saw determination run across his face. He held his fist up with a large smirk.

          "Oh yeah…but I did it Isamu Sensei! I tamed him…he's my ninken now! How cool is that?"

          It was amazing to me…he's been out for a couple of days and the minute he wakes up he acts like nothing ever happened. I smiled and nodded as I rubbed his upper back.

          "Yes, Naruto…I saw it and that was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen…you did real good kid.  I think you have a good chance at the finals."

          I was rubbing his back with my right hand and Shikamaru saw my arm. His eyes went wide, there was some fear in them too. He never said anything though just to Naruto after that.

          "Oh yeah! The finals! I didn't miss them did I?"

          Shikamaru laughed as Naruto and I looked over at him. He was rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes closed.

          "No…but not by much…the finals are tomorrow I…"

          Before Shikamaru could finish Naruto jumped out of bed to his feet facing him. He was heated, I could see it radiating off of him.

          "What? They are tomorrow! How long was I out!"

          He looked back at me as I crossed my arms. I looked to the side and shrugged my shoulders.

"You were out for three days Naruto…"

          Shikamaru sighed looking up as Naruto began yelling about this and that. I walked over, grabbed his shoulder and he immediately stopped. He looked up and his face was red.

          "Naruto…save this energy for the finals…right now you need to finish resting and then we can head back…"

          He looked up with wide eyes and nodded slowly. Shikamaru looked at Naruto and me.  His face went a little red as he averted his gaze crossing his arms.

          "Yeah…you're right…but what about Sasuke? Are they back yet?"

          I haven't heard or seen a thing about Sasuke or Kakashi…which was making me nervous with how close these finals were.

          "No Naruto…but don't worry I'm sure they will be there…"

          Naruto nodded,  suddenly I felt a strong dark chakra force coming closer. I shot my eyes over to the door. I got very uncomfortable and on edge. I felt the chakra overpower me as the door knob turned. I held Shikamaru and Naruto behind me in a defensive stance. I saw that boy…That red hair and face tattoo was hard to forget. I got a threatening look on my face. The two behind me stayed there and didn't move.

          "What are you doing here…you don't have permission to be here."

          My tone was dark and cold but I didn't like this kid. After what he did to Lee in the preliminaries, I wanted to rip him apart myself but…I couldn't.

          I watched as he slowly came closer to us not answering my question. He stopped with only a few feet between us as he looked up. His eyes were lifeless and all I could see was hatred.

          "I don't care about that…I came because…I wanted to kill you…"

          He looked past me over to Naruto who stepped out from behind me with rage. His fists were tightened to his side and his face was beaming.

          "You want to kill me? What kind of person just goes around stating they want to kill everyone!"

          I shot Naruto a glance as he stepped back. I saw Garra turn his attention to me. He walked even closer and looked up. He started eyeing me all the way down to my feet and back up.

          "You…you are different…your eyes…they have the same blood lust as mine…"

          My eyes went wide and my hands lowered, my eyes? He said my eyes have the same blood lust as his. No…that can't be right, I mean yes Oni does but I'm not Oni…

          "You and I are not the same Garra…we are far from being the same…if you knew what was good for you…you would leave now."

          I saw him step back and I felt his anger pour out just like the sand pouring out of his gored. The sand started falling to the ground and his eyes pierced mine. I got back into a defensive stance. Suddenly I saw Guy in the doorway. He walked up to our side and looked down at Garra.

          "That's enough…you need to leave now."

          Guy had a very dark stern tone and his face was lifeless towards Garra. I heard Garra sneer as he began to walk to the doorway. Before he left he turned his head to the side looking straight at me.

          "I'm going to kill you all…"

          He walked out and disappeared. Once I knew he was gone I relaxed and the two behind me came out. Naruto was still fuming and Shikamaru was sighing while rubbing his neck. I looked up at Guy and gave him a small smile.

          "Thank you, Guy,…I'm not sure how ugly that would have gotten…"

He nodded as he looked down at Naruto and Shikamaru.

          "Shikamaru…why don't you take Naruto to go get something to eat? I'm sure he's hungry…"

           I heard Naruto's stomach growl loudly. Naruto was running out the door and Shikamaru was slowly following behind him. They both disappeared and it was just me and Guy left in the room.

          I looked up at Guy with worry, his eyes seemed so sad. This wasn't the normal Guy I knew.

          "Guy…are you okay? How is Lee doing?"

          He smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. I could tell he was forcing it, I wasn't going to say anything.

          "Lee is.. well he's Lee…determined as ever. Even when he should be resting he's training…he won't entirely accept what the doctors have told him…"

          I saw Guy staring out the window on the side of the room. I followed his gaze as I walked a little closer and saw Lee outside. He was doing…pushups? He was still dressed in a hospital gown and robe with bandages everywhere. His push-ups were slow, but he was doing them.

          I shook my head with a sad smile as I turned back to Guy.

          "I think the doctors were wrong…they don't know Lee…they don't know his determination…he will fight again I can feel it."

          I looked back out at Lee and I felt Guy come closer. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling with his arms crossed. He chuckled a little and sighed.

          "You know…Kakashi is one lucky guy…to have a woman as beautiful as you…inside and out…you truly are something else…you have this determination and optimism like no other...I'd say it's like Naruto you're just not…as loud as he is."

          We both laughed, I felt my face get hot and I'm sure it was super red. I smiled, but I felt bad because Guy was still distant. I know Kakashi and him were always competing at well…almost everything. Guy considered him his rival, but I knew there was more to it. I knew deep down they cared for each other…just like Kakashi and Obito. The thing that was hard was how they all felt about me. I knew Guy had feelings…he made it very apparent. I knew Obito did as well, we were close friends and I always viewed him as a special person in my life. There was also Iruka…he was vocal in his feelings. Then there was Kakashi…he was different…he was quieter and held things in more. I knew that was just him now. He has done that ever since…his dad passed away. When we were together he changed. He opened up and it meant the world to me. It was hard for him to show emotion…or feelings toward anyone. He's been through so much…he blames himself for everything. That is a very heavy burden to bare. I felt that…he shouldn't have to carry that burden alone. I wanted to be there for him and help lift some of that weight.

"Thank you, Guy…that means a lot…"

          I smiled as I pulled him into a hug. I knew he needed one and to be honest I did too. He held me close for a few moments then we let each other go. He smiled down and his face was red. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he pointed to the door.

          "You know I think I have to go check on Lee, I need to make sure he's not overdoing it…"

          He laughed nervously and ran out of the room. I smiled and giggled as I watched him disappear. I turned my attention back to the window and saw Lee stand up as Guy was running to him. Wow…Guy was super-fast. I smiled as I saw them together. I thought about what Guy said about Kakashi…I hope he makes it back in time.

           I had to make sure Naruto was set and get him to the arena tomorrow so he can compete. I was nervous but excited to see him in that arena and show off how much he has grown and how much stronger he has gotten.